
Kami no Mizo Shiri-tai - Koi no Shirushi

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Kiddo-Kun wrote:


• Wcx19911123's name is cut off in the story board. hehe youve got it wrong, no offence, but plz play it
• Bridge...It's not very consistent since you didn't give the Easy or the Insane a special name. you are right,, but i dont wanna give a name like normal+ or hard- ...


• 00:25:476 (3) - This slider doesn't seem to play very well and it doesn't match the music. I would do something like this:

um, nice!
• 00:38:930 - I would map through this break. It seems pretty useless because it's near the beginning. done
• 00:31:294 (2) - Same as above. It barley matches the music. You could do something like this:
• 01:11:658 (3,1,2,3,4) - This pattern feels really strange, it hardly matches the music and this transition from red tick to white tick didn't turn out so good. I would do something like this:
• 01:25:839 (1) - Remove the new combo on this slider. It doesn't really go with the song. done
• 01:45:476 (1) - I really dislike this spinner here. It seems out of place. I would map through it. done
• 01:49:839 (4,1,2,3) - This doesn't play very well and sounds really odd. Try something like this:
• 02:13:112 (1) - Expand this spinner so that it ends on 02:17:839. It sounds a lot better and there is just something about it that just sounds rewarding. done
• 02:26:021 (3,1) - (3) does not flow well into (1). I would do something like this to enhance the flow and improve gameplay:
• 03:05:839 (1) - I would change the spinner so that it matches the music like this:


• 00:25:476 (1) - Remove the new combo on this note to match the music. done
• 00:32:203 (2) - This slider doesn't really fit the song in my opinion. I would do something like this instead:
• 00:36:567 (2,3,4) - This doesn't play very well since the flow is off. Do this instead:
ok , done
• 00:44:930 (3) - Remove the finish on this slider. It does not fit the music. done
• 00:45:658 (4,5) - This does not flow very well. Try something like this:
• 00:57:294 (1) - Delete this note. It doesn't really work well or fit the song.
• 00:58:749 (1) - ^ both done
• 01:10:385 (3,4) - Remove these finishes. They don't fit well and they don't sound very good. done
• 01:11:658 (6) - This doesn't play very well and feels very odd. I would do something like this:
• 01:16:567 (4) - Feels weird to play. Try something like this:
• 01:26:567 (1) - Remove the new combo, I see no point in having it. done
• 01:52:567 (3) - I think it would be best to delete this note. It makes the map play much better done
• 02:11:294 (3) - Move this note so that it hits on 02:11:112. It follows the music a lot better. done
• 02:12:749 (3) - ^ but on 02:12:567. done
• 02:26:567 (4) - Remove the finish on this note. It sounds bad. done
• 02:27:112 (1,2) - This doesn't play very well. (2) doesn't fit in the map and the pattern just feels odd. I would do something like this:
• 03:46:930 (2) - I would change this slider so that it looks like this, it would enhance the flow:


• 00:41:476 (1) - This could be awfully confusing. I would just stack (1) on (2). yeah...
• 01:03:294 (5) - Add a new combo to this note since it's the start of the kiai time done
• 01:06:930 (3) - I would change the slider like this to enhance the flow:
• 01:02:203 (1) - This slow down is pretty easy to over jump. I would change the slow down to 0.75x. not done, because i really think 0.75x is not slow enough, it cant make a big difference...
• 01:55:294 (1,2) - These two notes don't play very well. I would try something like this:
karenying's part, im not changing it
• 02:17:839 (1) - I don't think this anti-jump is fitting, I would change it. karenying's part, im not changing it, however i think this is quite awesome..


