
finally a introduction after one year of joining

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Yo. As the title says i have already joined around 1 year ago and have finally decided to do a introduction! ( Though i planned to do it as soon as i started but couldn't be bothered doing it.) I play Osu with the z key + mouse (learning how to Z+X.) I can't stream and I hate mods. I'm 13 turning 14, I have a lot of useless knowledge, I'm not that smart, I lasted only 10 minutes after listening to a repeat of Nyancat. I like to think i have a great peronsality and is self conscious with a low self-esteem. I like anime, i like manga, i like osu. I don't watch TV, I don't go on facebook (which these days its rare... well at least in my school.) or myspace or twitter (you get the twist.) The only Online Instant messaging program I use is AOL which my friend asked me to get so he could add me (He's also my only friend registered... so lonelyT-T). I'm Australian. Biologically i'm Chinese. My favourite line is "I hate reality", I'm a psuedo otaku, did i mention i like anime, manga and osu? I'm running out of things to say so i'll stop here. GOODBYE
Lol plenty of informations here haha.
Same, i play with the z key + mouse and i hate mods ^^.

Anyway Welcome to the forums and enjoy your stay !
Hey there, I remember you, guy who claimed biribiri before me.
Enjoy your stay.

giganimpou wrote:

I lasted only 10 minutes after listening to a repeat of Nyancat.
hardcore. welcome \o/
Hey giganimpou, welcome to the forums and hope you enjoy your stay~ :)
hello and welcome to the forums~ ( many people here have played for almost a year...)
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