
Kamui Gakupo, KAITO, Kagamine Len - Immoral Memory (App diff

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Snow Note

spboxer3 wrote:

yo~親愛的~ 你居然找了All diff 鬼畜mapper來做Taiko D: :arrow: 我發現沒有taiko diff我才來做... :o

[Taiko Oni]

  • Settings
  1. 刪了影片的代碼吧 :arrow: 我是開着video來玩的...如果不喜歡的話可開No Video,我看看其他Modder的意見
  2. AR設定在中間 :arrow: ok
  3. 最好有張Taiko BG :arrow: 已經有了,看不見的話便redownload吧
  1. suggest:
    我必須說 我並不是很喜歡這種1/2拍連續中有finish 就像是o x o o O o o x 之類的 這種打起來感覺不是很好~ 然後就是finish都放在小節節尾略為蛋疼了點... :arrow: 1/2 finish是沒問題,不是1/4便可以了

  2. unrankable:
    01:51:576 (1) - Unsnapped circle.
    02:09:703 (1) - Unsnapped circle.
    02:49:616 (1) - Unsnapped circle.
    :arrow: Fixed All~
其他部分做的很好 這張map做的流暢度很高 所以其他地方沒有實質方面的建議了
Thank for mod!

Download: Kamui Gakupo, KAITO, Kagamine Len - Immoral Memory~The Lost Memory~ (tutuhaha) [Taiko Oni].osu
如果過多拖一天就多一個kd了 orz

- avoid kiai flash
00:39:444 - 試試K K / kkk來對應音樂中那音效?
01:49:096 - 用1/4會較為流暢
02:28:226 - 後面加短spinner來回應那一下走音
03:26:270 - ~03:34:357 - 這段你放finish的地方沒有上一段的鑼鼓聲 我覺得不放亦可
04:00:574 - 同樣聽起來怪怪的

嗯...廢話不用多說 這譜明年TWC應該會出現的 : D
Snow Note

wmfchris wrote:

如果過多拖一天就多一個kd了 orz

- avoid kiai flash :arrow: 不想整段都開着kiai,目前的沒問題吧?/color]
00:39:444 - 試試K K / kkk來對應音樂中那音效? :arrow:
01:49:096 - 用1/4會較為流暢 :arrow: Ok~
02:28:226 - 後面加短spinner來回應那一下走音 :arrow: Ok~
03:26:270 - ~03:34:357 - 這段你放finish的地方沒有上一段的鑼鼓聲 我覺得不放亦可 :arrow: 不想每一段都完全一樣...
04:00:574 - 同樣聽起來怪怪的 :arrow: Ok~

嗯...廢話不用多說 這譜明年TWC應該會出現的 : D :arrow: 到時我會觀戰 :D
Thank For Mod! :)

Download: Kamui Gakupo, KAITO, Kagamine Len - Immoral Memory~The Lost Memory~ (tutuhaha) [Taiko Oni].osu


* Combo 4 and Combo 5 are little bit same, you should make it darker in combo 5

01:44:400 (2) - I don't see why finish hitsound is put here
03:55:879 (2) - The head slider are bit overlapped by spinner-osu. This will sometimes a little hidden for beginners
04:04:226 (2) - The head slider are overlapped by spinner-osu and hitbursts. So it's very hidden for beginners
04:08:400 (3) - Too much repeating slider can makes confusing for beginners

00:31:748 (6) - The sliderbody is overlapped by tail slider and hitbursts. So the players can't see the path of this slider
00:55:748 (2) - The tail slider are bit offscreen
00:56:139 (3) - ^
00:59:922 (2) - Same issue as 00:31:748 (6)
01:36:183 (1) - I feel this 1/4 repeating slider are doesn't fit to music, I guess. If you want to keep it, try to remove 1 repeating slider for following vocal?
03:49:618 (1,5) - Swap new combo for your combo pattern
03:55:618 (1) - Don't put this at center of spinner, because it'll covered by hitbursts and it's makes hidden
03:59:792 (1) - ^ (also, the repeating slider is overlapped by spinner-osu)
04:03:966 (1) - ^

01:41:270 (1) - Don't put this at center of spinner, because it'll covered by hitbursts and it's makes hidden
03:02:661 (1) - The head slider are overlapped by spinner-osu

I'm really sorry for long mod :cry:
- Delete tag "Vocaloid2", only Vocaloid should be enough

- Too hard for an easy diff imo
04:10:487 (2) - remove

- Add more hitsounds

01:36:183 (1) - lower volume a bit
01:56:922 (4) - ^
03:50:661 (5) - add new combo
04:09:835 (4) - ^
04:10:226 (5) - ^ (optional)

