
DJ Sharpnel - IVALTEK [Osu|Taiko]

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I'm no taiko savvy BAT but I thought I'd step in to give a thorough mod anyway—taikos only. :P


  1. With the new style taiko bgs, I think you should shift the bg down some to get it properly aligned. After testing some alignments on multiple resolutions, it seems 135 on the y axis is the best solution. Copy and paste this code into both taiko diffs under the Background and Video events:
    0,0,"background ivaltek.jpg",0,135
[Taiko Muzukashii]

These are all just suggestions (some more highly recommended than others), but only take what you want from this.

  1. You can rename this diff as simply Muzukashii now because of the in-game symbols, plus Pheon's diff doesn't have an indication that it's a taiko diff anyway (save for the don part, but that might not be as obvious to non-taiko players).
  2. You have two combo colours. xD Don't bother for this diff, however I recommend using that second combo colour in the future to help modders distinguish between kats and dons in the editor (in my experience, it should also help you as the mapper).
  3. 00:14:451 (11) - d to build up this pattern from the previous part in this phrase.
  4. 00:15:316 (13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20) - going from 1/1 to abrupt 1/2 patterns sounds very random, mostly because it's only the beginning. I suggest copying what you have 00:10:702 (2,3,4,5,6,7) and pasting it 00:15:316. It sounds better to keep a consistent beat.
  5. 00:27:281 (66) - k instead to emphasize the end of this phrase?
  6. 00:28:579 (73) - for a muzukashii, I would consider leaving a 1/1 break after a finisher like you did here 00:19:352 (27), especially at higher bpms like this song; it gives player a beat to recover. If you agree, then you can remove 00:28:723 (74) and make 00:28:867 (75) a kat instead.
  7. If you changed the above, I would also consider removing 00:31:029 (86) and making 00:31:173 (87) a kat for consistency.
  8. I don't want to give my "phrase consistency" speech so to keep it simple, I suggest making 00:29:155 (74,75) and 00:31:462 (85,86) and 00:33:768 (97,98) k d; you should apply this change and listen to it for yourself and you should be able to hear why this sounds better.
  9. 00:32:183 (91) - as a don and 00:32:327 (92) as a kat may seem more fitting to end this phrase, since your next phrase is just k d k d patterns anyway.
  10. 00:42:565 (9) - I don't think this 1/2 is necessary here and it just sounds a bit off; keep to 1/1 in this part of the phrase.
  11. 00:54:963 (35) - delete this and make 00:55:107 (36) a kat to keep things simple here.
  12. 01:01:018 (50) - same as before (remove).
  13. 01:14:713 - k here to map that sound, plus it's good for a leadin to the kiai.
  14. 01:18:317 (89) - d to keep consistent with the previous segment.
  15. 01:18:750 (91,92,93) - making these all kats would accentuate the vocals here.
  16. 01:19:326 (94,95,96) - in muzukashii diffs, only simple triples should be used (again, especially with higher bpm songs). This triple can simply become ddd.
  17. 01:22:354 (109) - remove this and make 01:22:930 (112) a d for consistency.
  18. 01:23:363 (113,114,115) - all kats again?
  19. 01:27:976 (137) - make this a D since this is a shift in the pitch of the vocals you accentuated with the previous finishers in this part.
  20. 01:28:264 (138) - k and 01:28:841 (143) - k to end this phrase. Also, you should make this 01:28:553 (140,141,142) - a triple ddd.
  21. 01:29:850 (149,150) - d k instead of k d to end on a high note; imo this makes for a smoother transition into vocal mapping (since most phrases [should] end with k).
  22. 01:31:292 (154) - this would be a d if you are vocal mapping.
  23. 01:33:454 (163) - D here instead because of the pitch change compared to the K finishers before this one.
  24. 01:36:626 (177,178,179) - this should be a variety of 01:34:896 (169,170,171). I would suggest k d k as an alternative to this.
  25. 01:37:203 (180,181) - make these kats to accentuate the vocals like my previous suggestions for this same part?
  26. 01:40:806 (194) - just as before, remove this and make 01:41:383 (197) a d for consistency.
  27. 01:41:816 (199,200,201) - again with the all kats suggestion for the sake of vocals.
  28. 01:42:392 (202,203,204) - change (204) into a d to create a triple ddd for simplicity, as well as to match the triple in this same part earlier in the kiai.
  29. 01:46:429 (225) - I don't think a finisher here is really necessary, though a d would work just fine.
  30. 01:46:861 (227) - k and 01:47:294 (231) - k to end this phrase. Similar to previous suggestions, 01:47:006 (228,229,230) - would play better as ddd for the sake of difficulty.
  31. 01:48:159 (236,237,238) - k d k to properly map the pitch changes according to 01:48:736 (239,240,241,242,243,244).
  32. 01:50:321 (248,249) - k d to follow the pitch changes and to accompany 01:50:754 (250,251,252,253,254,255,256).
Now I would strongly suggest you copy/paste what you have for the first kiai into the second kiai to keep your muzukashii consistent and simple for newer players, but this is entirely up to you. Since that is my suggestion, I will not mod this diff any further. If you do decide to just keep what you have in the second kiai, the only other advice I'd like to offer is that you consider the changes you made in the first kiai and apply them to the second. You could also choose to make the second kiai slightly more dense or challenging than the first kiai to continue the build up, but that's kind of risky with 208 bpm.


