I've had this question for a while now, and I want your guys opinions. The internet is kinda young in my opinion (or at least mainstream internet) and I'd like to know your opinions. Reply what you putted and say why or why not.
Flanster wrote:
Why wouldn't it? What is "mainstream internet" supposed to mean? Internet has been around for more than 30 years.
I am not sure if young is the right word or the wrong word. While it's been existing for a while and will continue to existing for an even longer while. Yet the internet still has ways to go and mature. I don't think you can put an age to that until it's close to over.tobuu wrote:
The internet is kinda young in my opinion
what is the punchline?MemeMeme_YT wrote:
Well, it depends.
See, owning servers powerful enough to handle the 10,000+ people joining at once isn't cheap, nor is the cost of owning the domain. If peppy enters financial trouble in the 12 years until 2030, he could just shut down the osu! servers entirely just to keep the lights on.
osu!lazer has been planned to release on mobile, and if we count all the players on osu!stream and the 15 millinillion osu!clones on Android - which osu!droid and opsu! dominate the space with, there could be upwards of 30,000 players. That's not going to be cheap. If peppy decides to split osu!lazer into some sort of different server, that still isn't cheap. The average cost on an on-premises server is $1,476.31 per month and that's still dependent on traffic. If they, if they already are not on, switch to cloud services, that's a saving of $2,100 per month.
So, it just depends on peppy's financial state.