
Toshihiko Horiyama - Kyouya Garyuu ~LOVE LOVE GUILTY

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on jueves, 04 de julio de 2013 at 04:09:55 p.m.

Artist: Toshihiko Horiyama
Title: Kyouya Garyuu ~LOVE LOVE GUILTY
Source: Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney
Tags: Gyakuten Saiban 4 klavier gavin phoenix wright capcom 逆転裁判
BPM: 136
Filesize: 2895kb
Play Time: 01:25
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy (1,69 stars, 81 notes)
  2. Hard (4,85 stars, 210 notes)
  3. Normal (3,68 stars, 130 notes)
Download: Toshihiko Horiyama - Kyouya Garyuu ~LOVE LOVE GUILTY
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Welcome back, my fallen star

Thanks for modding
Snepif (timing help)
Mercurial (1 year old irc mod but still helped)
DakeDekaane (mod + more timing help)
mancusojuanmattos (irc mod)
Yes first post para mi amor <333333 te amo

El BPM es 136,028 y el offset 652 mi amor ^u^ te voy a ayudar más con el map y seguro te queda hermoso~
Topic Starter
Gracias mi amor *-* suena perfecto~ <3
Por ahora voy esto amor :3 Hope you like it!

Download: Toshihiko Horiyama - LOVE LOVE GUILTY (Kei) [Snep's LOVE LOVE].osu
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Thank you~ <33
You choosed a good song x3 I love the game and the music =D
hope you are going to get this ranked someday x3

Good Luck ^^
La termineeeeeeeee <33333333 para ti!!!

Download: Toshihiko Horiyama - LOVE LOVE GUILTY (Kei) [Snep's LOVE LOVE].osu
Topic Starter

Snepif wrote:

La termineeeeeeeee <33333333 para ti!!!
Gracias <3 ya la agrego *-*

Mikarunoel131 wrote:

You choosed a good song x3 I love the game and the music =D
hope you are going to get this ranked someday x3

Good Luck ^^
Thank you! I'm going to finish this very very soon, and I'll get it ranked! that's for sure. :3
Irc como el boludo que soy /o/

13:11 <iMercurial> : Bueno, ya que.
13:11 <Kei> : espera
13:11 <Kei> : irc? yo tengo que ir a almorzar y preparar todo xD
13:12 <iMercurial> : Son 2 minutos.
13:14 <iMercurial> : 00:27:999 (5) - Este slider toca mucho la barra de vida =/
13:14 <iMercurial> : No lo podés mover de ahí?
13:14 <Kei> : fuck xD
13:14 <Kei> : aver
13:15 <Kei> : le cambie la forma asi:
13:15 <iMercurial> : GEnial.
13:16 <iMercurial> : 00:50:053 (3) - Lo mismo
13:16 <Kei> : O.O
13:16 <Kei> : que tiene=
13:17 <iMercurial> : Nada, cosa mía xD
13:17 <iMercurial> : Bancá que cambio de skin
13:17 <Kei> : xDD
13:17 <iMercurial> : Odio usar el skin default.
13:17 <Kei> : no toca ahi con la hp bar de la skin default
13:18 <Kei> : es la que deberias usar para moddear xD
13:18 <iMercurial> : 00:52:259 (1,2,3) - No es por ser hijo de puta, pero esos sliders son ctrl + c y ctrl + v?
13:19 <iMercurial> : El primer slider es diferente a los otros 2.
13:19 <Kei> : O.o
13:19 <Kei> : si son asi
13:19 <Kei> : pero
13:19 <Kei> : no se porque ese esta distinto XD
13:20 <Kei> : ah
13:20 <Kei> : nono
13:20 <Kei> : es que
13:20 <Kei> : al voltearlo
13:20 <Kei> : los puntos se voltean tambien, en realidad son iguales
13:20 <iMercurial> : Te digo porque hay 1 o 2 pixeles de overlapping entre el primer y el segundo slider
13:20 <iMercurial> : Cosa que no pasa con el tercero.
13:20 <iMercurial> : Just sayin'.
13:21 <Kei> : Feliz xD?
13:21 <iMercurial> : Seh.
13:21 <iMercurial> : :3
13:22 <iMercurial> : 01:01:448 (8) - No sé por qué, pero meh, ese circle xD
13:22 <iMercurial> : Igual no representa nada, no creo que te den reseñas por él en el futuro.
13:22 <Kei> : D: a mi me gusta ;__; es un circle bueno
13:23 <iMercurial> : No dije nada, solamente me llama la atención :3
13:23 <iMercurial> : NAZIIIIIIIIIIII!
13:23 <iMercurial> : 01:11:005 (6) - Pequeño overlapping con el slider (7)
13:24 <Kei> : hmmm
13:24 <Kei> : mierda xD no se como hacer para que no pase eso pero que quede el pattern de overlap bien entre los dos sliders
13:25 <iMercurial> : Just saying.
13:25 <iMercurial> : No es unrankeable :3
13:25 <Kei> : hm
13:25 <Kei> : Lo dejo asi y si me dicen denuevo lo cambio porque de verdad no se me ocurre que hacer xD
13:25 <iMercurial> : 2 Cositas más.
13:26 <iMercurial> : 01:27:104 - A este finish agregale hasta 70% el volumen.
13:26 <iMercurial> : Suena mejor imo.
13:27 <Kei> : le puse 60 porque sonaba un poco alto
13:27 <iMercurial> : Y la alerta por riesgo de epilepsia.
13:27 <iMercurial> : Y al menos
13:27 <iMercurial> : 1 o 1 1/2 segundos de Lead-in
13:27 <iMercurial> : Porque la canción la empezás al principio
13:28 <Kei> : Ok,. pero creo que la alerta de epilepsia no es necesaria porque no va muy flashy raro rapido el sb
13:28 <iMercurial> : Es flasheante de todas maneras.
13:28 <iMercurial> : El alerta es necesario.
13:29 <Kei> : ok los agrego despues cuando vuelva porque ya me tengo que ir
13:29 <iMercurial> : Listo.
13:29 <Kei> : postea el log en el thread y te doy kd
13:29 <Kei> : gracias :3
13:29 <iMercurial> : Eso.
13:29 <Kei> : nos vemos despues
13:29 <iMercurial> : De nada, gracias a vos por aceptar el mod n.n
La mejoreeeeeeeeeeeeee >< update please <3333333

