
Bee Gees - Stayin' Alive

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Friday, April 17, 2009 at 5:36:28 AM

Artist: Bee Gees
Title: Stayin' Alive
BPM: 103.74
Filesize: 8371kb
Play Time: 02:49
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy (1.87 stars, 122 notes)
  2. Hard (4.74 stars, 354 notes)
  3. Normal (4 stars, 217 notes)
Download: Bee Gees - Stayin' Alive
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Because osu! needed more disco...

11/5 - Normalized spacing on [Hard] as suggested by m980
11/12 - [Easy] completed.
11/14 - [Easy] Sliders in "Somebody help me." section tweaked (thanks, m980); [Hard] Hit circle size increased by 1 tick, split a couple combos to help prevent epic fails right at the beginning.; [Insane] mapping begun.
11/19 - [Easy] Increased overall difficulty by 1 tick; [Normal] completed.
11/26 - [Hard] Remapped first chorus to be slightly more difficult. Added a note at 01:10:67
11/26 - Background added, [Insane] deleted, submitted to Pending
11/26 - [Hard] Replaced sliders at LuigiHann's mark with circles. Now it's a garden variety diagonal deathstream.
11/26 - *Shakes fist at LuigiHann, who apparently meant to say [Normal]*; [Hard] Reverted last change; [Normal] Fixed
11/27 - Offset adjusted (Thanks awp and James); [Hard] Overall difficulty lowered one tick.
12/14 - [Normal] Spacing violently beaten until it repented its sins. [Hard] One hit circle moved a couple pixels to the left for a more pretty combo group.
12/27 - [Easy] One combo straightened to be more pretty. [Hard] Tick rate lowered back to 2 where it mysteriously drifted from at some point. I blame the gophers.
1/4 - [Normal] First two spinners shortened.
1/7 - [Normal] A few 1/4 beat stacks and streams replaced with short sliders to make the end slightly easier.
1/10 - [*All Difficulties*] Mogsworth edits except as noted below.
1/19 - [M980's Hard Rock!] Deleted because he seems to have forsaken it. D:
2/4 - [Easy] Hit circles in "somebody help me" section aligned to blue ticks at Sinistro's suggestion.
2/4 - [Timing] Offset -8ms. (Thanks Cyclone)
2/5 - Er... dur... I can't count. ^ for real this time. {edit: actually, make that -9ms}
2/11 [Timing] Forget all that timing stuff. UO fixed, old james/awp timing sounds fine again. Reverting to 532ms.
2/15 Totally retimed using multiple sections.
2/15 [Normal] Minyeob's hit sound fix.
2/27 [Timing]Retimed AGAIN! More sections; better sections; 532ms offset; all difficulties resnapped, recalculated, and repaired.
3/8 [*All*] SFG edits as noted below.
3/12 [Normal] Slider added to last chorus of.
4/17 [Timing] Flavor of the month timing. Mostly just polish on a couple unruly sections. [Normal] Added one missing repeat on a slider during one of the choruses and turned it so spacing wasn't damaged.

Download: Hatsune Miku - Parade of Liars (Kiddo-Kun) [Astom's Normal].osu
Spacing is Inconsistent. Sometimes the 1/4 beats overlap, other times they dont. I'd fix these.

00:36:39 (4) - Move this away from 3.
00:41:02 (4) - ^
01:33:09 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - I dunno about this. Perhaps move them abit closer to the middle..
02:18:37 (2) - Move this further from 1.
02:24:01 (2) - Closer to 1.
^ Just a few Examples.

Spacing seems to get larger as the song progresses. I say, keep spacing consistent throughout the song, unless you absolutely need to make it larger.

Timing is fine? I'm not good at Timing. So.. Yeah.. Nice map by the way.
02:33:27 (1,2,3,4,5) - This is impossible to read.

