
A Personal Take on Rules

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As most of us know rules are an extremely touchy subject in the community. Loopholes are rampant and maps are progressively becoming more unstable.

While the New Rules appear to try and combat this, they overlook many issues with maps and deem many normal things unrankable by mistake. It also feels very outdated, even though they are "New Rules". While the New Rules Discussion board here tries to fix those issues, it, let's be honest here, fails at doing so.

I personally fear that the New Rules aren't going to get to a reasonable spot - lenient enough for mappers yet preventing loopholes. That's why I've decided to write my own rules rough draft.

This document   is a list of rules that I feel correctly governs mapping today. In the document I cover how files should be handled, how ranking and approving is handled, difficulty settings, and more. I tried to cover every aspect I could in this document.

Please keep in mind that these are not guidelines. These are rules, so these wouldn't be able to be broken. If you have a problem with these or have a suggestion for these, please let me know.

Oh, and one more thing. I'm not trying to screw anyone or anything with these. I'm legitimately concerned about how maps are handled in the future. Thanks.
Charles for BAT
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Let's keep it relevant please, this is New Rules Discussion, not Off Topic.
you repeat yourself with the diff. stuff .
· Difficulties
o There can be no more than six difficulties in a set.

and Difficulty Modes
There cannot be more than eight difficulties in a ranked set.

or do i missunderstood something?
Not sure about this, this forum is to discuss individual rules per thread instead of a bunch of rules in a single thread.
Going over this while I have a break!

Few things I'll mention:

  1. .mp3 files with much unused space at the end must be clipped to save size - This should have a percentage/time limit due to "much" being more of a guideline, and therefore not quite what is trying to be achieved.
  2. An OSB with unused code must be removed. Comments are fine. - I agree, however I don't think every single modder needs to bring it up every single time a mapper forgets to deleted it. Once every now and then, and ofc mat/bat checks.
  3. Album names do not belong in the source
  4. Content from the Artist, Title, or Source does not belong in the tags. - It should be clarified where the album name would go.
  5. Catch The Beat is not a rankable/approvable gamemode. - TBA this is getting pretty close actually..
  6. Time before the first object must be at least 1.9 seconds - Is this for a particular reason? Is 1.5 not satisfactory?
  7. There cannot be more than six standard difficulties in a ranked set.
  8. There cannot be more than eight difficulties in a ranked set.
  9. There can be no more than six difficulties in a set. - This is somewhat confusing and could probably be removed because it is stated just above. OR add the word "standard"
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bomber34 wrote:

you repeat yourself with the diff. stuff .
· Difficulties
o There can be no more than six difficulties in a set.

and Difficulty Modes
There cannot be more than eight difficulties in a ranked set.

or do i missunderstood something?
Oh, wow, how did that get there. Removed that line.

Lucy-Kaede wrote:

Going over this while I have a break!

Few things I'll mention:

  1. .mp3 files with much unused space at the end must be clipped to save size - This should have a percentage/time limit due to "much" being more of a guideline, and therefore not quite what is trying to be achieved.
    Yes, good idea. I'll change this.
  2. An OSB with unused code must be removed. Comments are fine. - I agree, however I don't think every single modder needs to bring it up every single time a mapper forgets to deleted it. Once every now and then, and ofc mat/bat checks.
    No, this is necessary to prevent glitched storyboard icons.
  3. Album names do not belong in the source
  4. Content from the Artist, Title, or Source does not belong in the tags. - It should be clarified where the album name would go.
    Great idea!
  5. Catch The Beat is not a rankable/approvable gamemode. - TBA this is getting pretty close actually..
    So close yet so far
  6. Time before the first object must be at least 1.9 seconds - Is this for a particular reason? Is 1.5 not satisfactory?
    Yes. Taiko, and 1.9 is reasonable for osu! standard difficulties.
  7. There cannot be more than six standard difficulties in a ranked set.
  8. There cannot be more than eight difficulties in a ranked set.
  9. There can be no more than six difficulties in a set. - This is somewhat confusing and could probably be removed because it is stated just above. OR add the word "standard"
    Yes, that was an error. fixed.

Sakura Hana wrote:

Not sure about this, this forum is to discuss individual rules per thread instead of a bunch of rules in a single thread.

This thread isn't meant to take over the New Rules Discussion. Right now this thread is only about my personal draft of it. This thread will just be improvements to my draft until it is in relatively good shape, then if other BATs/MATs are okay with it we might be able to switch the new rules out with these.

