
The Quick Brown Fox - The Big Black

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on domingo, 19 de fevereiro de 2012 at 03:05:42

Artist: The Quick Brown Fox
Title: The Big Black
Tags: Onosakihito speedcore renard lapfox
BPM: 360,3
Filesize: 2800kb
Play Time: 02:19
Difficulties Available:
  1. Ono's Taiko Oni (4,94 stars, 949 notes)
  2. WHO'S AFRAID OF THE BIG BLACK (5 stars, 746 notes)
Download: The Quick Brown Fox - The Big Black
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing

i remapped this btw
(it also has easier diffs)
the big black
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gonna use this as the description history

(this post used to say something like "if this gets approved im gonna kill myself")

Before rank:
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February 2012:
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Fine. Whatever. Do what you want. Apparently nothing is right in this game anymore. If you want to complain about a map, please think that the mapper is a person first, and they worked hard to get their map approved. It's not because I'm a MAT that I could get this map ranked in 1 second. Please think about it. I have reasons to approve this map and people who like it. Respect them too.
March 2014:
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play scarlet rose
May 29 2016:
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this guy at reddit wanted me to change my description so i did it
February 5 2017 (used after the March breakdown as well):
Right before the countdown to the song begins, you'll be asked, "Who's afraid of the big black?" The answer is "no."

This is hardcore stuff here, pal. You're not cheering on a student trying to study for his exam, or a doctor trying to fix a microwave. You're cheering on warriors of black, fighting hard, fighting on for the speed, through the wastelands evermore. Do you really have what it takes? I don't think so.

I've even set all the sliders to the default Normal settings, and this level still gets 5 stars. Why? Because it's just that bloody hardcore, mate. This is the very definition of hot-blooded rhythm soul. This is Osu Hero 3: Legends of Ouendan.

So go sit in a corner and wait until I release Normal mode. Or, if you do decide to try this out, don't say I didn't warn you.
March 25 2017:
this beatmap was made in december 2011 after i joked with quaraezha about how mapping speedcore would be impossible.
interestingly enough, this map is still a joke
October 19 2017:
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to play The Big Black. The flow is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical mapping most of the patterns will go over a typical player's head. There’s also Blue Dragon’s symmetrical outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal structure draws heavily from iNiS architecture, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these patterns, to realise that they’re not just fun to play- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike The Big Black truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in The Quick Brown Fox’s existential catchphrase “Who's afraid of the big black?” which itself is a cryptic reference to Riddler’s American epic Batman Forever. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Blue Dragon’s genius wit unfolds itself on their computer screens. What fools.. how I pity them. 😂
November 9 2017:
I don’t accept that rrtyui has won against FunOrange. Even if he will win against FunOrange, because he tried over 2500 times. While FunOrange only tried 876 times, and beat the shit out of this. That’s not competition. That’s not a map scoreboard that’s supposed to happen. I do not accept that FunOrange lost to him, only fools would see it that way. At his best FunOrange is amazing, possibly more amazing than rrtyui is, but until that happens, FunOrange is the #1 at this one. Not rrtyui.
November 16 (900pp day), 2017:
It's been fun, but shit's broken. It was naive to think that two mapping styles so fundamentally distinct from each other could coexist within the same ranking system without causing conflicts, but I spent far too long mapping and practicing, learning the precise and fast way of mapping symmetrically, to not want to believe there was a way to make it work. And in some ways, it almost did work; great maps from m980, MetalMario201, RandomJibberish, and NotShinta were regarded well within the community, maps that were interesting because they were authentic, part of some niche that pushed the limits of how songs could be mapped, but never went too far. Or when they did go too far, people tried to resolve the issue. iNiStyle died a silent death, and although there are many reasons as to why those maps really shouldn't be ranked at all, it's probably also unanimously agreed upon that, while impressive in their own right, OTO/EBA style should never be considered the most impressive mapping style in the game, by any means. In hindsight, it should've been obvious that a compromise held up only by the lack of generic maps wasn't going to last, but for a while there was a grey area. No maps were that straightforward to play, and most good scores required a high level of unconventional reading and aim at the very least, along with extremely boring patterns and copypasting. But mapping has been following a much more experimental and difficult trend as of late, catering to the ever-growing base of players proficient in 6* maps, and this is a great trend that will hopefully reinvigorate and contribute to the competitive scene of top players. But it also means this compromise isn't going to last anymore. The Big Black isn't an easy map. It may be one of the most difficult maps I've ever been able to set a score on. But there is a reason that the map is 6.58*, and it isn't because of the constant stamina heavy 360bpm tapping throughout the entirety of the map. It's because of the damn star pattern towards the end; pretty much throws everyone off. That's it. And it isn't easy to hit, even on touchscreen, since it requires rapidly changing focus from one spaced note to the other, but at this level of difficulty it's no longer reasonable to try and compare that to the analogous motion of dragging a cursor back and forth across the screen with inhuman levels of speed and precision to hit the goddamned stream. And it's not fair for the pp system to use that comparison to rank rrtyui with a 322pp play, among FunOrange, who is the true #1. Maybe one day Big Black will become a separate map from the game and will be its own game, although chances are it will just die from lack of staff interest or an active playerbase. FCing Big Black really does take skill, and I wish there could be a competitive scene based around it. But it's selfish of me to try and turn Big Black into my own game, at the expense of other's enjoyment. Sorry to anyone who might have disagreed with me before, or who will disagree with me after this, but I think leaving this game until Big Black is considered the best map in the game (if it even can be) is the best course of action. Also sorry to idke, who was dragged into all of this despite not deserving any of the hate us copypasta creators get. obligatory plz enjoy game quit w etc etc
December 21 2017:
Finally done with that piece of worthless junk. Crap, Blue Dragon, when you started making things like Blue Dragon and Enya maps, I actually started getting my hopes up that you were finally going to break out of your terrible Renard and Gangsta stage and start cranking out truly admirable maps. Even though Soca Party raised a red flag or two, I still had high hopes. And then this self-indulgent pretentious abomination gets vomitted onto the site. This is not only your worst map, but possibly the worst map I have ever seen. Why? Others were bad as satire, ignorance, age, or inexperience. You qualify for none of these categories, you have no excuse.

