
Топ 10 СНГ игроков в osu!catch (Catch the Beat) 2018

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Topic Starter
Всем привет. Прошлый топ 2017 вышел достаточно неплохим, пришло время провести очередное голосование за наш никому не нужный топ 10 СНГ.
  • Правила голосования остались примерно теми же:
    * Голосование пройдёт до 31-го Декабря.
    * Этот топ посвящён только СНГ игрокам osu!catch (Catch the Beat)
    * Голосовать можно только по образцу.
    * Нельзя голосовать за забаненных игроков.
    * Вы не можете голосовать за себя.
    * Троллинг-посты строго запрещены.

Образец поста
1. Louis Cyphre
2. AlicelJX
3. VagaNNN
4. Myle
5. Nelly
6. Irregularity
7. Rebbel
8. MeGl
9. aoe
10. Don Omar

Распределение очков будет по местам: от 1 до 10 . То есть 1 место - 10 очков, 2 место - 9, 3 место - 8 и так далее. Напоминаю, что Вы так же можете голосовать за игроков из стран, входящих в состав СНГ (Украина и т.д.)

Удачи! \o/

Версия для англоговорящих игроков/Version for english speaking players

Hello everybody! Previous top 2017 has been successful, so it's time for another stage.
  • The rules are still the same:
    * The voting lasts on 31th of Decemeber.
    * This voting inclides only osu!catch (Catch the Beat) CIS players.
    * A vote accepts if you follow an example
    * You cannot include banned players in your vote.
    * Troll post are going to be deleted

An example of the post
1. Louis Cyphre
2. AlicelJX
3. VagaNNN
4. Myle
5. Nelly
6. Irregularity
7. Rebbel
8. MeGl
9. aoe
10. Don Omar

Distribution of points depends on the spot you placed a player, thus the first player in your list gets 10 points, second 9 points and so on.

Good luck! \o/
1. Irregularity
2. Memoriola
3. Nelly
4. Uncareful
5. Myle
6. Callixtro
7. Rebbel
8. Shadow3344
9. masterpiece
10. Kajou ayame
Kajou Ayame
1. Irregularity
2. Memoriola
3. tourist
4. Myle
5. aoe
6. Rebbel
7. Callixtro
8. Uncareful
9. masterpiece
1. Irregularity
2. Memoriola
3. Nelly
4. lndftw
5. Myle
6. tourist
7. Callixtro
8. FruktoLove
9. Rebbel
10. [ Mobi ]
Shirokane Rinko
1. Memoriola
2. Irregularity
3. aoe
4. Myle
5. tourist
6. Nelly
7. Uncareful
8. Rebbel
9. Xetopia
10. Kajou Ayame
1. jekasa
2. Irregularity
4. tourist
5. Memoriola
6. Callixtro
7. Kajou Ayame
8. Terton
9. Shirokane Rinko
10. AlkogolikAko
1. Irregularity
2. Memoriola
3. Myle
4. Nelly
5. Uncareful
6. Shirokane Rinko
7. Callixtro
8. Shadow3344
9. Xetopia
Not Who You Are
1. Irregularity
2. Gordon123
3. Fruktolove
4. Callixtro
5. jekasa
6. MrGoose
7. Xetopia
8. VagaNNN
9. Myle
10. Nelly
Topic Starter

Not Who You Are wrote:

Поздравляю, теперь из-за тебя очки фруктолава не будут учитываться в голосовании!
1. Irregularity
2. Memoriola
3. tourist
4. Myle
5. aoe
6. Nelly
7. Rebbel
8. Xetopia
9. Kajou Ayame
10. Shadow3344
1. Irregularity
2. Memoriola
3. Myle
4. tourist
5. Uncareful
6. aoe
7. Nelly
8. Rebbel
9. Callixtro
10. Shadow3344
8.Shirokane Rinko
1. Irregularity
2. Memoriola
3. VagaNNN
4. Nelly
5. Myle
6. Marfolog
7. Rebbel
8. aoe
9. tourist
10. FruktoLove


I will try to explain why I chose these players in this order and not any other. I tried to be as objective as possibly possible, but it's hard and of course some subjective opinions will be present.

1st and 2nd place (Irregularity and Memoriola) are the no brainers, you can't put these two players anywhere else, and if you do, you've got some serious explaining to do.

Now it gets interesting. What made me interested is the fact not a single person yet included VagaNNN. He might be inactive, but he actually did play between the last voting and this one, and set some plays this year, and they are of course as good as expected from player like him. This convert play done not more than a full year ago (so I would count it in this voting) is simply godlike, but even if you don't want to count it and love ctb diffs for life, this play is still another level compared to other players on the list, the map is harder than other ctb farms and requires consistency. He also choked uta in this year, if your problem is that he isn't active that much. You can also find other plays from even 4 months ago in his top ranks if you look closely, so in my opinion, this third place is absolutely deserved.

