bleh wrote:
Sliderends of extended sliders are to be snapped according to the song's beat structure. If the song is using a straight beat, 1/4 or 1/8 or 1/16 are to be used. If the song is using a swing beat, 1/6 or 1/12 are to be used. If the song has a beat in a different position from what was recommended, snapping to an actual beat always takes priority.
this shouldn't be a rule, yes in most cases arbitrarily snapping to a different beatsnap would be unpleasant, but not always. many songs have a blend of 1/4 and 1/3 beat structure but this rule would most likely force 1/4based extended sliders exclusively, which would be wrong. there are also examples of maps that have additive rhythming of a different beatsnap like that were well received, and this rule would conflict with that.
idk this is mostly just a needless restriction that would mostly get handled in modding anyway, seems weird it's trying to be turned into a rule when so many restrictive guidelines are being taken out
blheaf wrote:
Reverse arrows on sliders must not be completely visually obstructed by other hit objects with the default or beatmap-specific skin. Covering up reverse arrows on sliders can result in sliders being ambiguous to read.
this rule is really outdated, since almost everything in the current default skin is translucent, and it causes a lot of needless confusion. it's also just not true as there are plenty of easily readable covered arrows. the current wording even makes it clear this is a rule for a thing that "can" happen instead of something that "does" happen. should be moved to guidelines, or removed completely
asfd wrote:
You must not use sound samples for sliderslide, sliderwhistle, and spinnerspin which do not naturally loop. These hit sounds are continuous, meaning that their files play from start to end and loop as one continuous sound for the length of the object.
should be moved to guidelines, as long as it doesn't sound shitty there's nothing wrong with this. nonlooping slides have seen plenty of support in the past. they can be used to make cool drumroll effects or can function as an equivalent to hitsounded sliderticks
fdas wrote:
Every slider must have a clear and visible path to follow from start to end. Sliders which overlap themselves in a way that makes any section unreadable or ambiguous cannot be used, such as burai sliders and hold sliders without straightforward slider borders.
this rule needs rewording, as plenty of sliders with burai elements have had cases made for them that they aren't ambiguous and have been getting ranked. this could even be taken so far as to say alphabet sliderart isn't ambiguous atm.
tho tbh i think this also really should just be a guideline, its been made rather clear as time goes on that burai sliders aren't as unreadable as they're made out to be
lkkjl wrote:
Each map must use at least two different custom combo colours unless the default skin is forced. The combo colours must not blend with the map's background/storyboard/video in any case. This is so hit objects are always visible to the player and custom skin's combo colours do not blend with the background accidentally.
need some reasoning as to why 2 different colours are required, otherwise should just be lowered to a single one
actually it should just be lowered to a single one anyway bc there's literally nothing confusing about that except maaybe for lower diffs, in which case make it a diffspecific rule and not a general one