• 00:30:203 (4) - This slider is pretty confusing where it is. I would move it. You could do something like this:
sorry, but that was intentional.
• 00:44:749 (2,4) - These silent sliders don't work very well and sound very odd. I wouldn't silent them. done
• 02:16:021 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - Oh my, this pattern is pretty confusing. I would do something like this:
((7) us stacked ontop of (4), in case that was hard to see in that picture?)
thanks for thinking this, however this is still 1pc readable..i know it was pretty confusing, but i love this kind of challenging pattern
• 02:17:839 (1) - Remove the finish on the repeat and end, it's quite un-fitting. done
• 02:57:839 (4) - I would change this slider to something like this, it looks pretty hard to spot and has a strange shape to it:
• 03:21:839 (5) - Make sure the end of this slider is visible. was visible just before you reach it.


This map still needs work done on it. Get more mod posts. The collab and Insane are pretty nice, though Easy and Normal still need a lot of work done on them. Good luck.
thanks for your long long mod, and very good though. i wonder if you will recheck it?
Topic Starter

KingsAL2 wrote:


-- Combo Problem --
01:09:112 (1) - Maybe remove this new combo (Coz its useless) sorry..but i was a huge jump for some player haha
02:03:839 (5) - New combo (Spacing changed) um...this will make a very very short combo, sorry no
02:33:112 (6) - New comob and remove 02:33:476 (1) sorry but i dont see reason? that was a sentence,,and it dont go with the white tick thing...
03:45:658 (11) - New comob yeah this should be done
-- Sound --
00:21:476 (2-2nd) - Remove clap done
00:23:112 (2-2nd) - ^ i prefer remove the previous one, to create a hitsound pattern
00:24:567 (3-2nd) - ^ no
01:02:203 (1-1st) - Finish oh yeah
01:10:749 (5-3rd) - ^Also done
01:13:112 (9-1st) - Remove wistle done
01:21:112 (2-2nd) - Finish done
01:22:749 (5-1st) - ^ done
02:25:839 (4-3rd) - Finish and remove 02:26:385 (5-2nd) - Finish and finish on 02:26:385 (5-3rd) done
03:13:294 (3) - Finish no, i know there was a finish thing in the music, but it came too awkward in my map ._.
...(Someof the plave you need to finish, plz check it again in 03:11:294 to 03:19:930)
-- Spacing --
00:32:749 (1,2,3) - Spacing problem
00:35:476 (5,6) - ^
02:24:203 (5,6) - Too far (Spacing problem here new combo or make it closer)
03:10:749 (7,8) - ^ (Maybe 8 new combo and remove 03:11:294 (1))
03:12:203 (4,5) - ^
03:22:385 (7,8) - ^
these spacing are on purpose...some i jump because the clap, some because...well, i like it haha
-- Other(S) --

-- Combo Problem --
03:27:112 (4) - New combo (Jumped) no, seems like holysoup uses long combo
-- Sound --
00:39:658 (3-1st) - wistle done
01:10:385 (6-2nd) - Finish and remove 01:10:749 (7-2nd) - Finish and add it to (7-3rd) done
01:25:112 (1-1-st) - Finish?
03:36:930 (5,6) - Clap?
03:51:112 (5-1st) - Finish
-- Spacing --
03:02:749 (2,3,4) - Spacing problem (x1.2 and x1.5)
03:11:294 (3,4,5) - ^ (x1.2 and x1.3)
03:15:294 (3,4,5) - ^
03:36:930 (5,6,7) - ^
03:38:021 (2,3,4) - ^??
03:59:839 (6,7,8) - ^ (Spacing right?)
-- Other(S) --
01:07:476 (4) - You can perfectly put it under 3(Return). 1. take 3 and cirl+r 2. Move 4 under (Distance snap x0.0 and off grid snap). 3. taske 3 again and cirl+r again~ done, i dont know this trick oh
02:17:112 (7,1) - So FAKE :D I hate this simi-jump hahahahaha i love this
03:07:112 (X) - Add a note here?
03:47:475 (4) - A bit low for the map right?

LIKE : LOVE LOVELOVELOVELOVELOVELOVELOVE This song ~~~~~~~~~~~~ VeryVeryVeryVeryVeryVeryVery Touching for me T.T
UNLIKE : NAH ~ ~~~ <3<3<3<3<3<3<3


thank you for your mod and star!
Topic Starter
for collab-ers

Kiddo-Kun wrote:


karenying's part, im not changing it
• 02:17:839 (1) - I don't think this anti-jump is fitting, I would change it. karenying's part, im not changing it, however i think this is quite awesome..

