Hi there! Welcome to my Modding Queue
Just post the map below and I will mod it.Formating
Request Type: NM/M4M/H4H
Song Name:
Artist Name:
(Only M4M) The map you modded:
Song Name:
Artist Name:
(Only M4M) The map you modded:
Just go to my profile and mod any pending map I have. You have to mod first
GD Rules
Just ask me per PM. Won't do anything over 4 minutes unless I really like the song. Will only do it if I like the song and the map set is for ranked. Can't confidently do anything above 5*
H4H Rules
You Hype first. Won't hype extremely bad maps or troll maps
Won't mod extremely bad maps or troll maps.
I can't mod maps over 6*
M4M will always be prioritized over NM
If I won't do your request I probably won't answer you.
Don't spam requests[/list]