
Lower Difficulties Mapping Contest (LDMC) #1

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Banner created by RyoKazuka.
All copyright(s) belong to the respective original creator(s) or owner(s).
Please read through the whole announcement post for details + contest rules and regulations.

Organized by RyoKazuka and HootOwlStar
with the aid of a lot of people


Lower Difficulties Mapping Contest (LDMC) is an unofficial competition which serves as a platform for mappers to hustle and show their skills on mapping difficulties below Insane level. Recently, the current mapping scene haven't received much promising lower difficulties compared to higher difficulties because most mappers tend to put their effort most in higher difficulties instead of lower difficulties. Through this approach we hope that we could help in enhancing the overall quality of lower difficulties by giving the spotlight and to give exposure to mappers who map lower difficulties. We hope that mappers would enjoy the contest experience and polish the mastery in basic mapping in the very least.


26 May 2018 : Announcement day.
5 June 2018 UTC 15:00 : Contest starts and .osz file is given.
30 June 2018 UTC 15:00 : Contest ends, and submitted sets are compiled.
1 July 2018 : Judging Process on-going.
31 July 2018 : Judging finalized and results will be released shortly.
1 August 2018 : Results announced and prizes are given out.
Note that the dates will be altered if needed.


  1. No registration is required to take part in the contest.
  2. The contest .osz will be released as the last post in this thread.
  3. Contestants have 600 hours (25 days) to create and finish a set.
  4. Once contestants are done with their entry, forum PM @HootOwlStar with the .osz files.
  5. Judges will be given anonymous sets with everyone's entries and the judging process will be carrried out for a month.
  6. Once the judging period is over, winners will be announced and prizes will be given.


First place winner will recieve 4 months of osu!supporter.
The winning set will be aided in the ranking process as well.
Second place winner will receive 2 months of osu!supporter.
Third place winner will recieve 1 month of osu!supporter.

  1. This contest is for osu!std only, any entries with game modes other than that will be disqualified.
  2. This contest is in affect of the osu!std Ranking Criteria and General Ranking Criteria, meaning that entries with unrankable elements will be disqualified. The final push is for the ranked status and hence following the criteria is optimal for the effectiveness of reaching the stage.
  3. Participants must map a spread consisting of at least one Normal and one Hard difficulty. Participants could only map a spread up to four difficulties, and only the lowest four difficulties will be considered when the number of difficulties exceeds the limit.
  4. Difficulties above star rating 3.75* will not be considered.
  5. GD's and Collabs are allowed but only the publisher of the map gets the prize and credit.
  6. Difficulty names must only be the name of the respective difficulty. Ryo's Easy or a custom difficulty name is not allowed with the exception of Advanced.
  7. Participants can still map with a background but please note that the judging process will judge the sets without the background.
  8. Participants may use the custom hitsounds given in the song folder. Using all the hitsounds given will have a higher chance of receiving high marks for the Technical Skill section in the Judging Criteria. If the participants find the custom hitsounds unpleasant, they are allowed to use default hitsounds. Unprovided custom hitsounds will be replaced if used.
  9. Copying other people's content is not allowed. Entries that plagiarize other works would be disqualified.
  10. When the contest is on-going, participants are not allowed to share their beatmaps to the public or privately.
  11. Participants are not allowed to post their sets through the Beatmap Submission System before the results for the contest are announced.
  12. Do NOT change the mp3 file or the hitsound's name.
  13. The beatmap will be judged based on the Judging Criteria.
  1. Participants must submit their entries by .osz files through PM to @HootOwlStar.
  2. Any late submissions will be immediately disqualified.
  3. Participants can resubmit their files 3 TIMES only. The third resubmission will be the finalized entry.
  1. Can I map an Advanced difficulty in this contest?
    Yes, if you plan or feel like the gap between Normal and Hard is a bit big. Also when submitting your entry, you are allowed to name your difficulty as Advanced.
  2. The song is really suitable to have an Insane / Hyper difficulty, can I map it but not submit it in the contest?
    Yes, we also plan that the winning entry can map an extra difficulty (Insane or Hyper) after the results have been announced (just in case the mapper wants to). But please do not submit any entries beyond Hard as it will defeat the purpose of the contest.
  3. The hitsounds given sucks and I'm not really good at handling default hitsounds, can I use my own hitsounds?
    Nope, sorry. Unprovided custom hitsounds will be replaced if used.


Feel free to contact the organizers through forum or in-game PM's if you have any questions or concerns regarding the contest.


