it's like this because I stopped mapping therefore no shitty english music is getting ranked
I haven't been on in the past few months but mind you I've seen the game grow for about 9 years now so really it's always been a constant thing where there's an overabundance of anime music. This is for a few reasons.
1) People map the music that they like. That's always been a core tenant of why osu! is what osu! is, because people in theory can map the music that they like the most. A lot of people in the game like anime music, so they'll map their favorite anime songs. Animes also tend to be a good source of music because every series has a large amount of songs that are associated with it, weather it be the OST or the OP/ED. If people get really good at mapping, they can get a lot of that stuff ranked. A lot of people that are really good at mapping like anime music, ergo, this.
2) Anime music is easy to map (Generally). A lot of people sort of ask the question "Oh why is there no fuckin Dave Brubeck on here" or some weird stuff like that. The answer, it's REALLY fucking difficult to do lmao. To map a map that's actually somewhat playable, you need to have a sort of rhythmic drive to the music. There needs to be some sort of forward momentum to keep things consistently going, which a lot of genres simply lack because they're not built for that. Alongside that, a lot of the music is easy to listen to and easy to discern the rhythmic structure, which makes it a LOT easier to craft a nice beatmap out of. Sometimes even if a song has all of the rhythmic tenants that would make it mappable, it's either too complex or too inconsistent to really make something that's easily playable unless you have a LOT of time and experience, which at that point you just kinda have to hope that someone who knows what they're doing feels like mapping enough to be able to make it good lmao. This is also why a LOT of people map stuff like classic rock, because it's essentially very similar in the fact that it's music that's easy to listen to, easy to dissect, but isn't devoid of forward momentum
3) Timing stops a lot of things from happening. It's why people don't map Metal or anything like that
4) People don't want to mod that kinda stuff. This kinda comes from people sort of adhering to more of an idea of "i only mod what I want", and if people aren't inherently INTO that kinda music, they'll just skip it. A lot of the big mod queue people that you'd sort of shoot your shit to are mega weeaboos, so they'd prefer to mod an anime opening because it fits more in line with what they like, and they're not really doing modding for the sake of providing the game with a diverse body of maps, they're modding because they enjoy certain songs and enjoy modding or something idk. (Which I mean like sucks, but idk I don't give a fuck anymore lmao)
5) Not all Japanese music is anime music you dingus lmao I looked at the most recently ranked stuff and a lot of it is stuff like M2U, which is from other rhythm games. Which I mean makes a lot of sense considering that this is a rhythm game, those songs are kind of MADE to have synergy with rhythm games. Plus there's a decent amount of electronic music that a lot of people just lump into "anime music" but aren't lmao.
So yeah overall it's a game that's based on player made content, so people are going to map and rank the stuff they prefer. It's not a new thing though lmao, it's been like this for years and you're not the first or last to act like every single map getting ranked is anime