As usual, only a few things to point out (especially in the kiai; I didn't want to destroy your well constructed streams and patterns qq).

  1. A little density to end this phrase is good, plus it's a part of the music that should be mapped since it's loud and clear. 00:56:116 - d here, 00:56:261 - k here, and 00:56:549 - d here.
  2. 01:10:100 (1) - k for consistency?
  3. 01:15:290 (1) - D for obvious reasons.
  4. 01:18:750 (3) - k to match the vocals in this part that you're mapping to?
  5. 01:23:363 (3) - ^
  6. 01:27:976 (3) - ^
  7. 01:32:589 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - I have never in any of my mods suggested anyone use 1/6, and this is the only time I will ask anyone to consider making these 1/6. *regrets*
  8. 01:49:744 - k to increase the density leading into the next kiai.
  9. 01:52:195 (1) - D again.
  10. 01:55:655 (4) - same as before.
  11. 02:00:268 (4) - ^
  12. 02:04:881 (3) - ^
  13. 02:09:495 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - if you changed this same part from earlier to 1/6, do the same here.
  14. 02:26:506 (3) - d to break up the kats in this section, plus it's good for a contrast to the kat-centric patterns 02:24:776 (2,3,1,2,3) and 02:27:082 (2,3,1,2,3).
Good luck! :oops:
Topic Starter
looks like you remapped my taiko o_o
thanks a lot, i will check this tomorrow :P
Maybe there's just lots of difficulty and consistency errors that need second opinions ;)

Also Pheon change your diff to "Pheon's Oni" pls b4 I SW3P u

happy30 wrote:

looks like you remapped my taiko o_o
thanks a lot, i will check this tomorrow :P

Haruka wrote:

These are all just suggestions (some more highly recommended than others), but only take what you want from this.
Please, I meant that literally! D: Only apply the suggestions you like.
I don't enforce anything; I just make available a lot of options for alternatives. :<
Topic Starter
no worries, suggestions were nice, added most of them in muzukashii :P
At least change it to Pedo-don...
Okay I highly recommend you switch the diff name because you are now somewhat unrecognizable x_x

Haruka wrote:


As usual, only a few things to point out (especially in the kiai; I didn't want to destroy your well constructed streams and patterns qq).

  1. A little density to end this phrase is good, plus it's a part of the music that should be mapped since it's loud and clear. 00:56:116 - d here, 00:56:261 - k here, and 00:56:549 - d here. Sounds good, will implement -for now, might get back to it after a few testplays-
  2. 01:10:100 (1) - k for consistency? This is an intentional don - in the entire part I build up from a rather big amount of notes which is more kat-focused into fewer and fewer notes, and seeing as how a don is less accentuated I make it break down by using fewer kats throughout the sections.
  3. 01:15:290 (1) - D for obvious reasons. I'm actually not sure about this one - it's 208 bpm and is followed up by a really dense part right afterwards. It makes the intro way too chaotic, therefore I would like not to use a finish here. If more people complain about this, I will take it into consideration though.
  4. 01:18:750 (3) - k to match the vocals in this part that you're mapping to? ..I'm not mapping on the vocals - my general structure in the chorus is d d k d k d k d or a variant of it, a bit of a shift for flavour etc. However, the drum in the song itself also brings a snare on this hit, therefore making a k here better.
  5. 01:23:363 (3) - ^ Over here, the drum hits a regular kick and therefore I'd prefer keeping it that way.
  6. 01:27:976 (3) - ^ Again, there's a snare here so a k here would fit better.

