
REQUESTING APPROACH RATE 11! (AR11) [Denied] [invalid]

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This is a feature request. Feature requests can be voted up by supporters.
Current Priority: +25
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KRZY wrote:

Cut the big boy talk please.

So many noob players pretend to be better than they are. Escaping reality?
just add DT to a AR9 map and you got yourself an approach circle that is faster than AR10.
HR+DT on AR7 and you got yourself the max speed the human can react to.

There is no need to make maps that are as fast as those without any mods, no one will play/rank them
i watched the sample map^^
this is not funny....
NO?! :)
although i like the idea of 8.5 and 9.5

KRZY wrote:

Personally, I think AR11 is completely useless in terms of mapping. I can't think of a mappable song with a BPM that would require an AR11 to be mapped right. I also think the argument that we need AR11 because AR10 is too easy is complete trash. Go DT+HR any AR8 Insane, you know you can't pass the first 50 notes. Cut the big boy talk please.
^This, you can't deny it's true
Topic Starter

[CSGA]Ar3sgice wrote:

demo map:

made with storyboard

yes i eggpain
thanks for demo ... replay(AR12 DIFFICULTY) >> ... had problems reading at some part ;-;

for those that dont wanna watch a replay to its end.... score results on ar12... (replay is ar12 too )

-A t H e N a- wrote:

KRZY wrote:

Personally, I think AR11 is completely useless in terms of mapping. I can't think of a mappable song with a BPM that would require an AR11 to be mapped right. I also think the argument that we need AR11 because AR10 is too easy is complete trash. Go DT+HR any AR8 Insane, you know you can't pass the first 50 notes. Cut the big boy talk please.
^This, you can't deny it's true

Renard wrote:

[CSGA]Ar3sgice wrote:

demo map:

made with storyboard

yes i eggpain
thanks for demo ... replay(AR12 DIFFICULTY) >> ... had problems reading at some part ;-;

for those that dont wanna watch a replay to its end.... score results on ar12... (replay is ar12 too )
omg, whats this for a crazy beatmap? o.o
i don't know, how people can play this.

Huheuheuheuheu I CAN READ AR233 ME SO PRO.
Now implement AR233 functionality in editor so i can play Airman with it.

Serious now.. I support Renards idea. I'd love to test AR on some other maps than the mainstream DT training maps. (like Handlebars etc.)
For those who wonder... many people here including Renard can actually read AR11 pretty well, even if you don't believe them.

This is no hack. Really isn't. Anyone who tries this map will figure out how this works. :>
holy shiet this is so hardcore omgomg :D :D :D :D

On a serious note

dNextGen wrote:

AR11 demo was ok for me ^^
I support this but i would support .5 more :)
Topic Starter
lol tom

ʅ(◔౪◔`)ʃ you want to breakthrough?

Yimo_Coppola wrote:

ʅ(◔౪◔`)ʃ you want to breakthrough?

Before anything, you should be able to set the approach rate yourself, as in, the mapper sets the recommended number, but you're still able to change it if you don't like it. There's such request somewhere already, and I hope it gets approved. Now, I doubt I'd ever use such high approach rate as 11, but it gives players more to choose from. If 10 is slow for you, then you could simply use 11! Still, not sure how 10 could ever be too slow...

KRZY wrote:

Personally, I think AR11 is completely useless in terms of mapping. I can't think of a mappable song with a BPM that would require an AR11 to be mapped right. I also think the argument that we need AR11 because AR10 is too easy is complete trash. Go DT+HR any AR8 Insane, you know you can't pass the first 50 notes. Cut the big boy talk please.

No support.
Pity don't have any start but would love to support it because I find it myself really challenging to play a bit harder maps than simply using even more mods. Since Approved maps don't really go according the normal ranked rules I could imagine it getting into approved maps or some specific difficulties since it shoud me more about fun I suppose and pushing yourself to the limit is at least fun for me. Just for the sake of even harder varioty and challening difficulties I support it.
And then all Insane maps will be AR11/12/9001 and bitch non pro players

I can see what happens when this is implemented

mekadon wrote:

And then all Insane maps will be AR11/12/9001 and bitch non pro players

I can see what happens when this is implemented
I am totally NOT going to use this in my maps in case it ever gets approved

KRZY wrote:

Personally, I think AR11 is completely useless in terms of mapping. I can't think of a mappable song with a BPM that would require an AR11 to be mapped right. I also think the argument that we need AR11 because AR10 is too easy is complete trash. Go DT+HR any AR8 Insane, you know you can't pass the first 50 notes. Cut the big boy talk please.
Damn fkin straight.
Shohei Ohtani

Sathron wrote:

Before anything, you should be able to set the approach rate yourself, as in, the mapper sets the recommended number, but you're still able to change it if you don't like it. There's such request somewhere already, and I hope it gets approved. Now, I doubt I'd ever use such high approach rate as 11, but it gives players more to choose from. If 10 is slow for you, then you could simply use 11! Still, not sure how 10 could ever be too slow...
If you want to have more options, then we should implement decimal approach rates, because those are playable, and are useful~.
It's good to have options, but you have to realize that for there to be an option, there must be a NEED to have that option. For instance, I could request smaller ODs or Circle Sizes, but nobody really goes anywhere close to the edge where higher settings are needed. The reason 3.6 SV was implemented was because many people had been going up to the previous highest level (like, 2.6 or something), and there was a large need for it for a large amount of maps to play well.

