
Delete account / Reset ALL scores option [invalid]

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Which fact suits you the best?

I am happy with my account, I never wanted to reset scores or delete it.
I regret some of my ranked scores, I would like a reset.
I want a new start, but I wouldn't like to break the rules.
Total votes: 1055
This is a feature request. Feature requests can be voted up by supporters.
Current Priority: +547
Topic Starter
Last Remnant_old
About Deleting account option:

It is my opinion that if user wants to delete his account, he should have such an option. In order not to let some random intruder delete your account, your account should be set for deletion 7 days from the date you ticked the box.

Why would this option be useful?
- Most of the time people create multi accounts because they regretted something with their old one, therefore it would be more useful for them to delete their current account and create new one, thus avoiding multi accounting rule breaking. Many user names would also be freed for other people to choose. Some users may just want to go away without leaving anything here.

This option would delete user name, all of their records, but not their ranked maps threads (if they have any ranked beatmaps).

Reseting scores option:

More often than willing to delete account, it happens that user isn't satisfied with his scores, accuracy or regrets something that can never be repaired in his eyes. Why shouldn't he have an option to reset his account (delete ALL online scores, reseting ranked and total score, but leaving all other info like Playcount intact).

Why would this be useful?
- It will prevent unnecessary multi account creating and name changing every now and then.

Why all these options?
- Currently if you have one account and you are not happy with it in some way, you would break the rule if you create another account, and you can't do anything about the account you played all this time. This option would be no harm for osu! because it basically does same with scores that permanent ban does (it won't cause any unnecessary server load).

Also, as you can see that these 2 options are tightly connected with reasons player would have to do any of them. Therefore, maybe only one of these would be needed.
If you regret your scores then get better with time and improve it - reseting it(account) each time you get a bad score that you can't beat isn't going to resolve it ;~;
Tough 1 time reset(like username) should be allowed if you're under specific rank or score or someting... wouldn't hurt i think
support with this ^

Last Remnant wrote:

Why would this option be useful?
- Most of the time people create multi accounts because they regretted something with their old one
What is there to be regretful over? Bad scores? Bad accuracy? Having gotten an achievement without knowing how? I don't believe getting a bad score or accuracy is something to be ashamed of, it's simply a reminder that progress can be made. I actually feel quite a large degree of accomplishment when improving upon older scores, so I don't think that's a reasonable reason. The same naturally goes for accuracy, too.

Last Remnant wrote:

More often than willing to delete account, it happens that user isn't satisfied with his scores, accuracy or regrets something that can never be repaired in his eyes. Why shouldn't he have an option to reset his account (delete ALL online scores, reseting ranked and total score, but leaving all other info like Playcount intact).
There is always room for growth or improvement. Simply giving up and wiping the slate of your profile clean to start again doesn't solve anything, it just skews your actual skill because you're too scared to have fun and play a map for the sake of playing a map, not for rank/accuracy whoring. If you're playing the game with the viewpoint that rank/score/accuracy is everything, then you're missing a core aspect of the game, which is generally just to enjoy yourself and don't sweat the small stuff.

Last Remnant wrote:

Why would this be useful?
- It will prevent unnecessary multi account creating and name changing every now and then.
I am sure the majority of people wouldn't use this and just create a new user account keeping their old account. Simply because people do generally have an attachment to their online handle, and making a new name entirely allows them to "create" a new persona for themselves.

Last Remnant wrote:

Why all these options?
- Currently if you have one account and you are not happy with it in some way, you would break the rule if you create another account, and you can't do anything about the account you played all this time. This option would be no harm for osu! because it basically does same with scores that permanent ban does (it won't cause any unnecessary server load).

Also, as you can see that these 2 options are tightly connected with reasons player would have to do any of them. Therefore, maybe only one of these would be needed.
If you have one account and you are unhappy with some aspect of it, then you should take steps to improve that aspect. Although the only aspect I could imagine that really matters is personality, and that generally stays the same, even with new accounts. Accuracy, Map Score and Playcount are there, sure. But two of them can be improved, and a High play count is not a bad thing.
Agree with Azure_Kite.
...High play count is not a bad thing.
High play count means you worked so hard to get your current skills.

Kurokami wrote:

High play count means you worked so hard to get your current skills.
Or maybe farming maps. 8D
Second option.

I want to delete all my Standard Scores.

Even if what Azure_kite said is correct, I don't see any harm on this being implemented.

An option to delete accounts seems.. reasonable.. even though people will use it to hide their actual playcount, which is really stupid.

On the score deletion option, if you aren't happy with a score, just practise and you will always be able to improve it.
The feeling you get will be awesome when you see a D rank from a month ago, and change it into an A or S rank.
I really don't see the point of deleting your scores. It's like you're ashamed of your osu! history, it's nothing to be ashamed of.. If you have bad accuracy, well, it's not like anybody cares anyways.. if you have the dedication you can always get your accuracy back up to around 90%. and if you can get into top 100 on songs, who cares that your accuracy is 89% or whatever.

