
DJ Sharpnel - Over the Fullereneshift [OsuMania]

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Sunday, 21 June 2020 at 11:21:52 AM

Artist: DJ Sharpnel
Title: Over the Fullereneshift
Tags: otfs j-core hardcore otakuspeedvibe evangelion 3.0 you can not redo 桜流し sakura nagashi utada hikaru 宇多田 ヒカル wiosna
BPM: 224.29
Filesize: 21791kb
Play Time: 04:01
Difficulties Available:
  1. Second Impact 1.1x - 4Key (4.95 stars, 3677 notes)
  2. Second Impact 1.2x - 4Key (5.35 stars, 3677 notes)
  3. Second Impact 1.3x - 4Key (5.72 stars, 3677 notes)
  4. Second Impact 1.4x - 4Key (6.05 stars, 3677 notes)
  5. Second Impact - 4Key (4.62 stars, 3677 notes)
Download: DJ Sharpnel - Over the Fullereneshift
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
14/12/18 (+ 3/10/19 update)

Everybody finds love in the end.

xx/5/21: This chart is extremely unrepresentative of my JS charting style today. If you're looking for more Sharpnel charts from me, you can start here.
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