I'm not sure what to say about this map in general. I think you need a better mod than I to go over the timing. Plenty of fun ideas in the map, but I think it still needs some polish. :<
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00:29:461 (4) Line it up with 5
01:23:849 (1,2) You might want the end of these sliders overlap each other.
02:35:594 (1,2) ^ Same suggestion as above

00:14:704 (3,4) A tiny bit too far. Space it in just a notch.
01:16:183 (2-5) Not lined up as perfect/evenly as it should. I may be wrong (or just a suggestion), but either 3 and 4 should be shifted to the left just one grid block, or 2 and 5 the other way.
02:07:635 (3,4) The beginning of the 4 slide would look better if it was lined up with the end of the 3 slide.
02:30:242 (2, and the 2 before it) Should have the two beats lined up with each other.

00:28:159 (1,2,3)
00:29:316 (1,2,3) The first combo is arched while the second combo is not. Fix one or the other.
02:15:488 (8,9,10,11) The 8-9 and 10-11 grouping appears to look akward. Either space the 10-11 farther from the 8-9, or stack the 10 to the 8 and the 11 on the 9.

Now, I am not a very reliable modder, so I suggest just sticking to your gut feeling. These are just appearance changes I think would look better, so I could be wrong.
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-02:21:70 (3) - Line up the starting with 2's endpoint and the endpoint with 2's starting point.
-02:26:33 (1) - Remove the New Combo mark.
-02:28:65 (2) - New Combo mark goes here.

-00:32:20 (4) - Remove the Clap, add a Finish.
-00:34:37 (2) - Personally, during the chorus, I'd move this 2 back 1/2 a beat, add a repeat, then respace. Just so it feels better than having empty space in between 1 and 2.
-00:35:24 (3) - Place a Clap on the very end of the slider. (endpoint of the last repeat)
-00:36:39 (4) - ^
-00:39:00 (2) - See 00:34:37 (2).
-00:39:86 (3) - Place a Clap on the very end of the slider. (endpoint of the last repeat)
-00:41:02 (4) - ^
-00:44:49 (1) - ^
-00:45:65 (1) - ^
-00:45:65 (1) - Add a Finish.
-01:04:02 (1) - Remove the New Combo mark.
-01:05:76 (3) - I'd say to remove this from the stack and then respace, but this is up for debate.
-01:06:19 (1) - Remove the New Combo mark.
-01:14:59 (2) - New Combo mark goes here. Also, I'd like the starting point up with 3 and 4's, and 5.
-01:23:69 (3) - Place a New Combo mark on this.
-01:24:13 (4) - Place a Clap on the endpoint of this.
-01:24:99 (1) - Remove the New Combo mark.
-01:25:28 (2) - Place a Clap on the endpoint of this.
-01:28:76 (2) - ^
-01:29:91 (4) - ^
-01:33:53 (4) - Place a Clap on this.
-01:34:69 (4) - ^
-01:37:72 (1) - Place a Finish on this.
-01:51:90 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,4) - Remove the Claps.
-01:52:77 (3) - Place a Clap on the endpoint of this.
-01:55:08 (3) - ^
-01:57:69 (3) - ^
-01:58:12 (4) - Place a Clap on the starting point of this and a Finish on the endpoint.
-02:03:47 (1,2,3,1,2,3,4) - Remove the Claps.
-02:04:34 (3) - Place a Clap on the endpoint of this.
-02:06:94 (3) - ^
-02:07:38 (4) - Place a Clap on the starting point of this and a Finish on the endpoint.
-02:22:71 (6,7) - Put Claps on these.
-02:32:54 (4) - Remove the Clap, add a Finish.
-02:34:57 (5) - Repeat once more.
-02:36:02 (4) - Clap goes here.
-02:37:17 (4) - ^
-02:38:77 - Place a beat here, preferably stacked on 4. Then respace so it's correct spacing-wise.
-02:40:21 (7) - New Combo mark goes here.
-02:40:51 (8) - Clap goes on the endpoint.
-02:41:67 (2) - ^
-02:45:27 (4) - Clap goes here.
-02:46:43 (4) - ^
-02:49:47 (1) - Place a Finish on this.

