
What's a better monitor for tablet?

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I'm using since last year a LG Flatron M2762D which is 27" and I've seen most pros with recorded plays at Youtube using 22" like monitors, I play windowed and my osu resolution is 1280x968 when I use mouse and 1024x760 to tablet. But I've been thinking if getting back to a smaller monitor would be better for a new tablet user like me. I wouldn't even use fullscreen on a hueg tv/monitor lol
Solely a preference, you can just as well make the tablet area smaller if you want to play on a bigger resolution. Of course it is a matter of if you find it to be easy to see on a big resolution or not, but that isn't relevant to the size of the input area.

Fullscreen close to a 27" monitor will most likely put a bigger strain on your eyes as you'd need to scout around more, but then again the circles are more visible, as to the opposite of on a small resolution, everything is technically closer, but over a smaller area.

Nonetheless, most tablets, at least all wacom tablets come with software which allows you to change the input area, so there is no real need to swap out your monitor, if anything, just play windowed on a lower resolution.
monitors are silly. The only real difference is the accessories, the matix type, and the brightness.

I use an IPS, but TN is better for gaming due to extremely low latency. It just doesn't look as good and has terrible viewing angles.
I play full screened on a 22" that's 1680x1050, but play osu at 1280x960 on it with a rather small tablet area. You say pros usually use 22" monitors, it's just all irrelevant as 22" monitors are common now days and pretty much everyone has just happens to be what they're using, not anything directly related to being "better" for osu.

If you're looking for a monitor, just look for low response time (2ms) 120hz monitors. It'll make osu look ALOT smoother. That's pretty much all you need. Also, 120hz is able to play 3D movies and games, so that's a plus side... as well as eliminating screen tearing.

Something like this: ... 6824009222

Doesn't have to be the exact one, but it would make for an all around better gaming experience (given you play at 120FPS+). If you're playing a game at 60FPS you wouldn't get the benefit of having a monitor that's 120hz, as 120hz = displays 120fps vs 60hz monitor that displays 60FPS.
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