
Speedcubing (rubik's cube)

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Anyone else play the rubik's cube? I use Cube Timer to time because it displays stats as well

My current average 10 of 12 is 27.70 :)
because it's sooooo hard memorizing a couple of algorithms


3 x 3 x 3 i assume
i need to learn how to do that.. HELP
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awesome! thanks

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Personally I would use badmephisto's videos on youtube, they're pretty good for beginning speedcubers (assuming you know how to solve a cube already, but he has some beginner vids too)

For PLL and OLL I use
I don't have a rubik's cube because

1) I'm poor and lazy

2) I can't find one to buy that is good enough and not cheap plastic at a 99c store.

3) all the ones that I had like, 6-8 years ago broke (stickers -_-')

4) I do want one, if you get the wrong picture

and will smith can do the rubik's cube better than anybody
how much time does it take to learn?
i have yet to buy a fancy cube, i dont like those cheap ones~ so hard to rotate
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James wrote:

how much time does it take to learn?
A lot. If you want to be able to do it fast you need DIY cubes, and lubricant like silicon spray.
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I would learn the OLLs 19 20 07 08 from the OLL page I posted earlier, and 1 3 4 from the PLL page. Those are the minimum you need to solve the last layer (albeit with a bit of thinking). Then learn the rest of OLL 4-10, and PLL H and Z, which then means you can always solve the last layer in four moves, two for OLL, two for PLL.

badmephisto has good vids for this on youtube, he calls it "two-look OLL/PLL"

And yes, keep doing them until you know it by touch and not by letters.
I don't speedcube, per se, but I can manage a 4.5 minute average with a tight cube (which is apparently quite better than most people in my previous school - even those with the free time to practice and/or loose cubes). The only things I really slow down on are sticking the top in place, then the four edge cubes on the bottom.

I always get pissed after someone borrows my cubes - invariably, someone will play with it too hard, get all sweaty, and start peeling the plastic off the stickers (which then degrades the pigments, and it becomes useless) if not take the stickers off outright and place them badly.
I've been cubing for maybe 3 weeks now, kind of ironic you posted this now. My best is somewhere around 1:30 using lbl method, learning f2l atm but it really feels more time consuming than lbl atm.

I'll check out the tutorials you posted, see if they help out at all.
Has this situation ever happened to you?
Some one says "I'll mess it up" and then they hide in the corner so "I won't see" which is BS in most ways possible. But then they take the cublets/stickers off and places them in a different location. It's happened to me more than 10 times.
My best time is about 2 minutes. >_>
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Not_an_S wrote:

Has this situation ever happened to you?
Some one says "I'll mess it up" and then they hide in the corner so "I won't see" which is BS in most ways possible. But then they take the cublets/stickers off and places them in a different location. It's happened to me more than 10 times.
Most people don't know the cubies can be popped out ("zomggg you broke it1!!11!"), but no one's tried to peel my stickers before.

It's funny when they hide so you "can't see" and they don't believe you that no matter how much they mess it up it's the same ("can i mess it up so much that it takes you forever to solve?")
And it's even funnier when they spend massive amounts of time on [mixing it up], and you do it in a blur.

Just some random stuff, but is that talc they put in the cubes so that they slide easier?
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usually silicon spray i think
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