00:37:748 (3) - add clap
00:44:009 (3,4) - swap clap

01:28:748 (4) - add new combo
01:29:139 (1) - remove new combo
01:29:661 (1) - ^
01:30:183 (1) - ^
01:30:313 (2) - add new combo
03:23:009 (1) - remove new combo
03:23:400 (2) - add new combo
03:23:922 (1) - remove new combo
03:24:444 (1) - ^
03:24:966 (1) - ^
03:25:487 (1) - ^
Ohai DjPop
Topic Starter

DJPop wrote:

- Delete tag "Vocaloid2", only Vocaloid should be enough FIX

- Too hard for an easy diff imo remove some note and FIX
04:10:487 (2) - remove

- Add more hitsounds FIX

01:36:183 (1) - lower volume a bit FIX
01:56:922 (4) - ^ FIX
03:50:661 (5) - add new combo FIX
04:09:835 (4) - ^ FIX
04:10:226 (5) - ^ (optional) FIX

00:37:748 (3) - add clap FIX
00:44:009 (3,4) - swap clap FIX

01:28:748 (4) - add new combo
01:29:139 (1) - remove new combo
01:29:661 (1) - ^
01:30:183 (1) - ^
01:30:313 (2) - add new combo
03:23:009 (1) - remove new combo
03:23:400 (2) - add new combo
03:23:922 (1) - remove new combo
03:24:444 (1) - ^
03:24:966 (1) - ^
03:25:487 (1) - ^
FIX all
Thank you~
Megurine Luka
A lot of missing hitsounds found...

- Hitsounds modded by looking at Normal diff
00:29:270 (2) - add clap at the end
00:53:270 (1) - covered by slider 00:51:183 (1) , not good for easy diff
01:06:835 (3) - add finish
01:07:879 (1) - add finish at start
01:09:966 (1) - ^
01:12:052 (1) - ^
01:14:139 (1) - ^
01:16:226 (1) - ^
01:20:400 (1) - ^
01:22:487 (1) - ^
01:24:574 (1) - ^
01:26:661 (1) - ^
01:28:748 (1) - ^
01:30:835 (1) - ^
01:32:922 (1) - ^
01:39:183 (1) - ^
01:41:270 (1) - ^
01:44:400 (2) - remove finish
01:45:444 (1) - add finish at start
01:49:618 (1) - ^
01:51:705 (1) - ^
01:53:792 (1) - ^
01:55:879 (1) - ^
02:06:313 (1) - ^
02:08:400 (1) - ^
02:10:487 (1) - ^
02:12:574 (1) - ^
02:14:661 (1) - ^
02:29:270 (1) - this part has normal hitsounds while other diffs have soft one
02:45:966 (1) - add finish at start
02:48:053 (1) - ^
02:50:139 (1) - ^
02:52:226 (1) - ^
02:54:313 (1) - ^
02:58:487 (2) - ^
03:00:574 (1) - ^
03:02:661 (1) - ^
03:11:009 (1) - ^
03:19:357 (1) - ^
03:20:400 (2) - add clap at the end
03:21:444 (1) - add finish at start
03:22:487 (2) - add clap at the end
03:23:531 (1) - add finish at start
03:25:618 (1) - ^
03:26:661 (2) - add clap at the end
03:27:705 (1) - add finish at start
03:29:792 (1) - ^
03:31:879 (1) - add finish at start, add clap at the end
03:33:705 (3) - add clap
03:33:966 (1) - add finish at start, add clap at the end
03:35:009 (2) - add clap at the end
03:36:053 (1) - add finish at start
03:37:096 (2) - add clap at middle note
03:38:139 (1) - add finish at start
03:39:183 (2) - add clap at middle note
03:40:226 (1) - add finish at start
03:42:313 (1) - ^
03:43:357 (2) - add clap at middle note
03:44:400 (1) - add finish at start
03:46:487 (1) - add finish at start, add clap at the end
03:46:879 (2) - add clap at the end
03:47:792 (3) - add clap at start and end
03:48:574 (1) - add finish at start
03:50:661 (1) - add finish
03:50:922 (2) - add clap at start
03:51:705 (4) - remove all hitsounds, then add clap at middle, add finish at the end
03:53:009 (1) - add finish
03:55:879 (2) - remove all hitsounds, then add clap at middle, add finish at the end
03:57:183 (1) - add finish
04:00:053 (2) - remove all hitsounds, then add clap at middle, add finish at the end
04:01:357 (1) - add finish
04:04:226 (2) - remove all hitsounds, then add clap at middle, add finish at the end
04:07:357 (2) - add finish at start
04:09:444 (1) - add finish at start, add clap at the end
04:10:226 (2) - add clap at the end

