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Hello boys and girls. I have a problem - cant play slow streams. I can play 190-200, but cant 150-180, cuz very very slow for me. very.

So.. yea.. can you guys help me? how to stream? TEACH PLEASE.

I request tips and easy BEATMAPS for training streams '':o

also, i hate low 7 AR.

playstyle: bamboo pen+blackwidow. z/x for streams

my english poor, i know

Who have the same problem. lets learn together \:D/

thank you guys for this beatmaps for training: ALL HERE ↓ ↓ ↓
kriers wrote:

I recommend alternating for practice

lolcubes wrote:

I used though. It's mapped like 130bpm and it's insanely hard to get awesome accuracy on. The streams aren't long, but if you can hold 99+ accuracy here, streaming low bpm won't be that hard anymore, atleast it wasn't for me.

ragelewa wrote:
I find it easier to stream low bpm if I just increase the force that I smash the buttons with

works pretty fine taking into consideration that I can do stuff like this:

Jalatiphra wrote:

also': play this for improving with slow bpm streams

-Kamui- wrote:
Otherwise i offers that for you :

lolcubes wrote:
You can also try this map here:
Or MENDES, although that one is more about stamina rather than low bpm.

Oh yeah, just adding to the list, a newly ranked map.
Some 120bpm awesomeness haha.

Also try to avoid low OD (7 and under) maps if you want to train your accuracy on, because they give you too much of "free space" where you can be wrong in clicking and still get 300s. Lixaxil is a good example of that problem. But it's not a bad thing to start training on I suppose.


fartownik wrote:
some slow-streamy maps without much jumps, concentrating mostly on streams 141bpm 140bpm 155bpm 144bpm 157bpm 156bpm 132bpm 138bpm, best 1/3 training
also nyancat

just quality stuff, have fun training

ziin wrote:
play this over and over again. Don't forget to download the other 2 diffs at the end of the thread. You'll steadily work your way up from 160 bpm to 200 bpm.
What is your playstyle? Like mouse or tablet?
Also, do you use z/x or click and or tap with x?
Topic Starter
i use z/x for streams. and play z/x only :o .
Maybe you should try tap and x. Works better for me. :3
or go mouse only. Solved problem for me
Alternate 100% of the time. Even on easies. Never 1-key.

or just practice...
Smash buttons
There are only 2 ways in learning something. Either be a natural talent and easely master it or he second way for people who are not so talented is practice. Also a good sense of rhythm helps A LOT.
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thank you guys \:D/
stalking this thread because i have the same problem...

KRZY wrote:

stalking this thread because i have the same problem...
We must have greater problems then.
alternate 100% of the time

even on easies
use 1 finger for slow streams? :o

Neruell wrote:

a good sense of rhythm helps A LOT.

Even if you suck at streams, you can still use your sense of rythm to force it over to your fingers if you actually listen to the hitsounds
Or you can just go play 120-140 bpm maps and alternate everything for a long time. Sounds silly but this worked for me.
Also practice, alot.
I have the same problem D:

lolcubes wrote:

Or you can just go play 120-140 bpm maps and alternate everything for a long time. Sounds silly but this worked for me.
Also practice, alot.
It's not silly at all. It's pretty much the best way.

I remember thinking that I could learn slow streams by learning fast streams, but it just doesn't work like that.
It's the other way around if you wish for a respectable accuracy.

I recommend alternating for practice

kriers wrote:

I remember thinking that I could learn slow streams by learning fast streams, but it just doesn't work like that.
It's the other way around if you wish for a respectable accuracy.
I did absolutely the same. Also couldn't have said it better myself. :)

I used though. It's mapped like 130bpm and it's insanely hard to get awesome accuracy on. The streams aren't long, but if you can hold 99+ accuracy here, streaming low bpm won't be that hard anymore, atleast it wasn't for me.
Try that with Hardrock xD Then it is really hard to get a good accuracy xD
I find it fairly easy. I have to play it a couple times to get down the tempo, and then it comes natural. I just play in my head "da da da da da da da da", like a metronome, to help time my s/d. Sometimes I'll bob my head left and right to physically replicate a metronome.
I find it easier to stream low bpm if I just increase the force that I smash the buttons with

works pretty fine taking into consideration that I can do stuff like this:
you get better at aspects of osu the same way you get better at any instrument: play etudes. Stuff like chipstream is perfect for streaming practice, though the song itself could be a little bit better designed since the bpm jumps up way too fast.