    In general, if you look at the entirety of this section, the 4th measure starts with a k, the 8th measure starts with a d, the 12th measure another k and the 16th measure another d. This way these notes are a bit oddly accentuated, which fits the music. In general, though, I'd still not use kats when starting a measure. =w=;

  7. 01:32:589 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - I have never in any of my mods suggested anyone use 1/6, and this is the only time I will ask anyone to consider making these 1/6. *regrets* Do you regret it yet? \:D/
  8. 01:49:744 - k to increase the density leading into the next kiai. Nice one, will implement. Also removed one of the kats leading up to the kiai for the sake of consistency when playing full-alt, this way the section should still start on your dominant hand .
  9. 01:52:195 (1) - D again. See previous suggestion. Also, I think this part is already accentuated enough by the visuals - a lot of streams coming up, as well as the fact that it sounds dense in general. A D would fit, but personally I think it isn't the right choice over here.
  10. 01:55:655 (4) - same as before. Same as before
  11. 02:00:268 (4) - ^ Same as before
  12. 02:04:881 (3) - ^ Same as before
  13. 02:09:495 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - if you changed this same part from earlier to 1/6, do the same here. Regrets? :3
  14. 02:26:506 (3) - d to break up the kats in this section, plus it's good for a contrast to the kat-centric patterns 02:24:776 (2,3,1,2,3) and 02:27:082 (2,3,1,2,3). And suddenly, this part sounds a lot better.
Good luck! :oops:
Great mod, thank you very much ^^ Very helpful.

Xakyrie wrote:

Also Pheon change your diff to "Pheon's Oni" pls b4 I SW3P u
Uguu :<

Xakyrie wrote:

At least change it to Pedo-don...
Say what Q_Q

Okay, changing it into Pheon's Oni might be a good idea. Why don't you let me copy HappyMiX's naming :< Here have a puush
Topic Starter
All updated, thanks pheon!
I hope you'll rank it soon <3 I love this sb OMG :3
Vouching that the taikos are good to go for whoever is going to rebubble this.
Looks like Haruka's mod fixed up stuffs. Gogo rank.
00:26 lolcubes: did you map the muzukashii btw'
00:26 happy30: yeah
00:29 happy30: i had to, since oni only isnt rankable
00:29 lolcubes: it is in your mapset
00:29 lolcubes: but thats also fine
00:29 lolcubes: your map was submitted in may 2012
00:29 lolcubes: that rule came in effect in july 2012
00:29 lolcubes: and is not retroactive
00:29 lolcubes: :p
00:29 lolcubes: decent muzu, but still i have some suggestions ::D
00:31 lolcubes: what happens in muzu is that sometimes
00:31 lolcubes: you can clearly notice the structure goes from rhythm to melody
00:31 lolcubes: back and forth
00:31 lolcubes: and it's a bit flow breaking at times
00:31 lolcubes: just some tweaks
00:32 lolcubes: 00:25:407 (55,56,57,58,59,60,61,62,63,64,65,66,67,68) - this part
00:32 lolcubes: 2 quads in a row isn't intuitive when beats are even
00:32 lolcubes: 00:26:560 (62) - if you move this to 00:26:704 - the rhythm stabilizies a bit
00:32 lolcubes: imo
00:34 lolcubes: 00:47:034 (18,19) - if you make these as kats, i believe it would be better because the rhythm base is made of dons here, these 2 notes aren't mandatory for the rhythm
00:34 lolcubes: would also be more consistent because you used kats every 2nd measure
00:34 happy30: okay
00:35 lolcubes: 00:51:936 (28) - would suggest this to be a kat too, since you follow the vocals it's a pretty silly thing to map a don here imo hehe
00:35 lolcubes: 01:05:487 (58,59) - in this part, kd k would fit better for variety instead of just kk k because you used k d d earlier
00:36 happy30: does the timing still feel fine for you?
00:36 lolcubes: 01:19:615 (96) - i would suggest this to be a don, because of the ddd, the beats have their own rhythm here which is louder than other instruments
00:37 lolcubes: also if you make this a don
00:37 lolcubes: you have a possibility of adding variety later on
00:37 lolcubes: which is mapping 01:19:759 -
00:37 lolcubes: also a don
00:37 lolcubes: to complete the rhythm line
00:37 lolcubes: (not here but later, just taking this timeline as an example)
00:37 lolcubes: goes for all of those parts
00:39 lolcubes: 01:44:411 (210,211,212) - this is one of those moments i told you about, where you go from rhythm to melody and back
00:39 lolcubes: well this works i guess but i usually don't like that because it feels like it has a weak structure, no base, just random
00:40 lolcubes: 01:44:699 (212) - but if you move this to 01:44:843 - then it would be more consistent
00:40 lolcubes: up2u
00:40 lolcubes: since the 2nd chorus repeats the suggestions remain the same i guess
00:41 lolcubes: 02:29:101 - maybe a shorter spinner to add but eh, up to you really :D
00:42 happy30: ok
00:42 happy30: thanks
00:42 lolcubes: no probs, i already check taiko for pheon
00:42 lolcubes: didn't find a thing
00:42 happy30:
00:42 lolcubes: checked*
00:42 lolcubes: yay
00:42 happy30: gogo bubble
00:44 lolcubes: you might want to use tick2 in happymix
00:44 lolcubes: would help reading a ton
00:44 lolcubes: also it fits cause there is constant noise @1/2
00:45 happy30: hmm yeah
00:45 happy30: added
00:45 lolcubes: you can probably silence every odd tick in the calm part
00:45 lolcubes: cause that part doesn't have everything on 1/2
00:47 happy30: can i silence them with a blank file?
00:48 lolcubes: yes, but not all ticks, you can use a separate set for the calm part though
00:48 lolcubes: but not for the other parts :p
00:49 happy30: ok
00:50 lolcubes: there is just one pattern i would like you to adjust a bit
00:51 lolcubes: cause it plays pretty bad
00:51 lolcubes: 01:55:078 (2,3,4,5,6,7,1) - this one
00:51 lolcubes: 5-6-7-1 is an absolute fuck me to hit haha
00:52 lolcubes: i would suggest something like this
00:52 happy30: ok :>
00:53 happy30: i thought you would point out 02:08:053 (1,2,3,4,5) -
00:53 lolcubes: nah
00:53 lolcubes: that's pretty fine
00:53 lolcubes: high spacing but easy to read and consistent
00:53 lolcubes: that spacing does look derp, on 4-5
00:53 lolcubes: but for some reason
00:54 lolcubes: i dont find it confusing at all
00:55 happy30: the spacing on that whole pattern is inconsistent ._.
00:55 lolcubes: yeah but it's consistent enough to be recognized as a whole :D
00:55 lolcubes: the only one more thing i would want you to change
00:55 lolcubes: is to fix an error i made you do