01:06:574 (3) - add finish at the end
02:28:487 (1) - this part has normal hitsounds while other diffs have soft one
03:34:618 (2) - add clap at start, remove clap at the end
03:50:661 (1) - add finish at the end
03:59:009 (1) - add finish at start
04:01:096 (1) - add finish
04:09:444 (1) - add finish at start, add clap at the end
04:10:226 (1) - add clap at start

04:09:835 (1) - add clap at start, remove clap at the end

00:44:009 (3) - remove clap (this part is different compared to others)

Please check all diffs again in case you forgot to fix something.
Topic Starter

DJPop wrote:

A lot of missing hitsounds found...

- Hitsounds modded by looking at Normal diff
00:29:270 (2) - add clap at the end
00:53:270 (1) - covered by slider 00:51:183 (1) , not good for easy diff
01:06:835 (3) - add finish
01:07:879 (1) - add finish at start
01:09:966 (1) - ^
01:12:052 (1) - ^
01:14:139 (1) - ^
01:16:226 (1) - ^
01:20:400 (1) - ^
01:22:487 (1) - ^
01:24:574 (1) - ^
01:26:661 (1) - ^
01:28:748 (1) - ^
01:30:835 (1) - ^
01:32:922 (1) - ^
01:39:183 (1) - ^
01:41:270 (1) - ^
01:44:400 (2) - remove finish
01:45:444 (1) - add finish at start
01:49:618 (1) - ^
01:51:705 (1) - ^
01:53:792 (1) - ^
01:55:879 (1) - ^
02:06:313 (1) - ^
02:08:400 (1) - ^
02:10:487 (1) - ^
02:12:574 (1) - ^
02:14:661 (1) - ^
02:29:270 (1) - this part has normal hitsounds while other diffs have soft one
02:45:966 (1) - add finish at start
02:48:053 (1) - ^
02:50:139 (1) - ^
02:52:226 (1) - ^
02:54:313 (1) - ^
02:58:487 (2) - ^
03:00:574 (1) - ^
03:02:661 (1) - ^
03:11:009 (1) - ^
03:19:357 (1) - ^
03:20:400 (2) - add clap at the end
03:21:444 (1) - add finish at start
03:22:487 (2) - add clap at the end
03:23:531 (1) - add finish at start
03:25:618 (1) - ^
03:26:661 (2) - add clap at the end
03:27:705 (1) - add finish at start
03:29:792 (1) - ^
03:31:879 (1) - add finish at start, add clap at the end
03:33:705 (3) - add clap
03:33:966 (1) - add finish at start, add clap at the end
03:35:009 (2) - add clap at the end
03:36:053 (1) - add finish at start
03:37:096 (2) - add clap at middle note
03:38:139 (1) - add finish at start
03:39:183 (2) - add clap at middle note
03:40:226 (1) - add finish at start
03:42:313 (1) - ^
03:43:357 (2) - add clap at middle note
03:44:400 (1) - add finish at start
03:46:487 (1) - add finish at start, add clap at the end
03:46:879 (2) - add clap at the end
03:47:792 (3) - add clap at start and end
03:48:574 (1) - add finish at start
03:50:661 (1) - add finish
03:50:922 (2) - add clap at start
03:51:705 (4) - remove all hitsounds, then add clap at middle, add finish at the end
03:53:009 (1) - add finish
03:55:879 (2) - remove all hitsounds, then add clap at middle, add finish at the end
03:57:183 (1) - add finish
04:00:053 (2) - remove all hitsounds, then add clap at middle, add finish at the end
04:01:357 (1) - add finish
04:04:226 (2) - remove all hitsounds, then add clap at middle, add finish at the end
04:07:357 (2) - add finish at start
04:09:444 (1) - add finish at start, add clap at the end
04:10:226 (2) - add clap at the end

01:06:574 (3) - add finish at the end
02:28:487 (1) - this part has normal hitsounds while other diffs have soft one
03:34:618 (2) - add clap at start, remove clap at the end
03:50:661 (1) - add finish at the end
03:59:009 (1) - add finish at start
04:01:096 (1) - add finish
04:09:444 (1) - add finish at start, add clap at the end
04:10:226 (1) - add clap at start

04:09:835 (1) - add clap at start, remove clap at the end

00:44:009 (3) - remove clap (this part is different compared to others)

Please check all diffs again in case you forgot to fix something.
Finish all things about hitsound Orz...
Thank you ..........
I don't know how much you've fixed last time so I've looked at the whole mapset again.
And next mods will be about hitsounds for sure ...