You can also make your own etudes if you really want to get better. That's probably the best way as it lets you choose the song, the difficulty, the bpm, and all the rhythms you need, so you don't have to learn some other song.

stuff like shoreline is probably a bad idea. rhythms are painfully stupid.

ziin wrote:

stuff like shoreline is probably a bad idea. rhythms are painfully stupid.
there is nothing wrong with the rythm in shoreline :( why does it make sense to me?

For good players who want to learn streaming, it's not just massive stream practice. It's also an excellent way to start adapting to old style beatmaps with lower approach rates and I don't see why that wouldn't be a good thing?
Just consider that all the players out there, who work hard to become better in every aspect, still whine when they see anything lower than AR9. :lol:
smash z/x

kriers wrote:

Neruell wrote:

a good sense of rhythm helps A LOT.
Even if you suck at streams, you can still use your sense of rythm to force it over to your fingers if you actually listen to the hitsounds

Although sometimes this doesn't work too well for me. It seems like I'm following the beat, but I see a bunch of 100's, 50's then eventually X's sometimes (I don't think I have an audio/video desync thing either). Probably just me following the wrong beat or something :p

Then there are some songs where this works perfectly :)
SOUND HOLIC - Earthquake Super Shock
Tamura Yukari - Endless Story

In any case though, I used to practice streaming endurance on O-Life Japan - Yakujinsama no Couple Dance

Zelmarked wrote:

I find it fairly easy. I have to play it a couple times to get down the tempo, and then it comes natural. I just play in my head "da da da da da da da da", like a metronome, to help time my s/d. Sometimes I'll bob my head left and right to physically replicate a metronome.
this is what neruell called : good sense of rythm..

also': play this for improving with slow bpm streams
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so guys thank you for tips and beatmaps \:D/
I wouldn't recommend you to make a live blog out of this thread though.
Just pointing one thing out in here, most of the people who can stream low bpm well are people who had weak fingers and couldn't play faster streams when they begun playing.

So basically it takes time and proves that just playing the hardest and fastest maps ever isn't the best way to improve, especially if you want to have good overall accuracy.
Nothing against anyone, but in osu! accuracy doesn't matter if you can't keep the combo. So people who get a fc even with spamming and low accuracy > top accuracy but 1 or 2 misses. So basically speed > accuracy. Can't stream low bpm, do it like cookiezi and play with dt. xD

Neruell wrote:

Nothing against anyone, but in osu! accuracy doesn't matter if you can't keep the combo. So people who get a fc even with spamming and low accuracy > top accuracy but 1 or 2 misses. So basically speed > accuracy. Can't stream low bpm, do it like cookiezi and play with dt. xD
If you care about the score and the ranking atleast. I play this game for fun, and accuracy play is fun for me. Obviously FCing is a thing you should be doing always haha.
Also if you have godlike accuracy, HD HR can have pretty awesome score too.
Otherwise i offers that for you :
Topic Starter

Neruell wrote:

Nothing against anyone, but in osu! accuracy doesn't matter if you can't keep the combo. So people who get a fc even with spamming and low accuracy > top accuracy but 1 or 2 misses. So basically speed > accuracy. Can't stream low bpm, do it like cookiezi and play with dt. xD
oh i just know one thing - man, who have fast fingers must can play low streams and control low speed for play 160bpm+dt with awesome accuracy :3
and cookie can play low streams i know )

-Kamui- wrote:

Otherwise i offers that for you :
yeah, im playing it too. shitty acc:D but nice map
Cookiezi played tons of marisa before venturing into high bpm (or so he says when interviewed by KRZY). He probably learned low bpm and built up his speed gradually.
You can also try this map here:
Or MENDES, although that one is more about stamina rather than low bpm.

