
MiYAMO - Hitokoishi kamisama -Planet soul-

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This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
Hey dude... You should fix up first the Filename of the MP3. I heard someone had problems because osu! doesn't accepts Japanese names or something.
Change them up. Also change the .osu file manually too. (I hope you know how...)

General Tips:
-Resnap (To me appears Unsnapped, you should resnap the first Section.)
-Too Long.

1.- BPM: 82.5 Offset: 2,920
2.- BPM: 165 Offset: 58,220

00:18:19 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - Irregular Spacing. Too close, Too far.
00:23:28 (8) - Should be new combo (?)
00:35:82 (1) - 1/4 Long. (Deleting the Tick at the End)
00:46:55 (3,4) - Too close.
00:54:37 (4,5) - Too far.
00:59:31 (2,3) - Too far. (?)
01:03:31 (6,7) - Too far.
01:06:94 (4,5,6,1,2) - Grid Spacing Problems. (?)
01:21:49 (1,2,3,4) - Irregular Spacing.
01:37:49 (5) - Should be new combo (?)
01:43:31 (5) - Should be new combo (?)
01:50:40 (1,2) - Too Close
01:54:76 (3,1) - Too Far.
02:00:21 (1,2,3) - Too Close.
02:11:85 (1,2) - A little far.
02:14:76 (4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - Too Close one from each other. (Style?)
02:31:12 (1,2) - Too Close.
02:33:76 (4,5) - 1 Grid Right.
02:35:94 (5,6) - 1 Grid Down.
02:38:03 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Too Close one from each other. (Style?)
02:58:58 (5,6) - Too Close. (?)
03:00:40 (1,2,3) - Too Close. (See 03:06:21 - 1,2,3,4,5)
03:09:12 (1,2) - Too Close.
03:20:76 (4,5) - Too Close.
03:22:21 (7,1) - Too Close.
03:28:03 (6,7) - Too Close.
03:43:31 (4,5) - A little bit far. (5 - 1 Grid Down)
03:44:94 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Too Close one from each other. (Style?)
03:46:67 (8,9) - Too Close.
03:52:94 (1,2) - A little Close.
03:55:49 (6,1) - Same as Above.

My Suggestions:
-Change Beat Volume.
-Custom Colors.
-Add Finish Sound to the last Spinner.

Notice i'm no BAT, meaning i'm no pro or anything. But, wow, that what you would call "Nazi" List. :?

Well, that song is cool. You should start more difficulties!
Good Luck! :D
Topic Starter
Thanks, guess I'll try to snap without the grid now. :idea:
82.5 BPM/2,904 Offset

Some spacing issues here and there, keep an eye out for them. I can help you point them out after you apply the new timings.
You forgot to resnap on Hard at least. I'll edit with more stuff soon.




This map is awesome! I couldn't find many faults. No.. I couldn't find ANY faults. You just need to resnap.
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
Go for Lunatic!!
it's not Touhou anymore if there is no Lunatic.. :twisted:
you request ;)

[attachment=0:7d57f]MiYAMO - Hitokoishi kamisama -Planet soul- (asiaclonk) [SiN-Lunatic].osu[/attachment:7d57f]

this is just a draft.. you should make it more neater..
big maple leaf 8-)
00:27:63 (1) - I think this sounds kinda cool if it ends 1/2 beat earlier. Or maybe 1 beat earlier. Then it's like the hit sound echos out. I dunno. What do you think? It's fine in any case though.
02:52:72 (1) - This should probably start 1 1/4 beat later, but end on the same spot it ends now.

00:27:63 (1) - Same as Easy.
02:52:72 (1) - Same as Easy.
03:33:03 (4) - Move this 1/8 beat to the right? What? Weird.

00:27:63 (1) - Same as Easy.
02:40:90 (7) - New Combo just because.
02:52:72 (1) - Same as Easy.
03:29:08 (8) - New Combo.

Ok, quick hit sound suggestion since it will make some sections awesome.
03:06:17 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - (Using Hard as a reference.) Doesn't this part sound awesome with a Finish on 1, 5, and 9? Cause I mean, those piano notes just pump me up. They need to be magnified with hit sounds. Sounds so cool.
03:14:90 (1) - You could put some hit sounds on these hard piano notes, too, but it's not as cool as the first part.

By the way, might as well capitalize "kamisama" and "soul". The first timing section's offset is fine, but the second section sounds really early to me. It was hard to decide, but I ended up using something like 58,190 for that section. That will probably be disputed. Anyway, this is a cool song. I thought it'd suck, but it's cool.