I like this song and I want this map to be really better, but if you tired of these hitsound mods you can tell me.

Few things not related to hitsounds.

00:35:531 (4) - lower volume a bit

02:38:661 (1) - remove new combo
02:39:705 (1) - ^
Topic Starter

DJPop wrote:

I don't know how much you've fixed last time so I've looked at the whole mapset again.
And next mods will be about hitsounds for sure ...

I like this song and I want this map to be really better, but if you tired of these hitsound mods you can tell me.

Few things not related to hitsounds.

00:35:531 (4) - lower volume a bit

02:38:661 (1) - remove new combo
02:39:705 (1) - ^
really thank you <3
Hatsune Miku_old
Modded via PM

Hitsounds fixed

00:21:183 (6) - add new combo
00:33:183 (1) - remove new combo
00:34:226 (1) - ^
00:35:270 (1) - ^

Here's your 泡. Thanks for your cooperation. ;)
Topic Starter
Megurine Luka
Good XD
Did a quick IRC mod.

11:12 Garven: : Easy: 00:29:270 (2,3) - You could probably make these sliders into circles easily
11:13 Garven: : 00:36:574 (1,2,3) - Hm
11:13 Garven: : Having this really slow section
11:13 tutuhaha: : Fix
11:13 Garven: : 00:44:922 (1) - then not repeating it here
11:13 Garven: : Felt really weird
11:13 Garven: : The pacing feels off imo
11:14 Garven: : You should repeat the 1 single circles with lots of time between
11:14 Garven: : It would flow a lot better
11:14 Garven: : Besides
11:14 Garven: : 00:47:531 (1,2,1,2,3) - This sort of rhythm is pretty complex for an Easy anyway
11:15 Garven: : 00:53:270 (1) - repeat is covered by hitburst from 00:51:183 (1) -
11:15 tutuhaha: : slow down D:...........
11:16 Garven: : If you have questions just ask. I can return. You can review the text later ;)
11:16 tutuhaha: : :O
11:16 Garven: : I need to work fast so I can finish before I sleep q:
11:16 tutuhaha: : ok
11:16 tutuhaha: : ok ok ok
11:17 Garven: : 01:25:618 (2,3) - I wonder if we can simplify this rhythm a little
11:18 Garven: : Do something like a circle at 01:25:618 - then continue with antoher circle at 01:26:139 -
11:18 Garven: : It's just rhythmically dense with a reallyhigh SV
11:18 Garven: : Feels really really hard for a difficulty labeled as Easy
11:18 Garven: : 01:35:661 (2,3) - This kind of flow can be pretty disorienting imo
11:19 Garven: : The slider makes you want to keep moving right, but the next note is down, and also very quick
11:20 Garven: : 02:04:487 (2) - I really don't recommend using such short repeat sliders in Easy difficulties
11:20 Garven: : 02:06:313 (1) - Same suggestion as the previous time
11:21 Garven: : 02:18:362 - Um, is this supposed to be displaying in this difficulty?
11:21 tutuhaha: : this diff's mapper is cmn
11:21 Garven: : Oooh okay
11:21 tutuhaha: : i can help her fix mod
11:21 Garven: : I thought it was only that section and it was a break, haha
11:21 tutuhaha: : XDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
11:22 Garven: : 02:43:879 (1,2) - This part feels so off rhythmically
11:22 Garven: : Better to do something like this
11:22 Garven: : 02:47:009 (2,3) - Same rhythmic suggestion as the last chorus
11:23 Garven: : 02:49:096 (2,3) - etc
11:23 Garven: : 02:56:400 (1,2) - misaligned
11:23 Garven: : 03:22:487 (2,3) - ugly overlap
11:23 Garven: : Considering the majority of the map doesn't have any
11:24 Garven: : 03:46:487 (1,2) - eeeh not in an easy please
11:24 Garven: : 03:50:922 (2) - ^
11:24 Garven: : 03:49:618 (2,2) - overlap
11:24 Garven: : 03:55:618 (1) - Too soon after a spinner for an easy at this BPM
11:25 Garven: : Maybe just delete 03:55:618 (1) -
11:25 Garven: : 03:59:792 (1) - ^
11:25 Garven: : 04:03:966 (1) - ^
11:26 Garven: : 04:04:226 (2,1) - Way too close
11:26 Garven: : You can see both on the screen at the same time, so they need more distance apart
11:26 Garven: : Normal:
11:27 Garven: : 00:31:357 (3,4) - This rhythm didn't make much sense compared to the way the rest of this verse was mapped
11:27 Garven: : 01:02:661 (3,4) - Same thing here
11:28 Garven: : 01:19:357 (3) - I can here what it's mapped to, but it doesn't fit rhythmically with the rest of the chorus' map
11:29 Garven: : 01:36:574 (2) - Same here
11:30 Garven: : 01:47:531 (1,2) - You see,these ones work here since you use them more frequently