Oh, and almost forgot, trying to handle how SFW is considered.

EDIT: Updated. Thanks for the feedback.
Some of the rules aren't specific enough, while some are too redundant.
Here's a few stuff, but I think it's best to discuss them on a rule per rule thing on these forums, that's what they are for anyway. I will comment on the stuff you wrote though.

@SFW thing - too long and probably unnecessary. It's easier if you write no NSFW stuff. What's NSFW is common sense. Just add that line about mature language thing though.

o .mp3 files where <20% is unused must be clipped. (used means intro till the end of a difficulty)

^You shouldn't be talking what's used cause it's not mentioned in the rule, rather say what does it mean unused (The length of the song after the last mapped note). Makes things more simple.

o Backgrounds must be SFW. <- this is redundant, no NSFW rule already rules this out.

@ Video
o Video must not exceed 20 megabytes
o Video must be SFW
o Video must have no audio channel
o Video offset must be accurate by 10 milliseconds
o Video offset must be consistent on all difficulties.

^A number of problems with these. Lets go in order:
I don't know why you posted the filesize, it doesn't matter at all as long as the whole mapset is under 24MB. Best to remove it.
About video being SFW is redundant, no NSFW rule applies to everything.
Video offset is sometimes impossible to figure out. Also if you have a video with no sound, it's really difficult to sync it properly, especially if your mp3 is coming from somewhere else. Don't forget that the editor doesn't allow you to change video offset in those intervals, it's limited to 100ms only, so this rule is too uncertain and too demanding. It should be either approximately around 100ms or just remove it in general, since it's common sense to try to sync the vid with audio.

@Custom Hitsounds - you forgot to mention they need to be atleast 100ms long. IIRC that was the rule on the hitsounds.

@Unused OSB
o An OSB with unused code must be removed. Unused code in an OSB can cause the storyboarded map logo to falsely appear. The default comment lines in the OSB are fine.

^ This is not true. It will appear when it detects more than the basic unused .osb. Also removing a file thats this small for the sake of another potential huge full submit is a hassle for everyone, this should be a guideline, not a rule.

@ Skin Elements
o Images must use the same aspect ratio as the template skin <- true, however it is acceptable that it is slightly above those dimensions, but that varies per skin element.

@Unused Elements
o Any unused elements must be removed (the exception being OSB files, see “Unused OSB” above)

^ Since you don't really HAVE to remove the osb, this is false and should be removed. (about the osb thing)

@Slider Border
o Slider Border is required if hitcircle.png is present in the custom skin. <- hitcircleoverlay.png, not hitcircle.png, although if you do have either of these, you need to complete the set, which means both of these and a reversearrow.png. Slider border should be mentioned after the hitcircles though, since you don't have to change them at all if you don't apply a custom skin. Makes things more simple.

o Unused Color settings must be removed.
o New combo colors must not have the same color in a row during gameplay.

^What do you mean by unused color settings? Also the 2nd one is false in a few cases, mainly concerning notes after a spinner or a note after the break time. While the editor doesn't really let you change to the same color after a spinner, you can hax it. Sometimes this is a good thing, because some people (like me) like the red combo color, and a red circle could be difficult to notice when it's after a spinner due to the red approach circle which blends with that spinner. Ofcourse you can just change to another color, but what if you have only 2 colors?

I actually didn't read everything yet, but I just wrote about some of the stuff cause I felt like it. Keep in mind that when you write rules, they need to be exact and perfectly worded to the letter, while being most simple as possible. These could help you changing other stuff.

Also look at this terrible post format, meh.
· Backgrounds
o Backgrounds must not be any larger than 1024 width and 768 height
o Backgrounds must be SFW.
1280 X 960 should be a better limit ( as there are really a few people using less than 1024 x 768 of resolution)

· Video
o Video must not exceed 20 megabytes
o Video must be SFW
o Video must have no audio channel
o Video offset must be accurate by 10 milliseconds
o Video offset must be consistent on all difficulties.
The dimension limit is arleady taken care off by the max uploadable size of maps anyway and video offset by 10 ms it's partially seeable (make it 6 ?)
· Artist
o Artist must be accurate and have correct spelling/punctuation
o When feat. is used, it must be spelled ‘feat.’ or ‘ft.’
o Artist must be the same on all difficulties
Choose"feat." or "ft.", it's for consistency
The Artist name must be wrote in Eastern or Western manner? ( Kawada Mami and Mami Kawada as example )

o Title must be accurate and have correct spelling/punctuation.
o When TV Size is used, it must be spelled ‘(TV Size)’
o Title must be the same on all difficulties
nothing for (Short Size), (Remix) or Remix and so?