Download: Toshihiko Horiyama - LOVE LOVE GUILTY (Kei) [Snep's LOVE LOVE].osu
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Updated <3
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o.o Pero si lo voy a revivir en un poco..
Ademas el otro es mejor >:3 y es solo nuestro nadie mas se va a meter >:c
Holi! no tengo ganas de hablar en ingles asi que lo hare en español >w</


(*) Kei-Chan! hay una inconsistencia en el timing mira:

Easy - BPM: 136.028 Offset: 652
Normal - BPM: 136.028 Offset: 667 <-- Cuidado con esto ponle el mismo offset o3o
Hard - BPM: 136.028 Offset: 652

(*) Otra observacion, por lo tanto si el offset cambio en la normal obviamente el kiai time tambien asi que recuerda resnapear todo y poner todo en donde le corresponde.

(*) Tambien otra cosa, el Lead - In podrias aumentarlo a 2 como mínimo, ya que empieza muy pronto la cancion.


(*) 00:07:709 (4) - Creo que sonaria mucho mejor si agregaras un whistle al final del slider
(*) 00:14:766 (6) - ^
(*) 00:21:824 (6) - ^
(*) 00:09:032 (1,2) - no se pero mi oído no me engaña el NC deberia de empezar aqui 00:09:914 (2) en mi opinion
(*) 00:16:972 (2) - igual aqui ^
(*) 00:21:824 (6,2) - al testear la diff me di cuenta que este slider 00:24:029 (2) - esta siendo cubierto por este 00:21:824 (6) - lo cual se ve un poco mal, porque no intentas mover este slider 00:24:029 (2) - un poco mas arriba o alguna otra parte :)
(*) 00:29:763 (4,1) - Nazi* aqui el blanket se ve un poco feo, se que puedes hacerlo mejor :3 algo como esto mira:
(*) 00:34:615 (1) - NC aqui y remueve el NC de aqui 00:35:938 (2)
(*) 00:35:938 (2,3) - realmente tienes que hacer estos sliders tan random :c porque no los haces mas bonitos :3
mira algo asi talvez:
(*) 00:38:144 - siento que seria mejor agregar un slider de aqui 00:38:144 - hasta aqui 00:39:026 - y agregar un circle en 00:39:467 - siento que fluye mejor
(*) 00:39:467 - si haces lo anterior recuerda agregar un NC aqui
(*) 00:50:053 (6) - whistle al final del slider
(*) 01:12:990 (1) - Nazi* CTRL + H este slider no es simetrico, intenta moviendo el slider 01:12:990 (1) - A X: 182 Y: 262 ahora mueve el segundo punto del slider a X: 256 Y: 306 y el ultimo punto a X:330 Y: 262
(*) 01:18:283 (5,1) - lo mismo que mencione antes podrias hacerlos mas bonitos :(


(*) 00:00:652 (1) - El spin esta Unsnapped revisa bien esta parte y colocalo en su sitio correspondiente
(*) 00:14:120 (2) - agrega un whistle aqui , suena mejor con el
(*) 00:20:074 (1) - whistle al final del slider ^
(*) 00:48:965 (2) - Whistle en la reversa
(*) 01:21:826 (1) - NC aqui


(*) 00:20:721 (2,3) - Nazi* creo que estos sliders se ven un poco mal porque no intentas hacer este slider 00:21:383 (3) - un poco mas abierto para que quede mas o menos asi:
esto es una sugerencia sientete libre de ignorar esto.

Bueno es todo lo que pude encontrar :3 espero te sea ultil
Good Lucky ~
Topic Starter
Gracias! Cambie gran mayoría de la Easy, todo menos un whistle de la Normal, y de la Hard solo por opinion personal prefiero dejar ese pattern como está que asi fluye bien.

Shohei Ohtani

Claps would benefit this map a lot. Especially since it's rock, claps are cool. Or at least a snare hitsample.

00:08:812 (4) - NC to signify jump?
00:22:044 (1) - Remove whistle so it follows music. Right now it sounds pretty excessive
00:47:407 (7) - If you aren't making it parallel, move the endpoint more towards the right so it doesn't look like a mistake.
01:27:104 (1) - Seems a bit loud compared to the mp3 volume.

00:43:878 (4) - This plays really awkwardly, since it doesn't land on a note played in the song. I know it's normal mode but it might be easier to follow the song than to follow white ticks.
01:26:222 (4) - ^

00:38:144 (2) - The end of this slider is like too far down and it doesn't look kawaii ;A;

It's a cool map and all, there's not really too many problems with it. The biggest issue is that there's no claps, so what is supposed to be a fun and upbeat song is kind of not as exciting because it has no drive from claps and all ;A;.

Also this map is begging for an insane

Hola, vi que quieres mods en este mapa, así que ahí va uno :3

Ace Attorney C:

:!: Para el timing usa 136BPM cerrados, al final empieza a sonar fuera de lugar, especialmente la parte que va en 1/3, conserva el offset. :!:

Todas las dificultades me gustaron tal y como están, daré algunas sugerencias de algunas partes que no me parecieron tan buenas para el ritmo y que se pueden mejorar, y tal vez una que otra para la estética del mapa.

00:00:652 (1,2) - Siento que el slider de 1/1 beat iría mejor primero, y el de 2/1 después, así este último seguiría la guitarra mejor, pero también note que esta dificultad no tiene spinners, por que no poner uno aquí como en las demás dificultades?
00:13:002 (4) - Tal vez podrías suavizar un poco la curva de este, de tal manera que siga la curva del slider que viene.
00:39:908 (3,4) - Por qué no otro slider en vez de estos círculos? Quedaría mejor al estar siguiendo la guitarra, en mi opinión.
00:45:201 (1) - NC aquí, siento que es una parte diferente a la del slider anterior.

