Welcome to my modding queue
Hi bois.
This queue is open for every mania mapper who wants to do some M4M !
Rules :
- Don't post maps above 5* (because I do like to testplay the maps I mod)
- I need QUALITY mod. Please do only M4M if you know how to mod, don't do it just in the point of having a mod from me.
- Maps that do have only one diff will be priorised.
- I don't mod "troll" maps and "troll" songs, please be kind with my ears (i'll skip the maps I don't like anyway)
- be patient
- I do only mod 4k mania maps
- Don't forget to read the title of the post so you'll know if it's open or closed
- If I say "closed", it means it's CLOSED
- If I don't mod your map, i'll try to explain why, but if you did respect the rules there's no reason I refuse
- Don't start modding mine too early, do it after I finished modding yours. I'll send you a PM when I'll finish modding yours.
Format :
Link to your map:
The map i'll want you to mod :
Artist-title: Knife party - Give it up (Billx Hardtek Remix)
Link: https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/913964#mania/1909080
Length: 6:55
Difficulty: 4.74*
See you soon !