
K2 - What's Your Deep Wish

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 5. listopad 2012. at 3:47:05

Artist: K2
Title: What's Your Deep Wish?
Source: Touhou
Tags: mai kotoge alba c-clays w*m flight of the bamboo cutter ~ lunatic princess imperishable night kaguya houraisan taiko
BPM: 128
Filesize: 6095kb
Play Time: 03:34
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy (1,19 stars, 150 notes)
  2. Hard (4,72 stars, 365 notes)
  3. Lunatic (4,98 stars, 422 notes)
  4. Normal (3,37 stars, 226 notes)
  5. Oni (4,89 stars, 1001 notes)
Download: K2 - What's Your Deep Wish?
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
My deep wish is cake.
How about yours?
Topic Starter
16/4 - lets add some taycou and some backgrounds!
27/6 - added more stuff, not done yet
1/8 - added more fun shaped sliders in lunatic, and fixed the timing
7/8 - more updates, color haxing etc
15/8 - fixed slowdowns in lunatic, fixed patterns in hard diff
14/9 - finished taiko, finally, also made some changes according to D33d's suggestions, thanks D33d
23/9 - lepidopodus' mod applied, several gameplay elements changed from in game feedback from various people
24/9 - last full submit, new taiko bg, new sliderslide.wav, everything done
26/9 - Sushi's mod applied and received more in game feedback
3/10 - thanks to some awesome in game feedback from awesome people like Sync and MMzz, taiko diff lost 72 notes, but gained much more diversity and the 999 combo number
5/10 - applied some minor modifications noted by Loctav, thanks for the mod
Good luck man, you can do it :)
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Oh, thanks. :)

Yeah, I am mapping lots of stuff lately, hopefully I can pull all of those off haha.
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Why did this grave again, what's going on. Stay up!
hey o/
Right, sort of an IRC mod. Not all that helpful, but I'm throwing this out here anyway.