Tal vez incrementar el HP a 4? HP3 es muy bajo para una Normal habiendo una Easy (que por cierto usa HP2).
00:42:996 (3,4) - Esta parte se siente tan vacia :< Usa sliders de 2/3 con una repeticion para esta parte, puede que suene algo complicado, pero queda perfecto para esta parte, si lo haces, no olvides poner NC en (3).
01:25:340 (3,4) - ^Igual para aca :<

00:07:709 (1) - Bueno, tal vez esta parte sea solo un disgusto personal, pero se oiria mejor si este slider fuera de 1/2 en vez de 3/4, ya que no hay algun sonido claramente audible en este tick, y puede que llegue a ser algo confuso para algunos jugadores.
00:37:703 (1) - Siento que este se oiria mejor si fuera de 1/2, ya que mayormente usas espaciamientos de 1/2 y 1/1 para esta parte, y este espaciado 1/4, se siente algo raro x.x
01:20:047 (1) - ^

CDFA wrote:

Also this map is begging for an insane
/me runs

Bueno, dejo una estrella pq me gusto el mapa y la cancion, buena suerte llevando este a ranked <:
Uh, I-I'll try my best

  1. Nothing

  1. 00:07:709 (4) Maybe add a whistle to the slider tail? So it's like the following slider at 00:14:766 (5)
  2. 00:21:824 (5) ^
  3. 00:38:144 (2) Maybe make the slider tail a bit more similar looking to the slider head? Unless it already is.
  4. 00:46:965 (4) Add whistle to slider tail?
  5. 00:57:110 (5) ^
  6. 01:04:168 (5) ^

  1. Nothing to say, really

  1. 00:31:086 (3) tbh I think these repeating 1/4 sliders are kind of...well, repetitive. I don't think it plays well, but that's just me. Same goes for all following sliders like this
  2. 00:57:772 - 00:58:875 (6,7,8,9,10) If this makes any sense, maybe make these notes make more of a triangular shape?

Overall, the map is really solid. Sorry if this mod wasn't of use to you ;w;

Good luck, and have a star~
ohai Kei, random mod here :3

  1. AR-1?
  2. 00:03:739 (4) - 324,176?
  3. 00:07:709 (4) - whistle in slider end?
  4. 00:13:002 (4) - NC for consistency
  5. 00:20:059 (4) - ^
  6. 00:21:824 (5) - whistle in slider end?
  7. if you want NC for consistency.
    00:34:615 (4,1) - swap NC
    00:38:144 (2) - NC and remove NC
  8. 00:45:201 (2) - 1 grid down, for stacked with 00:42:555 (2) - ?
  9. 00:48:289 (5) - NC?
  10. 01:25:340 (1) - remove NC?

  • 01:27:104 (1) - move it to other place? almost touched with hp bar
    perfecto :3

  • 01:12:990 (1) - change clap with finish?

nice map. simple SB but it's cool >__<
Good Luck :3
Topic Starter
Ohh my god. Thanks everyone! i'll be looking at these mods soon. I'll edit this post later


CDFA wrote:


Claps would benefit this map a lot. Especially since it's rock, claps are cool. Or at least a snare hitsample. o.o I tried claps and they sound wayyy too annoying. If i find some snare hitsound suitable for the song i'll add it right away.

00:08:812 (4) - NC to signify jump? Hmm that would be inconsistent. Your point is good but i'll stick with the current way for now!
00:22:044 (1) - Remove whistle so it follows music. Right now it sounds pretty excessive sure :3
00:47:407 (7) - If you aren't making it parallel, move the endpoint more towards the right so it doesn't look like a mistake. done!
01:27:104 (1) - Seems a bit loud compared to the mp3 volume. oh my, fixed o_o

00:43:878 (4) - This plays really awkwardly, since it doesn't land on a note played in the song. I know it's normal mode but it might be easier to follow the song than to follow white ticks.I did it to avoid doing too difficult stuff in a normal as you said o.o i cant think of any simple way to follow that. A slider wouldn emphasize enough this part. I think these notes are fine
01:26:222 (4) - ^ ^

00:38:144 (2) - The end of this slider is like too far down and it doesn't look kawaii ;A; Why ;A; if i flip it a bit up it wont change much, the shape of the slider isn't that pretty neither. I did it like this to follow the guitar melody ;A;

It's a cool map and all, there's not really too many problems with it. The biggest issue is that there's no claps, so what is supposed to be a fun and upbeat song is kind of not as exciting because it has no drive from claps and all ;A;. o3o i don't like the clap sound for this calm song, but as i said already: if i find a snare sound i'll add it

Also this map is begging for an insane[/b]

Nyan. Thankssssss~


DakeDekaane wrote:

Hola, vi que quieres mods en este mapa, así que ahí va uno :3

Ace Attorney C:

:!: Para el timing usa 136BPM cerrados, al final empieza a sonar fuera de lugar, especialmente la parte que va en 1/3, conserva el offset. :!: Ops lo arregle o.o

Todas las dificultades me gustaron tal y como están, daré algunas sugerencias de algunas partes que no me parecieron tan buenas para el ritmo y que se pueden mejorar, y tal vez una que otra para la estética del mapa.

00:00:652 (1,2) - Siento que el slider de 1/1 beat iría mejor primero, y el de 2/1 después, así este último seguiría la guitarra mejor, pero también note que esta dificultad no tiene spinners, por que no poner uno aquí como en las demás dificultades? Porque seria agotador para los beginners y quedaria muy cerca de otras notas que tiene adelante el final de ese :<
00:13:002 (4) - Tal vez podrías suavizar un poco la curva de este, de tal manera que siga la curva del slider que viene. si :3
00:39:908 (3,4) - Por qué no otro slider en vez de estos círculos? Quedaría mejor al estar siguiendo la guitarra, en mi opinión. Es para hacer una pausa de tantas notas seguidas :3
00:45:201 (1) - NC aquí, siento que es una parte diferente a la del slider anterior. Ok