KingsAL2 wrote:


-- Sound --
01:25:112 (1-1-st) - Finish?
03:36:930 (5,6) - Clap?
03:51:112 (5-1st) - Finish
-- Spacing --
03:02:749 (2,3,4) - Spacing problem (x1.2 and x1.5)
03:11:294 (3,4,5) - ^ (x1.2 and x1.3)
03:15:294 (3,4,5) - ^
03:36:930 (5,6,7) - ^
03:38:021 (2,3,4) - ^??
03:59:839 (6,7,8) - ^ (Spacing right?)
-- Other(S) --
02:17:112 (7,1) - So FAKE :D I hate this simi-jump hahahahaha i love this
03:07:112 (X) - Add a note here?
03:47:475 (4) - A bit low for the map right?
feels more like a normal due to the quick pace

AR to 4 or even 5.

02:17:112 (7,1) - don't like the anti jump
02:21:112 (5,6) - stack correctly
03:06:021 (2,1,2,3) - ^

01:21:112 (2,3,4) - bring closer together
03:08:021 (4,5,6,7,1) - actually kind of ugly, make it more even?
03:41:839 (1,2,3,4) - please don't do this
the 1.5x section in general is rather poorly done
Topic Starter

Shiirn wrote:

feels more like a normal due to the quick pace um

AR to 4 or even 5. 4 is comfortable

02:17:112 (7,1) - don't like the anti jump no change, actually i love it
02:21:112 (5,6) - stack correctly um should be stack properly
03:06:021 (2,1,2,3) - ^

01:21:112 (2,3,4) - bring closer together changed but actually no difference
03:08:021 (4,5,6,7,1) - actually kind of ugly, make it more even? ok, tried
03:41:839 (1,2,3,4) - please don't do this =口= , i mean why? it is clear and readable, does not violate any rules?
the 1.5x section in general is rather poorly done hm...i did my best
edit: till now, everybody keep saying it is a good map it is a nice map, nice song, star whatever but will this ever get rank?
03:41:839 (1,2,3,4) - because the sudden 1.5x is actually quite hard to read. I thought it was 3/4 rather than 1/2 because of the speedup. It's quite startling. I also generally hate unnecessary speedups, so that's another reason lol

EDIT: also i think this can move forward to ranking pretty soon, but i'm not bubbling any time soon so here's a star instead.
Topic Starter

Shiirn wrote:

03:41:839 (1,2,3,4) - because the sudden 1.5x is actually quite hard to read. I thought it was 3/4 rather than 1/2 because of the speedup. It's quite startling. I also generally hate unnecessary speedups, so that's another reason lol
oh i c ,i never think of this...i will try to figure out what to do..

also i think this can move forward to ranking pretty soon, but i'm not bubbling any time soon so here's a star instead.

edit....all done, all fixed, waiting for another MAT
Hello ~ and sorry for being late

- Slider tick rate 2 for all diffs ? Kinda helps to read slowdowns and sounds good
- Now that I take a better look at the BG, looks like the quality is kinda bad
- 3rd kiai time end is inconsistent in difficulties, try to keep it consistent

- I already told you that it would be better to use images related to the song's source

- 00:26:930 >> Add finish at start
- 00:38:567 >> Add finish
- 00:41:476 >> New combo
- 00:50:203 >> Add finish at start
- 00:56:021 >> ^
- 01:02:203 >> Add finish
- 01:11:476 >> New combo
- 01:47:658 (3,4) >> Consider unstacking, new players may find stacks difficult
- 01:50:749 >> The slider should start here to follow vocals more, oh and end it at the same spot
- 01:51:476 (2) >> Move it here but end at the same spot as before moving
- 02:04:385 >> ^
- 02:05:476 >> Forgot the whistle ?
- 02:09:829 >> ^
- 02:10:203 >> Add finish at start
- 02:17:839 >> Finish
- 02:25:658 (2) >> End the slider here
- 02:44:749 >> I would reduce the volume here to 50%
- 02:56:749 >> Finish
- 02:58:021 >> Make the curve face the opossite direction
- 03:07:746 >> Add whistle
- 03:40:385 >> New combo then remove new combo at 03:42:566
- 04:11:839 >> Add whistle

