=A=...thanks phonic~ your way of speaking chinese is pretty cute^^;
谢了~No_Gu wrote:
request via
仨难度kiai不统一 去easy那个kiai没点上
02:05:550 (3) - 开头落下个whistle 嗯
02:25:116 (2,3) - overlap 无所谓
02:36:856 (3,4,5) - 不弄到一条直线? 没事
03:29:034 (1) - finish听起来不够强,带上whistle 亚达
02:07:506 (5) - 结尾finish. 不干
00:31:956 (1,1,1) - 这NC你卖萌?
00:41:739 (1,1,1) - ^ 算了后面好多不吐槽了
03:09:794 (2) - 卖萌的间距哦no鼠标坑爹
为啥这么多NC 见creator word
液不客气~KayeSara wrote:
找不到也来找 (某些是复制粘贴以前的mod我会说么
- 其实实话说,这种图既然上下部分都一样 那就复制粘贴了啊,然后再倒过来用ctrl+J或者H看你啦,要不一起用XD,反正整理下就是了 不行不行...我可没那么懒... 都是按当时想法排的……为啥要复制=_=
- 找不到错误点(泪奔
- 01:15:981 (1) - 根据你前面的01:13:046 (3)来判断这应该要去掉NC!!!!对的!!!就是NC!!!终于找到吐槽点 ...恩 改到下一个slider下NC了
- 01:52:505 (2) - 向下弯感觉好些 感觉现在挺好看的呀
- 00:19:889 (3,4,5,6) - 背景这么奇葩的节奏,干脆只用用2个 slider替代了吧?然后最后在00:21:194放个圈 我觉得还行 现在的节奏我玩起来更顺手 所以先这样吧
- 01:01:632 (1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1) - 这NC真要这么干么?我看到skin里面就是一堆那只妹妹,后面那些NC也是 这真的是故意的……就像我在creator word说的
Snowy Dream wrote:
Mod request from M4M Request
Offset : 5545 ...我真没觉得有差
00:40:761 (5) - 0.84x spacing过近 对于grid 4来说 (这不是nazi 这不是nazi 这不是...) 好吧这是个错误..拉错地方了 应该在下面的
02:26:421 (3) - 最后好这里不要slider间有任何重叠 没所谓...
03:04:902 (4) - 下移5个单位 ..why ..
[Hard]00:22:824 (4) - 多少直接开HD党会又一次死在这里00:47:283 (6) - ^我觉得很简单啊..
00:31:956 (1,1,1) - 三色球好玩嘛 0.0 好玩w
01:01:632 (1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1) - 这diff可以考虑加8种颜色。。重复就不好看了 (推荐 红粉橙黄绿青蓝紫)...红的啥的不好看....
01:25:112 (1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1) - ^
03:05:880 (1) - 有那么一点点和之前的(3)slider重合 (这不是nazi 这不是nazi 这不是...)啊哈哈这个应该没问题..![]()
M4M: 3L - Akashikku Parade
现在就1 diff WIP状态 很快的。。。去看。。嗯..晚上看
谢了~updateKanon wrote:
哇 MOD一半又刷新出来个easy 好厉害哦 .......
00:21:194 (1) - 换个finish? whistle感觉不够 怪了本来就是finish啊O.O
03:04:902 (4) - 就这个slider是跟着的 前后类似都是转的(我真蛋疼。。这个……没什么吧...
00:56:903 (5) - 这个whistle听起来略违和,去掉吧。我觉得普通..可能我听多了?先留着吧
01:26:090 (1) - 歪了点 我去这你也能看见...好眼力
02:47:292 (1,3) - 弄的看起来对称点?没事。。本来也没想对称
03:02:945 (1,2,3,4) - 这里ROTATE看起来不太整齐啊。。 就那么随便一转...再转第四个就上去了 就这吧...
改了那些~其他的觉得真没什么必要 就没动了Scorpiour wrote:
Hi there~ m4m~~~说是M4M可是咱暂时没图可供mod呢好不甘心啊>.<嘛..
- Normal的Kiai time不一致,如果不是GD的话请修正过来 囧 这个是error
- 整体感觉一直在顺着屏幕边缘绕呢……可能是因为slider的形状基本都一样的缘故?虽然说对于Easy来说做到简单是第一要求什么的……但果然还是希望能看到多一点的变化呢…… ..我觉得新人真不在意这些
- 00:20:542 (4) - 这里我觉得可以下个whistle OK
- 00:42:065 (1) - 加finish? 好
- 01:02:936 (1) - 追加whistle?
- 01:57:723 (1) - finish?
- 02:10:767 - 感觉可以把spinner停在这里,然后把break拉到原先spinner结束的位置上去,然后打开Letterbox During Breaks。。。试试看这效果~如果可以的话,SB在留下的这段空间里做一个逐渐变暗的效果~
- 00:15:650 (4) - 感觉可以删掉
- 00:19:563 - 这里倒是觉得应该加note....
- 00:42:065 (4) - Finish? OK
- 00:52:501 (4) - ^
- 01:29:025 (4,5) - 这里的节奏听着有一点怪,感觉应该前面是短slider,后面长的。
- 01:57:723 (1) - finish?
- 02:10:767 - 这里的建议和Easy相同,不知道为什么就是觉得这里很适合利用LetterBox和Break滞后来做这个效果……其实一般我都是建议不要开LetterBox的。
- 03:08:163 (1) - 这里finish上再叠个whistle吧
- 03:18:599 (1) - finish?
