
What best to set my mouse to move well to play osu!

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I got a Lighted Opitical Mouse Model: OM3800U.

But while I'm hitting all combos, the courser didn't work well and that's why I missed a combo and the spinner.

So, please give me suggests on how.

Thank you.
mouse acelaration off and train
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letmeplaytoo wrote:

mouse acelaration off and train
What you mean by mouse acelaration off??

Do I have to train with it? Because my other pocket mouse was almost dead and I have to use this thing to play.

kokoroanime wrote:

letmeplaytoo wrote:

mouse acelaration off and train
What you mean by that? Please show me via screenshot, them I'll understand,
the mice are obviously inside the train.

kriers wrote:

the mice are obviously inside the train.
mice that are set to move at 100% (what)
well unless they start running against the direction of the train, then it might go below 100%, so they need to be sitting still in order to maintain 100% speed synchronized to train speed.
what if the train is traveling at the speed of light and the mice run at 100% speed forwards?
comparing the speed of a normal mouse with the speed of light makes that difference so little, it's not even noticeable
how are you from the US and fail at English this much?

I have no idea wtf you're talking about.
M i l o t i c

kokoroanime wrote:

letmeplaytoo wrote:

mouse acelaration off and train
What you mean by mouse acelaration off??

Do I have to train with it? Because my other pocket mouse was almost dead and I have to use this thing to play.
you will learn what is mouse acelaration off after watching thomas train

ragelewa wrote:

kriers wrote:

the mice are obviously inside the train.
mice that are set to move at 100% (what)
100% of speed of light,which is = 299,792,458 m/s
Topic Starter
That's it!!! I got a video coming up to prove and I meant by.

Here you go.


kokoroanime wrote:

That's it!!! I got a video coming up to prove and I meant by.

Here you go.

The hoarse, "see" at the end made me lol.

Looks like an acceleration issue. What OS do you have?
Simple movement issue. Turn mouse precision off in windows and use lower sensitivity and use bigger moves to move the mouse. For me, the mouse movement feels natural, but I guess it feels like this for everyone else.
What I mean by this is that you don't necessarily have to stare at your cursor to aim, you just move naturally to the next note.

if you never played with mouse acelaration off then you will have trouble adapting to it, just time will do it
I've got quite sweaty hands and if my mpousepad gets wet, my mouse does something similiar to that in the video.

Do you have any other decent mouse to test if it is an issue with the mouse or with your pc configuration?
Maybe that mouse is just not good enough for serious gaming^^
Your mousepad sucks then. I am using a rubber mousepad and everything works fine, even if it's sweaty.
you don't need an expensive mouse to play osu

letmeplaytoo wrote:

you don't need an expensive mouse to play osu
This is true. DPI and buttons are the things that mostly goes up with nicer mice.

But mouse pads are rather imperative. Just went from a cheapy cloth to a big Zowie plastic one. Big difference in friction.
Topic Starter

lolcubes wrote:

Your mousepad sucks then. I am using a rubber mousepad and everything works fine, even if it's sweaty.
This is newspaper.

kokoroanime wrote:

lolcubes wrote:

Your mousepad sucks then. I am using a rubber mousepad and everything works fine, even if it's sweaty.
This is newspaper.
What is-
I don't-

Go to Walmart and buy yourself a cheapy for $5.

Your mouse has such poor resolution and newspaper has consistencies too similar to be picked up. That's going to cause skips similar to what you see. Could very well solve your problem if you already took care of acceleration.
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I tried way above and I keep losing on hard diff.
Your mouse seems pretty high sensetivity with that settings, also changing it in windows will cause it to not being really smooth, try to set windows on like 6/11 and only higher it in osu

Also mouse precision off on osu
disable mouse precision mode, pointer speed down like 3-4 pips and move the mouse sensitivity in osu untill you find one that you like.

what roy said
While sensitivity is pretty relative thing because it depends on the person, I think that this sensitivity is pure madness. It's really high.
Also we don't know the DPI of your mouse (well I could probably check it cause you said the model but I'm lazy to do that), which also affects your sensitivity.
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Royboyvdm wrote:

Your mouse seems pretty high sensetivity with that settings, also changing it in windows will cause it to not being really smooth, try to set windows on like 6/11 and only higher it in osu

Also mouse precision off on osu
But how? On 6/11?

That's the way I just adjusted it and it's pretty faster as I adjusted this.


This is what I originally adjusted on.
DPI is the resolution of your mouse, not your screen. In any case I checked it and it's 800. My G500 is setup for 800 dpi and I use 6/11 windows and 1.0 in game (which is far lower than yours). I have no problems playing anything either. ;x;
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lolcubes wrote:

DPI is the resolution of your mouse, not your screen. In any case I checked it and it's 800. My G500 is setup for 800 dpi and I use 6/11 windows and 1.0 in game (which is far lower than yours). I have no problems playing anything either. ;x;
I'm just showing you the screen though. But where can I find my DPI to solve it?
I'm afraid you can't, because your mouse has no DPI switching capabilities. 800 is pretty common and I find it best for my needs though.
Also you should try playing with lower sensitivity cause the problem you're experiencing is because your sensitivity is too high. You will have to move your hand more, but it's better in the long run.

edit: But as people already told you, you should train. If you're comfortable with that sensitivity, that's what matters most and just train. Else change it (lower it) and train. ;x;
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Thank you very much for your help. I used the window instead of fullscreen and it's working as I keep training this mouse.

