
This may be a bit late, but...

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Hi! My name's Ronan and I'm from Canada. I've been playing osu for awhile now and I've never really posted on the forums due to me being anti-social xD. I really suck at the taiko mode but I'm ok with the other modes. Most of the songs I play are in japanese, I never play any english songs. Even though I don't understand japanese I still like the songs because I think they sound way better than the english ones =3=.
Well then, I'm looking forward to getting along with you guys :) !
Hayu Hayu~ Welcome to osu! forums ;)
Hope you enjoy your time here, fellow player :)
Welcome to the forums + osu and enjoy your stay (:
Xylem Beer
Hi there bro, welcome to osu! forums :D Don't worry, you're not the only one who sucks at Taiko. XD
Welcome to osu! :> Hope we can play online together
Hi and welcome to the forums \o/

You should try some of the English ones. You're missing out on some awesome maps, yo!
Hello,welcome, and hope to play with you~
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thanks guys ~3~
Welcome to the community! Hope you like it here.
K a Y e
Welcome Rororonan~ Enjoy this community!
Welcome to the forums, don't be shy to post all around!
Can I call you Rona-chin? I call everyone by nicknames, weird habit.ヽ(‘ ∇‘ )ノ

Oh, I see. I agree they do sound better most of the time.
Can I add you so we can play/talk with you sometime?

Anyway, likewise. I'll see you around, ne?
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