
hello \(´ ▽ `)/

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Hi everyone, I'm new to osu (and is currently poor and without friends).
I'm still a newbie player, thus means I have lots of things to learn :D
I also want to try that 'edit' button under the 'play' button (which I don't know the function orz)

Please note that I'm a boy D:
Just call me Tuna (yes I'm a boy fish)

I hope we can be friends and chat sometimes \:D/
lols edit brings you to a whole new world of fun (i dare not step in yet)
hi btw~ go visit the bahasa indonesia subforums and remember to go to #malay in game
(eats tuna~
Kemonone Rou
(sorry for my poor english
Welcome to our home.
Welcome to the forums! Hope you like it here.
Ofc we can be friends!! only say me hello, and we will start talking!!

Nice to meet u
Blue Stig

The edit button takes you to mysterious place that can either be heaven or hell.

The General Questions Section is your friend. Don't be afraid to ask for help.

Good Luck!
Why hello~ ^^ Pleased to be of your acquaintance
Hope we can talk someday :D
Sure we can be friends lol
Anyway, welcome to the forums and enjoy your stay !
one fishie dies, one tuna joins, very fishy--*shot*

welcome enjoy your stay
Topic Starter
Athena : gyauuu don't eat me Q_Q *runs* I know I'll make a good sushi one day--
Kemonoe : hello o/
Imercurial : and from today onward I'll stay here with everyone xD
Vizzy : thank you!! :D
Genjiii : hello :D [are we friends now? ;w;]
Moskito : either.. Heaven.. Or hell? XD they're both a place on earth \o/
Nekonomitsu : pleased to meet you too ;w; I'll surely chat you if we're online together xD
Kinrinjin : thank you!! :D
Rii : w-who died? @_@ and ohyes, from now onward a tuna gonna splash around everyone xD
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