Anyone who's willing to sponsor supporter prizes for future contests could PM the organizers as well.
Apologies if there's any inconveniences or trouble caused and hope you guys are eager and interested in the contest!
finally a low diff contest
fighting !
Akitoshi it's your time to shine

Nice tournament, I will participate ;)
Fu Xuan

Pachiru wrote:

Akitoshi it's your time to shine

Nice tournament, I will participate ;)
-Laura-'s Normal

Nitrous wrote:

-Laura-'s Normal
ops this is curse
a a a a a a a a
good luck
gratz Akitoshi for the best normal diff in the contest
Wow, we'll have a bunch of low diff high quality map soon
Thank you for this lol
Seto Kousuke
mhmmmmmmmmmmm :D
finally a contest i can win

Trynna wrote:

finally a contest i can win
where do i sign up

Joe Castle
Im convinced, sign me up! :D
Nao Tomori
handsome style hard tech normals incoming
looks interesting, might give it a try~
anna apple
hello there
Akitoshi's Normal
what is pm?
Time to make the most underrated map ever existed
is hard a must?
can i just map ez and nm
Topic Starter

Song Information

BPM: 104
Length: 4:43
Genre: Pop / Anime (Japanese)

We forgot to post about this but no one asked about it so hmmmmm
Links will be provided in the last post of the thread once the contest starts. For the time being, we can only provide limited information regarding the song. We are working on shortening the song to around 3 minutes as well. And about the questions, @aida23123 PM is the abbreviation for private message. @pkhg hard difficulty is a must for this round since the song intensity allows for a minimal spread of NH instead of EN.
i love anime
anime is my boi
Topic Starter
I think I'll try.
kind of sad it's not an interesting song but im a slut for low diffs so this should be fun
this is going to be sick, let's do this!

Veridian wrote:

kind of sad it's not an interesting song but im a slut for low diffs so this should be fun
it's not been released yet. how can you tell?
its not a typical anime song so please wait

RyoKazuka wrote:

its not a typical anime song so please wait

thought so. cant wait to hear it!

camellirite wrote:

Veridian wrote:

kind of sad it's not an interesting song but im a slut for low diffs so this should be fun
it's not been released yet. how can you tell?
"Song Information
BPM: 104
Length: 4:43
Genre: Pop / Anime (Japanese)"
we can only provide limited infos regarding the song
we will release it when the contest starts

and like i said its not a typical anime song either but it is japanese and unique
2 days left pogchamp

RyoKazuka wrote:

and like i said its not a typical anime song either but it is japanese and unique
Yeah my Kac (TV Size) song definitely seems like an unusual and unique Japanese song, doesn't it?

Finally a contest I feel happy and excited about, can't wait for the files. o3o
anna apple
bumpy jumpy~
3 more hours !
Topic Starter
The contest starts now! The song choice is orion by Kenshi Yonezu (米津玄師).

Download the osz. file for the cut version here.
Download the osz. file for the uncut version here.

View the music video here if interested
The cut version is 3 minutes 22 seconds, while the uncut version is 4 minutes 43 seconds.
Note: Both versions of the song are judged equally, hence mapping whichever version will not affect the scoring.
EDIT: The offset in the cut version should be 1287 (-15). There will be no score penalties if the offset is not changed.

*** Hitsounding
  1. Participants may use the custom hitsounds given in the song folder. There will be no penalties for the entries that do not use any or all the hitsounds provided. If the participants find the custom hitsounds unpleasant, they are allowed to use default hitsounds. Unprovided custom hitsounds will be replaced if used.
  2. Hitsounds are categorized into folders, and participants are required to extract the hitsounds out from the folders to the main song folder for the hitsounds to be effective.
  3. Do not change the file names of the hitsounds. Since the hitsound files will be copy-pasted again when the contest ends, change in file names may cause deflections or undesired problems that may affect the overall score for the entry.
*** Rules
  1. Note: Rules related to hitsounds are modified and moved to the hitsounding column, while other rules remain valid.
  2. This contest is for osu!std only, any entries with game modes other than that will be disqualified.
  3. This contest is in affect of the osu!std Ranking Criteria and General Ranking Criteria, meaning that entries with unrankable elements will be disqualified. The final push is for the ranked status and hence following the criteria is optimal for the effectiveness of reaching the stage.
  4. Participants must map a spread consisting of at least one Normal and one Hard difficulty. Participants could only map a spread up to four difficulties, and only the lowest four difficulties will be considered when the number of difficulties exceeds the limit.
  5. Difficulties above star rating 3.75* will not be considered.
  6. GD's and Collabs are allowed but only the publisher of the map gets the prize and credit.
  7. Difficulty names must only be the name of the respective difficulty. Ryo's Easy or a custom difficulty name is not allowed with the exception of Advanced.
  8. Participants can still map with a background but please note that the judging process will judge the sets without the background.
  9. Copying other people's content is not allowed. Entries that plagiarize other works would be disqualified.
  10. When the contest is on-going, participants are not allowed to share their beatmaps to the public or privately.
  11. Participants are not allowed to post their sets through the Beatmap Submission System before the results for the contest are announced.
  12. Do NOT change the mp3 file or the hitsound's name.
  13. The beatmap will be judged based on the Judging Criteria.
  1. Participants must submit their entries by .osz files through PM to @HootOwlStar.
  2. Any late submissions will be immediately disqualified.
  3. Participants can resubmit their files 3 TIMES only. The third resubmission will be the finalized entry.
  1. Can I map an Advanced difficulty in this contest?
    Yes, if you plan or feel like the gap between Normal and Hard is a bit big. Also when submitting your entry, you are allowed to name your difficulty as Advanced.
  2. The song is really suitable to have an Insane / Hyper difficulty, can I map it but not submit it in the contest?
    Yes, we also plan that the winning entry can map an extra difficulty (Insane or Hyper) after the results have been announced (just in case the mapper wants to). But please do not submit any entries beyond Hard as it will defeat the purpose of the contest.
  3. The hitsounds given sucks and I'm not really good at handling default hitsounds, can I use my own hitsounds?
    Nope, sorry. Unprovided custom hitsounds will be replaced if used.
There are minor changes in the rules regarding hitsounding, so remember to read through the rules and regulations of the contest.
Sorry for the inconveniences caused. Good luck in everything, and happy mapping!
good luck
Topic Starter
around 2 more days until the deadline, but there hasn't been much submissions so far...
Topic Starter
bump. due to the underwhelming number of submissions, we decided to extend the deadline 15 days later than the initial deadline, which will be 15 July 2018 UTC 15:00. hence, the events after will be postponed to 15 days later than initially planned. sorry for any inconveniences.