01:18 lolcubes: : yo d33d, mind playing something for me?
01:18 lolcubes: : might not really like the song, too mainstream, but i worked a long time on this and would love to hear opinions
01:18 lolcubes: : so i see what i should probably change and stuff :P
01:20 D33d: : Oh um
01:21 D33d: : I don't mind too many songs.
01:21 lolcubes: : it's catchy :p
01:21 D33d: : Link it to me and I'll play it when I wake up.
01:21 lolcubes: : and it's not hard
01:21 lolcubes: : sure
01:21 *lolcubes is listening to (K2 - What's Your Deep Wish?)[]
01:21 D33d: : Or at least look at it now, maybe
01:21 lolcubes: : timing is uh
01:21 lolcubes: : approximate
01:21 lolcubes: : it's really weird
01:21 D33d: : k then
01:21 lolcubes: : its playable even with OD10 but i know its not perfect haha
01:22 lolcubes: : im leaving it on only 3 red lines, this would probably need like 15 to make it perfect but i am just not good
01:22 lolcubes: : enough to catch all those spots completely :P derp
01:23 D33d: : Just watching it for now.
01:24 D33d: : The jumps look readable, but I wonder if you could reduce them earlier in the map?
01:24 D33d: : Maybe before the first break.
01:25 D33d: : Furthermore, after a load of big jumps, the closeness here looks awkward 02:06:519-
01:25 lolcubes: : actually the jumps are identical but i will consider that, could be nice maybe
01:26 lolcubes: : keep in mind i didn't use distance snap for this map, at all :P
01:26 lolcubes: : haha
01:27 D33d: : I know that the jumps looks pretty consistent when they happen, but u.
01:27 D33d: : m
01:27 D33d: : I'm seeing a lot of similarity between 1/2 and 1/4 spacing.
01:27 lolcubes: : oh thats intentional
01:27 lolcubes: : red combo
01:27 lolcubes: : in contrast to purple
01:28 lolcubes: : and only on sliders
01:28 lolcubes: : when you notice it, it flows awesome
01:28 lolcubes: : but yeah im having problems making people notice it ><
01:28 D33d: : Also a big culprit: the jumps here 02:54:080 (1,2,3,4)- feel wholly inappropriate for a soft section and don't really
01:28 D33d: : match with the music.
01:28 D33d: : If people aren't noticing it, then it's too arbitrary. No matter how consistent it is.
01:30 lolcubes: : hm yeah that part i actually had someone telling me this, but i still feel that expressing the more intense vocal
01:30 lolcubes: : through spacing is not a bad idea
01:30 lolcubes: : but yeah ill have to think of lower spacing pattern here
01:30 lolcubes: : without overlapping
01:30 D33d: : shouldn't be hard
01:30 lolcubes: : believe me
01:30 lolcubes: : its extremely hard
01:30 lolcubes: : check how every object has it's place, in shadow of a previous object and foretelling where next objects could be
01:30 lolcubes: : the whole map is connected :P
01:31 D33d: : Don't rely too much on delayed alignment patterns and stuff.
01:31 D33d: : Concentrate on it to a point, but try to concentrate on how patterns work in proximity to each other.
01:31 D33d: : mm told me to stop doing fancy alignment things that few people would notice and it's helped.
01:32 lolcubes: : true, i took this one to an extreme because it's an experiment
01:32 lolcubes: : so far every single map i mapped is an experiment :P
01:32 D33d: : Also, I don't like the sudden inconsistence here: 01:24:097 (3,4)-
01:33 D33d: : wait never mind
01:33 lolcubes: : the SV vs spacing is cheating you
01:33 lolcubes: : :P
01:33 D33d: : Probably the SV versus spacing, yes
01:34 D33d: : I think it's more that the stack here 01:21:636- makes me want to hit the stack here 01:24:331- similarly.
01:34 D33d: : Um
01:34 D33d: : 01:24:331 -
01:35 D33d: : Especially when the spacing's similar.
01:35 lolcubes: : actually the spacing is far greater
01:35 lolcubes: : but i see your point
01:35 lolcubes: : maybe i should increase it
01:36 D33d: : It's ~1.9x for both.
01:36 lolcubes: : but because of the location on the timeline
01:36 lolcubes: : the physical spacing, while having same scale, is greater
01:37 D33d: : True, but that 1/4 offbeat seems to kind of implies that it might happen again.
01:39 D33d: : Also random half-speed slider, please no 01:33:941 -
01:39 lolcubes: : actually that one is not random, if you listen to the music
01:40 lolcubes: : you will hear the tension rising
01:40 lolcubes: : i feel that reducing the speed would make the player more aware to that sound
01:40 lolcubes: : to add dynamics
01:40 D33d: : No, the music doesn't really warrant it. The lack of ticks also makes it look like another 1/2 slider.
01:40 D33d: : Maybe slow it by 0.8x or something, but not 0.5
01:42 D33d: : Like you could easily do something cooler like this
01:42 D33d: : As the end of a section, symmetry makes sense.
01:42 lolcubes: : hm
01:43 D33d: : tbh, tick rate 2 could be better too.
01:43 lolcubes: : i might think of something else, i don't like your suggestion because i don't like perfectly horizontal symmetry
01:43 lolcubes: : and the 2nd slider isn't curved enough
01:43 lolcubes: : i actually originally had tick2
01:43 lolcubes: : but tick2 destroys some parts of the music
01:43 D33d: : I'm trying it now and it sounds nice with syncopated ticks.
01:43 lolcubes: : so id rather not to
01:43 lolcubes: : i know
01:43 lolcubes: : but some places just sound really weird :\
01:44 lolcubes: : especially the calm section
01:44 D33d: : Also, curve the sliders more and rotate it or just do something else that looks balanced.
01:44 lolcubes: : problem is, if i curve the 2nd slider good enough i will need to supercurve the first one, don't like that either
01:44 lolcubes: : hehe
01:44 lolcubes: : i'm just weird
01:44 D33d: : Then do something else.
01:44 D33d: : Anything but random SV changes.
01:45 D33d: : Hell, make a crumple if you like.
01:45 lolcubes: : well its not random but yeah ill try to think of something
01:45 lolcubes: : no crumple doesn't fit cause the sound im trying to express isn't distorted
01:45 D33d: : Also, the ticks sound fine in the slower section. They're extremely quiet anyway.
01:45 D33d: : Unless it's just my skin.
01:46 lolcubes: : they are quite loud if i don't lower the volume further
01:46 lolcubes: : and they do something i am against
01:46 D33d: : Even so, they add some momentum, which is kind of necessary.
01:46 lolcubes: : i don't want sound playing where there is not a distinct note in the music
01:46 lolcubes: : i cringe when i see most of todays maps
01:46 lolcubes: : due to triplets and god knows what other random streams
01:46 D33d: : No need to worry about that. They fill out the rhythm.
01:46 lolcubes: : over nothing
01:47 D33d: : Slider ticks aren't overmapping and tick rate 2 generally sounds fine.