11:30 Garven: : And it's a refreshing change for the next verse
11:30 Garven: : So leave these ones. The first ones should reflect the same phrasing used within the set they were a part of.
11:32 Garven: : 02:41:792 - During this section, I have a suggestion
11:32 Garven: : I think you'll have a lot more power if you went with the strings instead of the vocals
11:32 Garven: : It gives a huge amount of tension that helps build up for the last string of chorus' to finish the piece off
11:33 Garven: : So something like this
11:33 Garven: : Nice and simple, but it gives a lot of power with that rest between notes
11:34 Garven: : 03:18:313 (1,2,3) - The flow here is really back-and-forth in a bad manner, imo
11:35 Garven: : 03:19:748 (2,3) - Maybe rotate these by ~55 degrees
11:35 Garven: : And move near the bottom
11:35 Garven: :
11:35 Garven: : Something like that
11:36 Garven: : 04:03:705 (1) - Too soon after a spinner for a Normal. I'd keep it like the previous spinner and start at 04:03:966 -
11:37 Garven: : Taiko Oni has Vocaloid2 in tags
11:37 Garven: : No other diff has that
11:38 Garven: : Hard: 00:27:183 (3) - A 4-hit slider? I wasn't expecting that - especially so early in the song
11:39 Garven: : AR -1 OD +1
11:39 Garven: : 00:52:487 (2,3,4) - These jumps are pretty big considering the map up to this point...
11:40 Garven: : 00:56:661 (1,2,3) - here too
11:40 Garven: : hm
11:40 Garven: : Maybe do 1.5x spacing instead of 2x
11:40 Garven: : It'll be more fair imo
11:41 Garven: : 01:22:487 (4,5) - This rhythm was weird to have stacked considering all the other slider pairs weren't
11:41 Garven: : 01:40:226 (1,2,3,4,5) - Hm
11:41 Garven: : The problem with stacks like this is that, well, osu! stacks the notes
11:42 Garven: : it looks ugly with the four sliders around it, and adjusting the stack doesn't really help it much. You might want to consider a different
11:42 Garven: : pattern.
11:42 Garven: : 01:41:009 (6,1) - Huuuge jump ;_;
11:42 Garven: : 01:47:270 (4,1) - again ;_;
11:42 Garven: : Lots of 3x jumps here
11:43 Garven: : Tone them down please. This is a Hard, not an Insane
11:43 Garven: : 02:07:748 (5,6) - Wow, uh, big jump with a fast rhythm here
11:43 Garven: : Slider->slider might be okay
11:43 Garven: : But not with a circle
11:44 Garven: : 02:29:270 (4) - The soft claps sound bad during this part. Probably better using whistle instad
11:44 Garven: : instead*
11:45 Garven: : 02:48:835 (3,1) - Stacking makes this really ugly. Adjust them or try a different pattern
11:45 Garven: : 02:53:792 (5,6) - I'm not feeling these anti-jumps
11:46 Garven: : Especially after all those super-large spacing that should be toned down a bit ;)
11:47 Garven: : 03:16:226 (3) - Changing up the stack rhythm is pretty trick - especially during a slower paced part of the map (compare to 03:14:922 (7)
11:47 Garven: : -
11:49 Garven: : 04:00:053 (2) - Repeat arrow is covered by the spinner-osu
11:49 Garven: : 04:07:226 (3,4) - Bad spacing
11:51 Garven: : Insane:
11:51 Garven: : OD +2
11:53 Garven: : 02:41:792 (1,2,3,4) - The same rhythmic suggestion from the Normal here too
11:53 Garven: : Following the synth feels so much more powerful imo
11:55 Garven: : Collab:
11:55 Garven: : OD +2
11:56 Garven: : Ugh, AR 9 feels fast for how it is mapped
11:56 Garven: : Not liking all the extra 1/4 rhythms everywhere too.
11:57 Garven: : They feel like they were added in just for added difficulty instead of adding to the music
11:58 Garven: : 02:28:487 (1) - Yeah, use whistle instead of clap please ><
12:00 Garven: : 03:02:139 (1) - This slider was pretty much hidden underneath hitbursts
12:01 Garven: : Yeah, AR8 fits this map's pacign much better than AR9
12:01 Garven: : If you use AR8, move OD to 8 instead of 9
12:02 tutuhaha: : ;v;
12:03 tutuhaha: : I keep up with you ;v;b
12:03 Garven: : Haha
12:03 Garven: : Good job~
12:03 Garven: : Just checking the taiko now
12:03 tutuhaha: : ;v;
12:03 Garven: : I'll sleep a little late >_>
12:04 Garven: : This taiko is crazy
12:04 Garven: : But looks okay so far
12:04 tutuhaha: : ;v; nice
12:06 Garven: : Yeesh
12:06 Garven: : Anyway, I guess that's the mod
Topic Starter