02:01:72 (3) - A bit offscreen-ish? Move this to the right of 2 so it doesn't go too low.


01:15:63 (2) - First thing. FUCKING BEAUTIFUL SLIDER. However, as there is no clear direction of where this one is going, an SB element is needed in order to warn the player where the slider is going. Judging by how it looks now, there's absolutely no way of telling at first glance.
03:03:26 (7,8,9) - VERY SLIGHT spacing issue. Check the spacing here.

Other difficulties have no problem (too short to have any, tbh)

Star retained.
Second modding.

For the storyboard, I'll post up code for you that reflects an optimised SB. Don't worry, your SB should work the same as you intended it, what I'm doing is to remove the useless and excessive codes. Please replace the code in your Insane difficulty's .osu.


Man, maybe I should release an advanced tutorial about optimising SB codes. x.x;;;

Otherwise, both difficulties are good to go for a bubbly.
Just a friendly reminder that almost everything I am saying is *suggestion* on your map rather than a *command* that you change it. Feel free to ignore things you don't agree with!

00:34:90 (1) - should end 1/4 later
01:24:35 (3) - line the start up horizontally with the end of 2
01:30:17 (1) - move so it isnt partly hidden by 4
01:57:81 (4) - can you stack this on the end of 2?
02:00:17 (1) - add a break after this
02:17:44 (6) - stack on fading 3
02:53:17 (1) - start on a white tick
03:00:35 (1) - align vertically with 6
03:11:99 (2) - line this up with 1
03:20:35 (2) - align horizontally with 1

00:34:90 (1) - should end 1/4 later
00:54:90 (5) - can you change this so its not under the fading 1?
01:38:53 (4) - line this up horizontally with 3
02:05:99 (3) - can you make this symmetrical
02:16:26 (9,10) - line these up horizontally with the end of 8
02:39:72 (8) - stack this under 7
02:53:17 (1) - start this 1/4 earlier
03:06:90 (3,4,5) - put these all on the same horizontal, its slanted slightly upwards atm. grid snap may help here
03:09:08 (1) - can you move this so it isnt slanted?
03:19:26 (3) - i was expecting a finish here

00:18:17 (2,3,4) - line these up vertically
01:06:17 (5) - is this slanted intentionally?
01:39:63 (1,2) - kinda underneath the fading 5,6
01:41:78 (10) - snap to white tick
01:57:53 (2) - this should be slightly higher to line up with 3,4,5...
02:11:81 (7) - new combo
02:53:17 (1) - start this on the white tick. also could use a hitsound (whistle/finish)
03:03:26 (7) - new combo
03:21:44 (9) - ^
03:19:99 (5) - ^

[SiN Lunatic]
00:21:08 (1) - stack the end on the fading 9
00:41:08 (3) - straighten this out
00:46:54 (2) - ^
01:03:63 (11) - ^
01:06:72 (6) - kinda unintuitive jump
01:09:08 (5) - delete and replace break
01:21:26 (1,2) - hidden under previous slider
01:30:90 (5,6,7,8) - slider overlap looks bad
01:39:63 (1,2) - these can all stack under fading notes
02:16:53 (5) - stack on the end of the slider and straighten
02:18:72 (4,5,6) - move this out from under 3
02:39:26 (1,2,4) - slider overlap looks bad
02:42:90 (5) - unintuitive jump
03:16:53 (6) - stack more neatly
03:20:53 (7) - ^
needs much more hitsound
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
Looks like almost all of SFG's modding has been adhered to (though it took me a good 15 minutes just to re-check the areas she noted, gosh -_-)

The only issue now is in SiN's Lunatic.

03:16:90 (8) - unintuitive jump has now become shortened spacing? Adjust this and a subsequent slider.
There are still some jumps that may seem a bit tacky, especially in the harder difficulties. In one instance in Lunatic (hey, it's Insane, yea?) there was one point in time where the sliders actually came SLOWER than they should.

However, those are not enough to deter me from bubbling the map, the tune and the map meshed very well the way they are now, at least to me. Next mod please take extra care in modding before considering for rank =D

Download: Various Artists - Jamming Madness X (Chacha17) [Collab].osu
Really good map.

Need some star

!summon Kudosu_Star
!summon mod_post


Your spacing needs work. Here's continuing from the post I started out a few days ago but stopped writing due to exhaustion.

~0:58:176 - Please make this an inherited section at x2 bpm. Just works out that way.

