
GIF support for skin elements?

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This is a feature request. Feature requests can be voted up by supporters.
Current Priority: +235
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I know many users intend to ask a .gif support for avatars, but i'm not requesting for that, imagine swiveling logos of skin elements, sparkles and bright shines of the star ratings of a beatmap, etc.

The gif support wouldn't have to be large, just a small loop of a logo swiveling around would do, i wouldn't want to see an abuse of this function.

Example of an abuse function:
an animated anime character going ahh or something like that.

I just wanted a simple, clean, animated element, that' all...

Thanks to the community, and peppy for past updates,
Keep up the good work!
If you're taking about the avatars for the game.


kokoroanime wrote:

If you're taking about the avatars for the game.

No, he means animated things in a play skin, such as an animated HP bar etc.
There's no .gif support, but to my knowledge you can name the items scorebar-bg for a Background, and then scorebar-colour-0, scorebar-colour-1 etc.
At least I think that's what he means.
...necro but well... don't mind it being necro, just continue in here please~

I'd like that .gif support or at least make everything more skinnable (well, not everything but the stuff that is not yet), for example the cursor - since I pretty much put some effort in getting mine to be somewhat shiny and sunny, I'd really love to get it a little pulsing (on its own), maybe variating rotation and getting it a more glaring effect or maybe even change colors, so that's why I'd like to have at least the same option of skinning for every element;

meaning if I'd use a pink, a grey and a yellow version of my cursor, it'd switch through all these - just using these as a harsh example but there are many nice possibilities.
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