Tal vez incrementar el HP a 4? HP3 es muy bajo para una Normal habiendo una Easy (que por cierto usa HP2). Si!
00:42:996 (3,4) - Esta parte se siente tan vacia :< Usa sliders de 2/3 con una repeticion para esta parte, puede que suene algo complicado, pero queda perfecto para esta parte, si lo haces, no olvides poner NC en (3). Hice algo similar
01:25:340 (3,4) - ^Igual para aca :<

00:07:709 (1) - Bueno, tal vez esta parte sea solo un disgusto personal, pero se oiria mejor si este slider fuera de 1/2 en vez de 3/4, ya que no hay algun sonido claramente audible en este tick, y puede que llegue a ser algo confuso para algunos jugadores. Hmm creo que es un pattern bastante comun que puede darle un poco mas de estilo "challenging" a la dificultad, ya que no voy a agregar una insane.
00:37:703 (1) - Siento que este se oiria mejor si fuera de 1/2, ya que mayormente usas espaciamientos de 1/2 y 1/1 para esta parte, y este espaciado 1/4, se siente algo raro x.x o.o 1/2? el final del slider sigue la guitarra :<!
01:20:047 (1) - ^

CDFA wrote:

Also this map is begging for an insane
/me runs

Bueno, dejo una estrella pq me gusto el mapa y la cancion, buena suerte llevando este a ranked <: muchas muchas muuuchas gracias o3o/ util


Xinely wrote:

ohai Kei, random mod here :3 <3

  1. AR-1? Yes!
  2. 00:03:739 (4) - 324,176? Yes :3
  3. 00:07:709 (4) - whistle in slider end? yesyes
  4. 00:13:002 (4) - NC for consistency no no, its the opposite, doing that would be inconsistent since i didnt add nc at 00:21:828 (5) etc.
  5. 00:20:059 (4) - ^ okay now i understand. i added a combo at the previous slider on both cases
  6. 00:21:824 (5) - whistle in slider end? ;A; sounds too noisy. the whistle at the repeat is more than enough imo
  7. if you want NC for consistency.
    00:34:615 (4,1) - swap NC
    00:38:144 (2) - NC and remove NC you're right! thanks!
  8. 00:45:201 (2) - 1 grid down, for stacked with 00:42:555 (2) - ? done
  9. 00:48:289 (5) - NC? yes
  10. 01:25:340 (1) - remove NC? that's is to emphasize the end of the song :P

  • 01:27:104 (1) - move it to other place? almost touched with hp bar fixed i think o3o
    perfecto :3

  • 01:12:990 (1) - change clap with finish? done!

nice map. simple SB but it's cool >__< thaaanks ><
Good Luck :3 thansk and also thanks for your random mod! it was very helpful!


Tsusuko wrote:

Uh, I-I'll try my best moe attitude

  1. Nothing

  1. 00:07:709 (4) Maybe add a whistle to the slider tail? So it's like the following slider at 00:14:766 (5) done
  2. 00:21:824 (5) ^ not here, if you listen carefully the guitar can be heard one tick forward from here, not at this point :P
  3. 00:38:144 (2) Maybe make the slider tail a bit more similar looking to the slider head? Unless it already is. how o.o it already is. its like a worm *hides*
  4. 00:46:965 (4) Add whistle to slider tail? sounds too redundant o.o with the next slider whistle so for now i'll keep this as it is sorry :<
  5. 00:57:110 (5) ^ yes :3
  6. 01:04:168 (5) ^ but here it happens like at 00:21:824

  1. Nothing to say, really O:

  1. 00:31:086 (3) tbh I think these repeating 1/4 sliders are kind of...well, repetitive. I don't think it plays well, but that's just me. Same goes for all following sliders like this Awww :< but i didnt have any better way to follow the guitar. i couldnt ignore it with 1/1 or 1/2 sliders.
  2. 00:57:772 - 00:58:875 (6,7,8,9,10) If this makes any sense, maybe make these notes make more of a triangular shape? mm adjusted the spacing a little bit

Overall, the map is really solid. Sorry if this mod wasn't of use to you ;w;

Good luck, and have a star~ Thank you very much! :3 it was useful, dont worry

Also for those who said i should add an insane, well in fact i was going to, but some people suggested me to keep the mapset as easy > normal > hard due to the song. Its too calm and a insane diff wouldnt fit with it. i hope you can understand :3

Edit: i had to delete a bunch of notes of my normal diff. i applied what i wrote on my replies but i had to revert some "add note" changes to decrease the star rating. it had 4 star rating. now its at 3.5. this also means i wont accept suggestions about adding notes and such

  1. Kiai #1 on hard is 9ms late. It should start at 00:44:769, not at 00:44:76. Please, fix it ASAP!
  2. Bright colours on not-so-bright BG may hurt player's eye. Consider fading them a bit (or making new ones).
    open me!
    Combo1 : 220,194,107
    Combo2 : 170,121,169
    Combo3 : 193,197,124
  3. Enable epilepsy warning, your flashing elements during kiais are quiite quick, so they're dangerous, probably!
  1. 00:00:652 (1) - consider placing a whistle on its head, it;ll fit with music better. What's more - first beat of the map should be a bit louder than rest of it.
  2. 00:34:622 (1) - try to replace it with 1/1 snapped circles. Clicking 5 circles in a row for beginners is quite challenging, so it will be an interesting pattern for them. Later, they can get some rest at 00:35:946 (2) - this slider :)
  3. 00:43:004 (1) - nazi - do the same shape as you did it at 00:38:152 (1). So, slider will change its direction to music. but don't use my slider, it's ugly
  4. 00:54:034 - 00:54:916 - i wouldn't ignore these beats here, so add circles there. THis is kiai, so it can be a bit harder than non-kiai parts. Don't worry.
    Note: 00:54:475 (3) - 00:54:475 (3) - guess what? Same here. But well, you can use something easier here.
  5. 01:18:271 (2) - this part is similar to 00:34:622 (1). so, you should apply the same thing here. You should do it for both of these patterns or ignore it, to keep rhythm consistent.
  1. 00:29:990 (4) - simply move this circle to 00:30:431 - it sounds much better here, just try it!
  2. 00:43:004 (3,4,1) - I like how tricky music goes here. Let's map these 3/4 beats with slider, like you did it on [Easy]! ignoring these beats is a crime! example
    Note: before saying "no, because diff becomes too hard" replace 01:00:652 (3,4,5,6,7,8) - these triplets with 1/2 sliders. So, you'll improve your rhythm and keep this diff under 3.5 star rating :3
  1. Your playfield seems kinda flooded with hitobjects. I'd recommend you to try AR8 here. It may hurt diff spread a bit, but it will make this diff much more playable, try it!
  2. 00:42:784 (4,4) - ULTRA-NAZI - 00:42:784 (4,4) - stack them to make pattern just a little bit neater.
Star! ~

