
The Truth About Left or Right Handed People

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According to my Observation, most Left Handed People can stream up to 200+ while Right handed people can only stream up to 200. Can someone prove me wrong? I am a right handed guy who can only stream up to 185. And no matter how i try, i can't go over than that. :|

Discuss: Are you Left Handed or Right Handed? How fast do you stream? (Don't include tapping with tablet, or clicking with mouse)
Less than 100 :'P lol. I don't know how fast I can stream, probably not ever. And, I am Right Handed :<
Right handed~~

On good days: ~230 bpm on 100 circles, ~255 on shorter streams (about 15 to 20 circles)
Bad days: ~190 on 100 circles, ~240 on shorter streams. It's mostly stamina that suffers. :(
I am right handed and can stream up to 290 on short streams, 255~270 on longs.
my left hand is faster than my right hand, even though I'm a (right handed) mouse only user waaaaaaaah D:
it is kind of a silly observation :S right handed and can stream 250+
I have no idea where that idea came from, but...

I'm right handed, can stream up to like 250~260 for like maximum 15-20 circles if i'm warmed up, but for longer streams i guess 210-220.

However, my right hand can stream much faster with much more accuracy has I have learned ._. my left just sucks at life. I can't do anything with it >_>


doMahng wrote:

It's a matter of finger strength and dexterity and if you play the piano you'd already know.
oh yes. I do know. :(

This is without any sort of warm-up:
Seriously, this really makes me rage >_>
i don't get how you guys stream above 200 bpm, it's like 200-220 bpm is the human limit for me :(
200bpm with left hand, 220-230 max limit on short streams. I don't stream with my right hand as I use a tablet. This observations seems to be pretty false. If you never stream with your right hand o/c it's going to be slower unless you just started osu. And there are some human limitations for most people that prevent them from going above 200bpm.
im left handed and on good days i can stream about 10 notes on 200 bpm. on average 180 bpm is my max and if i want to do very long streams (50+ notes) i can barely go over 150.
triples i can probably go over 250 BPM
oh yeah, i'm right handed and can stream up to 200(take or give few bpms) though i think my average stream speed is ~187 bpm
never tested but i am pretty sure my right hand has much stronger fingers for these things (even though i played guitars for a few years)
This is soooooo random rofl.. I'm left handed and my maximum controlled speed on a good day is 175 - 180 BPM, with controlled I mean I can hit deathstreams perfectly with maybe 1 or 2 100's in between the 300's.

I don't think being left or right handed matters anything at all.
what the hell

I'm left handed, and when Z/Xing with left hand I get max 210bpm
and with right hand I can't even go over 160
Xylem Beer
I'm right-handed. I can do long 192bpm streams and 240bpm on short streams. Not sure about my left hand though.
speed =/= skill

im pretty fast and get most scores because of being fast, but I don't consider myself a good player at all.
oh and I'm right handed. I can stream faster on mouse, but it's too hard for me too keep control if it gets too fast. I can go to 250~ bpm max with left hand.
Kanye West

GladiOol wrote:

speed =/= skill

im pretty fast and get most scores because of being fast, but I don't consider myself a good player at all.
oh and I'm right handed. I can stream faster on mouse, but it's too hard for me too keep control if it gets too fast. I can go to 250~ bpm max with left hand.
Pretty much this.

I have to use my left hand & kb for fast streams (200+) simply because I can't control my mouse, even though I can probably stream faster with my right hand

Kanye West wrote:

GladiOol wrote:

speed =/= skill

im pretty fast and get most scores because of being fast, but I don't consider myself a good player at all.
oh and I'm right handed. I can stream faster on mouse, but it's too hard for me too keep control if it gets too fast. I can go to 250~ bpm max with left hand.
Pretty much this.