Believe me, I have nothing against speedcore, be it splittercore, hardcore, or harsh noise. And I have no problem with someone in the osu community championing the genre as a flagship of broadening horizons. What I do have a problem with is that you, the person championing it, have absolutely no respect for the music or its structure. At the slightest hint of a synth or hit of a snare drum, you are more than happy to start disregarding the music and just throwing ugly and pointless jumps where you just make the distance and position anywhere you feel like, no matter how awful the end result is.

This vulgar excuse for a map reeks of every stupid and arrogant Nogardism the community has had to bear witness to: Extreme jumps with no musical reasoning, sky high DS at random times, streams that just decide to jump to some random part of the playing field with no warning, buckshot spread sliders with no cohesive structure, streams that space out to absurd degrees, rampant abuse of symmetry and BPM doubling to cover up lazy mapping, slider jumps that clearly are just cases of Ctrl+H and Ctrl+J abuse, and worst of all, using the music genre as your own little shield to justify every little moment of "I map like this because fuck you, I'm Blue Dragon" you can stuff in your pathetic and self-subservient maps.

Stop using songs as canvases for your abhorrent "artistry", stop using your cult of personality to force your lazy work on others, and stop thinking that maps are good just because a computer designed to perfectly perform with flaw can manage to beat it.
brb spamming any MAT/BAT on earth with mod/bubl requests for this map
I can do this asleep
I demand a big black man bg.

Requested Taiko guest diff. finished.

Some people may think: ,,Over 700 BPM? He has overmapped the Taiko for sure!". Don't worry. It is a playable lvl 10* Taiko diff..

About the BPM: I changed it in the Taiko diff. to 180,135 (720,540/4) since SV changes or x0,25 dosen't help here.
I've asked people in #modhelp about possible ranking problems, but opinions are spreaded. Maybe waiting for MAT/BAT is the best solution?

Anyway, here we go, hope you like it with the Taiko_BG.

Download: The Quick Brown Fox - The Big Black (Blue Dragon) [Ono's Taiko Oni].osu
crazy shit o.o
The Quick Brown Fox Jumps Over the Lazy Dog ~
Nice map :D
Recomended to play with 512MB of video with Intel 3 imo
makethisapproved.jpg *shot*
Rizumu Tenshi

Kurisuchianu wrote:

Recomended to play with 512MB of video with Intel 3 imo
Intel Core i3, eh?
My PC doesn't even die from seeing this map, even with Intel Pentium 4. Oh, thank God for that...
However, Kiai flashes may cause epilepsy, am I right? I mean in WHO'S AFRAID OF THE BIG BLACK. I'm not afraid of the Big Black but I need NoFail :(
Waiting for this map to get approved ;) Good luck Nogard!
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pending now
I'm not afraid of this :>>>

Kay, I'll throw some stuff in here:

Fk it, I'm doing it in pt.