this is so sad can we hit f
i was going to participate but song is :weary:
Topic Starter

pkhg wrote:

i was going to participate but song is :weary:
yeah, that was our bad. will definitely be more considerate in the future projects.
anyway, reminder that the deadline is 15 July 2018 UTC 15:00.
Joe Castle

pkhg wrote:

i was going to participate but song is :weary:
same tbh
a shorter song would have been nicer, maybe something within the 1:30 - 2 minute range (as most songs within that range aren't too short but also don't repeat themselves). Especially when mapping lower difficulties, it can get quite repetetive. Nonetheless I'll be entering as well-I'm a fan of the song and I think (besides the length) it is good for lower difficulties!

Neko-san da wrote:

a shorter song would have been nicer, maybe something within the 1:30 - 2 minute range (as most songs within that range aren't too short but also don't repeat themselves). Especially when mapping lower difficulties, it can get quite repetetive. Nonetheless I'll be entering as well-I'm a fan of the song and I think (besides the length) it is good for lower difficulties!
I agree with that.

Neko-san da wrote:

a shorter song would have been nicer, maybe something within the 1:30 - 2 minute range (as most songs within that range aren't too short but also don't repeat themselves). Especially when mapping lower difficulties, it can get quite repetetive. Nonetheless I'll be entering as well-I'm a fan of the song and I think (besides the length) it is good for lower difficulties!
second this. also higher bpm songs would be preferrable
It's really a nice song and actually very fun to map. The costum hitsounds provided are also good and interesting to use. If only I have time, I'll probably participate in the contest
While I agree on the fact that the song choice could had been better which is the only reason why I choose to stay away from this contest but shorten the song to 1-2 mins goes to show how people lack experience on low difficulties tbh since there is plenty of time to create interesting rhythm on low difficulties and patterns without being overly repetitive but most people is used to not doing that. also lower bpms allows more room to be creative in low difficulties than higher bpm since higher bpm would make things more stricter
(somewhere higher than 160 would slowly become harder to follow the song and be more restrictive on pattern usage to me)

the issue to me is the song and not the length/bpm basically
Topic Starter
alright, so the contest has ended! the judging phase will start soon, and expect the results to be out within a month.

and thanks for the feedback, they are very helpful and valuable. we will evaluate and consider them for the future contests.
  • After compiling the sets and judging them for hours, we have finally concluded the contest and it's winner.

    Congratulations to Lilyanna for taking first place with a score of 120 from the judges.
    Coming second is Agatsu with a score of 116, 4 points difference as of first place.
    And last but not least, Sallad4ever as third place with a score of 85, Sallad4ever managed to win 3rd place despite not fulfilling the NH criteria due to the lack of entries for this contest.

    Judge's Comments


    View the Entries

    As promised, first place will get 4 months of osu!supporter tag for a friend or themselves and the set will be aided through out the ranking process.
    Followed by a 2 months of osu!supporter tag for the runner-up and 1 month of osu!supporter tag for third place.

    The contest has brought up a disappointing number of only 4 contestants and we hope to increase its publicity by providing a much more interesting song choice. We hope that there would more participants interested in the contest next time.

    Special appreciation to the judging panel, Monstrata, bossandy, Gabe and neonat for taking their time judging the entries and evaluate their opinions on each set. The contest would not be finished without their useful insights and presence!

    Until next time.
Sorry if I am blind but where can I get winning diffs?
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