
Deus Ex Mafia [TOWN WIN]

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Ok people i just woke up like a minute ago, i played the game and passed it in one weeked without killing anyone but the bosses, stealth like a boss .. gonna go try to get up a bit lol

vote: bmin11
I have no idea what that means but I don't like it. Anybody offer some insight?
I'm assuming that is a random vote with randomizing program. Could be his ability I guess idk
Kanye West
Lybydose is probably a computer or something lol. Can only vote according to RNG. Whatever, might as well

vote: NoHItter

for now

PS - Everyone's special powers must be based on assorted augments that they might have.
Vote:kanye west

So kanye, why did you vote me?
I can understand Salvage's sort of obvious sarcastic reason to vote me, but you just basically hopped on the bandwagon just like that.
I'll be away until Monday night, or even Tuesday. Sorry.
Question for everyone: For which company do you work? if it's said on your role (if not clarify why not cause i find it highly unlikely)

I'm with Sarif.

Also i didn't vote you nh sadly.
I personally don't think the soft claim is going to harm us, but I still want your explanation, because I may be misthinking.
Because i think it can be helpfull, there is no 'bad' company in the game so there is no reason to fake claim, i want to have more information to work with-.

I'm going to sleep now :(
whoops I meant Sync
Better then missing my chance to claim for you guys. I work at Panchaea.
I'm a Sarif employee, but went to Panchea with the CEO.
Apparently I work in Sarif Industries, following Sarif to Panchaea.
I guess my last post went straight over people's heads.
I'm Adam Jensen, basically the coolest guy ever.
Cop on mashley doc on mashley.

You may aswell roleclaim tommorrow too mash, like your actions and stuff.

Also @NoHitter: Are you still working with Panchea with the CEO or you got scared and ran away?.
Kanye West

NoHItter wrote:

Vote:kanye west

So kanye, why did you vote me?
I can understand Salvage's sort of obvious sarcastic reason to vote me, but you just basically hopped on the bandwagon just like that.
I thought you wanted to be lynched so that you could show some ability or something. But if you were joking and you truly are from Sarif, then

Btw I am a Sarif Employee as well. I heard a minigun go off and saw someone killed. Also apparently a ton of augmented people are going crazy so third parties are definitely possible.
Well I ran when I saw the people going crazy and hid in a closet.
Also Unvote for a while.
Going to ask the mod a question.
I confirm NH town.
oh kanye west too cool, 3 confirmed town d1 good enough
Ok i'm cool with a Sync lynch right now

vote Sync
I think we have the same reasoning Salvage. That's why I asked JInxy to confirm something.
Sleep Powder
I'm scared of all the unknown flavor... but based on everyone's response I guess Lybydose is good. Sync is being a little quiet now... if I went with meta I would say he could be a scared mafia. Also, I'm part of Panchaea.

Vote: Sync
Kanye West
There are still quite a few who haven't said anything so I don't really understand why people are voting for Sync...
Because he's against lurkers himself and he lurked already, and posted in another thread, probabbly thinking to not mess up with this kind of claim thing.

I suggest you vote him too ^__^
Apparently I've got quite a few employees.
Another blind vote based off meta?

Actually which meta are you referring to, I've been really out of touch lately.
Suggest something better and i may hear Rantai

Right now i'm confirmed town and you're not, and if i turn out not to then it's 3 outed mafia (the whole team? rofl) so you'll have to take what i say as truth and don't doubt me, you can check any of us 3 and profit (to make it simpler we are confirmed town to each other by flavour stuff we have in common)

Also the thing about Sync is simple, he's against lurking and he's doing it right now, we lynch him .. i do want to remark that if you have a better suggestion then go ahead.
Kanye West

NoHItter wrote:

Well I ran when I saw the people going crazy and hid in a closet.
This was also part of my backstory. I'm guessing all the vanilla townies (Sarif employees) have the same backstory then:

Saw a bunch of augmented people go crazy (I'm guessing both Panchaean workers and Tyrants) and gunshots
Hid in closet
Opened closet to find bunch of dead people
Welp this again. Your claiming 3 people are town is completely wifom. It could be that you are mafia and call out 2 towns, independent calling out random people (now while I know nothing of Deus Ex, didn't you say none of the in game factions are 'good or bad'? What makes similar flavour town?). Honestly I have no clue how the factioning works in this game.

But that isn't my problem here, I just had no idea what the meta actually was (ie my memory fails me). That and you know I hate just following a vote without something concrete.

