Title: Sora mo Kokoro mo Hareru kara Artist: Inami Anju ft. Aida Rikako & Saito Shuka Lenght: 1:50 Link: https://osu.ppy.sh/s/917791 What difficulties you want me to focus: Guest Difficulty & Last diff (you may focus on low diffs if you want)
Hello, M4M/NM req (catch me in-game or forum PM to give me the map for M4M if you chose it)
Title: The Hanged Girl in the Haunted House
Artist: Kano
Length: 4:24 (Drain time : 4:07)
What difficulties you want me to focus: The only one right now (Despair) 6.25*
Title: Kono Yubi Tomare (kakegurui XX op)
Artist: JUNNA
Lenght: 1:27(TV size)
What you want me to focus: Rhythm and flow, a way to make it more readable, thank you in advance!
M4M Request - PM me in any way after you're done or write a message in my map's "General: All difficulties" tab.
Title: Kimagure Mercy
Artist: HachioujiP
Length: 3:22
What you want me to focus: I'm trying to get my first ranked beatmap and I feel confident in this one. Focus on issues that are too low quality for ranked.
Request Type: NM Song Name: My Soul, Your Beats! (Sped Up Ver.) Artist: LiSA Genre: Anime Map Link: beatmapsets/1439516#osu/2961869 length : 1:14 Bpm : 175
a random sentence at the bottom so I know u read the rules, but don't make it obvious