
The Prodigy - Invaders Must Die

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Tuesday, May 05, 2009 at 1:01:48 PM

Artist: The Prodigy
Title: Invaders Must Die
BPM: 140
Filesize: 5331kb
Play Time: 03:24
Difficulties Available:
  1. Hard (4.74 stars, 401 notes)
  2. m980's Easy (4 stars, 158 notes)
  3. Normal (4.44 stars, 173 notes)
Download: The Prodigy - Invaders Must Die
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
New song from their new album. (Turns out it wasn't really a single. Oh well.) This is technically the Radio Edit, but I'll just keep that out of the name. Final timing section count: 97. Or something. I'm not about to double check that...

Edit: Hard's map is done. Just need hit sounds.
Edit 2: peppy didn't like the idea of 2/3 BPM sliders, and I think .5/2x BPM sucks, so I just took them out.
Edit 3: Added a few more sections. Better now.
Edit 4: Very early WIP of Normal. Just threw some notes in so I could update timing. Tell me if I'm getting closer.
Edit 5: Added m980's Easy and finished the map for Normal. Just need hit sounds.
Edit 6: Hit sounds added.
Edit 7: Fixed m980's diff.
Edit 8: Made everything a 431 offset. It's on silence, but whatever...I don't really have much choice since I don't want to go back to that weird inherited non-offset offset thing.
Edit 9: Those 2 finishes added.
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Can you revive my map, Seibei?!

I sure can, Seibei!

Thanks, Seibei!

This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
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0_o wrote:

m980's Easy
01:02:57 (6) - New Combo - Yeah.
01:17:78 (4,5) - After doing the same rhythm for so long, I think this may catch Easy players off guard.. - That part's awkward. I tweaked the beat pattern so it matches my Normal, so I had to change the placement a bit.
01:45:21 (5) - Sound like it cuts off early, maybe extend to white tick? - Yep, sounds better.
01:56:99 (1,2,3) - Very confusing rhythm for beginners, and it's stacked too >.< - Yeah, I know. Oh wow, those are totally 6ths. Yeah, I'll just change it to a slider, I guess...
Overall it feels like a fairly difficult Easy, but a lot of it is simply due to the song itself having challenging rhythms.. - It totally is. I'd call it a Normal if I didn't already have a Normal. And Hard definitely can't be considered Insane. And I don't know of any custom diff. names to give the map and I'm not going to have two Normals. So, you know...

00:47:55 (6) - Kind of awkward sounding, extend to white tick? - Nah nah. Listen to the song without the slider or something. It's supposed to be like that cause it's transitioning to the 1/4 beat thing right after it. It's weird. Sounds uglier to me on the white tick.

01:29:34 (4,5) - That was mean :P Oh well, my fault for not knowing how to count - Yeah, it's kinda weird, but the map isn't really hard enough as it is.
01:44:34 (x) - Add a beat here? Just felt kinda empty - Nah nah, there are quite a few pauses like there. There's absolutely no music to map during that anyway.

INVADERS MUST DIE.. um.. I mean, have a star. huh, that was weird...
mm, offset feels way early. +15 is good, 14575. (73-76) It's a lot more noticeable when playing normal, and I magically got a lot better at the map once I added 15 to the offset.

Nothing bothers me really. I'm just gonna make a note of this little slider thing though, since it's extremely hard to sight read. It took me 4 tries to get it down, which was after memorizing the song and stuff.
00:34:16 (1,2,1) -
Couldn't really recommend a way to map it so it's less confusing, so I'm not gonna ask you change it or anything. But if you find a way to make it pretty and easier to read, that'd be peachy too.

Normal : nothing bothers me really

Easy: This is really good (not saying yours aren't, seibei :P) but it works very well as a normal difficulty which I think is needed, since hard can be a bit hard for unexperienced people with the 1/4ths and stuff. In fact this is unexpectedly one of my favorite maps m980 has done. Really good job with the hitsounds and all that other good stuff.

Something I don't like though, is 3 difficulties all above 4 stars. I think m980's difficulty in the set makes the song easy enough to be rankable, but the normal difficulty feels a lot like dead weight to me. It would be much more balanced and clean if you ditched normal, renamed m980's to normal, then call it a day and get my bubble. If you're strongly against this I can reconsider, but I just don't like the idea of calling m980's easy when it's more normal, and having a difficulty in between normal and hard which isn't all that needed.
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Well, I don't want to delete Normal. Took too many man hours. And it's totally Normal-worthy and stuff. And uh, it's a nice bridge for the billions of people who don't like m980 difficulties. It's for the people who would rather dip their hands into a bucket of glass (my Normal) than to play m980's difficulty. Or maybe they just can't do Hard or something. But I have m980's difficulty! It's easy enough! And yeah, three 4+ star maps is eh, but 2 difficulties is eh, too. I did my best to make Normal easier, but the repeating sliders beefed up my star rating, so whatever. It's fine though...
Okay, I won't argue in that case then. Other than the difficulties and star rating, nothing else bothers me and I can't make you delete difficulties. Thus, bubble.
m980's Easy:
-01:57:43 (1) - Finish here, please. It gives the map some closure.

-00:24:85 (1) - Finish goes here.
-I thought for a second that it sounded empty, then I realized "Oh, those are finishes blending right in, nice."

-Same thing here as far as the blended finishes go. Nice.

The finishes might be small things to add, but hey, it's only two things to add before I rank it.

EDIT: Ranked.
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