
Taiko Help

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Surely there is a spot for newbies to go and read up on this game mode?

I've just recently started playing and I know absolutely nothing about what the best method of playing it or anything is.

After these forums being around for this long I find myself shocked to see that there isn't even a post with tips on game play.

Please help, I have no how to improve my performance besides raw practicing.

I am not saying that I don't intend on practicing it's just once I start a certain way its going to be hard to change if I find a better one.

What keys do you guys use? What fingers do you have on them? How do you handle fast sections?

I don't mean to be rude but don't you think that a thread about this stuff should be somewhere on these forums?

Thanks for your time.
I thought there was a beginner's guide somewhere? oh well anyways:

You use 4 keys that you can map to whichever keyboard keys you want for Left Rim, Left Drum, Right Drum, Right Rim.

You hit Red (Don) notes with either Left or Right Drum (It's recommended to alternate left and right specially for streams)

You hit Blue (Katsu) notes with either Left or Right Rim (It's recommended to alternate left and right specially for streams)

Drumrolls (Appear like a yellow note with a bar) are hit by either rim or drum and then alternate left/right pretty fast.

Spinners alternate Drum and Rim pretty fast.

Big Notes are hit with both Left/Right at the same time for double score, but can still be hit with one of the keys for regular score.

Hope i didnt miss anything, also moving this to Gameplay & Rankings as this is the wrong forum.
This is actually the only thread I could find after a few mins of browsing:
Taiko Fingers/Keys

what's with all the extra spacing between the lines? ôo
And here comes.... the Taiko Beginner Team \o/
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Thanks guys, you've been a great help ^_^

Nashmun wrote:

And here comes.... the Taiko Beginner Team \o/
I'd like to quote this again. Very good tutorial.
After playing alot of osu i've got a problem in taiko. Even on pretty slow maps i fail alternating fingers. I mean, with my key bindings i need to use middle finger for blue circles and index for red. When i see that red circle is coming i still automaticly press middle finger cause its my main finger in osu. So does it happen cause i overplayed osu, or its just a lack of experience in taiko and everyone had same problem when they started?

God wrote:

After playing alot of osu i've got a problem in taiko. Even on pretty slow maps i fail alternating fingers. I mean, with my key bindings i need to use middle finger for blue circles and index for red. When i see that red circle is coming i still automaticly press middle finger cause its my main finger in osu. So does it happen cause i overplayed osu, or its just a lack of experience in taiko and everyone had same problem when they started?
Well, I'd say it might have something to do with playing osu! a lot first.
But I wouldn't know seeings how I play with only index fingers.
You should adapt to it soon though.
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