-00:17:60 (1) - Remove the New Combo mark.
-00:18:32 (4) - Remove the Finish, add a Clap.
-00:21:36 (10) - New Combo mark goes here.
-00:22:22 (1) - Remove the New Combo mark.
-00:35:53 (2) - Add a Clap to the endpoint of this.
-00:36:69 (2) - ^
-00:40:31 (4) - Clap goes here.
-00:41:46 (4) - ^
-00:44:93 (4) - ^
-00:46:09 (4) - ^
-01:06:20 (1) - Remove the New Combo mark.
-01:06:78 (3) - Clap goes here.
-01:09:52 (10) - New Combo mark goes here.
-01:10:68 (1) - Remove the New Combo mark.
-01:11:84 (5) - New Combo mark goes here.
-01:22:83 (1) - Remove the New Combo mark.
-01:23:70 (3) - New Combo mark goes here.
-01:24:28 (5) - Clap goes here.
-01:25:44 (4) - ^
-01:27:46 (6,7,1,2,3,4) - Remove 7, add another repeat to 6, then highlight (1,2,3,4) and reverse it. (Ctrl+R) Only the first one, though, just because another one of these same phrases has beats the opposite of the set before it after it, and this should set that up.
-01:28:91 (4) - Clap goes here.
-01:30:06 (4) - ^
-01:45:40 (1) - Replace the Whistle on the endpoint with a Finish.
-01:51:91 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,4,5,6) - Remove all Claps.
-01:52:77 (3) - Clap goes on the endpoint.
-01:55:09 (3) - ^
-01:57:84 (4,5) - Claps go here.
-01:58:27 (6) - Finish goes here.
-02:03:48 (1,2,3,1,2,3,4,5,6) - Remove the Claps.
-02:04:35 (3) - Clap goes on the endpoint.
-02:07:09 (4,5) - Claps go here.
-02:07:53 (6) - Finish goes here.
-02:15:48 (8,9,10,11) - Straighten this out, even if it is the style of the map. It just looks messy like this.
-02:17:80 (1) - Remove the New Combo mark.
-02:32:55 (8) - Remove the Whistle, add in a Finish.
-02:40:65 (4) - Remove the Finish, add a Clap.
-02:41:81 (4) - ^
-02:45:28 (4) - Clap goes here.
-02:46:44 (4) - ^
-02:49:48 (1) - Add a Finish.

Okay, now get to work~

Oh, and add in m980's difficulty.

m980 Edit

Topic Starter

The following is a list of Mogsworth's edits I wish to contest.


-01:05:76 (3) - I'd say to remove this from the stack and then respace, but this is up for debate.
*Would a short squiggle slider in place of the stack be acceptable? I feel strongly that (1 - "if") is the beat to drop from that combo if there is to be any dropping done as there is heavier vocal emphasis on both (2) and (3).

-01:57:69 (3) - Place a Clap on the endpoint of this.
-02:06:94 (3) - ^

*Sounds better on the startpoint.

-02:34:57 (5) - Repeat once more.
*This doesn't leave as much time to set up for that 1/4 beat stack as I would like and I don't think the skipped hit on "you're" will confuse people.


-01:57:84 (4,5) - Claps go here.
-01:58:27 (6) - Finish goes here.
-02:07:09 (4,5) - ^
-02:07:53 (6) - ^

*Claps added to (3,5), finish added to (6). Same as [Normal]
Yes, forget those changes. Sorry, they were incorrect, but I kinda forgot to proofread that post.
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01:53:35 (3), 01:55:67 (3), 02:04:92 (3): place those 1/4 backward, since the stress of the syllable falls there and is more intuitive (even though we'll have to use blue ticks in Easy zomg)

I was going to suggest like 12-15 ms earlier for the offset because I keep getting bad numbers on a song I know well after test playing it a lot and I think the metronome sounds a bit better but everyone is all like "nooo don't you dare say it's late" so I won't. I still think it's late, though.
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how about 541 538 and 14421

don't shoot me if I'm rusty; I will shoot back I shot myself for being rusty
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I'm afraid this needs multiple sections after all. Me and Fluffrat found at least two spots where the offset is undeniably late, but at other places it sounds much better. As an extra clue, the test play numbers change always at more or less the same spots and drastically.
Nice Beatmap. I enjoyed it.