I have to use my left hand & kb for fast streams (200+) simply because I can't control my mouse, even though I can probably stream faster with my right hand
I remember reading you're a full claw grip user. From my own experience, that's jackass if you want to play by clicks entirely.
The best way to control steady 200+ bpm with clicks alone without having a cursor shake that looks like parkinson, is to play with a full palm grip style.
I'm left handed~
I can stream like 320bpm with left on good days, 280 normally, 240bpm on longer streams
With right hand I streamed at 300bpm sometimes.. normally I stream like 240bpm and 220bpm on longer streams

Really, streaming isn't that hard o-o
ps.: keyboard

[Luanny PhNyx] wrote:

I'm left handed~
I can stream like 320bpm with left on good days, 280 normally, 240bpm on longer streams
With right hand I streamed at 300bpm sometimes.. normally I stream like 240bpm and 220bpm on longer streams

Really, streaming isn't that hard o-o
ps.: keyboard
Let's see a FREEDOM DiVE replay from you; it's 222.22bpm and therefore shouldn't be a problem.

Blue Dragon wrote:

what the hell

I'm left handed, and when Z/Xing with left hand I get max 210bpm
and with right hand I can't even go over 160
same lol
Right handed and can sometimes with warm up do longer 170 bpm streams with left hand. For shorter ones it's propably around 180-190 bpm.

I am the slowest 100lvl player I bet :(
right handed, never trained or used it and i can stream max to 200 bpm, my left hand got better in 2 years of training and i can stream faster with it now, max to 250 on short streams, for the long ones its random on days, sometimes my best is 170 and sometimes 220/230 on VERY good days

kriers wrote:

my left hand is faster than my right hand, even though I'm a (right handed) mouse only user waaaaaaaah D:
^same here :3, my limit is at 190-200 (short streams)
Now my right hand is faster than my left hand (maybe because too much playing)
Kanye West

kriers wrote:

Kanye West wrote:

Pretty much this.

I have to use my left hand & kb for fast streams (200+) simply because I can't control my mouse, even though I can probably stream faster with my right hand
I remember reading you're a full claw grip user. From my own experience, that's jackass if you want to play by clicks entirely.
The best way to control steady 200+ bpm with clicks alone without having a cursor shake that looks like parkinson, is to play with a full palm grip style.
Yeah my new mouse is too big to claw so I'm starting to use palm, it's a lot smoother but still pretty hard to control when streaming fast
Kriers is right that the palm grip makes it easier to stream full mouse, in my opinion, since I know that I couldn't stream half as well with click/x if I didn't lean toward palm grip myself. The extra stability from it is what makes the difference when your fingers are moving quickly like that and can't be expected to control the mouse without help.

I think that play style makes all the difference in streaming speed. I see so many discussions from keyboard players about streaming, but personally I never thought streaming was hard with click/x. In fact, I'd say it's the easiest thing for me to do, and I never met a stream at any speed that I didn't feel I could take on, given maybe a little practice. I have a wayyyyy harder time keeping up with fast singles and complex switching motions on some maps and on most DTs above 120 BPM.

The concept of right handed vs left handed making it harder to stream is interesting, because different hemispheres take dominance over different hands, but my play experience is based in using both hands when I stream, so what I've learned probably isn't sufficient to allow me to comment beyond saying that I could see how you might experience left or right handed play differently depending on your brain dominance, because I seem to remember that one side tends to take in visual and tactile information and ultimately relay it back to the other side. I'm not sure if this changes with hand dominance, but it might be the case that there's a certain delay in information transfer for people who have one side dominant vs the other. That's just what I seem to remember reading about somewhere, I wouldn't call it real evidence.
I'm right handed and I can't go nearly as fast as other people, can't fc rog-unlimitation for example :(

My endurance is pretty good though.

Philippines wrote:

According to my Observation, most Left Handed People can stream up to 200+ while Right handed people can only stream up to 200. Can someone prove me wrong? I am a right handed guy who can only stream up to 185
yeah, i can prove you wrong. i'm left-handed and i can't stream even @ 180 :<

Defacer wrote:

My post may sound cocky but damn...

Everytime I see ''I can stream 270 bpm for 10-15 circles 220 usual,natural streaming, 210 is childs play, 200 bpm is one finger job, I probably have SS on dragonforce maps'' I check the person who wrote this expecting top class well known uber pro top stream player and what I see is someone who I've seen his name only on forums and I do stalk the ranking charts.
Funny other thing is that when a good player(at least known) comes he usually says some normal number like 190-200 bpm is my casual streaming.