00:28:947 (1) - Nazi. Mova para x:312 y:236. Fica mais enxuto :>
01:02:919 (1) - Nesses sliders, não rola diminuir um pouquinho só o volume? Claps spam dói bagaray.
01:53:876 (5,6) - Essas notas são maldades, just saying. Pelo nível do mapa por mim pode deixar, se fosse um mapset comun eu ia te xingar bagaray tho...
02:08:781 (5,6) - Não sou retardado de tentar achar erros em mapas que não os tem, então estou apenas comentando, fica tudo a seu critério. Enfim, achei esse retorno bem pesadinho por causa da AR e da BPM em si.

Also, na segunda parte do mapa você optou por não usar o clap spam né? Meh.

As for the...

Ono's Taiko Oni

Hmm... It's challenging and have some nice patterns. However some streaks like 01:55:042 (1,2,1,2,1,1,1,2,3,1,1) - And the following kiai turned to be a bit hard to understand at first. I think it's because the high BPM kinda "hides" the pattern volume. Just pointing this out. Do as you wish.

Mmmm that's it for now, hope this can be at least a bit usefull. Get this app now.
I don't see why this couldn't be approved.
After some IRC modding, The Big Black Bubble #1 .
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By the way, if you're going to ask why there are no mods in the thread - the map doesn't need exactly mods in my opinion (except to fix unrankable stuff/other kinds of mistakes) however this kind of map needs A LOT of testing. After hearing opinions from pretty much lots of people, I decided to let this get bubbled. If you have anything against this map going to approval in its current state, please provide some explanation of your point. Thank you!

Farto's IRC mod
22:13 <fartownik> : k, first you gotta snap the kiai ending section on Taiko
22:14 <fartownik> : 00:40:271
22:14 <fartownik> : unsnapped by 3ms
22:15 <Blue_Dragon> : oh
22:15 <Blue_Dragon> : thought it was the other one
22:16 <fartownik> : in your difficulty
22:16 <fartownik> : 01:47:798 (8,9) - is quite don't like this
22:16 <fartownik> : I*
22:17 <fartownik> : I know you might end up messing the entire pattern
22:17 <fartownik> : but jump like this is just weird
22:17 <Blue_Dragon> : well uh I FC'd the pattern several times but I can try to fix it
22:18 <Blue_Dragon> :
22:18 <Blue_Dragon> : makes it very easier
22:19 <Blue_Dragon> : but yeah, it's the best I can do
22:19 <fartownik> : yeah it'll be fine like this
22:19 <fartownik> : 02:08:781 (5,6) - this is like auto slidermiss
22:19 <Blue_Dragon> : well
22:19 <fartownik> : for the entire map you kept on the flow
22:20 <fartownik> : this goes totally reversed
22:20 <Blue_Dragon> : and yeah, that was a mistake
22:20 <Blue_Dragon> : forgot to fix it
22:21 <fartownik> : k leave that
22:21 <fartownik> : about the difficulty parameters
22:21 <fartownik> : I'd totally like you to decrease the HP Drain even more
22:21 <fartownik> : 1 tick would be good
22:21 <Blue_Dragon> : ok
22:22 <Blue_Dragon> : I'm not sure about OD either
22:22 <fartownik> : and also I'm not sure if AR10 is a good idea here
22:22 <Blue_Dragon> : it definitely is
22:22 <Blue_Dragon> : AR9 is way too slow
22:22 <fartownik> : OD is fine
22:22 <Blue_Dragon> : mostly for the ending
22:22 <Blue_Dragon> : which has 180bpm spaced 1/4s
22:22 <fartownik> : hm, AR10 feels like doubletime
22:22 <fartownik> : here
22:22 <fartownik> : it works well in Airman
22:22 <fartownik> : but might be too much here
22:22 <Blue_Dragon> : put AR9
22:22 <Blue_Dragon> : and jump here
22:22 <Blue_Dragon> : 02:08:198 (1) -
22:22 <Blue_Dragon> : it really feels weird to play
22:23 <fartownik> : yeah, probably you're right
22:23 <fartownik> : leave it too
22:23 <fartownik> : 01:40:970 (10) - maybe add a new combo here too
22:23 <fartownik> : won't make you much difference but will give the player some HP
22:23 <fartownik> : 01:42:220 (9) - and here too
22:24 <Blue_Dragon> : shouldn't it be on 01:40:887 (9) -
22:24 <fartownik> : uh, yes
22:24 <Blue_Dragon> : because of the big white tick
22:24 <fartownik> : misslick
22:24 <Blue_Dragon> : ok done
22:24 <Blue_Dragon> : :v
22:24 <fartownik> : missclick*
22:24 <fartownik> : that's all of it i think
22:25 <fartownik> : you just gotta find someone to check taiko
22:25 <Blue_Dragon> : oh
22:25 <Blue_Dragon> : wait
22:25 <Blue_Dragon> : there's something I found now
22:25 <fartownik> : ?
22:25 <Blue_Dragon> : 01:52:211 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - spacing here is messed up
22:25 <Blue_Dragon> : gotta fix it
22:26 <fartownik> : hm, okay
22:26 <Blue_Dragon> : ok
22:26 <Blue_Dragon> : wait a sec
22:28 <fartownik> : 00:16:291 (1,2,1,2,3,4,5,6) -
22:28 <fartownik> : some inconsistency in new combos
22:29 <Blue_Dragon> : pressed the button accidentally there
vamo na festa da uva
whoa what the fuck just happened