- Works like a normal difficulty to me except 1/2 seem a little to separated, I mean the space between them. Probably because you're using a distance spacing of 1.3x or something like that; I'd recommend to use a DS of 1.0x, it will imply more work if you decide to change but I think it will make the spread better because then this difficulty will easily fall in the normal category and well to be honest Collab is a hard difficulty so yeah, the spread will be better.
- 00:15:294 >> Add a finish at the start
- 00:40:021 >> New combo
- 00:50:203 >> Finish
- 00:56:021 >> Add a finish at the start
- 00:58:930 >> ^
- 01:02:203 >> ^
- 01:03:294 >> ^
- 01:13:476 >> New combo
- 01:25:112 >> ^
- 02:04:385 >> Finish
- 02:18:930 >> ^
- 02:44:749 >> I would reduce the volume here to 50%
- 02:56:749 >> Add a finish at the start
- 03:08:385 >> ^
- 03:12:567 >> New combo and also stack (5) under (4) better
- 03:41:839 (4,5,6,7) >> New combo on (4), also I don't recommend using this crossing pattern because it may be a little too much. Consider doing a simpler pattern
- 03:53:476 >> New combo
- 04:10:749 >> ^
- 04:12:749 >> Reduce the volume a bit more

- 00:20:930 >> I think this note is not necessary, so delete it ?
- 00:44:203 >> ^
- 01:14:021 >> Remove new combo
- 01:26:385 >> I think this note is not necessary, so delete it ?
- 01:28:203 >> Sounds better to me if you end it here with the normal sample
- 01:46:021 >> Remove new combo and add new combo on the next slider
- 03:11:203 >> Delete this
- 03:22:839 >> ^

- 00:58:930 (1,2) >> Doesn't sound really good :/
- 01:08:749 >> Remove new combo
- 01:13:476 >> Finish
- 01:53:112 >> Ok, this is kinda weird because this is the only diff that has this break, to keep everything consistent try mapping this
- 02:00:749 >> Move (3) here and add a note at 02:01:294
- 02:15:839 >> End the slider here
- 02:57:658 >> End the slider here
- 02:59:839 >> ^
- 03:13:658 >> ^
- 03:47:658 >> New combo
- 04:06:930 >> I can't see a strong here to make an slowdown so ... I think is better if you don't use it and keep the speed

* Eh, still could use more work overall but it is good
Topic Starter

lovhin456 wrote:

Hello ~ and sorry for being late

- Slider tick rate 2 for all diffs ? Kinda helps to read slowdowns and sounds good me dont really like it..lets keep it..
- Now that I take a better look at the BG, looks like the quality is kinda bad i will try
- 3rd kiai time end is inconsistent in difficulties, try to keep it consistent ok

- I already told you that it would be better to use images related to the song's source sorry but i think i will still use this...plz?

- 00:26:930 >> Add finish at startfixed
- 00:38:567 >> Add finishfixed
- 00:41:476 >> New combo ok
- 00:50:203 >> Add finish at start fixed
- 00:56:021 >> ^ fixed
- 01:02:203 >> Add finish fixed
- 01:11:476 >> New combo fixed
- 01:47:658 (3,4) >> Consider unstacking, new players may find stacks difficult fixed
- 01:50:749 >> The slider should start here to follow vocals more, oh and end it at the same spot fixed
- 01:51:476 (2) >> Move it here but end at the same spot as before moving i prefer end it at 152,203, changed
- 02:04:385 >> ^ sorry but i think here follow the music is better..
- 02:05:476 >> Forgot the whistle ? yeah haha
- 02:09:829 >> ^ fixed
- 02:10:203 >> Add finish at start fixed
- 02:17:839 >> Finish fixed, adjusted the volume
- 02:25:658 (2) >> End the slider here ok
- 02:44:749 >> I would reduce the volume here to 50% hm. nicer, changed
- 02:56:749 >> Finish fixed
- 02:58:021 >> Make the curve face the opossite direction fixed
- 03:07:746 >> Add whistle okay..
- 03:40:385 >> New combo then remove new combo at 03:42:566 fixed
- 04:11:839 >> Add whistle fixed