00:34:90 (2) - Too far from 1.
01:31:63 (2) - A bit too far from 1.
01:54:17 (1) - I personally feel this is too close to the previous slider.
01:54:90 (2,3,4,5) - Please clean up the spacing here, it's just weird.
02:14:53 (2,3,4,5,6) - Yeah, too close to 1. Move 7 a bit farther as well.
02:40:90 (3) - Way too close to 2.
03:11:99 (2) - Move this closer to 1.
03:15:63 (6) - Same thing.

00:26:17 (2) - Clean up the spacing between this and the previous slider to make it look nicer.
00:27:63 (1) - Sounds a little odd where it ends now. I'd say to consider shortening it 1/2.
00:50:17 (3) - Move further from the previous and space out the following beats a bit. That or touch up spacing a bit before this. (Probably the beats before this)
01:09:08 (2) - Move a little closer to previous.
02:32:99 (3,4,5) - Touch up spacing.

00:27:63 (1) - Same deal as with the spinner in Normal.

00:27:63 (1) - Same deal again.
01:33:44 (3) - Move a bit closer to previous.
01:39:63 (1) - Further from previous, also a bit closer to 2.
02:09:72 (4) - Further from previous.
02:16:53 (5) - Same deal.
02:32:99 (4) - Lengthen 1/4.
02:39:26 (4) - Same.
02:45:99 (4) - Closer to previous.
02:55:99 (3) - Lengthen 1/4.
02:56:72 (5) - Same.
03:06:17 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - Clean up spacing to make it more even.

Given some priority though as it's a pretty cool map.
Topic Starter
Guys, seriously, this thing graved twice already for a single reason.
NO ONE ever looked at this map and gave feedback.
Could you do this for someone needing love?
Topic Starter
Btw bump.
osu! crashed :(
Nakata Yuji
I think you should increase the circle size and the overall difficulty, it feels more fun like that.
00:15:99 (1) - Looks kind of awkward, make it more smoothed?
00:27:63 (1) - End this at 00:29:085.
01:09:813 - Fill in this break here, it's pretty big.
01:25:81 (4) - Suggestion - Make this a finish?
01:44:72 (1) - Maybe make this a finish too?
01:50:35 (1,2) - This feels awkward.
01:51:44 (3) - Insert a note here.
02:08:90 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - In areas like these, you tend to ignore some of the beats, change some of the sliders into individual notes? I'm going to leave it up to you to find these, but it's alright to leave it as is.
03:36:72 (1) - I would put a clap here too.
Personally, it feels really easy up until, 00:58:17, and even then it's not that bad. I think you should make this harder and turn it into an insane.

I don't have the time at the moment, but I will mod the other difficulties later.

Set a preview point. - The place is up to you.

If you can reduce the mp3 length.


01:24:35 (3) - This slider is slightly off grid, try moving 01:22:90 (2) - back a little.
01:38:90 - Beat?
01:39:26 - ^
01:39:63 - ^
01:39:99 - ^ - This is just to match the change in tempo.
01:41:81 - ^
01:42:17 - ^
01:42:54 - ^
01:42:90 - ^
02:00:17 (1) - Off grid.
02:05:99 (2) - Mapped in 1/4 but the snap divisor you are using is 1/3 change the snap divisor to 1/8 [because you use it late] for this beat. - This applies to some of the later notes as well.
02:09:81 (4) - Not snapped.
02:11:81 (1) - ^
02:31:08 (1) - This is done using 1/8, I guess if you want to keep this then keep the snap divisor at 1/8.
02:35:08 (3) - Not snapped
02:35:99 (4) - ^


00:31:98 (2) - Not snapped.
01:40:35 (1,2,3) - Line these up.
03:33:08 (4) - Off grid.


01:15:63 (2) - This was difficult to follow, but after my 3rd attempt I did it, really nice slider.