Now, I don't get why people debate so largely about "OMG AR11 df;lgjsd;lkgj!!!" The only reason I'd see AR11 used is for when people overmap. I do a fair share of modding, and never before have I seen AR10 be used well (Hell, I barely see AR9 used well), and I've modded quite a bit of approval maps. What people fail to realize is that to make a map "odmgodsjfsd prorprorporpro", you can't just shoot all of the difficulty settings up to beyond max and add jumps and crap all over the place. Sure, it'll be hard, but it won't be fun, and people won't like it. To make a map psfjgpsjdfpj hard, you must masterfully create the map so that it has high leveled settings, but actually playable settings, and the difficulty comes from the patterns that aren't simply "JUMPMUMOUPPMSSTEEEAAMMSSMMSSMSMS." That's where the hard part comes in, and this is where people generally give up and just jump everything.

So AR11 is silly. If you seriously need to use it, then I guess you could go into the .osu file and manually change it, but really, it's pointless.

Maddy wrote:


Lesjuh wrote:

Ask val to make a hard map with small circles & ar10, you'll all pussy out.

Disease wrote:

Lesjuh wrote:

Ask val to make a hard map with small circles & ar10, you'll all pussy out.
That looks so easy, better implement AR233 too.
I would still prefer playing with normal circle size and normal drain and everything normal and ar11 rather than playing this (which is approved)
even if a AR11+ gets implemented, its not like any map that uses it is EVER gonna get ranked so its not gonna matter
i support this but anyone that still complains knowing this is arguing to argue, aka its pointless
Sexy DQS
I am for it but for people like myself i can play AR 8 at max cause any faster is too hard for me o_O

Sathron wrote:

Before anything, you should be able to set the approach rate yourself, as in, the mapper sets the recommended number, but you're still able to change it if you don't like it. There's such request somewhere already, and I hope it gets approved. Now, I doubt I'd ever use such high approach rate as 11, but it gives players more to choose from. If 10 is slow for you, then you could simply use 11! Still, not sure how 10 could ever be too slow...
This! Just like Beatmania/DDR

GigaClon wrote:

Sathron wrote:

Before anything, you should be able to set the approach rate yourself, as in, the mapper sets the recommended number, but you're still able to change it if you don't like it. There's such request somewhere already, and I hope it gets approved. Now, I doubt I'd ever use such high approach rate as 11, but it gives players more to choose from. If 10 is slow for you, then you could simply use 11! Still, not sure how 10 could ever be too slow...
This! Just like Beatmania/DDR
This is just like any other music game our there xD O2jam/Djmax/Beatmania and so on...
The mods exist for making a song more challenging to play. The devs have better stuff to do than implement a feature that will only be used by a handful of people.
I might be sane but I still approve of AR11, flamers gonna flame :>
AR11 really isn't that bad ._. AR12 is blasphemous though
I agree \o/
More AR for the people \o/
I feel this as a neccesary addition.
No. This is my response to this.

Me as a mapper's point of view - Approach rate 10 isn't used often anyways.
If AR11 is added, it's just going to be abused.

Me as a player's point of view - AR10 is very hard to read for most players. Why would you even add AR11?
Please don't turn osu! into stepmania
stay safe op...
So which mappers here have an approved AR10 map they would like to share with us all?

I don't know what OP was smoking when suggesting this, but this should get denied, like right now.
AR 10 isn't even used in maps; there's no reason to add 11 or anything higher.
asians = ar14
Why it's got denied?
Ok so... I have no idea why this got denied so fast. I remember this going up a few days ago. There hasn't been a serious discussion about this and it already got denied? People know that AR10 is the max but if you change it to AR11 people will start playing AR10 more and AR11 will be the new goal. I don't know why you guys even care about AR11 not beeing added to the game. if you don't like it don't play it? And if it's to crazy don't rank it?

Btw it can be funny and a bigger challenge for TAG.

kokoroanime wrote:

Why it's got denied?
Why shouldn't it get denied?

Like 10-20 people in the whole 1.2kk player community would do any maps with that, also not forgetting the fact that ANY map with AR11 would require LOTS of artificial difficulty which shouldn't be something players expect from a ranked/approved mapset.

EDIT: And adding a feature "just for fun" is pointless.
My question is, how did this NOT get denied sooner?

This shouldn't even have reached more than page 2.
Time for a lock?
Rey Fullbuster

joseph wrote:

People know that AR10 is the max but if you change it to AR11 people will start playing AR10 more and AR11 will be the new goal.
Why didn't having AR 10 make people start playing AR 10 more? I don't think AR 10's existence made people play AR 9 more either.

Difficulty in maps is creeping upward well enough on its own. It doesn't need a push.

(Adding this might make sense in conjunction with a custom AR user setting, though, I guess)
Such a ridiculous proposition.

D33d wrote:

Such a ridiculous proposition.
Well I wouldn't be able to read the fricking AR11 in the first place.
AR10 has existed for 3+ years. Show us some ranked/approved maps that used AR10 but didn't play well because the approach rate was too low. Hint: They don't exist.

IIRC only a few maps have ever used AR10, and they played horribly. There's no reason to implement anything higher when the current maximum isn't even being used.

EDIT: Talked with Blue Dragon, and it seems that only 3 maps have ever been ranked with AR10, and they were mapped back in 07/08. 2 maps have recently been approved with AR10, but the BPMs were a bit high and so they're not too bad (although AR9 would've played better imo).
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