01:47 lolcubes: : im trying it again and i dont like it, its too inconsistent
01:47 lolcubes: : its like
01:47 lolcubes: : its there for a while
01:47 lolcubes: : then its gone
01:47 lolcubes: : then its here again
01:47 D33d: : Eh.
01:48 lolcubes: : and sliders dont fit everywhere, im already overusing them slightly haha
01:48 D33d: : See, audible ticks would be perfectly okay here, because they complement the voice's vibrato 03:02:518 -
01:48 D33d: : Trust me; I'm a musician. :P
01:48 lolcubes: : so am i
01:48 lolcubes: : :D
01:48 D33d: : Yay.
01:48 lolcubes: : or, well, was :P
01:49 D33d: : Well I think that things that "don't fit" with the music can actually do the opposite.
01:49 lolcubes: : i know
01:49 lolcubes: : there is a map
01:49 D33d: : Not overmapping. As in, tick.s
01:49 D33d: : ticks
01:49 lolcubes: : a living example of that
01:49 D33d: : Well, 'You're the Inspiration' is a prime example.
01:49 lolcubes: : im talking about overmapping here now, thats the only map i approve of, even when it contains some
01:49 lolcubes: : shenanigans i dont like
01:49 lolcubes: : and i can tell you
01:50 lolcubes: : 99% of people will disagree with me
01:50 D33d: : For the longest time, I thought that the boops were part of the original track.
01:50 lolcubes: : and about 90% of that 99% will hate it :P
01:50 D33d: : And actual overmapping is bad.
01:50 lolcubes: : overmapping done right is when you add your own flavour without changing the taste
01:50 D33d: : But things like ticks--don't be afraid of hearing them in smoother sections.
01:50 lolcubes: : how i would like to describe it
01:50 D33d: : Yes.
01:50 D33d: : Use hitsounds to ADD to the music as well.
01:50 lolcubes: : yep
01:51 D33d: : nold's map really annoys me in that the 1/4 stacks feel entirely inconsequential to the music.
01:51 lolcubes: : oh man
01:51 lolcubes: : that map annoys me purely because of ar9 and spacing :P
01:51 lolcubes: : and some patterns which play awful
01:51 D33d: : But yeah, try to keep working with TR2 and see if you can adjust the ticks to make them work with the music. It
01:51 D33d: : should be doable.
01:51 D33d: : Yeah
01:51 D33d: : I didn't even get too far into the map.
01:52 lolcubes: : i actually like tick2 myself however it just doesn't work here
01:52 D33d: : Though I realised that later parts of it are flat out awkward.
01:52 lolcubes: : lots of my other maps are tick2
01:52 lolcubes: : :p
01:52 D33d: : Man it totally works, if only for the offbeat sliders.
01:52 D33d: : Ask around.
01:52 lolcubes: : i like it on rock songs
01:52 lolcubes: : or songs without a static beat type
01:53 D33d: : Yeah
01:53 lolcubes: : here, when i'm forced to follow the melody while ignoring the beat
01:53 lolcubes: : it just sounds too inconsistent to me
01:53 lolcubes: : thats why i have huge problems making a hard for this
01:53 lolcubes: : i need to balance it so it follows the music, rhythm mostly, without sucking :P
01:53 D33d: : Shouldn't be hard. Rhythms should feel consistent in hard anyway.
01:53 lolcubes: : i remapped my hard about 4 times now :D
01:53 lolcubes: : problem is
01:54 lolcubes: : it would be too similar to insane
01:54 D33d: : Also here 03:28:785 - if you're gonna overmap, then add some nice whistles or something
01:54 lolcubes: : and i'm weird enough to keep a linear difficulty increase throughout my diffs
01:54 lolcubes: : no overmapping for me, eveything i mapped is in the music :P
01:54 D33d: : Oh. I deleted it and didn't hear much behind it.
01:54 lolcubes: : its just that too many sounds play here so a whistle would be distracting imo
01:54 lolcubes: : its ticking noise
01:54 lolcubes: : which is like
01:55 D33d: : Embelish it anyway, because the soft-hitnormals sound drab
01:55 lolcubes: : 4 + 2 + 4 + 2
01:55 lolcubes: : its present the whole time i just chose to express it here to keep my usual progressive difficulty style
01:55 lolcubes: : for variety and fun
01:55 D33d: : Also the problem with [Hard] is that it's trying to follow the same rhythm over and over again.
01:55 lolcubes: : i know, thats the problem
01:55 lolcubes: : there aren't many rhythms here
01:55 D33d: : Don't be afraid to undermap a lot.
01:55 lolcubes: : and i dislike making my own when i have useful ones
01:55 D33d: : For example, you could double a lot of the sliders in length.
01:56 lolcubes: : that would be a bit too easy though
01:56 D33d: : Alternate.
01:56 lolcubes: : also when you have long sliders
01:56 lolcubes: : you lose the charm of the song
01:56 lolcubes: : because the song is somewhat sudden
01:56 lolcubes: : you dont feel the "jumps" between each section
01:56 D33d: : Not really.
01:56 lolcubes: : if you slider during it :P
01:56 lolcubes: : slide*
01:57 D33d: : Longer sliders and edgy patterns would make it work well enough.
01:57 lolcubes: : im most likely gonna remap hard again anyways haha
01:57 lolcubes: : except for a few cool patterns i never ever thought of
01:57 lolcubes: : :P
01:57 D33d: : Okay then.
01:57 lolcubes: : 00:43:785 (3,4,1,2,3,4,1) -
01:57 lolcubes: : i was amazed
01:57 lolcubes: : when i made this
01:57 lolcubes: : because it was by pure accident
01:58 D33d: : Not to go all ego, but I honestly think that it'd be worth taking cues from my 'I Remember' guest diff.
01:58 D33d: : You could have some sections with longer sliders 1/4 apart to create a skipping feel.
01:58 D33d: : I like doing stuff like that though
01:58 lolcubes: : dont get me wrong, im not gonna change everything you said, but i like to hear your perspective because most
01:58 lolcubes: : of the times, even if i dont accept a suggestion, i reuse that suggestion in a new map i create
01:58 lolcubes: : half of my mapping style comes from suggestions from other people haha
01:59 lolcubes: : but i will change some stuff and thanks for that
01:59 D33d: : By the power of sensible spacing and alignment, fancy patterns happen easily.
01:59 lolcubes: : opinions matter
01:59 D33d: : And yes, subjectivity's a significant factor.
01:59 lolcubes: : savelog this if you want a kd
01:59 lolcubes: : :D
02:00 D33d: : My aim with easier difficulties is to rely more on sliders, concentrate on creating phrases with space between them
02:00 D33d: : and to be more specific about what's emphasised.
02:00 D33d: : ANd thanks. :P
02:01 D33d: : I'll probably write a modpost too, but you can just KD me for this if you feel like it.
Topic Starter
Yeah I considered some of the stuff and decided to change certain gimmicks into more gimmicks which actually work better. There is also that difference in opinion but some things (spacing changes for example) were applied, thanks.