00:55 lolcubes: because i didn't notice my universall offset went full derp
00:56 lolcubes: and that is to apply a flat -5 to timing >_<
00:56 lolcubes: i remember i made you do +6
00:56 happy30: yes
00:56 lolcubes: i found out today
00:56 lolcubes: that my UO was moved
00:56 lolcubes: and i was like ???? how
00:56 lolcubes: now it's -69 lol
00:57 lolcubes: sorry for that :p
00:57 happy30: it felt a bit late but i kept silent lol
00:58 lolcubes: the only thing im not sure 100% yet is the first part
00:58 lolcubes: so i will recheck that too
00:58 lolcubes: the first red section
00:58 lolcubes: sounds a bit early to me
00:58 happy30: i cut the song myself
00:58 lolcubes: nah it's fine
00:58 happy30: the intro went on for like 3min
00:58 lolcubes: haha
00:59 lolcubes: with -5 >_<
01:02 lolcubes: 01:19:326 (1,2) - shouldn't these be 1/4 repeaters?
01:02 lolcubes: in gladi's diff
01:02 happy30: i updated the map with -5
01:02 happy30: yeah they should
01:03 happy30: or not
01:03 lolcubes: they should imo
01:03 lolcubes: or they should repeat twice more
01:03 lolcubes: 01:56:232 (1,2) -
01:03 lolcubes: having only a single repeat sounds empty
01:03 happy30: i made them repeat more
01:04 lolcubes: okay
01:06 lolcubes: 01:33:743 (1,2) - didn''t like this in normal
01:06 lolcubes: how about you extend them to white ticks?
01:06 lolcubes: with this rhythm i would expect a note at 01:36:049 -
01:06 lolcubes: which can't be mapped cause you follow vocals
01:06 lolcubes: :p
01:07 lolcubes: just a suggestion
01:07 lolcubes: oh well
01:07 lolcubes: w/e, you would have to change a lot of those
01:07 lolcubes: <-<
01:07 lolcubes: i guess the tick is enough
01:08 lolcubes: 02:08:340 (1,2,3) - i would actually suggest to remove the combo from 1 and put it on 3 instead
01:08 lolcubes: it separates the vocal from bzzzzzz sections better
01:09 lolcubes: since you already had 1-6 in the previous combo, having 1-6 here can work nicely as well
01:09 lolcubes: despite the every 2nd downbeat new combo logic
01:09 lolcubes: that's all for this diff
01:10 lolcubes: in easy ar3
01:10 lolcubes: i think its better
01:10 lolcubes: its pretty fast for ar2
01:13 lolcubes: that's all
01:13 lolcubes: gonna check folder
01:14 lolcubes: just tell me when you update with your new sound file
01:14 lolcubes: and ill redl and recheck
01:15 happy30: done!
01:15 happy30: ready for recheck
01:15 *lolcubes is editing [ DJ Sharpnel - IVALTEK [Easy]]
01:16 lolcubes: o yeah one more thing
01:16 lolcubes: in both taiko diffs
01:17 lolcubes: you should use normal hitsounds only, but for those calm parts just reduce the volume a bit
01:17 lolcubes: soft hitsound set shouldn't really be used
01:20 lolcubes: also i have to say im surprised how well ar8 works in the happymix diff haha
01:20 lolcubes: you said you will add a new blank hitsounds and will silence the ticks in the calm section, but you didn't do that
01:20 lolcubes: will you do it or not?
01:21 happy30: heh
01:21 happy30: i added it
01:21 lolcubes: i didnt get it in the folder though
01:21 happy30: soft-slidertick.wav
01:22 lolcubes: weird
01:22 lolcubes: ill go redl again
01:23 lolcubes: :|
01:23 lolcubes: god damnit
01:23 lolcubes: ill use internet explorer
01:23 lolcubes: could be caching problem
01:24 happy30: the soft hitsounds in taiko are intended, so the volume will be lower o.o
01:25 lolcubes: yeah but on default hitsound set it sounds retarded
01:25 lolcubes: you can always directly lower the volume
01:26 lolcubes: yeah im still not getting the file
01:26 lolcubes: wtf
01:26 lolcubes: can you try uploading again
01:26 lolcubes: please
01:26 happy30: done
01:27 happy30:
01:28 lolcubes: ill ask someone else to check
01:28 lolcubes: i still don't get it
01:28 happy30: im not getting it either
01:28 lolcubes: damn cache
01:28 happy30: its not the cache
01:28 happy30: it isnt uploading it
01:28 lolcubes: ah
01:28 lolcubes: ohhhh
01:28 lolcubes: yeah
01:28 lolcubes: is it 0byte?
01:28 happy30: yes
01:28 lolcubes: wait i have a blank file for you then
01:28 lolcubes: which works
01:28 happy30: ok
01:28 *lolcubes is listening to [ Yousei Teikoku - Destrudo]
01:28 lolcubes: spinnerspin.wav from here
01:30 happy30: ok
01:30 happy30: updated ivaltek with that file
01:31 happy30: yeah it works
01:32 lolcubes: yeah getting it now as well
01:33 lolcubes: mind just changing those soft sections in taiko to normal and llowering volume manually? :<
01:33 lolcubes: please!
01:33 happy30: pffffffff
01:33 happy30: ok
01:35 happy30: done :p
01:39 lolcubes: aimod reports a lot of unsnapped objects in happymix
01:39 lolcubes: that''s all
01:39 lolcubes: rest checks out
01:41 happy30: done

