Hello, it has come to the attention to the Loved Staff that there are some concerns, questions, and overall a sense of "What's the direction?" for osu!Taiko's Loved Section. We would like to poll what people think the section currently represents for osu!Taiko, and we would like to extend the question, what SHOULDN'T it represent, as well?
We want to hear all the feedback we can from you, so it would be very nice if you can leave some comments, vote on the poll, and also check out this additional form we have made: Loved Feedback Form
If you would like to communicate with the osu! Loved Captains directly, there is the official osu!dev discord #osu-loved Channel: https://discordapp.com/invite/ppy
And a discord specifically for the osu!Taiko Loved Community, where we can discuss anything from simple picks to broader topics like the direction and future of the project: https://discord.gg/nHVPKXK
We want to hear all the feedback we can from you, so it would be very nice if you can leave some comments, vote on the poll, and also check out this additional form we have made: Loved Feedback Form
If you would like to communicate with the osu! Loved Captains directly, there is the official osu!dev discord #osu-loved Channel: https://discordapp.com/invite/ppy
And a discord specifically for the osu!Taiko Loved Community, where we can discuss anything from simple picks to broader topics like the direction and future of the project: https://discord.gg/nHVPKXK