Also taiko finally finished. Yay. Almost done with the whole thing!
- Remove letterbox during break.

00:05:347 (1,1,1) - I prefer ddd here. 00:00:660 (1) ~ 00:04:175 (1) and 00:04:410 (2) ~ 00:07:691 (1) can be paired up so that is why.
00:15:660 (1) - I recommend to keep consistency when you put big notes. I mean, you didn't apply big notes in 00:08:160 (1), but you did in here.
00:23:160 (1) ~ 00:43:785 (1) - Ok, patterns are pretty nice and interesting, but I think it's merely a row of some similar patterns. Yeah it is pretty nice already but to be honest I want more. This part is consisted of 12 measures, and can be diveded in to 3, 4/4/4, I mean. first two parts aren't have that delighted mood and the last part got quite different from previous two, much more instruments are used and definitely more 'excited'. Your patterns are quite impressive but you placed them too evenly. So I suggest you to do some debulk for the first 8 measures, and give all you got in the next 4 measures. (Don't overdo, though.)
00:45:660 (1) ~ 01:00:191 (1) / 01:49:410 (1) ~ 02:03:941 (1) - If you decided to debulk 00:23:160 (1) ~ 00:38:042 (2), debulk here a bit as well.
03:04:410 (2) - I see a double barline here. Well, it bugs me, at least.