49:126(1)--> Finish

2:14:169(2)- Suggestion--> New combo. We have to notice (2),(3)'s rhythm.

Download: ice - Theme of Tomoe Mami (DJPop) [KPY oni 7~8 's Part].osu
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minyeob wrote:

2:14:169(2)- Suggestion--> New combo. We have to notice (2),(3)'s rhythm.
This verse is a repeat of the first verse, and I don't think it is that hard to read it from the circles. This is [Hard], after all.
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Saturos-fangirl wrote:

01:07:63 (1,2) - make these sliders parallel

Saturos-fangirl wrote:

02:23:99 (1,2) - these should be 1/4 shorter
I think that one may have slipped in during retiming. :?

Saturos-fangirl wrote:

uh im seeing a lot of blue ticks that sound good. are you sure this is timed right?
Drums and bass clearly thump on the white tick. Blame the Bee Gees.

Saturos-fangirl wrote:

01:22:81 (1,2,1,2) - clusterfuck
Ooooookay? (1a,2a) merged into a single repeating slider

Saturos-fangirl wrote:

02:17:77 (3,4,5) - sounds weird
Useless without more specificity.

Saturos-fangirl wrote:

also i think this could benefit from faster sliders but thats just me :P
Slider velocity increased from 1.4 to 1.6; map respaced at x1.0 prevailing snap.

Saturos-fangirl wrote:

00:15:42 (9) - new combo
00:20:05 (5) - ^
Directly contradicts Mogsworth edits.

Saturos-fangirl wrote:

01:33:08 (1,2,3,4) - in addition to being hard to follow, 1 and 2 are spaced almost twice the distance as 2 and 3
Pattern swapped from the 2nd to the 3rd chorus... and it is x1.5 spacing, not x2.

{Cosmetic issues}

Saturos-fangirl wrote:

00:36:39 (2) - just stack the endpoints
00:37:54 (1,2) - move 2 up so it doesnt overlap 1
00:38:70 (3,4) - move 3 up so it doesnt overlap 4
01:23:82 (1,2) - stack the endpoints
01:26:14 (1,2,3,4) - same suggestions as before
02:35:56 (1,2) - stack endpoints
02:15:74 (9) - put this and 11 on the same horizontal as 8 and 10
These are intentional, they are DSnapped, and I like them more my way.

{Stayin' Alive Spinners}

Saturos-fangirl wrote:

02:49:45 (1) - this is testing my tolorance for long spinners
02:49:45 (1) - long spinner is loooooooong
02:49:45 (1) - LONG
01:37:71 (1) - LONG spinner
00:49:12 (1) - ok yeah do not put a spinner this long in here. seriously
The spinner is Stayin' Aliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiieeeeiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiive!

In [Easy] and [Normal] they are at the very end of the song. [Hard] has a short break after each spinner for the player to recover. Those spinners were one of the main reasons I mapped this song in the first place and I'll see it graved before I take them out.
Nice! Enjoyed playing this map.

02:39:62 (5) I feel like the slider should start out closer to the previous note. The jump seemed more than usual.
Topic Starter

jim258 wrote:

Nice! Enjoyed playing this map.

02:39:62 (5) I feel like the slider should start out closer to the previous note. The jump seemed more than usual.
This gap was distance snapped, however I have added a 1/4 note slider to fill the gap. No more jump.
Hah. Fluffrat comeback GO.~


Download: danmaq - Voyage 1969 (Mustaash) [LRJ's Lunatic].osu
Wow, this has been around for a while. I don't really have a problem with anything in here. The spinners are too long for my taste, but as you state above, it's part of your composition for the map and I can respect that. You even managed to make it fun in Hard.


Also, timing feels really solid to me.

Bad post. Good map.
I can't seem to find anything wrong with this map...Ranked.
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