Hatsune Miku - Nightmare Party Night by Kuzino
Captain's Description (by Tenshichan):
Kuzino is a well-known mapper among the older osu!catch community. He was mapping at the time when osu!catch specific beatmaps weren't rankable so his maps were popular among players who were looking for a challenge apart from the hard converts out there. Nightmare Party Night being one of his maps has been submitted as early as 2011 and had an appearance as a Hidden pick in the finals of the osu!catch world cup 2017. The high amount of timing and edge jumps make this map very challenging to get a good score on and it would certainly be interesting to see who manages to get an FC using mods.
Please use the space below to discuss why you believe this map should (or should not!) enter the Loved category.
The poll will run for 5 days. Re-voting will be enabled for the sole purpose of changing your answer in the case that the discussion sways your vote otherwise after submission.
Link to this week's main thread: https://osu.ppy.sh/community/forums/topics/688043
Captain's Description (by Tenshichan):
Kuzino is a well-known mapper among the older osu!catch community. He was mapping at the time when osu!catch specific beatmaps weren't rankable so his maps were popular among players who were looking for a challenge apart from the hard converts out there. Nightmare Party Night being one of his maps has been submitted as early as 2011 and had an appearance as a Hidden pick in the finals of the osu!catch world cup 2017. The high amount of timing and edge jumps make this map very challenging to get a good score on and it would certainly be interesting to see who manages to get an FC using mods.
Please use the space below to discuss why you believe this map should (or should not!) enter the Loved category.
The poll will run for 5 days. Re-voting will be enabled for the sole purpose of changing your answer in the case that the discussion sways your vote otherwise after submission.
Link to this week's main thread: https://osu.ppy.sh/community/forums/topics/688043