And I really don't see a point in deleting your total score. Like.. really o_O
I may support deleting the account, but resetting scores is not, because

* You can improve your bad score with a good one.
* Some people will abuse this.
* PP may get inaccurate or go crazy. (rank on each songs)
I would say that both of them could be nice:
del account is mentioned above
point del, for example when you have cheatetd and regret it, then you can del it, so you can get a "normal" rank later
I don't agree with a full reset, but partial resets based on your pp ranking.
What do I mean by that? Well, in my opinion players should be able to delete scores on maps that are considered "way out of their expected skill range" based on pp. That means both maps way above your skill level and those way below. Sure, pp is not perfect, but it's somewhat accurate for judging what you should be able to play.
For newbies, it can be extremely demotivating to play a crazy map with no fail and later find out that it permanently affects their stats. Sure, if they play enough they might be able to "fix" that score, but it's certainly not an accurate representation of their skill at that point.
For experienced players, it would mean that they can delete scores on Easy/Normal diffs. Personally speaking, I don't like playing ridiculously easy maps just to "update" the scores to my current skill level. They will just sit there and rot, influencing my statistics without representing actual skill.
Play Count should not be lowered by this, of course.

Luna wrote:

I don't agree with a full reset, but partial resets based on your pp ranking.
What do I mean by that? Well, in my opinion players should be able to delete scores on maps that are considered "way out of their expected skill range" based on pp. That means both maps way above your skill level and those way below. Sure, pp is not perfect, but it's somewhat accurate for judging what you should be able to play.
For newbies, it can be extremely demotivating to play a crazy map with no fail and later find out that it permanently affects their stats. Sure, if they play enough they might be able to "fix" that score, but it's certainly not an accurate representation of their skill at that point.
For experienced players, it would mean that they can delete scores on Easy/Normal diffs. Personally speaking, I don't like playing ridiculously easy maps just to "update" the scores to my current skill level. They will just sit there and rot, influencing my statistics without representing actual skill.
Play Count should not be lowered by this, of course.

A decent enough idea. The issue with this though, is that by removing only maps that you cannot do, for the newbie players, you are removing a large chunk of information which determines where they are compared to every other player in regards to skill. It's not accurate at all if nobody fails.
If a reset scores feature were implemented, it should clear everything but playcount, including most played maps data. Also, put an icon or something in the profile saying that they've reset their scores... maybe even a number indicating how many times they've reset if we were to allow multiple resets. The idea being to keep people from abusing it to build a "perfect" account. Also, it might be fun to try starting from zero again. :)
Inb4 "Sacrificed Points" ranking.
I think one oportunity to wipe all your scores (Same as Name Changing) is enough.
I think when this will be then sup-only, coz namechanging is sup-only too
People who care about this stuff baffle me.

ziin wrote:

People who care about this stuff baffle me.
People like you that just don't have any addition of value but chooses to post anyway baffle me.

those wrote:

ziin wrote:

People who care about this stuff baffle me.
People like you that just don't have any addition of value but chooses to post anyway baffle me.

But yeah, actually ziin's post does make sense. If you don't want the score, then why did you pass the map and make the score? xD
I did one really annoying score on a TAG4. I passed with NF, maybe a year ago. I got a D, recently I able to get C or B, if I get a chance, I will happily delete it. BUT this is only one rank and its actually no more affects at my current status, so I don't care too much. And I think one B or C is not lead to world's end, i will live happily with it.

Xau wrote:

ahaha i won
i support being able to delete all scores and start anew
people who say that 'practice makes perfect' probably havent been made to play obviously impossible maps on mods that force you to keep the accuracy subtraction
such as
and others

i cant just back out of a song before or during play when with my friends w/o seeming like a jerk, but i dont want to be forced to have to keep all those accuracy subtractions, so id rather just restart everything and get my old scores back (more reason to play osu more)
It was denied Baitaritei... Your petition is useless now.
Also, the new "weighted" accuracy ignores such scores if you play enough, so don't worry about that.
(Btw, that map is not even close to impossible, if you keep playing you'll be able to improve your accuracy on it a TON)
Check This User...

In Song ... Syrsa - Mad Machine [Champion]

is the score that is impossible in this way, as it is forced to use Halftime D:

x-Tremera wrote:

Check This User...

In Song ... Syrsa - Mad Machine [Champion]

is the score that is impossible in this way, as it is forced to use Halftime D:

This is not the topic to talk about it.

Some Moderator, lock this.
I think the option to reset your account is reasonable as when i first started playing Osu, my friends kept on putting me on the Ronald Mcdonald beatmap so my accuracy is like 50% =3
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