In 4th (and 5th) place I had so many problems, and I still can't decide. Here we can forget about any converts, both players play ctb diffs are seem equally good at it. On one side we see few hr plays from myle, on the other side we see a cool calamity fortune/kaiko fc from nelly. While I normally would value hr plays over these calamity fortune/genryuu kaiko plays,these hrs are the most basic maps you can possibly fc with hr, vajuranda may be a little tricky, but this play was (most likely) done in 233 playcounts so all the tricky parts were (most likely) simply memorised. Can't also forget that nelly is actually kinda good at dt. I couldn't really decide, so I just went for a drawing and nelly was lucky to be higher, however, if possible, you can give both players 6.5 points as I consider them to be equal.

At 6th place I put Marfolog, and as we drift further and further away from first place, his unique ez+dt plays gain more and more value. I do believe the amount of skill required to do them, and also the amount of skill to do this play on a old map, is worth a little more than random ctb diff plays.

7th place in my opinion belongs to Rebbel. It was starting to get hard to rate players at this point, but after doing some research, I think his dt plays are actually kinda cool, the high ar rain fcs, as dt is a mod people nowadays rarely try (because everyone plays for pp), I do think he deserves his 7th place.

At 8th place I put aoe, simply because people at these ranks play only ctb diffs, and he is simply better at doing it than some others. We can also find a few hr plays, some random image material play, a typical 8th place in my opinion.

9th place is definitely not your typical 9th place though. At first look he looks like a great player right, so many hrs, image material choke, all that. I don't give almost any weight to any of these plays however, simple due to how tryharded all of them were. Doing image material choke in 400 playcounts (this map is so long, 400 playcount is a ton of playtime), other maps played at least 200 times to get that tv size hr/dt fc, kinda reminds me of lilah, but you know, it's my subjective opinion.

10th place is FruktoLove just because someone has to be there, and there are no other better players so I think it's a fully deserved 10th place, kinda aoe/tourist level but with less unique maps and more farmy maps in their top ranks.
Topic Starter

Skyleia wrote:

1. Irregularity
2. Memoriola
3. VagaNNN
4. Nelly
5. Myle
6. Marfolog
7. Rebbel
8. aoe
9. tourist
10. FruktoLove


I will try to explain why I chose these players in this order and not any other. I tried to be as objective as possibly possible, but it's hard and of course some subjective opinions will be present.

1st and 2nd place (Irregularity and Memoriola) are the no brainers, you can't put these two players anywhere else, and if you do, you've got some serious explaining to do.

Now it gets interesting. What made me interested is the fact not a single person yet included VagaNNN. He might be inactive, but he actually did play between the last voting and this one, and set some plays this year, and they are of course as good as expected from player like him. This convert play done not more than a full year ago (so I would count it in this voting) is simply godlike, but even if you don't want to count it and love ctb diffs for life, this play is still another level compared to other players on the list, the map is harder than other ctb farms and requires consistency. He also choked uta in this year, if your problem is that he isn't active that much. You can also find other plays from even 4 months ago in his top ranks if you look closely, so in my opinion, this third place is absolutely deserved.

In 4th (and 5th) place I had so many problems, and I still can't decide. Here we can forget about any converts, both players play ctb diffs are seem equally good at it. On one side we see few hr plays from myle, on the other side we see a cool calamity fortune/kaiko fc from nelly. While I normally would value hr plays over these calamity fortune/genryuu kaiko plays,these hrs are the most basic maps you can possibly fc with hr, vajuranda may be a little tricky, but this play was (most likely) done in 233 playcounts so all the tricky parts were (most likely) simply memorised. Can't also forget that nelly is actually kinda good at dt. I couldn't really decide, so I just went for a drawing and nelly was lucky to be higher, however, if possible, you can give both players 6.5 points as I consider them to be equal.

At 6th place I put Marfolog, and as we drift further and further away from first place, his unique ez+dt plays gain more and more value. I do believe the amount of skill required to do them, and also the amount of skill to do this play on a old map, is worth a little more than random ctb diff plays.

7th place in my opinion belongs to Rebbel. It was starting to get hard to rate players at this point, but after doing some research, I think his dt plays are actually kinda cool, the high ar rain fcs, as dt is a mod people nowadays rarely try (because everyone plays for pp), I do think he deserves his 7th place.

At 8th place I put aoe, simply because people at these ranks play only ctb diffs, and he is simply better at doing it than some others. We can also find a few hr plays, some random image material play, a typical 8th place in my opinion.

9th place is definitely not your typical 9th place though. At first look he looks like a great player right, so many hrs, image material choke, all that. I don't give almost any weight to any of these plays however, simple due to how tryharded all of them were. Doing image material choke in 400 playcounts (this map is so long, 400 playcount is a ton of playtime), other maps played at least 200 times to get that tv size hr/dt fc, kinda reminds me of lilah, but you know, it's my subjective opinion.