But sadly... The mouse point moves well, but there's glitch as I missed a combo and a spinner while I moved the mouse as well. Both Window and Fullscreen. Could y'all fix this glitch?
if you miss during spinner you just need to spin faster.
Topic Starter

silmarilen wrote:

if you miss during spinner you just need to spin faster.
It was rare I did as I can. But still. The glitch gotta be solved!

Now, I'm talking about the notes/combos on Hard/Insane diffs.
i still dont get what the glitch is then...
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Right now, I solved the problem myself. So we're gonna play a little puzzle solving game. LOL!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

I'm gonna do a comparison of stuff I move my mouse with. While I was moving the mouse slowing on Easy/Normal diff, it moves few pixels for move, so that was caused of me to miss a note/combo. So the answer was the newspaper. And the non-rubber mouse pad messes me up.

On the non-rubber mouse pad.

On a piece of newspaper.

Does that means I should buy a new mouse pad?
I swapped my old plastic mousepad with a 1337 Gaming Mat a week ago and now my mouse movements feel a lot more reliable. So i would buy a new one.

kokoroanime wrote:

Right now, I solved the problem myself. So we're gonna play a little puzzle solving game. LOL!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

I'm gonna do a comparison of stuff I move my mouse with. While I was moving the mouse slowing on Easy/Normal diff, it moves few pixels for move, so that was caused of me to miss a note/combo. So the answer was the newspaper. And the non-rubber mouse pad messes me up.

On the non-rubber mouse pad.

On a piece of newspaper.

Does that means I should buy a new mouse pad?
i guess so.
i remember i used to have problems with my mousemat, which is why i bought a mouse that doesnt need one.
Why the heck would you touch the windows sensitivity for?
That's the same as saying you want no control over your mouse at all, holy shit...

This is a completely biased opinion due to having the same mindset for the past couple of years but do yourself a massive favour and invest your time to control low dpi efficiently. At that low of a resolution you will benefit greatly due to having more control in your mouse over anything else.

I use the same mouse settings as kriers does which are:
  • 450dpi
    1.0 in-game sensitivity
    MarkC mouse accel fix
These have always been the most comfortable for control and speed personally.
As stated it will come down to a personal preference but do not rely on windows sensitivity adjustments, that crap just kills your control period.
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I fixed the problems all by myself. It was the mouse lag. And it works as I read help on YouTube.

BTW!!!! I found out that my DPI is 9 point Sugoe UI at 96 dots per inch!!!

Is there's anything to fix that?
I can feel the life draining out of me.

People often refer to mouse DPI. this stands for "dots per inch". However, what is a dot? it can be many things, like a printer dot, or a pixel on your screen. Right now your monitor is set at 96 DPI, or 96 pixels per inch. This has nothing to do with the mouse.

The new term that people should use, but don't because they're stubborn, is CPI, or counts per inch. The mouse takes a count, then compares it to the previous count to get movement. the higher the value (400 CPI vs 2000 CPI) the faster the mouse will move on the screen. One count at 6/11 windows mouse speed is equal to 1 pixel on the screen, thus how you get "DPI" from "CPI".

So then, if you are having trouble playing osu, it's not a problem with osu, and there is nothing the developers can do to fix your problem. What you need to do is buy a mousepad at staples or office depot for $3. Then you need to practice. You won't magically be as good when you switch hardware, since your hands are used to different sets of hardware, even if they're very similar.

You might also want to turn off vsync/ 120 fps frame limiter.

Personally I use 7/11 windows, 1600 CPI, and 1.8x osu multiplier. You can't change the CPI on your mouse (at least it's unlikely) but most of the time it should be set at the highest value possible if you can change it.
Make sure the pointer speed in Mouse CP is 6/11 with "Enhance pointer precision" off . Pointer speed above 6/11 causes your cursor to skip like mad. And "Enhance pointer precision" is resulting in acceleration which isn't good.

And then test out the result on Ms. Paint

Also, I know the following article is FPS gaming related. But it solves my problems with acceleration along with some other stuff. ... tion-guide

Forgot to mention that the surface you're using for your mouse also affects your cursor movement, and also frame limiter in osu! itself which delays the response from inputs.
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Hey!!! It's finally over!!!! I bought a wireless mouse from Target (US store) that is 8 US dollars in sale, and this mouse works well... Now I can go back and play osu! but plus, I might gonna play like Cookiezi because of this mouse.

I believe this Lighted Opitical Mouse Model: OM3800U sucks ass... This mouse I just bought of better!!!! Moves very well.

So the thing is over.

If y'all having trouble about the mouse speed and acceleration, post here if you want. Then we'll help.

EDIT: Look!!!! This is better than my other small mouse until it was broke couple of weeks ago.

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