Hello everyone!
I have recently taken it upon myself to create a complete list of every ranked and loved 4K osu!mania map.
All maps are organized by star rating.
The list consists of four columns:
The first column lists name of the artist.
The second column includes the name of the song, which is also hyperlinked to a download of the beatmap.
The third column lists the difficulty names, which are hyperlinked to their difficulty on the osu! website.
The fourth column lists the star rating of the difficulty.
Next to these four main columns are some additional informative cells.
If you notice any mistakes such as misspellings, capitalization errors, non-functional / incorrect links, etc., or if you have any ideas on how I can improve the list, please let me know!
Here is the link to the spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vTEmQkK-s51B73aQtnc7IlD53VJ6vrU3GRSZeu1zXWJ7Fmdt8cxZQ9BeZOBCo_5wfyCh1pB7m1verG5/pubhtml#
Shortened: https://goo.gl/nrtKFU
I have recently taken it upon myself to create a complete list of every ranked and loved 4K osu!mania map.
All maps are organized by star rating.
The list consists of four columns:
The first column lists name of the artist.
The second column includes the name of the song, which is also hyperlinked to a download of the beatmap.
The third column lists the difficulty names, which are hyperlinked to their difficulty on the osu! website.
The fourth column lists the star rating of the difficulty.
Next to these four main columns are some additional informative cells.
If you notice any mistakes such as misspellings, capitalization errors, non-functional / incorrect links, etc., or if you have any ideas on how I can improve the list, please let me know!
Here is the link to the spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vTEmQkK-s51B73aQtnc7IlD53VJ6vrU3GRSZeu1zXWJ7Fmdt8cxZQ9BeZOBCo_5wfyCh1pB7m1verG5/pubhtml#
Shortened: https://goo.gl/nrtKFU