00:59:59 (5) - Not snapped.
01:07:08 (7) - ^
01:08:53 (11,12,13,14) - ^
01:29:44 (8,9,10) - ^
01:31:08 (6) -
01:30:35 (2,3,4,5,6) - ^
01:35:43 (5) - ^
01:55:44 (5) - ^
02:36:90 (8) - ^

I apologize for not being able to give this a detailed mod, but here is a star hopefully it will attract some attention and hopefully some mods!
Hi again. ;)

This beatmap is way better than what I remember. Good job!
Just some little things to address before ranking:
  1. When I fresh downloaded, I had to update the [Easy] map. Umm, this isn't supposed to happen, so make sure you Full Submit again. Also, I didn't get any Sin difficulty, so it's definitely an uploading problem. Bah, forget about this.
  2. Maybe extend all difficulties to 03:38:176?
  3. Cut the mp3 if you can. If you don't know how, you can ask me. :)
Still pending from checking other difficulties, starred for now.
Topic Starter
I wouldn't really cut the thing.
But if too many people complain about filesize, I will consider it.
maybe i'll remake my diff.. its looks ugly :p

165 BPM sounds better imo
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This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
whoops. my bad. lol
if the main BPM is 82.5, the sliders looks ugly :\
so 165 BPM is better imo forget it.

also: i believe it's Meiling theme
Topic Starter
Almost, it's only at the beginning, the rest is MoF first stage.
Nakata Yuji
In the beginning, there are a few fairly long sliders. I would recommend turning these into separate notes and sliders. Actually, there are a lot through the whole map. Some actually fit quite well with the map. You should keep some, but I would also change some.
I would recommend removing the speed up. This is only easy.
02:56:035 (2) - This is a bit close to 1.
The rest is fine.
Basically, everything that I said with easy except for 02:56:035 (2) -
-SiN- Lunatic:
01:06:072 (6,7,8,9) - Weren't much of a problem when I was playing it, but it is still snapped differently. Probably done on purpose, but I'm giving it the benefit of the doubt.
03:03:063 (9) - Nazi mod.
03:32:035 (4) - I could slightly tell where this was going, but it was still difficult.

I've starred this already, don't need to again.
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
Set preview point. You can set it where in bottom of Timing menu.
Preview point is starting music when you select the map.

02:40:090 (3) - unsnapped
02:56:035 (2) - spacing. or new combo.
03:15:026 (4) - new combo

01:04:090 (8) - new combo
01:05:044 (1) - remove new combo
01:54:090 (1) - ^
01:57:026 (2) - new combo
02:14:072 (4) - ^

01:35:099 (6) - new combo
01:37:044 (1) - remove new combo
01:38:090 (7) - new combo
01:39:063 (1) - remove new combo
02:17:008 (6) - new combo
03:11:099 (5) - ^

Fix unsnapped notes. There are too many unsnapped notes.
You can check it in AIMod.(Press 'Ctrl+Shift+A' and Run!)

02:59:008 (9) - spacing
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
This seriously needs to be ranked soon. Oct 2009 wtf

00:34:358 (1) - Move this to 00:34:540. Easier for a newb to grasp.
02:37:994 (1,2) - Turn this part into a spinner or silder, it can't be made easier to grasp without sounding like crap. :/

00:27:631 (1) - Extend to the next red tick.

No time to mod the rest, I'll continue modding tomorrow.

General -
A lot of the long sliders suffer from ugly slider syndrome. Smooth circular curves look nicer than irregular ones. Not essential though.
Most of the time I hate 2x BPM sections, but in this map they work really well :D

Easy -
00:18:176 (2) - Doesn't really fit with the music
00:34:358 (1,2,3,4) - I'm pretty sure this isn't spaced right. Even so, I think it'd be better with a straight slider from 00:34:358 to 00:34:903 instead of 1 and 2.

Normal -
No Problems I can see.

SiN-Lunatic -
I personally don't like such tiny hitcircles, but that's just personal preference.
A lot of the fast triplets don't really fit.
01:15:630 (2) - IMO if it needs a warning it shouldn't be there. It's also not a particularly helpful warning, as I intuitiveley assumed that after going the way the arrow pointed, the slider goes straight across the flower shape. Nice slider art though.

If you're remapping this diff, ignore all that lol.

Hard -
Again, I dislike the tiny hitcircles, but otherwise this is fine.

A fabulous map, Star~
i like this beatmap, only played Normal tho and didnt find any easily notable flaws (im not really that good at finding flaws tho :roll: )
Looks okay, but -SiN-'s is easier than yours apparently. Also, I put off modding to make sure this was still alive, sorry.

