
Local Ranking and Worldwide ranking

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I don't know if there's a thread like this already but I just want to know.

I'm new and I played this song (Humming Bird). The first time, I got a B and it was posted in worldwide ranking. After a while of playing that song more, I got an A. It only shows up in local ranking though. Why can't it show up in worlwide ranking? What do I need to do?
In the world ranking you have posted record with the highest score. Maybe your "A" performance had lower score than "B" performance.
Letter rank is based on requirements to unlock that rank. But it doesn't represent your entire performance completely, as shown in your case.
The letters are just cosmetic, the same as accuracy. Only thing that matters is combo and based on it the score.

Same as money, no one cares where or how you get them as long as you have plenty of them.
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I had a higher score on my A than on my B.
Well, maybe in that moment you got the score you were disconnected from osu somehow and it wasn't recorded.

Maybe you are just looking in the wrong section aka local rankings and not global ranking.

Maybe some other reason (which is for sure way easier than you can imagine) happened.
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Oh! Somehow it's fixed. It just suddenly showed up.
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