Yeah patterns are pretty nice and neat, but you tend to give everything out too early and that isn't so good, especially relatively long map like this one. I can see several similar patterns in overall maps and this can be a one reason. It is quite hard to make pattern variations without overmapping if you do like this. So, sometimes even patterns need moderation, huh?
Not much things to say about patterns, usually I don't touch them that much since even I feel hard to read mapper's intention for those patterns, hehe.
BTW generally nice map. Good job.
Topic Starter

lepidopodus wrote:

- Remove letterbox during break. Done.

00:05:347 (1,1,1) - I prefer ddd here. 00:00:660 (1) ~ 00:04:175 (1) and 00:04:410 (2) ~ 00:07:691 (1) can be paired up so that is why. Wanted some variety but you're right, ddd doesn't sound bad at all.
00:15:660 (1) - I recommend to keep consistency when you put big notes. I mean, you didn't apply big notes in 00:08:160 (1), but you did in here. Was mostly because of the patterns, but since this is probably the only tick where I used it, I removed the finish.
00:23:160 (1) ~ 00:43:785 (1) - Ok, patterns are pretty nice and interesting, but I think it's merely a row of some similar patterns. Yeah it is pretty nice already but to be honest I want more. This part is consisted of 12 measures, and can be diveded in to 3, 4/4/4, I mean. first two parts aren't have that delighted mood and the last part got quite different from previous two, much more instruments are used and definitely more 'excited'. Your patterns are quite impressive but you placed them too evenly. So I suggest you to do some debulk for the first 8 measures, and give all you got in the next 4 measures. (Don't overdo, though.) I'll try to think of something here. Currently I don't have an idea how to handle this. Will probably make the earlier parts a bit less dense on the timeline, however I will have to think of something so it doesn't seem meh.
00:45:660 (1) ~ 01:00:191 (1) / 01:49:410 (1) ~ 02:03:941 (1) - If you decided to debulk 00:23:160 (1) ~ 00:38:042 (2), debulk here a bit as well. ^
03:04:410 (2) - I see a double barline here. Well, it bugs me, at least. The 1.01x SV section makes it look like it's only one, unless you really really pay close attention. I guess you are really perceptive, however I don't really notice 2 lines here. Will see if other people notice this and change if they do.

Yeah patterns are pretty nice and neat, but you tend to give everything out too early and that isn't so good, especially relatively long map like this one. I can see several similar patterns in overall maps and this can be a one reason. It is quite hard to make pattern variations without overmapping if you do like this. So, sometimes even patterns need moderation, huh?
Not much things to say about patterns, usually I don't touch them that much since even I feel hard to read mapper's intention for those patterns, hehe.
BTW generally nice map. Good job.
Thanks for the mod, was very helpful!
Quick testtplay which ended in a quick mod:

From my experience with new players, I'd say use more circles instead of sliders, huge amount of sliders actually makes newplayers fail quickly and bores them as well.

Feels fine

00:29:605 (3) - The way this one is overlap made me scratch head, plus this is the first time in the map that you encounter it. Feels weird.
00:41:910 (1) - D: Shape it better please, it feels kinda out of place D:

Feels fine imo

[Taiko Oni]
I'm not a pro at taiko, specially taiko modding, But I actually felt the map flowing.

Cool Stuff
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Thanks for your time!
Watching you play I figured I have something missing and something extra in the normal diff.
I will see what I can do about the sliders in Hard, and will convert a couple of sliders into circles in easy.

Here's the changelog.

Sushi wrote:

Quick testtplay which ended in a quick mod:

From my experience with new players, I'd say use more circles instead of sliders, huge amount of sliders actually makes newplayers fail quickly and bores them as well. Converted a repeater to 3 circles due to flow reasons. Everything else flows nicely and there is a significant number of circle/slider ratio now, compared to before.

Feels fine Added a whistle to the slowed slider before the last kiai.

00:29:605 (3) - The way this one is overlap made me scratch head, plus this is the first time in the map that you encounter it. Feels weird. I have changed it to the style I use later on in the map. This should alleviate all confusion.
00:41:910 (1) - D: Shape it better please, it feels kinda out of place D: I really don't know what to do with this. I can't move it around because it mirrors the previous pattern and it connects towards the next patter in it's current spot. D: I think it's strange but it's not really hideous. Try HR, it looks better there lol.

Feels fine imo

[Taiko Oni]
I'm not a pro at taiko, specially taiko modding, But I actually felt the map flowing.

Cool Stuff Thanks!
There we go.