Good luck!
Topic Starter

-Bakari- wrote:


  1. Kiai #1 on hard is 9ms late. It should start at 00:44:769, not at 00:44:76. Please, fix it ASAP! [b]ahh i changed the bpm, thats why[/b]
  2. Bright colours on not-so-bright BG may hurt player's eye. Consider fading them a bit (or making new ones). nah these look wayy too pale. i slightly changed the current ones. now they are less brighter
    open me!
    Combo1 : 220,194,107
    Combo2 : 170,121,169
    Combo3 : 193,197,124
  3. Enable epilepsy warning, your flashing elements during kiais are quiite quick, so they're dangerous, probably!
  1. 00:00:652 (1) - consider placing a whistle on its head, it;ll fit with music better. What's more - first beat of the map should be a bit louder than rest of it. good point
  2. 00:34:622 (1) - try to replace it with 1/1 snapped circles. Clicking 5 circles in a row for beginners is quite challenging, so it will be an interesting pattern for them. Later, they can get some rest at 00:35:946 (2) - this slider :) hmm its a nice point but it may be inconsistent with my previous pattern. it will be like a too hard pattern compared to the rest of the map, which is relaxing
  3. 00:43:004 (1) - nazi - do the same shape as you did it at 00:38:152 (1). So, slider will change its direction to music. but don't use my slider, it's ugly o.o .. but i used that slider with the sole purpose of following the guitar weird sound. i dont think that slider fits here. I t ried another thing. i hope you like it :3
  4. 00:54:034 - 00:54:916 - i wouldn't ignore these beats here, so add circles there. THis is kiai, so it can be a bit harder than non-kiai parts. Don't worry.
    Note: 00:54:475 (3) - 00:54:475 (3) - guess what? Same here. But well, you can use something easier here. i added some notes yeah
  5. 01:18:271 (2) - this part is similar to 00:34:622 (1). so, you should apply the same thing here. You should do it for both of these patterns or ignore it, to keep rhythm consistent. done
  1. 00:29:990 (4) - simply move this circle to 00:30:431 - it sounds much better here, just try it! done!
  2. 00:43:004 (3,4,1) - I like how tricky music goes here. Let's map these 3/4 beats with slider, like you did it on [Easy]! ignoring these beats is a crime! example
    Note: before saying "no, because diff becomes too hard" replace 01:00:652 (3,4,5,6,7,8) - these triplets with 1/2 sliders. So, you'll improve your rhythm and keep this diff under 3.5 star rating :3 oh no.. because that slider wit hrepeat at a blue tick sounds awful, that part is 1/6, not 1/4. i prefer to dont mix 1/6 and 1/4 even if its a slider, just a personal choice :3 i hope thats okay for you
  1. Your playfield seems kinda flooded with hitobjects. I'd recommend you to try AR8 here. It may hurt diff spread a bit, but it will make this diff much more playable, try it! ahh yeah. i know about the spread D: but yea i must admit it improves the readability of the diff. okay i increased it
  2. 00:42:784 (4,4) - ULTRA-NAZI - 00:42:784 (4,4) - stack them to make pattern just a little bit neater. done
Star! ~

Good luck!
i have to go, i'll edit this post with the full reply later after school thank you for your mod and star! it was helpful :3
Hello! Mod Request via PM!

The map lacks epilepsy warning. You want to enable this as the SB has strobing lights.
It might not be that strong light but enable it for safety reasons.

Checked BG size, SB size and MP3 bitrate. Nothing wrong there.

Difficulty Settings on all the difficulties are ok too.

01:16:947 (1,2,1,2,3,1,2,1) - these notes aren't time snapped properly
00:43:004 - 00:44:769 - I suggest doing some 1/3 repeat sliders or something similar. The sudden rhythm stop throws me off greatly.
01:25:357 - 01:27:122 - Same as above.
01:26:212 (4,1) - This note isn't properly time snapped.
00:10:357 (3) - This slider has Whistle Slide on. Was this intentional?
01:15:183 (6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6,1) - These notes aren't time snapped properly.

I don't know if these incorrect time snaps were intentional or not. Please tell me.

The mapping is great! I like this map! Only minor issues.
Topic Starter

Dolphin wrote:

Hello! Mod Request via PM!

The map lacks epilepsy warning. You want to enable this as the SB has strobing lights.
It might not be that strong light but enable it for safety reasons.

Checked BG size, SB size and MP3 bitrate. Nothing wrong there. :3

Difficulty Settings on all the difficulties are ok too.

01:16:947 (1,2,1,2,3,1,2,1) - these notes aren't time snapped properly i guess this happened when i changed the bpm. fixed
00:43:004 - 00:44:769 - I suggest doing some 1/3 repeat sliders or something similar. The sudden rhythm stop throws me off greatly. i cant, the difficulty has 3.5 star rating. if i add a single slider or note, the diff star rating will increase to 4 aka will be called as a Hard and that's not good. its a pause made on purpose to make a small break for beginners
01:25:357 - 01:27:122 - Same as above.
01:26:212 (4,1) - This note isn't properly time snapped. ahh wtf :< fixed!
00:10:357 (3) - This slider has Whistle Slide on. Was this intentional? no, thanks for pointing this. fixed.
01:15:183 (6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6,1) - These notes aren't time snapped properly. fixed. i must admit im surprised how other modders couldnt notice such a big mistake o.o

I don't know if these incorrect time snaps were intentional or not. Please tell me. no they weren't. i changed the bpm and i accidentally overlooked these notes.

