
Taking care for your tablet...

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hmmm i'm a tablet user and as a tablet user i want to protec it from any damage (i love to take care of my precious stuff) well my question is for tablet users how you take care of your tablet? :) :)
Assuming you own a Bamboo or similar quality tablet: Tablets can take a lot of abuse, you really don't need to do much about it.
Especially if you pen hover, it'll probably last forever. But even if you touch the tablet with the pen the only thing that will likely break after some time is the pen tip and those can be switched out easily, the tablet should have some replacement tips included as well.
When you are doing lots and lots of spinners with touching, the middle area of the tablet will become a bit glossy from all the use - but actually damaging it takes ages.
In case you are really worried about keeping everything in perfect condition, stick some plastic foil on it (kind of like those protective foils you can buy for Nintendo DS Touchscreens) and you're golden ^^
Leave it sitting on my computer desk at all times (Only do-able if the desk is big enough I guess), I spin with the tip touching the tablet and have done on and off for about 4 months now, tip + tablet are both fine.
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Luna wrote:

Assuming you own a Bamboo or similar quality tablet: Tablets can take a lot of abuse, you really don't need to do much about it.
Especially if you pen hover, it'll probably last forever. But even if you touch the tablet with the pen the only thing that will likely break after some time is the pen tip and those can be switched out easily, the tablet should have some replacement tips included as well.
When you are doing lots and lots of spinners with touching, the middle area of the tablet will become a bit glossy from all the use - but actually damaging it takes ages.
In case you are really worried about keeping everything in perfect condition, stick some plastic foil on it (kind of like those protective foils you can buy for Nintendo DS Touchscreens) and you're golden ^^
hmmm i see. thanks for your advice... i think i'll buy one of this plastic foil thing... my bamboo pen (yes you were right assuming i own a bamboo) is really expensive here in venezuela it took 4 months of my salary to buy it XD and i bought it last octuber but now i see the active area has been scratched and i really don't like it, i read also that the pen is really delicate with fallings and here in venezuela find a replacement it's really hard, well anyway thanks :oops:

and excuse my bad english... is not my principal language
Hover or use some thing to cover it. I have scratched up my tablet on both sides, and now there is like these patches that have been scratched out and that took like half a year to happen and i've used up all my tips aswel, now i hover so it really doesnt matter. If you use a plastic i guess the pen tip will still get worn out so i think the best is to hover, but if you dont press the pen down to hard like i did you might be fine.
I used plastic to cover my Bamboo Capture. I've changed the tip for a new one since 2 weeks (the old one was flattened out within 2 days), and since then, my tip is still perfectly round. I don't know if it will still be rounded after a long period of time, but it seems to work well for now.
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