
hi guys

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Hi guys, i saw my friend play this i was amazed by this game so i went to download it so here i am. I was wondering is there a place where you can request beatmaps for songs? i was looking for a (keno - Ohayo) beat map but i have not found one. That song is is the orgional hunter x hunter opening theme song for like episodes 1 - 50. So i was wondering if someone could make it or can we request one to be made Anyway hi guys and i'l see u later.

Magicalone (<- my ign in almost every game)
Welcome and enjoy your stay.
If you can't find that song, then it wasn't made yet .
Sorry i can't help you im not a beatmapper ^^.
Xylem Beer
Why don't you try mapping it? XD

Welcome to osu!forums :D
Hello,welcome,and to play with you~

Ehh,can't help you on that (since I'm not a beatmapper)
Welcome to the community. Hope you like it here.
Hi there! Welcome to osu! Enjoy your stay and hope to play with you online ^ ^
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