In the end I'm still trying to figure out what means what.
Rantai, we said different parts of the flavour in the role to confirm each other, that's why i asked NH what i did (it's on the role PM), the only other option is that all of us are mafia and that would be game if any of us is found guilty, and the other way arround (if any of us is found of town or better yet if scanned by a rolecop), we could even eventually lynch one to confirm the other 2.

With that said we said concrete parts of the role pm, i asked the first one then nohitter followed it and kanye ended it, so i can confirm both of them with myself role PM, there is no reason as for why you wouldn't want to fully believe in what i said, but ok.

EDIT: AMC THE WALKING DEAD .. yessssssss finally dl'd-.
Well technically, we can still confirm 2 more people as there are still specific words that have yet to be said.
But yes, I'm still waiting for JInxy's reply to the question I asked.

Host wrote:

Pregame Mod Notes:
1. Role PMs are pretty heavy on flavour, but that's all there is to it, don't bother trying to confirm people with it.
I thought something was poking my side for some reason.
Whatever, i have to say that i can confirm atleast kanye for sure to be town, i'd like to say i can confirm NH too, if i die then it's confirmed for sure and i can asure it for various reasons i rather not list.

Again then since we're at 0, what do u suggest ranty? :D
Well first things first, I wish that everyone who's in this game would actually post something. No that is not a "lynch the lurkers" statement, but it seems we don't even have the entire player base here.

Going through the ISO's;

Sync - Has a random vote
Salvage - Initiated mass flavour claim, 'confirms' 2 others as town
Drakari - Jumped in mass flavour claim
Mashley - Claimed Adam Jenson
Kayne - Votes Hitter, provides brush off reason, jumps in mass flavour claim, expands heavily on claim
bmin - Slightly apprehensive of mass flavour claim, claims in the end
TBTE - Has posted nothing
animask - Has one bandwagon vote and joined in the mass flavour claim
Backfire - Has posted nothing significant
Lilac - Has posted nothing significant
Lybydose - Votes with an unknown number/method
NoHitter - Self votes, votes a voter, unvotes claiming to ask the mod for something, joins the mass flavour claim

Outside that the rest is just fluff (if I missed something, point it out). Anyway going by that, I have a small suspicion on Hitter as a serial killer/independent due to his early self vote. I really didn't like Kayne's brush off but on the off chance that you aren't lying I'll keep that thought floating for now. animask's bandwagon vote is the most suspicious thing out of all them so far but the problem is that he is animask so it's basically a null tell on him.

In the end if activity keeps up like that I would like to see some replacements. But at this stage there is simply not enough going on to form a plan, in my opinion.
How exactly is voting one self early on a sign of being an independent?
An unprompted self vote brings the bucket of wifom crashing down onto our heads.

Normally I'd associate that with a jester looking for a lynch. Though I highly doubt you'd do that so I'm thinking SK or other some such trying to pass off as a jester. I don't think you're mafia because it's too controversial (too much attention) and I don't think you're town because I don't see how you benefit from such a move unless you had absolutely nothing to lose.

Of course you can always brush it off with "I was baiting people" which honestly comes off extremely weakly.
K sorry, yesterday was a busy day.
I work for Sarif industries, btw.
Topic Starter
NoHItter - 1 (Sync)
bmin11 - 1 (Lybydose)
Sync - 2 (Salvage, animask)

Day ends in 17 hours... Technically.
I have lessons then so there will most likely be a 3-5 hour extension.
I've been in games before where the mafia (equivalent) had the entirety of the generic town role included in their PM.

Just saying.

Drakari wrote:

I've been in games before where the mafia (equivalent) had the entirety of the generic town role included in their PM.

Just saying.
Not this time.
I asked JInxyjem that and the reply was in the lines of "Why would the mafia have the role PMs of town?"

Thus this brings us back to the wording of our PMs. Unless all the PMs (mafia and town) contain the specific terms me, kanye, and Salvage mentioned, then we're "confirmed" town as we can each verify that our PMs have the said terms.

You may argue that this could be a very heavy WIFOM gambit and we're the mafia team, but that would be very idiotic since lynching any one of us would reveal this.
Which completely contradicts his pre-game statement.

Rantai wrote:

Which completely contradicts his pre-game statement.
Well I trust what he's saying now over what he said before.
Kanye West
not really

it's not so strange that all the vanilla townies have the same role pm. i think he meant that you shouldn't try to confirm someone like adam jensen because something in his role pm wasn't consistent with the game. or something like that.
Right. Outside the 3 that are together, what are the opinions of the others?

I wasn't expecting unbiased answers from you 3.