10th place is FruktoLove just because someone has to be there, and there are no other better players so I think it's a fully deserved 10th place, kinda aoe/tourist level but with less unique maps and more farmy maps in their top ranks.

thank you very much for such a great vote, much appreciated!
1. Irregularity
2. Memoriola
3. Uncareful
4. Nelly
5. tourist
6. Myle
7. aoe
8. Rebbel
9. Kenny331
10. Shirokane Rinko

Skyleia wrote:

1. Irregularity
2. Memoriola
3. VagaNNN
4. Nelly
5. Myle
6. Marfolog
7. Rebbel
8. aoe
9. tourist
10. FruktoLove


I will try to explain why I chose these players in this order and not any other. I tried to be as objective as possibly possible, but it's hard and of course some subjective opinions will be present.

1st and 2nd place (Irregularity and Memoriola) are the no brainers, you can't put these two players anywhere else, and if you do, you've got some serious explaining to do.

Now it gets interesting. What made me interested is the fact not a single person yet included VagaNNN. He might be inactive, but he actually did play between the last voting and this one, and set some plays this year, and they are of course as good as expected from player like him. This convert play done not more than a full year ago (so I would count it in this voting) is simply godlike, but even if you don't want to count it and love ctb diffs for life, this play is still another level compared to other players on the list, the map is harder than other ctb farms and requires consistency. He also choked uta in this year, if your problem is that he isn't active that much. You can also find other plays from even 4 months ago in his top ranks if you look closely, so in my opinion, this third place is absolutely deserved.

In 4th (and 5th) place I had so many problems, and I still can't decide. Here we can forget about any converts, both players play ctb diffs are seem equally good at it. On one side we see few hr plays from myle, on the other side we see a cool calamity fortune/kaiko fc from nelly. While I normally would value hr plays over these calamity fortune/genryuu kaiko plays,these hrs are the most basic maps you can possibly fc with hr, vajuranda may be a little tricky, but this play was (most likely) done in 233 playcounts so all the tricky parts were (most likely) simply memorised. Can't also forget that nelly is actually kinda good at dt. I couldn't really decide, so I just went for a drawing and nelly was lucky to be higher, however, if possible, you can give both players 6.5 points as I consider them to be equal.

At 6th place I put Marfolog, and as we drift further and further away from first place, his unique ez+dt plays gain more and more value. I do believe the amount of skill required to do them, and also the amount of skill to do this play on a old map, is worth a little more than random ctb diff plays.

7th place in my opinion belongs to Rebbel. It was starting to get hard to rate players at this point, but after doing some research, I think his dt plays are actually kinda cool, the high ar rain fcs, as dt is a mod people nowadays rarely try (because everyone plays for pp), I do think he deserves his 7th place.

At 8th place I put aoe, simply because people at these ranks play only ctb diffs, and he is simply better at doing it than some others. We can also find a few hr plays, some random image material play, a typical 8th place in my opinion.

9th place is definitely not your typical 9th place though. At first look he looks like a great player right, so many hrs, image material choke, all that. I don't give almost any weight to any of these plays however, simple due to how tryharded all of them were. Doing image material choke in 400 playcounts (this map is so long, 400 playcount is a ton of playtime), other maps played at least 200 times to get that tv size hr/dt fc, kinda reminds me of lilah, but you know, it's my subjective opinion.

10th place is FruktoLove just because someone has to be there, and there are no other better players so I think it's a fully deserved 10th place, kinda aoe/tourist level but with less unique maps and more farmy maps in their top ranks.

i actually fced vajuranda in 10 tries, these 200 were made back then in 2017(?) on no mod duuuud
i also won nelly with every dt picks in tournament so \_(._.)_/

also the vote itself:
1. Irregularity
2. Memoriola
3. tourist
4. Shadow3344
5. Nelly
6. Rebbel
7. Callixtro
8. Xetopia
9. Shirokane Rinko
10. Kajou Ayame
1. Irregularity
2. Memoriola
3. VagaNNN
4. Myle
5. tourist
6. Nelly
7. aoe
8. Callixtro
9. FruktoLove
10. Rebbel

Topic Starter
1. Memoriola
2. Myle
3. tourist
4. Nelly
5. Rebbel
6. aoe
7. Callixtro
8. Marfolog
9. FruktoLove
10. VagaNNN (ниже фруктолава потому что рип)
1. Memoriola
2. Irregularity
3. Marfolog
4. tourist
5. Myle
6. Nelly
7. FruktoLove
8. Rebbel (бтв пошёл нахуй)
9. Callixtro
10. Sisha
1. Irregularity
2. Memoriola
3. Nelly <3
4. VagaNNN
5. Myle
6. tourist <3
7. Kenny331 <3
8. aoe <3
9. Rebbel <3
10. Callixtro
1. Irregularity
2. VagaNNN (потому что рип)
3. Memoriola
4. Nelly
5. Kenny331
6. tourist
7. Myle
8. Uncareful
10. Callixtro
Memoriola (<3)
[ Mobi ]

1. Irregularity
2. Memoriola
3. tourist
4. Myle
5. VagaNNN
6. Uncareful
7. Kenny331
8. Rebbel
9. aoe
10. Shadow3344
списывают меня со счетов, а зря
1. Uncareful
2. Irregularity
3. Nelly
4. aoe
5. VagaNNN
6. Rebbel
7. Kenny331
8. Myle
10.FruktoLove (всо равно не считают))
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