- Works like a normal difficulty to me except 1/2 seem a little to separated, I mean the space between them. Probably because you're using a distance spacing of 1.3x or something like that; I'd recommend to use a DS of 1.0x, it will imply more work if you decide to change but I think it will make the spread better because then this difficulty will easily fall in the normal category and well to be honest Collab is a hard difficulty so yeah, the spread will be better. 1.0 is a bit small, i like 1.1, changed all the spacing
- 00:15:294 >> Add a finish at the start
- 00:40:021 >> New combo
- 00:50:203 >> Finish fixed , but lower the volume a bit
- 00:56:021 >> Add a finish at the start fixed
- 00:58:930 >> ^ fixed
- 01:02:203 >> ^ fixed
- 01:03:294 >> ^ too noisy..
- 01:13:476 >> New combofixed
- 01:25:112 >> ^ fixed
- 02:04:385 >> Finish fixed
- 02:18:930 >> ^ fixed
- 02:44:749 >> I would reduce the volume here to 50% yeah same as easy
- 02:56:749 >> Add a finish at the start never tried that, quite nice!
- 03:08:385 >> ^ fixed
- 03:12:567 >> New combo and also stack (5) under (4) better fixed
- 03:41:839 (4,5,6,7) >> New combo on (4), also I don't recommend using this crossing pattern because it may be a little too much. Consider doing a simpler pattern made it simpler
- 03:53:476 >> New combo Fixed
- 04:10:749 >> ^ fixed
- 04:12:749 >> Reduce the volume a bit more 15%

- 00:20:930 >> I think this note is not necessary, so delete it ? [no change]
- 00:44:203 >> ^ no...i followed vocal here
- 01:14:021 >> Remove new combo - 01:14:021 >> Remove new combo fixed
- 01:26:385 >> I think this note is not necessary, so delete it ? [no change]
- 01:28:203 >> Sounds better to me if you end it here with the normal sample [no change]
- 01:46:021 >> Remove new combo and add new combo on the next slider hm i changed it myself
- 03:11:203 >> Delete this [no change]
- 03:22:839 >> ^ no change

i will send pm to them

- 00:58:930 (1,2) >> Doesn't sound really good :/ i keep was a rhythm used before...
- 01:08:749 >> Remove new combo didnt the new combo alert player that was a jump...
- 01:13:476 >> Finish fixed
- 01:53:112 >> Ok, this is kinda weird because this is the only diff that has this break, to keep everything consistent try mapping this
one of the reason is.. i think player need to rest (as it was a insane) maybe, and mapping it will make this approval....
- 02:00:749 >> Move (3) here and add a note at 02:01:294 i map on vocal though...this is good on rhythm but this feel a little bit uncomfortable while it doesnt follow the vocal
- 02:15:839 >> End the slider here um...changed, maybe i am the only one who like this type of rhythm ._.
- 02:57:658 >> End the slider here same, fixed
- 02:59:839 >> ^ fixed
- 03:13:658 >> ^ oh this is a diffeent thing..i keep it, dont you think it sounds great :)
- 03:47:658 >> New combo fixed
- 04:06:930 >> I can't see a strong here to make an slowdown so ... I think is better if you don't use it and keep the speed
but i think it was the last part...and then the vocal stops, i want players to feel the music...:D
it is not uncomfortable right