I find it a little too convenient.
ok I'm back

Yes, if we have a cop/doc, scan/protect Mashley for sure.

I'm willing to believe in kanye west, NoHItter, and Salvage to be semi-confirmed. With Jinx's answer, it is even more believable right now.

I saw NoHItter's self-vote to be a typical action by him. We have dealt with a lot of NoHItter's do-whatever-to-make-a-conversation actions before and tbh, it's too much of an WIFOM to lynch him.

also Prod: Sync, TBTE, Backfire, Lilac, and Lybydose. These are the people who did not soft claim and I'm not going to let them bypass just because they were inactive.
Backfire claimed to work for Sarif. My bad.
Topic Starter
proddee TBTE, Backfire, Lilac, and Lybydose

Sync PM'd me before you and is seeking a replacement.
I didn't need a prod :c
I want to add that him looking for replacement doesn't clear him up from all that unnesesary lurking, it even makes it more clear to me .. it's not like i can't find a better lynch target tho so

unvote,vote Backfire

thoughts on the situation and i'd like to hear more about you working for sarif if i can please (flavour stuff that you may add) .. and this applies to everyone, we can clearly see that there is some history behind everyone and adding stuff together will help, and will clearly show if someone lies so i'm up for it.
I left the barricade and I'm hearing gun shots. I'm afraid any other information I'll be giving out will be a direct lead to my ability.
I can't really give info without giving the whole thing away so, i'll just go ahead and do this.
I only reached Panchaea after the signal switched off to double check the signal and completely disable it, was seen by a tyrant, but managed to escape.
Head of the Cyber Security Division at Saris Industries, Pritchard, and I act as a watcher.

BTW I was unclear about being Panchaea or Sarif because in the game (and the wiki) it says Pritchard works for Sarif.

So im guessing I went off from Sarif to Panchaea? I really am not sure. Whatever ;~;
..................... Okay Someone protect Backfire if possible
I thought Panchaea was a place.

A place of work wasn't mentioned in my role PM but I know that this person works for Sarif. I am on mobile data right now so I don't want to use it all up until I get home.
I didn't know if it was a place or an industry.
Im very confused. ;_;
See it never stated WHO im working for, but I do know it's Sarif since I played the game.

ok, my mysterious posts are my roleclaim

I wrote out an extremely wordy description of my character and simply put up the first word of each sentence. The numbers in the next post indicate the number of letters in each sentence of my claim.

Idea is that I can full claim at a later time and have it match up with what I posted earlier.

I was also hoping for more reactions from people instead of everyone ignoring it or calling it a random vote.

Assuming those three are confirmed, we're looking at:

nohitter - town
kanye west - town
salvage - town
sync - lurker that allegedly was against lurkers in other games (mafia)
backfire - watcher
drakari - town (can't reveal why)
mash - ???
lilac, animask, bmin, rantai - null
TBTE - hasn't posted

vote: TBTE

also was leaning bmin toward scum simply because of how he blatantly did not read his role PM. like at all
I assumed Tyrants were just a description of scum, not the name itself tbh. I didn't expect they will give away such vital information right at the start (well, now we can see that there were even more free information)

I don't get whatelse I could assume rather then a RV, or a sort of ability with posts >_>;; Anyway, I'll wait how it will match up at the later game.
bmin, who do you think backfire would watch then?
I have no idea, but to worry for his security right now.
unvote, vote TBTE
Kanye West
Pretty much only one inactive, so

vote TBTE
Topic Starter
Ivalset replaces Sync.
Day extended by 8 hours.
I don't particularly like inactive lurkers either, but I'll leave my vote for now because TBTE already has plenty of votes to die, but not enough that mafia could hammer and end the day early.

At least, that's what I think. Still not familiar with strategizing around a majority vote ending the day immediately.
requesting day 1 extension due to Ivalset replacing in and TBTE not saying anything yet.

in addition to the 8 hour thing I mean

Day 1 will be 96 hours long if the players demand it, though.
Going to have to agree with that.

An extension would be best right now.
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Alright then.

Day ends in 23 hours.
Alright, reading through the thread etc.
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NoHItter - 1 (Ivalset)
Ivalset - 2 (Salvage, animask)
TBTE - 3 (Lybydose, Salvage, kanye west)

Day ends in 16 hours.

good night
Kanye West
you have salvage twice
I was separated from Sarif on the way to Panchaea and began looking for him before and after the signal was turned off.