Garven wrote:

Did a quick IRC mod.

11:12 Garven: : Easy: 00:29:270 (2,3) - You could probably make these sliders into circles easily
11:13 Garven: : 00:36:574 (1,2,3) - Hm
11:13 Garven: : Having this really slow section
11:13 tutuhaha: : Fix
11:13 Garven: : 00:44:922 (1) - then not repeating it here
11:13 Garven: : Felt really weird
11:13 Garven: : The pacing feels off imo
11:14 Garven: : You should repeat the 1 single circles with lots of time between
11:14 Garven: : It would flow a lot better
11:14 Garven: : Besides
11:14 Garven: : 00:47:531 (1,2,1,2,3) - This sort of rhythm is pretty complex for an Easy anyway
11:15 Garven: : 00:53:270 (1) - repeat is covered by hitburst from 00:51:183 (1) -
11:15 tutuhaha: : slow down D:...........
11:16 Garven: : If you have questions just ask. I can return. You can review the text later ;)
11:16 tutuhaha: : :O
11:16 Garven: : I need to work fast so I can finish before I sleep q:
11:16 tutuhaha: : ok
11:16 tutuhaha: : ok ok ok
11:17 Garven: : 01:25:618 (2,3) - I wonder if we can simplify this rhythm a little
11:18 Garven: : Do something like a circle at 01:25:618 - then continue with antoher circle at 01:26:139 -
11:18 Garven: : It's just rhythmically dense with a reallyhigh SV
11:18 Garven: : Feels really really hard for a difficulty labeled as Easy
11:18 Garven: : 01:35:661 (2,3) - This kind of flow can be pretty disorienting imo
11:19 Garven: : The slider makes you want to keep moving right, but the next note is down, and also very quick
11:20 Garven: : 02:04:487 (2) - I really don't recommend using such short repeat sliders in Easy difficulties
11:20 Garven: : 02:06:313 (1) - Same suggestion as the previous time
11:21 Garven: : 02:18:362 - Um, is this supposed to be displaying in this difficulty?
11:21 tutuhaha: : this diff's mapper is cmn
11:21 Garven: : Oooh okay
11:21 tutuhaha: : i can help her fix mod
11:21 Garven: : I thought it was only that section and it was a break, haha
11:21 tutuhaha: : XDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
11:22 Garven: : 02:43:879 (1,2) - This part feels so off rhythmically
11:22 Garven: : Better to do something like this
11:22 Garven: : 02:47:009 (2,3) - Same rhythmic suggestion as the last chorus
11:23 Garven: : 02:49:096 (2,3) - etc
11:23 Garven: : 02:56:400 (1,2) - misaligned
11:23 Garven: : 03:22:487 (2,3) - ugly overlap
11:23 Garven: : Considering the majority of the map doesn't have any
11:24 Garven: : 03:46:487 (1,2) - eeeh not in an easy please
11:24 Garven: : 03:50:922 (2) - ^
11:24 Garven: : 03:49:618 (2,2) - overlap
11:24 Garven: : 03:55:618 (1) - Too soon after a spinner for an easy at this BPM
11:25 Garven: : Maybe just delete 03:55:618 (1) -
11:25 Garven: : 03:59:792 (1) - ^
11:25 Garven: : 04:03:966 (1) - ^
11:26 Garven: : 04:04:226 (2,1) - Way too close
11:26 Garven: : You can see both on the screen at the same time, so they need more distance apart
11:26 Garven: : Normal:
11:27 Garven: : 00:31:357 (3,4) - This rhythm didn't make much sense compared to the way the rest of this verse was mapped
11:27 Garven: : 01:02:661 (3,4) - Same thing here
11:28 Garven: : 01:19:357 (3) - I can here what it's mapped to, but it doesn't fit rhythmically with the rest of the chorus' map
11:29 Garven: : 01:36:574 (2) - Same here
11:30 Garven: : 01:47:531 (1,2) - You see,these ones work here since you use them more frequently
11:30 Garven: : And it's a refreshing change for the next verse
11:30 Garven: : So leave these ones. The first ones should reflect the same phrasing used within the set they were a part of.
11:32 Garven: : 02:41:792 - During this section, I have a suggestion
11:32 Garven: : I think you'll have a lot more power if you went with the strings instead of the vocals
11:32 Garven: : It gives a huge amount of tension that helps build up for the last string of chorus' to finish the piece off
11:33 Garven: : So something like this
11:33 Garven: : Nice and simple, but it gives a lot of power with that rest between notes
11:34 Garven: : 03:18:313 (1,2,3) - The flow here is really back-and-forth in a bad manner, imo
11:35 Garven: : 03:19:748 (2,3) - Maybe rotate these by ~55 degrees