JInxyjem wrote:

Looks okay, but -SiN-'s is easier than yours apparently. Also, I put off modding to make sure this was still alive, sorry.
it was old and i was noob lol
Feel Good Keine
Enjoyed this map alot, keep up the good work and make some more!
-background has to be 1024x768 and below so resize it
-I think there are better places to put preview point than the very start of the song
-You might want to put a silent sliderslide in the folder as it doesnt sound good with such a quiet least at the start
-make your timing section un-inherited and put 165 bpm (it makes all the notes on red/white ticks which is good) modding is based on this timing change
-cut any of the mp3 you are not using
-I think this song could use some whistles more than claps

I would prefer you make your sliders look neater in this diff
00:23:267 (6) - new combo
01:41:448 (4) - add clap?
01:51:994 (3) - make symmetrical?
01:51:994 (3) - shorten by 1/2
01:54:903 (2) - ^
02:14:539 (2,3,4,5,6) - move notes around more
02:53:085 (1) - shorten by 1/2
02:58:539 (4,5) - spacing (make same distance as 3-4)

00:27:631 (1) - extend by 1/2
00:32:722 (3,4,5) - kinda odd spacing..I would move 5 somewhere else
00:47:631 (2,3) and 00:49:085 (5,6) need to be same distance apart
01:41:448 (4) - add clap?
01:54:903 (4) - shorten by 1/2
02:05:994 (3) - ^
02:53:085 (1) - ^
03:33:085 (4) - doesn't look good (same for any other diff this is on)

According to comments above you are going to redo this diff so I will hold off on modding it

I dont think all the claps fit
curved sliders will look much nicer
02:53:085 (1) - shorten by 1/2
03:32:358 (4) - don't overlap like that
(this diff is pretty nice)

You can also use ctrl+shift+A on all diff's to check for mistakes
now i have a time to finish this , sry for taking so long

Download: MiYAMO - Hitokoishi kamisama -Planet soul- (asiaclonk) [SiN-sane].osu

1) Add "-SiN-" in the tags, since he make a guest diff for you
2) Remove "Touhou" in the tags, since that word in Source
3) You have to map all diff to the end OR cut the mp3

Lots some spacing error,check AIMod (Ctrl+Shift+A)
00:14:176 (3) - Allign with 2?
00:23:267 (6) - Move it to the right place, it's seems bad if this overlapped with previous slider
00:55:267 (2) - Make curve?
01:51:994 (3) - Make symetric?
02:40:903 (1) - I think this slider is waaaay too ugly, FOOLS!!

01:25:812 (4) - Make parallel?
02:40:903 (9) - I think this slider is waaaay too ugly, FOOLS!!

Ajarkan aku cara membuat slider art (Teach me how to make a slider art)
01:08:540 (2) - Move it to the right place, make sure this object not overlapped with previous slider

Nice map

Leorda wrote:


Ajarkan aku cara membuat slider art (Teach me how to make a slider art)
01:08:540 (2) - Move it to the right place, make sure this object not overlapped with previous slider

Nice map
udah ganti tu di atas :D
00:14:176 (7) - move 1/4 later
00:19:994 (8) - ^
00:25:631 (5,6) - make this sound like the above
00:34:358 - add note
00:34:722 - ^
00:45:813 (6) - move 1/5 later and add note here 00:46:358
theres others parts like this, that i think would sound better with the placement i've just suggested
01:21:449 (1,2,3,4) - didnt like the linear sliders >.< personally i think soft songs should use curve slider, but that just my opinion, you can keep it if you want ^^
01:40:358 (7) - new combo, for spacing changes, and cuz the combo is too log, imo
01:53:449 (10) - start the slider where is (9)
02:00:176 (1,2,3) - see screenshot007 (timeline)
02:17:085 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - this combo dont fit with the music >.<
02:12:631 (3,4) - wrong spacing
02:17:085 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - see screenshot008 (timeline)
02:53:085 (1) - end it at 02:53:085 (prev red tick)
02:54:540 - add note maybe ^^

I can't continue right now, but i will edit this post to complete the modding ^^

EDIT: continuing

theres part that are much alike of some parts at the hard o.O
other than that, is fine for me

00:46:540 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - this spacing can be confusing for normal, space this combo evenly
02:40:903 (9) - new combo?
03:03:267 (4) - ^
03:26:539 (4) - ^
03:29:085 (7) - ^
03:31:630 (1) - remove new combo
03:31:994 (2) - add new combo
03:31:630 (1,2,3,4) - space them evenly
in normal diff you must be very carefully with spacing, i think you should double check this diff with distance snap on
also i feel that the change of slider velocity on this diff is kind of unpredictable >< but maybe its just me :p

timing setions x2 no in easy diff plz
double check spacing with AIMod (ctrl+shift+A) use distance snap

cut the mp3
add -SiN- to the tags
backgrounds shouldn't be larger 1024x768, resize plz

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