
LyricDisplayer - realtime output lyrics !

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LyricDisplayerPlugin is plugin which is automatic to get lyrics and output sentence realtime when you are playing.The principle is to get the lyrics from the lyrics sources by getting the information about current playing beatmap.

I don't know what the meaning of this plugin is except decorating your live room. :p

Install Tutorial
  1. Download Sync and extract zip file to folder what you want.
  2. Start Sync.exe,Input command "plugins install provider" for installing OsuRTDataProvider plugin. restart.
  3. Start Sync.exe,Input command "plugins install panel" for installing OsuLiveStatusPanel plugin. restart.
  4. Modify "AllowUsedMemoryReader=1" and "AllowUsedNowPlaying=0" in config.ini/[OsuLiveStatusPanelPlugin.OsuLiveStatusPanelPlugin] section.(if you not found them , you can write them directly like this:
  5. Download LyricDisplayPlugin and extract them to Sync folder.
  6. Enjoy! When you are playing. plugin will output lyrics sentence to lyrics.txt in your Sync folder ,it's will hide when you are not playing.

lyrics sources
  1. NeteaseMusic
  2. QQMusic
  3. KugouMusic

Lyrics are in japanese? And how accurate are them?
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scionae- wrote:

Lyrics are in japanese? And how accurate are them?
Normally raw lyrics are japanese in japanese songs.And translated lyrics is depending on the sources of the lyrics.
This plugin will get Artist/Title/AudioDuration from another plugin named OsuLiveStatusPanel,and then search song info following Artist/Title.
and filter search results by Duration(±1s).
and then try to get lyrics from right search results.
when OsuRTDataProvider plugin is changed PlayingTime and this plugin will switch lyrics sentences.
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