The mapping is great! I like this map! Only minor issues. thanks for your mod! :3 it was helpful too!
Fushimi Rio

00:00:652 (1) - I think use the same spinner as normal is fine for easy
00:07:710 (4) - nc. just like 00:13:004 (1) -
00:57:122 (1) - move the nc to 00:55:357 (5) -
01:16:947 (1) - notes from here are unsnapped. may imy computer got problem.
01:25:330 (1) - change it to a slider + circle


00:31:093 (2,3) - fix blanket
00:34:181 - SE 60 and%00:37:710 - 65%, 00:41:240 - SE 70%
00:43:004 (3) - nc

00:07:710 (1) - 1/2 slider is fine, not 3/4
00:43:004 (1,2,3,4,5) - shape is not perfect now.
Topic Starter

Eggache0 wrote:


00:00:652 (1) - I think use the same spinner as normal is fine for easy no, sorry. i prefer to keep a simple slider for this diff.
00:07:710 (4) - nc. just like 00:13:004 (1) - ok
00:57:122 (1) - move the nc to 00:55:357 (5) - yes
01:16:947 (1) - notes from here are unsnapped. may imy computer got problem. youre right, fixd
01:25:330 (1) - change it to a slider + circle ok


00:31:093 (2,3) - fix blanket done
00:34:181 - SE 60 and%00:37:710 - 65%, 00:41:240 - SE 70%
00:43:004 (3) - nc k

00:07:710 (1) - 1/2 slider is fine, not 3/4 fixed
00:43:004 (1,2,3,4,5) - shape is not perfect now. fixed i think
thanks! and sorry for not modding your map yet.. im being quite busy nowadays..
take a confetti star x) <3~
Topic Starter
omg ty. here, take an alt+3 heart: ♥
- For the source, I think you should use the English title (Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney) instead. And then move the japanese title to tags. idk it's not like those eroges, etc. that haven't been released under an english license...and maybe for search convenience since that might be a more well-known title?

- Try offset 646 (-6) Something definitely felt fishy towards the end, like the last note of Normal (which probably isn't snapped?) But yeah, I'd confirm offset with someone. Just felt a little late for some reason =v=

00:02:857 (3) - NC, differentiates it from the opening stanza
01:02:416 (5) - NC, like 00:48:299 (1) -

00:27:122 (1,2) - i think you can use the y-axis for symmetry :P
00:35:946 (5) - NC, to indicate the uh "weirdness" xD
00:46:093 (3,4,5) - hm I suggest follow the main melody here like other notes in the kiai time and for some variety ofc~
01:12:536 (5) - Unsnapped
01:27:095 (1) - Unsnapped

00:08:593 (3,4,5) - any reason for this spacing? Maybe stack (3) on (4) to create some difficulty and jump
00:43:004 (1) - Unsnapped green line on this note
00:48:960 (4,5) - Try this rhythm (feel free to ignore note placement) fits better with the melody imo
01:14:080 (4) - Unsnapped
01:24:227 (2) - Unsnapped (the unsnapped things are according to aibat but didn't show up in aimod lol oh well just resnap in case)

Very clean <3
just a timing check and maybe 1 or 2 mods and it should be good to go :D
Topic Starter

LunarSakuya wrote:

- For the source, I think you should use the English title (Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney) instead. And then move the japanese title to tags. idk it's not like those eroges, etc. that haven't been released under an english license...and maybe for search convenience since that might be a more well-known title? ok ok

- Try offset 646 (-6) Something definitely felt fishy towards the end, like the last note of Normal (which probably isn't snapped?) But yeah, I'd confirm offset with someone. Just felt a little late for some reason =v= o.o -6 is too much imo. i asked mancuso about it and we agreed that hte offset/bpm is fine as it is o_o some notes are unsnapped because i had previously a bpm with comma. i changed it to 136,00. thats why some notes got unsnapped :< edit: we decreased it by -2

00:02:857 (3) - NC, differentiates it from the opening stanza hmm fine!
01:02:416 (5) - NC, like 00:48:299 (1) - done

00:27:122 (1,2) - i think you can use the y-axis for symmetry :P thats what i did ;o; well fixed a bit the pattern.
00:35:946 (5) - NC, to indicate the uh "weirdness" xD ;__; a single nc for a slider? that doesn't look neat ;_;
00:46:093 (3,4,5) - hm I suggest follow the main melody here like other notes in the kiai time and for some variety ofc~ umm it sounds good and i was going to change it but thinking about it, i'll better keep my current 1/1 pattern :< i dont want to add a single 1/4 slider at this part. it may result confusing and kinda inconsistent with the rest of the map (even if it gives some variety :P) this is just my opinion though. o:
01:12:536 (5) - Unsnapped fixed both
01:27:095 (1) - Unsnapped

00:08:593 (3,4,5) - any reason for this spacing? Maybe stack (3) on (4) to create some difficulty and jump fine
00:43:004 (1) - Unsnapped green line on this note ugh unsnaped green lines dont affect gameplay thats why i didnt snap them but ok!
00:48:960 (4,5) - Try this rhythm (feel free to ignore note placement) fits better with the melody imo theres not too m uch difference betwee n the current way and yours ;A; also your way destroys one of the few jumpy patterns i made for this diff, so i'll stick with the current. i hope thats ok :<
01:14:080 (4) - Unsnapped fixd both
01:24:227 (2) - Unsnapped (the unsnapped things are according to aibat but didn't show up in aimod lol oh well just resnap in case)