11:35 Garven: : And move near the bottom
11:35 Garven: :
11:35 Garven: : Something like that
11:36 Garven: : 04:03:705 (1) - Too soon after a spinner for a Normal. I'd keep it like the previous spinner and start at 04:03:966 -
11:37 Garven: : Taiko Oni has Vocaloid2 in tags
11:37 Garven: : No other diff has that
11:38 Garven: : Hard: 00:27:183 (3) - A 4-hit slider? I wasn't expecting that - especially so early in the song
11:39 Garven: : AR -1 OD +1
11:39 Garven: : 00:52:487 (2,3,4) - These jumps are pretty big considering the map up to this point...
11:40 Garven: : 00:56:661 (1,2,3) - here too
11:40 Garven: : hm
11:40 Garven: : Maybe do 1.5x spacing instead of 2x
11:40 Garven: : It'll be more fair imo
11:41 Garven: : 01:22:487 (4,5) - This rhythm was weird to have stacked considering all the other slider pairs weren't
11:41 Garven: : 01:40:226 (1,2,3,4,5) - Hm
11:41 Garven: : The problem with stacks like this is that, well, osu! stacks the notes
11:42 Garven: : it looks ugly with the four sliders around it, and adjusting the stack doesn't really help it much. You might want to consider a different
11:42 Garven: : pattern.
11:42 Garven: : 01:41:009 (6,1) - Huuuge jump ;_;
11:42 Garven: : 01:47:270 (4,1) - again ;_;
11:42 Garven: : Lots of 3x jumps here
11:43 Garven: : Tone them down please. This is a Hard, not an Insane
11:43 Garven: : 02:07:748 (5,6) - Wow, uh, big jump with a fast rhythm here
11:43 Garven: : Slider->slider might be okay
11:43 Garven: : But not with a circle
11:44 Garven: : 02:29:270 (4) - The soft claps sound bad during this part. Probably better using whistle instad
11:44 Garven: : instead*
11:45 Garven: : 02:48:835 (3,1) - Stacking makes this really ugly. Adjust them or try a different pattern
11:45 Garven: : 02:53:792 (5,6) - I'm not feeling these anti-jumps
11:46 Garven: : Especially after all those super-large spacing that should be toned down a bit ;)
11:47 Garven: : 03:16:226 (3) - Changing up the stack rhythm is pretty trick - especially during a slower paced part of the map (compare to 03:14:922 (7)
11:47 Garven: : -
11:49 Garven: : 04:00:053 (2) - Repeat arrow is covered by the spinner-osu
11:49 Garven: : 04:07:226 (3,4) - Bad spacing
11:51 Garven: : Insane:
11:51 Garven: : OD +2
11:53 Garven: : 02:41:792 (1,2,3,4) - The same rhythmic suggestion from the Normal here too
11:53 Garven: : Following the synth feels so much more powerful imo
11:55 Garven: : Collab:
11:55 Garven: : OD +2
11:56 Garven: : Ugh, AR 9 feels fast for how it is mapped
11:56 Garven: : Not liking all the extra 1/4 rhythms everywhere too.
11:57 Garven: : They feel like they were added in just for added difficulty instead of adding to the music
11:58 Garven: : 02:28:487 (1) - Yeah, use whistle instead of clap please ><
12:00 Garven: : 03:02:139 (1) - This slider was pretty much hidden underneath hitbursts
12:01 Garven: : Yeah, AR8 fits this map's pacign much better than AR9
12:01 Garven: : If you use AR8, move OD to 8 instead of 9
12:02 tutuhaha: : ;v;
12:03 tutuhaha: : I keep up with you ;v;b
12:03 Garven: : Haha
12:03 Garven: : Good job~
12:03 Garven: : Just checking the taiko now
12:03 tutuhaha: : ;v;
12:03 Garven: : I'll sleep a little late >_>
12:04 Garven: : This taiko is crazy
12:04 Garven: : But looks okay so far
12:04 tutuhaha: : ;v; nice
12:06 Garven: : Yeesh
12:06 Garven: : Anyway, I guess that's the mod
about 03:02:139 (1) - This slider was pretty much hidden underneath hitbursts I think is ok because when I update this map i find some player come to do test play and they think is funny and easy to read it 8-)
and about clap and whistle......sorry I think now this is my habit because 6 month............I am used to listen clap Orz...........and whistle is too soft for me ;_;
Thank you for your mod
00:36:574 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - This isn't quite what I had meant - if you keep this the way it was, then repeat the same thing at 00:44:922 (1) - instead of the really dense rhythms used, it would work a lot better imo.
01:57:966 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Same thing going on here. Maybe simplify 02:06:313 (1) - instead.
02:57:053 (2) - Down one grid