Also try to avoid low OD (7 and under) maps if you want to train your accuracy on, because they give you too much of "free space" where you can be wrong in clicking and still get 300s. Lixaxil is a good example of that problem. But it's not a bad thing to start training on I suppose.
I would consider myself as more or less good in low bpm streams but I actually never had any special practice for it. In opposite I always went for as fast as I can. Also I wouldn't call Marisa low bpm, it's more like fast bpm to me. Also as far as I know cookiezi trained his stamina rather than speed with it.
Topic Starter

lolcubes wrote:

You can also try this map here:
Or MENDES, although that one is more about stamina rather than low bpm.

Also try to avoid low OD (7 and under) maps if you want to train your accuracy on, because they give you too much of "free space" where you can be wrong in clicking and still get 300s. Lixaxil is a good example of that problem. But it's not a bad thing to start training on I suppose.
oh ok. i'll try
oh MENDES D: hate mendes lol
thnx :D

Neruell wrote:

I would consider myself as more or less good in low bpm streams but I actually never had any special practice for it. In opposite I always went for as fast as I can.
Well that's good for you, but not everyone can do anything without any sort of training

kriers wrote:

ziin wrote:

stuff like shoreline is probably a bad idea. rhythms are painfully stupid.
there is nothing wrong with the rythm in shoreline :( why does it make sense to me?
offbeat repeating sliders, 1x repeats mixed in with 2x repeats. replace all the sliders with circles and you'll see what I mean. It's a fun map, but you'll never find anything else like it.

Sander-Don wrote:

Maybe you should try tap and x. Works better for me. :3

Or DT the song V:

lolcubes wrote:

I used though. It's mapped like 130bpm and it's insanely hard to get awesome accuracy on. The streams aren't long, but if you can hold 99+ accuracy here, streaming low bpm won't be that hard anymore, atleast it wasn't for me.
oh wow I love this map! I'll use this every time I practice playing with my keyboard xD
some slow-streamy maps without much jumps, concentrating mostly on streams 141bpm 140bpm 155bpm 144bpm 157bpm 156bpm 132bpm 138bpm, best 1/3 training
also nyancat

just quality stuff, have fun training

ragelewa wrote:

Just pointing one thing out in here, most of the people who can stream low bpm well are people who had weak fingers and couldn't play faster streams when they begun playing.

I'm not part of that most then, i've been allways good at streams and sucked at jumps from the very beginning .. low bpm or semi high bpm (i can't do high high like the new almagest one)

and i also didn't have any training on it i guess, unless i played a lot Hards and semi insanes for a lot of time with hidden .. maybe i got good that way but it surelly wasn't on porpouse
LOOOOOL just play the slow streams with the song rythum..

Salvage wrote:

ragelewa wrote:

Just pointing one thing out in here, most of the people who can stream low bpm well are people who had weak fingers and couldn't play faster streams when they begun playing.

I'm not part of that most then, i've been allways good at streams and sucked at jumps from the very beginning .. low bpm or semi high bpm (i can't do high high like the new almagest one)

and i also didn't have any training on it i guess, unless i played a lot Hards and semi insanes for a lot of time with hidden .. maybe i got good that way but it surelly wasn't on porpouse
well shit, this thread makes me feel bad about myself. I had to spend 8 months practicing 25h a day without any break days to get my stream accuracy.

ragelewa wrote:

well shit, this thread makes me feel bad about myself. I had to spend 8 months practicing 25h a day without any break days to get my stream accuracy.
Well at least you've got that accuracy!
Dont worry lewa, I've been at this for a year almost and I'm not nearly as good as you. Granted I didn't do it for 25 hours a day but I'm just saying that it takes time, just like you described.

MMzz wrote:

Sander-Don wrote:

Maybe you should try tap and x. Works better for me. :3

Or DT the song V:
Leads to very, very bad habits and impatience when you revert back to no mod anything less than 180bpm.
It's the reason I'm failing so hard after thinking I could just transfer my mouse only skill to my left-hand and did high bpm and DT insanes off the bat.

Would love to thank fartowink for that delightful list of maps to practice on.
They will probably be the only maps I hear for the next 1-3 months time.
Oh yeah, just adding to the list, a newly ranked map.
Some 120bpm awesomeness haha.

Has quite a few streams and while they aren't that hard, it's a good practice if you ask me.
I need to practice on High BPM now lol, i can't do 200bpm+

any maps to practice there? .. the problem with me is that i hate to miss so maps where i miss everywhere are not an option :(
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