The log of changes. Also I love you for using AR8 here, it fits quite nicely!

Also rebubbled!
gogogogo happy :D
01:28:549 (7) - What section of the music is this supposed to represent? There are the kicks that are going in 1/4 and then the buzz sound going in 1/8. The buzz sound is a lot more dominate so I would make this kickback 1/8 to represent to music better. Really simple fix, just make a new kickback in the same spot going in the same direction, but in 1/8.
01:41:812 (1,2,3) - This is spaced really close to 01:41:667 (6) - , it's even under the normal spacing you have been using (Around 1.2). If you just pull it down a little more you can combine it into your jump pattern or just put it under default spacing. It would also look nicer imo if you reverse the bend of the slider, it creates more flow and visual appeal being opposite of 01:41:379 (5) - . Fix:
01:49:885 (1,2,3,4,5) - This doesn't seem very fitting. The music hasn't changed pace at all, only the vocals have dropped. The sudden drop in note density just makes no sense, but it's not hurting anyone I guess. Honestly this would work better as a spinner.
02:05:454 (7) - See my first suggestion.

Yeah just some stuff I noticed, all suggestions. Llook over the mod and call me back to rank when you're ready.
Topic Starter
01:28:549 (7) - What section of the music is this supposed to represent?
1/8 sounds a bit overkill there o.o, I tried to map the kicks, while there is no kick at 01:28:764 - , you don't notice it in gameplay and it plays nicer for me.

01:41:812 (1,2,3) - This is spaced really close to 01:41:667 (6)
I made the spacing here 1.25. I didn't change the flow, i made it break the flow on purpose for a better connection to (4)

01:49:885 (1,2,3,4,5) - This doesn't seem very fitting.
this works well imo, better than a spinner. it prepares you and feels like a little break before the next jumpmadness begins
Topic Starter
omg thanks <333 :D
Congrats :)
Congrats! :)
Nice one, guys!

Louis Cyphre wrote:

From the best game ever created!
10/10 would get seizure

Kaira AbNL wrote:

10/10 would get seizure
oh shit I bet Rena will be sooo happy
gratz ^^
cool stuff, congratulations
grats :D
:) 祝贺 eye :o

No offense but awful remix and storyboard.
Charts are good though.

AlphaWaves wrote:

No offense but awful remix and storyboard.
no offense but suck a dick

gj happy, gotta grind that if I find some free time :3
Best beatmap description

AlphaWaves wrote:


No offense but awful remix and storyboard.
Charts are good though.
You should be banned from this forum since all you do is saying shit about maps, lol
my fav game ever gets a beatmap

AlphaWaves wrote:

No offense but awful remix and storyboard.
Just played it... and damn what the hell was that. Even I got a headache just from playing that once. And that remix... Ew
Nobody asked either of you to play it, or enjoy it. There are plenty of other users who will surely use it for what it's made for. Keep your subjective comments off this thread as they clearly don't help your cause.

Loctav wrote:

Best beatmap description

rEdo wrote:

no offense but suck a dick
No offense but this isn't contributing to the discussion on the map at all.

Blue Dragon wrote:

You should be banned from this forum since all you do is saying shit about maps, lol
If anything you're being more inflammatory than AlphaWaves in here.

Xakyrie wrote:

Nobody asked either of you to play it, or enjoy it. There are plenty of other users who will surely use it for what it's made for. Keep your subjective comments off this thread as they clearly don't help your cause.
Really now?
Feedback is important in maps.
If you do not look at how others see your maps, you will not improve yourself.

Just because a user is posting opinions on threads without suggestions doesn't mean you can jump on a bandwagon of hate.
Maybe you could actually try to change their ways constructively.
Flaming isn't going to solve anything. If anything it will make the problem worse.
Why do our maps have so many downvoters. D: lol XD Congrats happy30!! This is an awesome map! :D
There is a big difference between "constructive criticism", "saying your opinion" and "100% of your posts being stuff like "this map is shitty". You should know that, Charles, after all, you almost got fucked up for an offensive mod.
Topic Starter
I don't map for others or to improve myself, I map because I like mapping and playing my own maps.
things like "this song/sb sux" isn't really feedback

happy30 wrote:

I don't map for others or to improve myself, I map because I like mapping and playing my own maps.
things like "this song/sb sux" isn't really feedback

happy30 wrote:

I don't map for others or to improve myself, I map because I like mapping and playing my own maps.
things like "this song/sb sux" isn't really feedback
If you just like to map then why do you care about this thread?
Posting information =/= caring. :p
Topic Starter

SergioSource wrote:

happy30 wrote:

I don't map for others or to improve myself, I map because I like mapping and playing my own maps.
things like "this song/sb sux" isn't really feedback
If you just like to map then why do you care about this thread?
i didnt tell that i just like to map, i told why i like to map
This new map is trash compared to the old version... I had so many fun times playing it back then and now you ruin it with this remap. -_- I still say you should have mapped the end half of the song too, it's the best part.
Well I played this map and had a lot of fun :b
The SB is GREAT, it adds so much impact to this song this is so cool. This is exactly the kind of SB I want to see on Sharpnel maps, it fits perfectly.
and the sv changes and repeater tickjumps make this layout fun to play and challenging to read in a new way. fun <3

don't listen to haters
Honestly the beatmap is a real work and i enjoy it, but there's something that hurts us:

Had to use spoilers to save our screens from big pictures.

Also, I saw distance snap at 1,7x, on the last diff, hell!
That's just almost-impossible
the beatmap is great but the song not munch
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