o Source must be accurate and have correct spelling/punctuation.
o URL’s do not belong in the source.
o Album names do not belong in the source.
o Source must be the same on all difficulties.
Never known why the Album isn't a Source ... (though I know the rule)

· Allowed Modes
o Catch The Beat is not a rankable/approvable gamemode.
not anymore

· Audio Lead-in
o Time before the first object must be at least 1.9 seconds (2 with a bit of leniency)
just 2 is easier to remember

· Audio
o Inheriting sections and Timing sections must have an audio setting of at least 5%.
o Objects must not be completely silenced. Spinners are the exception.
o Ticks must not be silenced completely.
The editor don't permit the use of less than 5% anyway ( and it's something that need you to change the osu file )
As so there is no complete silencing...
Maybe "You mustn't silence tick completely often" ? Some ticks can actually play offbeat while other are playing good...

· Epilepsy
o If the storyboard has a strobe as fast as 6 flashes a second, an epilepsy warning is required.
o An epilepsy warning can be used for a video if necessary.
o An epilepsy warning must not be included in a map without a video or storyboard.
It'll be better to say "4 flashes per seconds"... The 6 per seconds will apply only in ultra-fast cases ( 180 BPM with a 1/2 Flashing )

· Timing Sections
o Timing must be accurate by 5 milliseconds.
o Timing sections must be the same on all difficulties.
o All timing signature resets must be handled by timing sections.
o Timing sections may not be used to double or halve BPM.
o Timing sections must not share the same offset
Timing must be the most accurate possible.
I can partially feel there's something strange with an offset that's off by 5 ms (and I can easily hear it with 25% velocity).
Timing Section should be usable to change BPM when needed (so even when you need to double / halve the BPM ). It's true that you can't do it if there are no reasons

· Inheriting Sections
o Inheriting sections must have a slider speed of between 0.5x and 2.0x
o Inheriting sections must not share the same offset
Not that you can use more or less slider speed anyway... and the "must not share the same offset" means that green section MUST be off... why?

(there are many arleady arleady "editor-restricted" things you don't need to mention )

· Boundaries
o Objects must not touch the screen border.
o Objects must not be off-screen.
o Objects must not be off-screen while playing. ( if they touch the screen border, they do go offscreen)
and stop

· Spinners
o Spinners must give at least 2000 bonus score on Auto.
why not the same that was approved?

· Sliders
o A slider’s own start and end points must not overlap.
o A slider’s own start and end points must not overlap completely.

· Score
o Score on any difficulty must not exceed 20 million.
25 million, suggest to not pass 18 mil anyway

· Difficulty Modes
o As previously stated, CTB is not a rankable gamemode..
Not anymore

· Difficulty Modes
o As previously stated, CTB is not an approvable gamemode.

I was sure new draft weren't even postable to begin with anyway O.O
Card tried something like this before. If you want to be helpful, please prepare this as a list of differences vs. the NewRules draft. I'm having a hard time spotting any differences, besides a few flaws in your draft we've already fixed.

o Timing must be accurate by 5 milliseconds.
huh? If a red line is off by more than 1 millisecond, that's unrankable. Some leeway is given towards figuring out the song's offset but it must be internally consistent and looked at by a pro timer.

o Inheriting sections must not share the same offset
Needs mention that a red and green line sharing the same offset to keep a slider speed multiplier is okay.

o Circle Size must be between 3 and 7
Circle size 2 is coming back soon.

o All objects on a taiko difficulty must be snapped correctly. The only exception is the end of sliders as long as the extra length does not add an extra in-game tick.
I would rather the bug be fixed than make an exception for it.
Yeah i'll move this to General Development (Parent forum) instead if you have an issue with any specific rule then you may create a thread (or post in an existing one) in New Rules Discussion.

Charles445 wrote:

Lucy-Kaede wrote:

Catch The Beat is not a rankable/approvable gamemode. - TBA this is getting pretty close actually..
So close yet so far
I think that you can, now that CtB is rankable/approveable, remove this rule.
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