3/10 edit:
Applied diversity to the taiko diff, as per lepi's suggestions with some help of Sync. Thanks Sync!
Also thanks to MMzz we fixed one problem in the final kiai, which was to create a 1/1 break.

Someone rank this now. :)

dat 999
Topic Starter
Yay, i love this map <33 go go, rank it! <33

kurohana wrote:

Yay, i love this map <33 go go, rank it! <33
Can i quote this one 100 times +

please :p
Edit: there we go

Time to be picky! (since you told me it would be hard to find issues in your maps :P)


Is the '~' in the tags really neccessary? Just wondering.. D:


01:23:160 (1,2,3) - inconsistent spacing.
03:02:518 (1) - Unsnapped slider end.


00:29:722 (2,3,1) - you made it not stack with slider beginning like in 00:25:972 (1,2,1) - . Maybe you want to make it consistent by stacking/unstacking
00:40:972 (1,2,1) - ^ (whatever, I generally don't like this "stacking it here but not elsewhere" because you overlay similiar stuff with different stop-motion movements, which doesnt make sense to me - but I am probably one of the less with this view)
01:07:691 (1,2) - this plays weird because the (1) ends on the downbeat and the vocal starts on the red tick, which you left out. try this: { (1) begins on 01:07:456 - } This is simply a suggestion
03:23:863 (4) - you leave out another vocal spot here. Consider adding a reverse to this slider?
03:30:660 (2,3,4,5) - inconsistent spacing


(personal taste) 01:55:503 (2,3) - this looks incredibly ugly because of the overlap. Maybe you can move the direction of (2) and (3) to make it not overlap. But if you don't do so, okay... D:


03:15:660 (1,2) - & 03:19:410 (1,2) - same stacking stuff as in 'Normal' diff. it confused me heavily when it was once stacked and once not. Also the spacing in this kind of patterns become inconsistent (one uses 2,03 and the other 1,91). Maybe you should decide for one version here


Next time, ask me to make the BG. The text's quality makes me cry XD

you begin earlier than on all other diffs. I generally dislike this, but fine...

Nice diff btw. Lots of potential you have.

00:31:597 (1,2,3,4) - & 00:54:097 (1,2,3) - suddenly, doubles. You havn't done this before. Maybe add the doubles on previous similiar part, too. Or use the 2nd version? (dd d)
01:01:831 (1,2,3,4) - & 01:05:581 (1,2,1,1) - this is inconsistent. Decide for one version.
01:34:410 (1) - hm, this part feels empty and inconsistent. Probably because you did different stuff on previous part (00:08:160 - &f) Maybe you should decide to take over the previous part and vary it a bit?

Call me back when you checked this mod.
Topic Starter

Loctav wrote:

Edit: there we go

Time to be picky! (since you told me it would be hard to find issues in your maps :P)


Is the '~' in the tags really neccessary? Just wondering.. D: It's necessary if you are writing the full name, so I will keep it. Originally I picked it up from so it should also be correct.


01:23:160 (1,2,3) - inconsistent spacing. Fixed.
03:02:518 (1) - Unsnapped slider end. Not entirely true. While AIBat shows it is, AIMod does not. There is a red section here which does +17 offset and it's impossible without some serious math to make AIBat happy. However as long as AIMod is happy all is fine so I am leaving this. :p


00:29:722 (2,3,1) - you made it not stack with slider beginning like in 00:25:972 (1,2,1) - . Maybe you want to make it consistent by stacking/unstacking The stacking is actually correct (check on which tick it occurs), however comboing is different here, so fixed the comboing instead.
00:40:972 (1,2,1) - ^ (whatever, I generally don't like this "stacking it here but not elsewhere" because you overlay similiar stuff with different stop-motion movements, which doesnt make sense to me - but I am probably one of the less with this view) The music here is a little different and I have a feeling that if I kept the stack here, players would click it too soon. I sort of create some attention here so that doesn't happen. Also didn't stack because of bigger spacing that's required, because that would break the flow. As for explanation why did I do this? Because I wanted to create something which would bring more diversity. Since there is almost no way I can do this timeline-wise because of the awkward beats in the song which just repeat, I decided to do it via spacing. Since I don't stack any 1/2, stacking 1/1 is fine if it's used in moderation in my opinion.
01:07:691 (1,2) - this plays weird because the (1) ends on the downbeat and the vocal starts on the red tick, which you left out. try this: { (1) begins on 01:07:456 - } This is simply a suggestion I see what you're trying to do here, but I'd keep my version simply because of consistency. As you might have noticed, I have chosen to follow the beats more rather than the vocal (most of the time), simply because it's just perfect to suit a normal difficulty. They also carry the song, because without them the song wouldn't sound the same at all.
03:23:863 (4) - you leave out another vocal spot here. Consider adding a reverse to this slider? That was actually on purpose, but why not.
03:30:660 (2,3,4,5) - inconsistent spacing Can't really notice while playing, lowering it would destroy the pattern kinda, grid limitations and all.