Very clean <3
just a timing check and maybe 1 or 2 mods and it should be good to go :D thanks a lot for checking the map lunar! :D
IRC Mod!
15:08 mancusojuanmattos: en Easy
15:08 mancusojuanmattos: 00:21:826 (2) - No me gusta como suena este slider al final, el ritmo no es igual a los demas
15:09 mancusojuanmattos: te sugiero terminar este slider 1/2 antes
15:09 Kei: :o hmm pero
15:09 Kei: y el espacio entre 00:21:826 (2,3) - ?
15:10 Kei: le agrego repeat al slider
15:10 Kei: 00:21:826 (2) -
15:10 mancusojuanmattos: emm.. no se, si queres agregale el Repeat a (2)
15:10 mancusojuanmattos: y si no queres no lo hagas
15:10 mancusojuanmattos: pero que termine ese slider sobre el tick blanco no tiene sentido
15:11 Kei: listo :o le puse repeat y una nota en el otro tick blanco
15:12 mancusojuanmattos: bien entonces :)
15:12 Kei: supongo que es lo mismo
15:12 Kei: 00:50:061 (2) -
15:12 Kei: o no
15:13 mancusojuanmattos: en ese lugar exactamente no
15:13 mancusojuanmattos: 01:04:179 (2) - ahi si
15:15 mancusojuanmattos: 00:40:355 (x) - Agregaria una nota con clap :P
15:16 Kei: listo, arregle todo xD
15:16 Kei: 01:22:708 - nota ahi tambien no?
15:16 mancusojuanmattos: sep
15:17 mancusojuanmattos: 00:43:002 (1) - El sliderslide suena feo con normal sampleset, por que no usas Soft sampleset?
15:18 mancusojuanmattos: si queres podes usar Normal sampleset en los slider ticks
15:18 Kei: fue sin querer
15:18 Kei: :p
15:18 mancusojuanmattos: lol
15:18 Kei: es solo para ese slider no?
15:19 Kei: o todo el kiai
15:19 mancusojuanmattos: solo ese slider
15:19 mancusojuanmattos: y este 01:25:355 (1) - obviamente
15:20 mancusojuanmattos: avisame cuando estes
15:21 Kei: ya termine
15:21 Kei: :3
15:22 mancusojuanmattos: 00:46:973 (3) - Whistle al final? se siente vacio sin este
15:22 Kei: mm cierto, lo puse
15:26 mancusojuanmattos: creo que nada mas en la Easy
15:28 mancusojuanmattos: ahh.. espera
15:28 mancusojuanmattos: deberias agregar un spinner en algun lado
15:28 mancusojuanmattos: para variar el score
15:28 Kei: aaah todo el mundo me dice lo mismo
15:28 Kei: ok me rindo
15:29 Kei: donde?
15:29 Kei: en el comienzo?
15:29 mancusojuanmattos: al final? en lugar de 01:25:355 (1,2) (?
15:30 mancusojuanmattos: hmm.. no se
15:30 Kei: mm si
15:30 Kei: al final queda mejor
15:30 Kei: en el comienzo me dijeron todos
15:30 Kei: y queda re mal ignorar
15:30 Kei: 00:02:855 (1) - el tick ese
15:30 Kei: porque si pongo spinner deberia dejar un espacio entre las notas
15:31 mancusojuanmattos: si, por eso
15:33 mancusojuanmattos: 00:24:473 (3) - Whistle al final?
15:34 Kei: sip :
15:34 Kei: :P
15:34 mancusojuanmattos: en Normal btw xD
15:34 Kei: ah
15:34 Kei: dasadasdas
15:34 Kei: dasdasdasd
15:34 Kei: xD
15:34 mancusojuanmattos: en easy ya ahi
15:34 Kei: igual lo agregue
15:35 mancusojuanmattos: 00:37:929 (1) - Esta nota se siente rara, no sigue bien la musica. Yo la eliminaria
15:36 Kei: hm si, suena media de sobra
15:36 mancusojuanmattos: ademas fijate en 01:20:282
15:36 mancusojuanmattos: 01:20:282 -
15:37 mancusojuanmattos: no hay nada
15:37 Kei: tambien xD
15:38 mancusojuanmattos: 00:44:767 (1,2) - Viendo la cantidad de 1/2 sin apilar que tenes, este 1/1 stacked se siente algo raro y me parece que le jugaria una mala pasada a los jugadores 'promedio'
15:38 mancusojuanmattos: que te parece desapilar estas notas?
15:39 Kei: tenes razon
15:39 Kei: no se porque las stackee
15:44 mancusojuanmattos: 01:00:649 (3,4,5,6,7,8) - Este ritmo no me gusto en general, principal las notas sobre los ticks rojos (4,7)
15:44 mancusojuanmattos: te sugiero algo mas o menos asi
15:44 mancusojuanmattos:
15:44 Kei: a ver
15:47 Kei: listo
15:48 mancusojuanmattos: 01:12:341 (4) - Esta nota esta al pedo xD. Fuera de joda, no sigue nada concreto en la musica. Deberias eliminarla
15:50 Kei: sigue la bateria de fondo
15:50 Kei: que hace
15:50 Kei: tututu
15:50 Kei: en realidad sigue hasta en 01:12:782 - pero no puse nota ahi porque sria mucho
15:50 mancusojuanmattos: oh.. ohh.. lo senti
15:50 mancusojuanmattos: sorry :P
15:51 Kei: :p
15:51 mancusojuanmattos: 01:26:238 (2,1) - Arregla el spacing :P
15:54 mancusojuanmattos: cri cri
15:56 Kei: estaba comiendo xD
15:56 mancusojuanmattos: lol
15:56 Kei: o.o
15:56 Kei: por que esta mal?
15:56 Kei: ah
15:56 Kei: LOL
15:56 Kei: nada
15:57 Kei: ahi lo arregle
15:58 mancusojuanmattos: oh.. deberias agregarle +1 al OD, para mejor spread
15:59 Kei: :O
15:59 Kei: creo que alguien me habia mencionado algo
15:59 Kei: y lo habia bajado
15:59 Kei: pero ahi lo subi
15:59 Kei: xD
15:59 mancusojuanmattos: xD
15:59 mancusojuanmattos: en Hard:
16:00 mancusojuanmattos: antes que nada arregla el patron en 01:25:355 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1) -
16:00 mancusojuanmattos: Sabes a lo que me refiero
16:01 Kei: o.o
16:01 Kei: no xD
16:01 Kei: poner las
16:01 Kei: 01:26:789 (6,1) - en el medio?
16:01 mancusojuanmattos: no, ritmicamente
16:01 Kei: ah
16:02 mancusojuanmattos: hay muchas notas en los ticks azules, que deberian estar sobre ticks en 1/3
16:02 Kei: lol resnap
16:03 Kei: ahi las arregle
16:04 mancusojuanmattos: repetiste mucho los patrones en esta dificultad :/
16:04 mancusojuanmattos: 00:02:855 (1,2,3,4) - por ejemplo aparece muchas veces :/
16:05 Kei: :c lo hice por gusto porque la cancion se repetia
16:05 Kei: pero no hice copypaste
16:06 mancusojuanmattos: igual, pero bueno
16:06 mancusojuanmattos: no tiene nada de malo
16:06 mancusojuanmattos: 00:43:002 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Las notas que estan sobre los ticks azules, deben estar sobre ticks violetas en 1/3
16:08 Kei: lo arregle cuando dijiste lo de 01:25:355 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1) - :P
16:09 mancusojuanmattos: bien
16:09 mancusojuanmattos: 00:16:091 (2,3,4) - Yo incrementaria un poco mas el spacing entre estos objetos
16:10 mancusojuanmattos: por consistencia con 00:08:591 (3,4,5,6) -
16:10 Kei: tenes razon
16:10 Kei: lol cuantas cosas pudo haberme dicho lunarsakuya y no lo hace
16:11 mancusojuanmattos: xD
16:11 Kei: al menos me moddeo enseguida cuando le pedi, pero igual
16:12 mancusojuanmattos: 00:22:047 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - Ahi deberias intentar un incremento de spacing tambien
16:12 mancusojuanmattos: al menos entre (4,5,6,7)
16:12 Kei: sep
16:12 Kei: xD
16:12 mancusojuanmattos: como dijiste antes, la cancion es repetitiva, por eso la consistencia es importante tambien :P
16:13 Kei: cierto :3 no me di cuenta de esos jumps xD
16:14 mancusojuanmattos: usa algo asi de 1,5x entre las notas
16:15 Kei: use algo asi
16:15 Kei: un poquiito mas
16:15 mancusojuanmattos: ahi va
16:15 mancusojuanmattos: acordate de hacerlo en el kiai tambien
16:15 mancusojuanmattos: 00:57:782 (6,7,8) - por ejemplo
16:16 Kei: asdasd 00:58:444 (7) - se me va fuera del grid
16:16 mancusojuanmattos: movelo un cachito a la izquierda=
16:16 mancusojuanmattos: ?*
16:16 mancusojuanmattos: igual fuera de grid no es algo no rankeable xD
16:17 Kei: es qe directametne esta en el limite xD
16:17 Kei: que tal si la pongo asi?
16:17 mancusojuanmattos: ...
16:18 Kei: o
16:18 Kei: espera xD
16:18 Kei: ahi pude
16:18 mancusojuanmattos: bien :3
16:19 Kei: termine todo eso
16:19 mancusojuanmattos: 00:22:047 (1) - Whistle?
16:19 Kei: omg siempre ese whistle me olvido
16:19 Kei: y en la easy lo puse xD
16:20 mancusojuanmattos: lol
16:23 mancusojuanmattos: Insane:
16:23 mancusojuanmattos: oh.. wait xD
16:23 mancusojuanmattos: no tengo mas nada que decir :P

