
osu!wiki launch

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Hrrrgh, I really wanna contribute... it's just that I don't know what I can actually add :< Obviously Taiko related since that's my field of expertise but IDK...
I wish the best for this wiki!

/ has already been adding stuff to it /
P o K e
I'm not good at writing stuff, so I'll just try and find grammar mistakes to fix.
I could helping for some german translation but i never worked on a wiki before
I think about that.
One thing i've been noticing is the lack of links on the different pages of the wiki, it's not that hard to do, just [[text]] and it will link to a page called "text" additionally you can use [[name|text]] and it will add a link on "text" to a page called "name".

Now why are links useful? because they are there to help people go and do a quick check on what a word/term means for instance if someone is reading about mapping, and it says "jumps" or "etna sliders" a new user will go wtf, linking to the def. of the term will help the user understand what the words/terms mean.

Quaraezha wrote:

lol dkun works on Tagalog osu!wiki

I hope this osu!wiki goes swell
I already edited some not-so-good word choices for the Tagalog pages >.>
Edit with the same way in wikipedia? I also want to edit in Chinese :lol:
this is very good, but maybe add a section for the contests and charts of every month

NoHItter wrote:

Quaraezha wrote:

lol dkun works on Tagalog osu!wiki

I hope this osu!wiki goes swell
I already edited some not-so-good word choices for the Tagalog pages >.>
Can't be helped since dkun doesn't always speak in Tagalog, and the fact that he's residing in the US.

Also, is there an image gallery in the wiki?
Nice work.
I think I'll do some german translation when im bored :3

Lunatic Neko wrote:

Nice work.
I think I'll do some german translation when im bored :3
i do the same thing right now :D
Sounds cool! :D
I can't log in because of “Invalid username” reason. Is this because I have “[]” in my username?

Can you create RU namespace?
I saw it and went "-.- Is this really necessary?" But then I saw a few of the parts like "mapping techniques" and I went "Ohh~ so it's actually informative." Very nice pepster. On another note, I'm still curious how Japan is treating you. You'll have to pm me sometime.
Thanks, now i know hwo to map very god on insane and another maps
Good job.
there seems to be quite a lot of progress ._.


nice job everyone so far :D

(the site is a little annoying tho, cuz my username is automatically capitalized, which I don't want, but whatever :/.)
404 Not Found :?

dreamon_cn wrote:

404 Not Found :?
hmmm thats odd? o-o it works fine at mine...
Topic Starter
That would be my fault, but it's fixed now.
Topic Starter
I have fixed the issues with invalid usernames. Your use page may not be accessible (on the wiki end) for the time-being, but login will work fine.
I get “you have not specified a valid username” when I try to log in via Opera and “Incorrect password” when I use Chrome (Password is correct, I can log in on the main website)

And again, will you create RU namespace?

Quaraezha wrote:

Tagalog osu!wikil
Finally. There's something I can edit right.
Topic Starter

[Dellirium] wrote:

I get “you have not specified a valid username” when I try to log in via Opera and “Incorrect password” when I use Chrome (Password is correct, I can log in on the main website)
I tried my best but adding support for [] is a pain, and beyond the scope I'd like to look at for the moment. I will offer anyone with [] in their username an on-the-spot username change (to remove the []). Otherwise you will not be able to access the wiki for the time being.

[Dellirium] wrote:

And again, will you create RU namespace?
You or another Russian user can create it yourselves. That's the idea of a wiki ;).
Cool idea. I'm going to gather some people to expand Polish section once I have a while :D
Well I'm working in spanish for now.

Keep the good work everyone :3
I totally added stuff \o/
Kim Jin Seok
I tried login osu!wiki to my osu! account, I couldn't login. :o

Login error
There is no user by the name "Kim Jin Seok". Check your spelling.

Kim Jin Seok wrote:

I tried login osu!wiki to my osu! account, I couldn't login. :o

Login error
There is no user by the name "Kim Jin Seok". Check your spelling.

Use _ instead of Spaces
@TBTE: My name has a space and i login fine tho
Topic Starter
I'll look into the space issue in the near future.
I edited some stuffs about the game modifiers on Wiki...
I was thinking of adding a template about the detailed effects of the Game Modifiers, like how hard it is to play a beatmap with HardRock mod on (e.g: the milliseconds timing) or having a criticism section (look what happened to the description here lol). But I'm not good enough to play around with Wiki. :?

peppy wrote:

I tried my best but adding support for [] is a pain, and beyond the scope I'd like to look at for the moment. I will offer anyone with [] in their username an on-the-spot username change (to remove the []). Otherwise you will not be able to access the wiki for the time being.
I Don't get it really, Adding \[ and \] to the preg_match (use mediawiki this way? don't know), and it should work.
Topic Starter
Those characters are used for formatting links throughout the wiki. Having them in usernames causes *huge* issues throughout the codebase. You are likely underestimating how fickle mediawiki is, too. The best option is linking stripped usernames correctly to their osu! counterparts, but this will take a bit of effort.
it...automatically uppercase my username's first letter...
I wil see what I could do there and keep translation,that could be done even I am at work xD

peppy wrote:

I tried my best but adding support for [] is a pain, and beyond the scope I'd like to look at for the moment. I will offer anyone with [] in their username an on-the-spot username change (to remove the []). Otherwise you will not be able to access the wiki for the time being.
okay, I can wait.

peppy wrote:

You or another Russian user can create it yourselves. That's the idea of a wiki ;).
er... Namespace != an article with RU:, only bureaucrats can create them. If ones creates an article with RU:, and then a bureaucrat creates the same namespace, horrible things can happen.
I just want to be sure that creation of a namespace is not nesessary.
Gomo Psivarh
Login error
There is no user by the name "Gomo_Psivarh". Check your spelling.