I consider myself as a stream player because I love them but I am learning 200 bpm now(dragonforce mostly), I can do 220(chipscape) but only in good times + I have to give my best, it's not like I can do it naturally like it's easy, speaking of natural streams ~ 180-188 bpm is the best bpm for streams, can do it all day, feels so natural.

Does everybody posts his stream speed according to the stream calculator lol?

Back to the topic, at school I try to practice writing with left hand because there is some slight chance my right hand to have more potential in streaming than my left, and since pen in school is similiar to pen in tablet I might get ambidextrous soon.

If my post made specifically someone angry, I was speaking for the whole ''stream speed'' topic all around osu! forums not just this one.

CHeers !
first of all nobody said anything about being able to SS dragonforce
and second, just because you can stream fast does not mean you are good at osu! overall. you can suck at accuracy or jump or whatever, or just be horrible overall but have incredibly fast fingers.
What's Streaming? I assume it isn't referring to Circle Speed.

If I'm right and it's APM on, er, clicks (?), how does one tell their average/peak APM?


Ahh, it is Actions per Minute. And silly me for not seeing the thread with the APM-Counter.

Seriously, you guys are insane; how on earth do you even get above 120 APM? Hell, I tried two hands to see if I could max-out above something admirable and still only managed a meager fraction of what others have listed in here.
Do these 200APM+ people just use two fingers or are they comboing two devices?
When i read how fast everybody can stream at, it makes me cry and a part of me breaks inside. How do you guys stream so fast on keyboard? D: is it the type of keyboard?

Anyway, i can only stream up 200bpm (after warming up...), and on good days i can sometimes reach up to 210bpm

saymun wrote:

When i read how fast everybody can stream at, it makes me cry and a part of me breaks inside. How do you guys stream so fast on keyboard? D: is it the type of keyboard?

Anyway, i can only stream up 200bpm (after warming up...), and on good days i can sometimes reach up to 210bpm
Don't mind them, half of them are lying anyways, or all they can do is spam buttons at 250BPM and get 35% accuracy

If you are able to stream 200-210BPM, that's really nice.
210-250 range max 40 notes
left hand = pen
right hand = keyboard

saymun wrote:

When i read how fast everybody can stream at, it makes me cry and a part of me breaks inside. How do you guys stream so fast on keyboard? D: is it the type of keyboard?

Anyway, i can only stream up 200bpm (after warming up...), and on good days i can sometimes reach up to 210bpm
I can relate with this. Your streaming speed is on the same level as mine, at least it seems to be.

Most of the time I need to warm up for hours before streaming 200bpm. HOURS.
I'm right handed, can only stream maybe 140 with left wah. Though I can reach 230-240 over 100+ notes with right hand. Been considering switching roles.
I'm almost ambidextrous (mainly left handed), and I can go up to ~290 BPM on my hybrid scissor-switch/rubber dome keyboard according to that one speed testing thingy.

The OP is stupid though, so I guess you can't have my actual ingame max speed because I'm a tablet player and I alternate. Oh well.
I always thought left handed people were super pro, but that's just me..
I'm ambidextrous (injured main writing hand so..) but I write with my right hand mainly, I can stream up to 240 but only for about <15 seconds. I can stream 180 - 225 for a very long time, but it would depends heavily on AR & stream spacing.

Also, yeah shit accuracy club \o/

Hika wrote:

I can stream up to 240 but only for about <1 second.

OT: Right handed, stream just fine.
I'm right handed, and I can stream better with my right hand. Don't need say bpm because I honestly don't know, but i know i just do better. If I rest my left elbow on my seat hand rest though, I stream really fast on my left hand. something to do with flexing muscles i guess. I usually have no hand rest when playing with my left hand. although doing this messes my gameplay up, causes me to have bad cursor movement, and I can't be good with jumps as I used to be. Tbh I don't really think it's worth it, but If you like playing stream maps, be my guest :/
Right handed, but I stream around 180 to 210 using kb. x: .. Usually depends on how I'm feeling though
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