
Skin.ini of Rohulk's 4.0 skin

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First of sorry for my english;

I just downloaded Rohulk's 4.0 skin and I wanted to switch the color of circles to purple instead of the basic green, but when I change the skin.ini file, an error happens, I don't know how to fix this problem, here is the contents of the file :

Name: Rohulk 4.0
Author: Rohulk
//Emanfman added the logo under the lifebar and changed the section fail/pass. Agresko made the Green circle part of the hitcircle and made the Numbers. Stole Spinner and spinnercircle and followpoints from doomsday, stope spinner clear from Xilver. Stole Hitcircle from Megumin.
Version: 4.0
SliderBallFlip: 0
CursorRotate: 0
CursorExpand: 0
CursorCentre: 1
SliderBallFrames: 1
HitCircleOverlayAboveNumer: 1
ComboBurstRandom: 0
SliderStyle: 2

//Please remember to remove "//" from some of options if you want them.

Combo1: 0,170,50
Combo2: 0,170,105

//white and green
//Combo1: 255,255,255
//Combo2: 0,170,50

//Combo1: 255,255,255

//Megumin Purple
//Combo1: 179,109,255

SliderBorder: 140,140,140
SliderTrackOverride: 0,0,0
SongSelectActiveText: 240,240,240
SongSelectInactiveText: 230,230,230
SpinnerApproachCircle: 255,255,255
ApproachCircle: 255,255,255
MenuGlow: 100,100,100
InputOverlayText: 255,255,255

HitCirclePrefix: default
HitCircleOverlap: 100
ScorePrefix: score
ScoreOverlap: 2
Keys: 4
Keys: 5
Keys: 7
Keys: 8
JudgementLine: 1
SpecialStyle: None

I tried (like mentioned) to remove "//" but It didn't work, so I need your help to fix this thing.
What exactly is the error? You should just be able to remove the // on the line with the purple rgb code so it looks like Combo1: 179,109, 255 and add // for the two lines under green that go Combo1: 0,170,50 and Combo2: 0,170,105

Try replacing your skin.ini with the following:

Name: Rohulk 4.0
Author: Rohulk
//Emanfman added the logo under the lifebar and changed the section fail/pass. Agresko made the Green circle part of the hitcircle and made the Numbers. Stole Spinner and spinnercircle and followpoints from doomsday, stope spinner clear from Xilver. Stole Hitcircle from Megumin.
Version: 4.0
SliderBallFlip: 0
CursorRotate: 0
CursorExpand: 0
CursorCentre: 1
SliderBallFrames: 1
HitCircleOverlayAboveNumer: 1
ComboBurstRandom: 0
SliderStyle: 2

//Please remember to remove "//" from some of options if you want them.

//Combo1: 0,170,50
//Combo2: 0,170,105

//white and green
//Combo1: 255,255,255
//Combo2: 0,170,50

//Combo1: 255,255,255

//Megumin Purple
Combo1: 179,109,255

SliderBorder: 140,140,140
SliderTrackOverride: 0,0,0
SongSelectActiveText: 240,240,240
SongSelectInactiveText: 230,230,230
SpinnerApproachCircle: 255,255,255
ApproachCircle: 255,255,255
MenuGlow: 100,100,100
InputOverlayText: 255,255,255

HitCirclePrefix: default
HitCircleOverlap: 100
ScorePrefix: score
ScoreOverlap: 2
Keys: 4
Keys: 5
Keys: 7
Keys: 8
JudgementLine: 1
SpecialStyle: None

Combo1: <purple RGB value>

instead of

//Please remember to remove "//" from some of options if you want them.

Combo1: 0,170,50
Combo2: 0,170,105

//white and green
//Combo1: 255,255,255
//Combo2: 0,170,50

//Combo1: 255,255,255

//Megumin Purple
//Combo1: 179,109,255

all those combo lines are multiple combo colours, but if you want only one, you should use only one
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I'm just dumb, thank you ;) for the help (I removed the "//" here) :

//Megumin Purple
Combo1: 179,109,255
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I'm going to do this ! Thank you ! :D
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