- This is a NM queue.
- The queue will close when I post that it is closed and change the title and first post to be closed.
- I cannot qualify maps, I can only place the first nomination on a map.
- Don't post when the queue is closed (even if you are trying to communicate this queue is closed).
- I pick maps based on the song. It's hard to describe if I will like your song, but see the example songs I like below to get an idea.
- I don't pick Moe, Heavy Metal, or Dubstep songs.
- I pick maps I can play. I can't play alternating maps or high bpm songs (>200).
- I'm bad at streams, so if your difficulty is over 5.6* because of streams, I probably won't pick it.
- I like helping new mappers. If you don't have a ranked map, please indicate that so I can prioritize your request.
- I like maps that prioritize the melody over the drum.
- I like maps whose kiais are stronger than their build-ups.
- I like maps whose flows don't just go in a circle over and over again.