At this stage I see very little to work on, apart from Backfire being doc'd. TBTE not posting is a thorn in the side, completely null in terms of info, sigh.
Well, first things first, unvote

As for my affiliation, I'm very very very well acquainted with Panchaea and I'm a commuter. When the signal turned off, I left the top floor after seeing a tyrant.
So JInxy PM'd me and somewhat confirmed the presence of fakeclaims given to the mafia.
It was worded something like: "Oh fakeclaims? Nevermind then"

Given that then I would imply that mafia has indeed been given fakeclaims that are wordy and full of flavor too.
In other words, we cannot confirm people based on the flavor in the PMs alone.
But I think it's safe to say that me, Salvage and kanye are still confirmed, since we all three confirmed the contents of each other's PMs.
Sorry guises i forgot to mention that i was going to Tampa for the weekend.

Going to read previous pages and see what is happening.
As I take it, I used to work for Sarif and went with the CEO to Pancheea.

I can't really point any fingers as I know why I am being voted.
well that really threw our soft claims then, assuming scum also has a fake claim ._.;;

bmin11 wrote:

well that really threw our soft claims then, assuming scum also has a fake claim ._.;;
I don't really understand why you guises tried to do the soft claims when the companies were about flovour/flavor i thought?
ok look I really don't think TBTE is mafia, because before the time extension, he was going to be lynched with all of three votes on him.

considering there are probably 3 mafia (13 * 0.23 = 3), well you should be able to figure it out

unvote, vote animask
I can't really see or tell who or what to vote, seems like another useless Day 1
Has ever been an useless day 1 arround?

I don't recall being in any.

Why do you exactly think it's useless?
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Day 1 has ended. Please wait...
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Ivalset - 1 (animask)
TBTE - 1 (kanye west)
animask -1 (Salvage)

Ivalset knew Panchaea better than anyone on his team. After all, being leader neant that he had to come here often. Sending his team to hunt for survivors, He reached Hyron to fulfil his own mission. He noticed the room looked like a complete disaster, along with Zhao's charred corpse. What he didn't notice, however, was five fragmentation mines hidden under her, with their glowing lights hidden under tape.

Ivalset - Jaron Namir - 2-shot Power Picker - Lynched Day 1

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Night 1 has ended, give me 10 mins or something.
Topic Starter
The new day started with literally another bang. The ground where NoHItter used to stand was blown away along with him, and he had been vaporised by the sheer force of the attack. No one knew who he was when he was still alive, and they sure weren't able to fingerprint the air.

NoHItter - ??? - Killed Night 1

Now that was unexpected. Totally thought Backfire or Mashley would have died last night.

Vote: kanye west
*disappears into thin air*
Go town.
backfire who did you watch
Well there goes my Hitter is a SK theory.

I think I can believe Salvage now to an extent, but urk a janitor mafia, really?

bmin11 wrote:

Now that was unexpected. Totally thought Backfire or Mashley would have died last night.

Vote: kanye west

what's that vote about

vote Lilac
Well, I went to watch kanye west, however I was blocked.
Mafia probably has a role blocker and is going to continuously block me, as, thus far, im the only role that can spot them out.
Somebody should know something about Mashly.

Just saying.
No, first mash will report his results on whatever his role is and then depending on that the actual cop can roleclaim on his results, we could as well use another cop scan and then he can roleclaim with more results, going into that situation doc protects claimed cop it's too easy for mafia to realize kills without the fear of them being protected

So, mash results please.
Kanye West
if i was mafia then first of all why would i kill NH? we confirmed each other town. on the other hand, the mafia probably knew about the whole vaporization thing (dying without revealing role) and thus targeted one of us three (me, NH, salvage) to cast doubt upon our claims to be town.
I just watched a random person. The day ended before there was any plan.
Sleep Powder
Successful meta~

@Backfire, you were informed that you were blocked? Anyways with a janitor, roleblocker and standard mafia kill... I'm going to assume the janitor (and possibly roleblocker) have limited shots. I'm only assuming this because I have a 1-shot role and the Ival had a x-shot role too. My role is pretty useless but it can be confirmed.

@kanye west, you sound a bit scummy right now... but, your claim seems to be more likely. We could easily lynch one of you to find out, but its not really worth the risk. Not really a FoS...

@bmin11, I thought the same thing, but then I realized there could be a busdriver or something similar. The mafia could have also thought someone had the ability to protect one of them from being killed. (WIFOM?)

Now we wait for Mashley... wait, what results?

Have you noticed anything that happened to you, except for the role block?
Mashley said he's Adam Jensen so we're waiting for whatever his role does results-.
I just want Backfire to answer that, because I can confirm one or two thing from it depending on his answer.
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