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I guess I'm a little late on this since technically I first played this game a month ago.
My friend was playing this game in early February 2012 so I downloaded it. Played maybe 100 beatmap runs, failed most of them. My friend was a lot better than me, so most of the time when we'd play multiplayer I'd fail in about 10 seconds and watch him play through the rest of the song. So I quit for a while, didn't even remember this game was on my HDD. I decided I needed a break from League of Legends and fighting games for my Spring Break and Osu! has kept me occupied since I can play it without anyone else while all my internet friends are sleeping and irl friends are chilling in Hawaii.

A little bit about me I guess:
-Started playing PC games when I was 13-14ish?
-Played TF2 competitively for 2.5 years (from my freshman year to my junior year of high school, quit because I didn't feel the need to chase that endeavor any longer, it ended up being just a giant hat trading game)
-I'm the worst Starcraft player in the world (seriously, rank 100 Bronze was made for me)
-I like music (which is really rare considering I'm playing rhythm games /sarcasm)
-I don't actually watch any animes/read mangas or nothing. Makes me feel left out when I see 60% of the content posted here.
Lol, 60% of the forums....
Welcome welcome~ Hope to see you around and play with ya online : >
Welcome to osu!, comrade.
We expect great things from you.
Welcome to osu and enjoy your stay (:
Welcome to the forums/community! Hope you like it here.
hi...hope to play with you..))
hello, welcome, and hope to play with you~
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