(personal taste) 01:55:503 (2,3) - this looks incredibly ugly because of the overlap. Maybe you can move the direction of (2) and (3) to make it not overlap. But if you don't do so, okay... D: I'd prefer to leave it as it is. It's not that ugly and it's mimicking a (now already gone ;_;) pattern I used before. While that's unimportant, I absolutely love how this flows with doubletime so I'll keep it.


03:15:660 (1,2) - & 03:19:410 (1,2) - same stacking stuff as in 'Normal' diff. it confused me heavily when it was once stacked and once not. Also the spacing in this kind of patterns become inconsistent (one uses 2,03 and the other 1,91). Maybe you should decide for one version here Both spacings are kinda similar. Sadly, most of the time I just can't be using 1,90 for all patterns like this, but did you notice that nearly all red combos have a blue-red tick relationship? This is the reason there are so many combos around as well hehe. Changing this would destroy the concept I had around this area so I'd prefer to keep this, Lunatic is VERY sensitive to location changes, changing one object would mean remapping the whole section. ;_;


Next time, ask me to make the BG. The text's quality makes me cry XD ;_;

you begin earlier than on all other diffs. I generally dislike this, but fine...

Nice diff btw. Lots of potential you have.

00:31:597 (1,2,3,4) - & 00:54:097 (1,2,3) - suddenly, doubles. You havn't done this before. Maybe add the doubles on previous similiar part, too. Or use the 2nd version? (dd d) This was done for progressive variety. You could say this was even calculated. It's possible that it's a little sudden, but it's slow and easy to read, and the next ones are consistent with these. This part was remapped a little because it was practically the same as busy parts of the map, and with Sync's help I managed to create cool variations of patterns. Sorry, would like to keep (also because magic number 999)
01:01:831 (1,2,3,4) - & 01:05:581 (1,2,1,1) - this is inconsistent. Decide for one version. Is this really wrong? I actually intentionally did this, because the vocals in this part are weaker (more expressed by the upcoming notes but still). If it's that wrong I will change, else I'd like to keep. You didn't mention these that occur later in the song, making me think you didn't notice it that much which I guess makes it blend better because of timeline density there. :p
01:34:410 (1) - hm, this part feels empty and inconsistent. Probably because you did different stuff on previous part (00:08:160 - &f) Maybe you should decide to take over the previous part and vary it a bit? Original map was full of patterns pretty much the whole time. I took this section and mapped it more sparse to give the player some breathing room, however after the change I chose to keep this part to contrast the sections. It still gives minor breathing room which I think is important, but it brings contrast to the upcoming sections as well (since they are much more dense on the timeline).

Call me back when you checked this mod.
Also added "taiko" to tags on all diffs, and removed an extra clap from normal.

edit: After speaking with Loctav, I decided to change to his suggestion #2 in the taiko, a double kk into a kk dk.
Okay then. *runs*
Gratz !!
My deep wish is that I will get 8 hours sleep tommorow.
Congratulation lolcubes :3
Congratz~ :)
lolcubes moe
Topic Starter
Thanks guys. Hope you have fun with it.
Finally some sleepysleepy time for me now haha.
congrats lolcubes /o/
but i thought that if you include a taiko difficultly, you need at least 2 ._.
gratz lolcubes \o/"""
congrats yo
The song<3,
Topic Starter

deadbeat wrote:

congrats lolcubes /o/
but i thought that if you include a taiko difficultly, you need at least 2 ._.
Yeah but the mapset is kinda old and already had 1 taiko diff a while back, before the rule came into place. :p
I would have actually made a lower diff regardless but this song is kinda unique and it's really hard to make an interesting muzukashii. ._.
Yay <33 congratz to rank, lolcubes :3 i love this mapset and aall your maps <333
Congratz :D

Sushi wrote:

I'm not a pro at taiko,
What you say!!

BTW a bit late congratulation to lolcubes.
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