
STD Metal NM queue

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Just started modding and it's good fun so I'm opening a Metal mod queue.

  • - Metal music only
    - Highest diff under 6.5*
    - Be respectful. Call me an idiot and I won't continue modding your map. Disagreeing with me is fine, just don't be a dick about it.

  • - Prog metal, something djenty
    - Under 7 mins
    - English vocals if any. Japanese is starting to grind my gears.
    - Not tech. I'll try, but I haven't much experience mapping tech so I'm not sure how much you'll get out of it.

M4M is not required but if I have a pending map it'll be here. Feel free to mod it, I may put a bit of extra effort into yours if you do ;)

Feel free to give feedback on my modding if you're experienced. I'm new to this. We use mods to get better at mapping but who mods the modders?
Also you can request a GD if you like my maps, and I like your song.
any help is appreciated, thanks :D

PsYcHo96 wrote:

Metal music only
Hell yeah

"PsYcHo96 wrote:

- Highest diff under 6.5*
- Under 7 mins
I guess I'll come back later ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

PsYcHo96 wrote:

We use mods to get better at mapping but who mods the modders?
Well if the mapper gives proper answers to your mods that's what helps you see what your modding was like. Closest thing to "modding mods" I guess
Topic Starter

TheKingHenry wrote:

PsYcHo96 wrote:

- Highest diff under 6.5*
- Under 7 mins

I guess I'll come back later ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I've tried modding 7*+ maps, I just don't really get them I guess. Don't feel like I could be of much use since I can't even play them.
If the song is really cool, the 7 minute restriction is flexible. Just nothing too ridiculous or I won't be able to motivate myself to finish. I changed it to a recommendation. I don't wanna turn away maps I would love to mod just because they're 8 mins long
NM request

Carnifex - Lie to my Face : (Deathcore) (6,57 stars, i sry ;__;)
Paramore - Misery Business : ("weird" pop punk i guess) (6,47 stars)

thx :)

ps: i really liked your map, but i have a few complains about it wich are more like suggestions xd
ps2: im mapping Prayer Position of Periphery, we could maybe do a collab or a full mapset, who knows...
Topic Starter

SurassaDF wrote:

ps2: im mapping Prayer Position of Periphery, we could maybe do a collab or a full mapset, who knows...

Sure thing, hit me up :)

It'll take me a little while to get to this because I'm stepping away from osu for a few weeks. But I'll do the mods when I get back and I'd love to do a GD/Collab
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