fabriciorby wrote:

vamo na festa da uva
me leve com você por favor ))))): /corre
CTB. <3 Gotta love em.
Precisamos da velocidade de Carlos para fullcombear esse mapa.
Bubble 1, Bubble 2, Approve, Drama, Unrank, Drama², Lock.

EDIT: it's just my opinion, but i think the AR is too high..
AR9 seems better to me, but it's bubbled so..

EDIT²: it's really overmapped..
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saying "it's really overmapped" in a 720BPM song isn't really true, in my opinion.

AR9 is ridiculously low for the jumps and...

01:45:550 (1) - Just jump here. AR9 is unreadable here.

I am not aiming for a ridiculous map just for the sake of it, I am just following what the song suggests.

If this map gets unranked because "it is too fast", then, well, sorry but someone will have to be deBATted.

Blue Dragon wrote:

Thanks for saddening me. I wanted to have the record with my 512 BPM map T_____________________T
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popped because of inconsistent letterboxing between difficulties
Since I pointed out the letterboxing thing, I suppose I'll mod this.

- Checked with a BAT, Tick Rate 0.5 shouldn't be used. I think Tick Rate 1 works rather nicely here anyway, when sliders are this fast using ticks to promote people actually following them would be recommended.
00:16:957 (5) - This note goes slightly off-screen.
00:38:939 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - Spacing is sort of irregular here. I guess it could be intentional, but it plays strangely.
01:23:901 (9,10) - The stream before (10) makes it very easy to hit too much after (9) and accidentally miss (10) early, so I'd advise putting (10) somewhere else.
01:52:877 (5,6,7) - Overlaps a bit.

I don't quite feel comfortable re-bubbling however, due to the inconsistent BPM and lack of modding in the thread. Sorry!
Alternative BG:
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Fixed everything. Now, eh... If anyone can mod this I'd be glad.
You said you were going to try map and easy for a 480 bpm song, gave me something to do.
Do whatever with this, idc :3

Download: The Quick Brown Fox - The Big Black (Blue Dragon) [The Little Black].osu
lol this map is a threat to anyone with epilepsy just by watching the flashing osu in menu screen
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add tqbf to tags maybe if you want.
( don't kudo this )


Blue Dragon wrote:

saying "it's really overmapped" in a 720BPM song isn't really true, in my opinion.

AR9 is ridiculously low for the jumps and...

01:45:550 (1) - Just jump here. AR9 is unreadable here.

I am not aiming for a ridiculous map just for the sake of it, I am just following what the song suggests.

If this map gets unranked because "it is too fast", then, well, sorry but someone will have to be deBATted.
So, yea, firstly
00:10:546 (2) - this note per exemple don't fit the "melody".
01:06:582 (3,4,5,6,7) - I think here is missing a hitsound because here, hitsounds should help a lot the player, it looks silenced at now.
01:49:130 (2) - there's nothing here in the melody
02:18:023 (7) - This note really surprised me at first time, but it's not a awful pattern.
that map , seriously.



Mustaash wrote:

01:49:130 (2) - there's nothing here in the melody
It doesn't mean that we should obliviously delete this.
Little Mod lol <3

00:39:272 (1) - Everytime 7/8 Combo stay at it (Remove NC)
00:54:259 (9) - New Combo ?
00:55:592 (9) - ^
The Madness is to 1/4 gone..
I just want to point out how hard sliders like this are on GPU's 01:02:919 (1) they drop my frame rate down massively nothing that would affect my gameplay but mapping like this doesn't work well for low end machines.
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ztrot wrote:

I just want to point out how hard sliders like this are on GPU's 01:02:919 (1) they drop my frame rate down massively nothing that would affect my gameplay but mapping like this doesn't work well for low end machines.
any suggestions about it? I can't really do anything else that fits with the song there.
so yeah BD... you don't plan to reduce HP drain and AR, don't you...
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Why would I?
:) só pq viciei nisso

[Luanny PhNyx] wrote:

:) só pq viciei nisso
Uma star huahuahuhuahua

Fuck yeah!
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