  1. Fixed the offset (used -2 from current)
  2. Some rhythmical patterns (in Easy and Normal)
  3. Some whistles added (in all difficulties)
  4. Increased some spacing between Notes (in Hard)
  5. Re-snapped some notes in 1/4 ticks, that must be over 1/3 (in Hard)
  6. And some other little changes
In general it is a good mapset, but let's wait for Sakuya's decision.
Good Luck, Kei :)
Topic Starter
Thank you very much mancu :D it was very helpful :3
I wanna map some Taiko's for this so badly.
Would you let me? Pretty Please? :<

EDIT: Aw that Map reminds me I always wanted to map Guitars Serenade when I started here.
surprise~ luv u
Topic Starter

DarkDunskin o3o sorry but i would like to keep the mapset as it is. I'm planning to map more Ace Attorney stuff so if I submit any other AA song I'll let you know so you can map Taiko difficulties if you like and want. :3

Also sorry for my late reply
Topic Starter
thank you once again ;___;
I think soem confetti is needed to celebrate your bubble

now gogo for rank :3 :DD
Very nice map!

I have two things to note, though.

Shouldn't the title be "Kyouya Garyuu ~LOVE LOVE GUILTY", as listed here and here?

In Easy:
00:59:326 (1) - This slider literally hits the border of the playwindow. It's technically rankable, but could you please move it up by changing the slider, or re-arrange the combo so it's placed a few grid spaces higher? image for reference.

Please let me know what you decide~ Going to pop this for the sake of the title for now, though.
go go Kei and change the title huehue
Topic Starter
Oh, that's Klavier's japanese name, and this is his theme after all so I changed it. I also fixed that spacing. I hope it's fine now! :)

@Irrev: oh youuuuuuuu~
Go Kei! o3o/
go my love~
~ i hope this doesn't bother you o3o i am happy that you get your stuff ranked! im happy to see you happy~

congratulations my loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee i love you!
Grats Kei <3

Snepif wrote:

~ i hope this doesn't bother you o3o i am happy that you get your stuff ranked! im happy to see you happy~

congratulations my loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee i love you!
baaaah cute *w*

well congratz on ranked :D
Felicidades Kei :3
Topic Starter
Thanks dkun, everyone and also my Inti<3, I appreciate it~
Gratz my little friend :)
Gratz pan o3o
Congrats! Kei-Chan <3! Nice Map
Congrats <3
Sry about the title blip lol
Topic Starter
Thanks again! and, it's okay Lunar, I overlooked it in the first place lol
gratz! nice map and awesome song ty ty :D

dkun wrote:

Yay! More PW maps. Congrats ^^
Another Ace Attorney map :O

I think this is the second one in the span of a month, and I really hope to see more. The game has a lot of good tracks, it deserves to be mapped more.
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