
[Rule] Mapset must have at least two difficulties(append)

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I think this is unclear. I'm suggesting that having just all Taiko or CTB (if it's allowed) only maps to be unrankable, because ranked maps should contain at least two map that is playable in standard. This needs to be appended somewhere that the mapset needs at least two standard difficulties.

Taiko/CTB Only mapsets should be allowed for approval though.
The rules are not very clear on this, but you need 2 standard difficulties (normal and hard or easy and normal) to get your map ranked.

I have no problem approving solo taiko or solo ctb diffs, but on the off chance that happens, someone will likely map a guest standard.
We had this dicussion before and I would support this, but there are some problems behind this idea:

To be able to allow something like that, it would require something like a Taiko Approval Team. But without Taiko Rules it's not possible.
Yes, at the moment we are on the way to finish the Taiko rules, but even if it is approved, peppy would need to allow Taiko/CTB only approved maps.

It would be nearly the same like today, just with the difference that we need one standart diff. for approval and even this - as ziin said - can be made by another mapper since there are no clear rules.
There already was a rule saying this:

"All mapsets must have two standard difficulties, one of which must be Easy/Normal level". It's weird that it's missing from the set of rules.

ziin wrote:

The rules are not very clear on this, but you need 2 standard difficulties (normal and hard or easy and normal) to get your map ranked.

I have no problem approving solo taiko or solo ctb diffs, but on the off chance that happens, someone will likely map a guest standard.
I think any map with a single game mod (Taiko/CtB) must be for approval, but it's more presumable to happen first with Taiko, their community is very bigger, more than CtB players/moders/mappers.
no need to repeat a rule... read the draft better?
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HakuNoKaemi wrote:

no need to repeat a rule... read the draft better?

There is no place where this is said in the current draft or the old Criteria thread. It doesn't mention anything about the maps being standard; it is only implied that they are. It's vague.
Mapsets must have at least two osu! standard difficulties, one of which must be an Easy/Normal level. Approval mapsets are allowed to have only one standard difficulty of any level.

Amending right away since that's how it has always been, albeit not written.
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