- 03:45:666 - 加个note吧~ OK
- 00:19:889 (3) - 这不要弄个1/8折返么?难得有节奏在的~这坚决不要...
- 01:57:723 (1) - finish?
- 02:10:767 - 和其他diff同样的建议……不重复了
- 02:59:532 - 这里感觉可以加note
thanks~Leorda wrote:
* If you have a custom hitcircle, don't forget to add this "SliderBorder: 255,255,255". It's included at New Rules thread oh yeah..I forgot#_#
* For left side of lyric (e.g. SB\A-1.png), you have to double check them. Because left side is fade out lately than right side of lyric. Please make the fade out consistent I think they are quite fine as they look? I am gonna keep it.
00:44:674 (4) - Rotate 90" Clockwise and reverse it (Ctrl+R) for better flow?
02:39:465 (1) - Move 2 grid right for make it parallel? (nazi)
02:42:074 (3) - Same suggestion as 00:44:674 (4) Sorry for these 3 but I didn't do that on purpose... I guess they are fine now.
* Set the 2nd end kiai to 03:49:905 for make it consistent on each diff oh yeah fixed.
* For coloured stacks (e.g. 00:41:739 (1,1,1)), how about to unstack it? For make it beautiful to look <3 yeah it is a good idea~ but I just don't like to map them unstack... I am gonna to think about this over.
Hmmm, about your "ATTENTION" in your creator words, I'm not sure if that acceptable. Perhaps, I'll discuss with my friend I guess.....
ahaha^^; I think they are fine~
Sallad4ever wrote:
Sorry for the late reply
- I asked Suzully about the SB lyrics and this is what he said
:) fixed by sister fay~
- There are 2 osb on the folder. Might as well remove one if you're going to full submit the map later oh okey
- Increase the volume of all section to around 15% or 20%, The current volume is too low increase by 10
- 02:08:159 (1) - Why lower the spinner end when there's clearly a loud finish on the music? At lest use finish 30% volume if you think the soft finish is different from the one in the song so there's an audible feedback from the spinner end yeah I agree, fixed.
- 03:49:905 (1) - ^
- 01:24:460 (2) - Hmm if you want to gradually increase the volume, it should be starting from this object. And maybe it's better if you add whistle on every 1/1 beat from 01:23:807 to 01:25:764 only did it in easy diff, others seems fine for me.
- 03:06:206 - ^
- Give space in between Character and Songs. It's unlikely that people with type without space and the map won't show in the list even when I only type character nono you misunderstand, CharacterSongs FC Limited is the name of the CD with this song.
- What's FC, full combo? yeah it is the name of the CD.
The only thing that I don't like are those NC, the other are excellent
- I suggest to use more soft whistle aside from 2/1 whistle pattern. Try not to fix on 2/1 whistle pattern and use more whistle. For example maybe you can add whistle on the start & the repeat of 00:25:596 (5) to follow the piano or add one at the start of 00:34:728 (2) & 00:35:217 (3) to emphasize the stress on the vocal. There's nothing wrong in using 2/1 whistle pattern but it may be a bit monotonous actually I did add the whistles like you said in before, but several days later I came back to listen to this again, they seems pretty loud for me... I am not sure why but I don't like them now, so I removed them=.=... I will try it in the further map.
- 01:01:632 (1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1) - No matter how many time I see this, it strike to me as something messy. I try enable the hit lighting but it only make this whole object to be too flashy. Not only that this whole NC broke the combo you've used without reason, so you really should remove those many NCs (the same for the other same pattern throughout the diff)
Call me back later for re-check, oh but don't be too hurry cause I still have maps to mod and they are the highest priority. So take your time~
Why run away?wmfchris wrote:
Sallad4ever wrote:
A re-check this is
- The end of the 1st kiai on Normal diff is different than others oops fixed.
- Hmm maybe use default skin as the preferred skin option so the skin on this map won't clash with other custom skin
I am not sure what difference does this make, but changed OAOthink and think it over, I think I would like to change it back to users skin, sometimes people have their own skins and hate the default one, so I think I am not gonna force that even though it may clash OAO- No matter how many time I play 01:36:852 (1) - This place sounds better with finish, not to mention there's a finish sound on the music as well. So I highly suggest to use finish on that place.alright then.
- The same for other places like 01:57:723 (1), 03:18:599 (1), & 03:39:470 (1)
- Well there's nothing I can do if the CD name is already wrong in the first place, beside the title & artist of the song is explicit so it's ok~
Change or not is up to you, but I think you should fix the kiai
- 02:08:159 - I don't think this timing section needed as it making the whistle sounds too conspicuous/loud, might as well remove itok
Call me back after thisWhy run away? he is lazy >_>wmfchris wrote:
thanks Beuchi-chan~!Beuchi-chan wrote:
Hi old bubble!
- The mp3 ends too suddenly, could you add a fade-out to the mp3? You can use a program like mp3DirectCut for this. I really don't know hwo to do this, helped by my bride JoJo~ hope it is fine now.
01:15:491 - Add a New Combo here? The spacing fits better with the next combo then this one. fixed
Call me when you fix and I'll rank it, nice map and very cute skin!
Darksonic wrote:
Moe Song Moe BG Moe Skin Moe Map.
Gratz~ :3
You get your maps ranked so fast and easily, I'm so jealous ;_;