01:35:922 (4,1) - Spacing is confusing since you changed the normal rhythm here
01:36:574 (2,3,1) - Spacing is huge here
03:27:183 (2) - Don't forget to tone down the big jumps during the other chorus too q:
04:05:270 (1,2,3,4,5) - Spacing is so uneven here...
04:06:574 (1,2,3) - ^ Especially when compared to these
Topic Starter

Garven wrote:

00:36:574 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - This isn't quite what I had meant - if you keep this the way it was, then repeat the same thing at 00:44:922 (1) - instead of the really dense rhythms used, it would work a lot better imo. FIX~~~~
01:57:966 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Same thing going on here. Maybe simplify 02:06:313 (1) - instead. FIX~~~~
02:57:053 (2) - Down one grid FIX~~~~

01:35:922 (4,1) - Spacing is confusing since you changed the normal rhythm here FIX~~~~
01:36:574 (2,3,1) - Spacing is huge here FIX~~~~
03:27:183 (2) - Don't forget to tone down the big jumps during the other chorus too q: FIX~~~~
04:05:270 (1,2,3,4,5) - Spacing is so uneven here... Orz....change some to make it more easy to read...........
04:06:574 (1,2,3) - ^ Especially when compared to these Orz^
02:03:705 (2,1) - Plays a little too difficult imo. Simplify it please.
Topic Starter

Garven wrote:

02:03:705 (2,1) - Plays a little too difficult imo. Simplify it please.
FIX~Thank you~
Sorry for the long wait. I suck.

Rebubbled! #1 for approval in the collab diff.
popped for some little issues

combo color4 and color5 is really similar, I suggest not to use them together or make then more different
need to add sliderborder into .osu file

[Taiko Oni]
lead-in need to be 1500~2000, 1000 is not enough

AR+1.. AR8 is really too low for this diff imo.. this diff has many suddenly jump and anti-jumps
04:09:444 - I suggest move this newcombo to 04:09:313 - , easier to read the patterns

call me back then
Topic Starter

wcx19911123 wrote:

popped for some little issues

combo color4 and color5 is really similar, I suggest not to use them together or make then more different
need to add sliderborder into .osu file

[Taiko Oni]
lead-in need to be 1500~2000, 1000 is not enough

AR+1.. AR8 is really too low for this diff imo.. this diff has many suddenly jump and anti-jumps
04:09:444 - I suggest move this newcombo to 04:09:313 - , easier to read the patterns

call me back then
since only fixed a few stuffs, so it's fine to go now
MAT bubble #2

raririn wrote:

looks good

looks good

looks good

looks good

looks good

恭喜 :3!
OMG~ finally~. congratz on the rank Tu-chan ;)
tutuhahaaa <3 gratz~ ><
finally ranked~<3
Topic Starter
Finally ranked, really waiting for this~
Seems like someone messed here, Collab should be app but is currently ranked.
Congratz on rank.

Btw, the Taiko Oni has Kiai Flashes and I thought they should be avoided for Taiko diffs.

Kiai time
Only use the kiai time in the chorus of a song. Do not use short kiai "flashes".

^From Official Ranking Criteria.
There's no Kiai Flash.
And 01:23:792 - 01:24:574 / 03:35:270 - 03:36:052 does not count as Kiai Flash.
Then I'm sorry ._.
Megurine Luka

good song,congratz :3
Collab still ranked btw.
Ryu Kago
So cool ne~ :)
so cool :)
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