Login error
There is no user by the name "Gomo Psivarh". Check your spelling.


peppy wrote:

I'll look into the space issue in the near future.
Topic Starter
Categories are being used for languages at the moment, which I believe you can create.
I see mostly only Asian countries that cant log in,,, is that maybe the problem?

peppy wrote:

Those characters are used for formatting links throughout the wiki. Having them in usernames causes *huge* issues throughout the codebase.
i forgott this thing, well, this is really a bit tricky, likely an complete rewrite of the code (a bit huge, but like so :D).

peppy wrote:

You are likely underestimating how fickle mediawiki is, too.
not really worked with mediawiki yet, and i don't plan this in the future. but i know the size of the Wiki, so i can intruduce how difficult it is to rewrite it.

BTW: the The German CTB Text should by Ready Now :D
Rei Hakurei
how about these ?
auth with rei_fan49A database error has occurred. Did you forget to run maintenance/update.php after upgrading? See:
Query: INSERT INTO `user` (user_id,user_name,user_password,user_newpassword,user_newpass_time,user_email,user_email_authenticated,user_real_name,user_options,user_token,user_registration,user_editcount) VALUES (NULL,'rei_fan49','','',NULL,'',NULL,'','','','20111209042053','0')
Function: User::addToDatabase
Error: 1062 Duplicate entry 'rei_fan49' for key 'user_name' (localhost)
auth with Rei_fan49A database error has occurred. Did you forget to run maintenance/update.php after upgrading? See:
Query: INSERT INTO `user` (user_id,user_name,user_password,user_newpassword,user_newpass_time,user_email,user_email_authenticated,user_real_name,user_options,user_token,user_registration,user_editcount) VALUES (NULL,'Rei_fan49','','',NULL,'',NULL,'','','','20111209042403','0')
Function: User::addToDatabase
Error: 1062 Duplicate entry 'Rei_fan49' for key 'user_name' (localhost)
i don't know why yesterday still able to login even after met the error like this...
i've tried to log in with underscores or spaces, or changing case too..
Topic Starter
I slightly broke the user login system for names with spaces and will look at fixing it today.

abalee wrote:

it...automatically uppercase my username's first letter...
I wil see what I could do there and keep translation,that could be done even I am at work xD
I can login, and same problem with abalee, it shows Wmfchris rather than wmf...
Topic Starter
That is how mediawiki works. I am looking at whether it is feasible to change this, but for now just bear with it please.
Are we allowed to further edit some content that's already there? I feel IRC isn't as informative as it could be.
of course you are, that's the entire point of a wiki
Okay, I think we need to split up the Distance Snap and Spacing pages. For some odd reason, the Distance Snap page serves as the Spacing page, and this really makes little sense; the Distance Snap feature is a feature that suggests a spacing for you, while Spacing is simply the distance between two hit objects and is something you can write entire essays on. The distance snap spacing is not necessarily always the ideal spacing, and therefore combining the two pages is just confusing.

Also working on the Mapping Techniques page. I'll finish it up after Wednesday if it's still not done by then.
Wow... It doesn't let me connect anymore, I could before but now, I can't.

Function: User::addToDatabase
Error: 1062 Duplicate entry '_gezo_' for key 'user_name' (localhost)

I got this.

The French Taiko entry page for it will wait a little :l
looks like it's your user lol (contains _ )
totally added more stuff. this wiki thing is cool
Topic Starter
I believe to have fixed the issue with usernames with underscores/special charaters. Please note that your wiki usernames will still have a capital first letter, but this is something I am willing to live with for now.

Report back if you are still having any problems.
Santa Claw
Question -- will it be a problem if I wanted to add a hebrew translation, since it's a right-to-left language?
Topic Starter
Give it a try and see how it goes.
Rei Hakurei
wait... why "ReiFan49" instead of "Rei_Fan49" ?
also, i can't login using "Rei Fan49" (previous ID) D:

1. is my previous ID was deleted ?
Topic Starter
Usernames as a result may have changed slightly. I am not sure if this will be the final implementation, but I don't think changes this early in the wiki setup will be too harmful.
I'm noticing that capitalization is a little inconsistent for example "Ranked beatmaps" and "Pending Beatmaps" which one is generally better to use?

Also, should the wiki be written informally with things such as "Don't worry!" and/or "Delicious normal difficulties"?
I've added a bunch of stuff to the Storyboarding category. I know I've been out of practice for a while, so feel free to correct what I wrote if it's wrong.
I was wondering, with capitalization again, should "Ranking criteria" be "Ranking Criteria" because it's "THE" Ranking Criteria
Topic Starter
Titles generally should use Capitals for Most Words.
Princess God
AxE DemonAngel
I think I could help in translating stuff to Bahasa Indonesia :3 I would be glad to help and take part in any of these actually :3
just do it then.
continue here -> t/68479
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