
[Proposal] Avoiding useless preview points

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There are currently no rules or guidelines on where a preview point can be set. The purpose of the preview is to know what kind of song you're downloading from osu!direct / the bss / song selection.

There are some occasions where mappers put their preview at the start of the mp3, which gives literally no help to anyone to understand what kind of song it is.
Random examples:

The examples are from an unmapped section at the start and do not represent the rest of the song. You could consider it a form of expression or whatever, but this is really unhelpful for anyone looking for songs to download.

Just to be clear, it is 100% fine to have previews at the start if it actually gives a preview to the rest of the song

Guideline Proposed (wording could be improved but general idea as follows)
The preview point should be set at a point that clearly indicates what kind of song the set uses
In addition, this guideline would prevent the user from setting the preview after the song ended, it's incredibly dumb but technically rankable as of now.
no u
Nao Tomori
only type of preview points that should be unrankable are ones set so far back that the song ends before the preview ends. everything else is up to the mapper to set something they think represents the feeling of the song well
make it case by case, cases like the one Nao mentioned should be changed. Everything else seems unnecessary to make a fuss.
what nao said
anna apple
The reason people put it in the beginning is because of how song select works. I personally dislike hearing the "main point" of the song in song select when just scrolling through because it takes away from everything leading up to it.

If anything I think dev can fix site to accomodate for this but I still dont find it quite problematic simply because a lot of people know what songs they are looking for anyways.

I think what nao said, about breaking the preview point (also breaking the song select button by placing it some ms away from end of mp3) can easily be agreeably unrankable.
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ok lets revise that then

The preview point should be set at least 10 seconds before the song ends. This is to prevent the song ending before the preview point ends.

Don't think it should be further in case some 30 second songs require a preview closer to the end
have any maps going for rank put the preview point in the last 10 seconds of a song?

pishifat wrote:

have any maps going for rank put the preview point in the last 10 seconds of a song?
bearizm's absolute soul

/me runs
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ya it makes sense but considering no one actually does it, best to just archive this since the original point of the thread is gone and the new one doesn't actually help anything
that's what i was thinking :(
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