
"Proton" - Can we play easy & better on Linux?

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Do you want to implement Linux compatibility via Proton?

Yes, I want Osu! to run on my Linux system.
No, I don't need this feature. I'm OK with dual boot or Windows insted.
Total votes: 117
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Could be this game even on Linux that easy to install?

I mean that Proton is here:
via Steam Play and it's looking good.

I think it will be really great to add Osu!Lazer or even Stable on Steam.
But there is a question: "It's here something against it?"
Something like Supporter tag problem on Steam platform?

Peppy said in one thread on GitHub about MacOS/Linux installer "This is a zero-priority task for now."
Link here:
I need some community to help with this out!

Why I still want version for Linux?

  1. This could change gaming community, I mean "Vulcan API" is running there really well.
  2. Linux systems are more stable then Windows.
  3. Shutter/spike lags are mostly only Windows problem.
  4. Games are one of think I want on my system.
    And abillity to get rid of that dual boot one day.

I'm looking for some reactions in this thread about this, because this is 2018 and lots of stuff is going on.

GLHF & discuss!

osu! already runs on wine, which is what Proton is based on, so people who want to play osu! on linux already do so.

On non-osu! side of things, I think it is cool that in the future I could potentially do all my gaming on some linux distribution.
The new osu!lazer client will solve this problem in the future. Even now anyone can download it from GitHub and compile it on their Linux/Mac systems.
Leaving this here:

I wrote something to make osu!stable somewhat effortless to run.
Topic Starter

Forefront wrote:

Leaving this here:

I wrote something to make osu!stable somewhat effortless to run.

Thanks, my system needs lot of fixes before installing "sound based software".
I saw some some alternatives to Alsamixer, I should try it.
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