* Eh, still could use more work overall but it is good
thank you for mod, i will pm collabers

L_P wrote:

didnt the new combo alert player that was a jump... Ok, then you should probably check for similar patterns and do the same for them to keep it consistent
one of the reason is.. i think player need to rest (as it was a insane) maybe, and mapping it will make this approval.... Er, ok...but it just feels kinda weird because the other previous break isn't really very far that's why and also is a little anticlimatic in the current place. I'd prefer if you select another place for the break but is up to you
Topic Starter

lovhin456 wrote:

L_P wrote:

didnt the new combo alert player that was a jump... Ok, then you should probably check for similar patterns and do the same for them to keep it consistent
did the way you suggested, NC before jump, looks nice!

one of the reason is.. i think player need to rest (as it was a insane) maybe, and mapping it will make this approval.... Er, ok...but it just feels kinda weird because the other previous break isn't really very far that's why and also is a little anticlimatic in the current place. I'd prefer if you select another place for the break but is up to you
i cant find better place...T.T
edit: bridge is now have 1.1 spacing, which is easier, i think, and the structure is still good

Bunch of small minor issues as well as a few careless mistakes.

Just a couple of grid nazi's on Easy

Better off not being mentioned, actually.


- 02:57:476 (2) - I think a simple solution is to just have the repeat face another direction where it doesn't overlap.
- 02:58:567 (4) - Shift this note a few grids up.

- 03:15:658 (3) - Remove New Combo.
- 03:16:567 (5) - Place New Combo.
- 03:17:476 (1) - Remove New Combo.

- 03:39:839 (1,2) - So this really isn't pretty at all. Here's my little suggestion:

- 01:56:385 (3) - Rather you refrain from doing this. Might want to come up with something else.

- 01:57:112 (6) - Nearly touching the HP Bar (At least, on my side) but please note this.

- 02:40:385 (3) - Could stack this under the path of - 02:39:112 (4) -


- 00:25:294 (5) - Suppose you could stack this properly.

- 01:14:385 (2,3,1) - Nothing against this in particular, and it seems to play rather decently.

I don't think it's much of a cause for concern, but be wary of such slider/note arrangements.

- 01:41:112 (1) - Feel free to follow:
- 02:29:112 (1,2) - Suggest you make the slider path completely visible and not have the slider-end overlap with the next.

- 03:21:839 (5) - Why did you think of overlapping this? It's not a nice idea.

- 03:55:658 (3) - You're hiding a repeat here. Please, please be careful about this.

- 03:57:294 (7) - More than partially obscured by the previous slider.

That's it.
Topic Starter

Faust wrote:

Hi. hihi

Bunch of small minor issues as well as a few careless mistakes. not experienced...

Just a couple of grid nazi's on Easy

Better off not being mentioned, actually. hm..


- 02:57:476 (2) - I think a simple solution is to just have the repeat face another direction where it doesn't overlap. fixed

- 02:58:567 (4) - Shift this note a few grids up. ok...

- 03:15:658 (3) - Remove New Combo. fixed
- 03:16:567 (5) - Place New Combo. fixed
- 03:17:476 (1) - Remove New Combo. fixed

- 03:39:839 (1,2) - So this really isn't pretty at all. Here's my little suggestion: yeah, ok!


- 01:56:385 (3) - Rather you refrain from doing this. Might want to come up with something else. no change..

- 01:57:112 (6) - Nearly touching the HP Bar (At least, on my side) but please note this. no change..

- 02:40:385 (3) - Could stack this under the path of - 02:39:112 (4) - fixed, eagle eye!


- 00:25:294 (5) - Suppose you could stack this properly. fixed

- 01:14:385 (2,3,1) - Nothing against this in particular, and it seems to play rather decently.

I don't think it's much of a cause for concern, but be wary of such slider/note arrangements. i like those feelings, i will be more careful using this next time...

- 01:41:112 (1) - Feel free to follow: oh! i should do this,fixed

- 02:29:112 (1,2) - Suggest you make the slider path completely visible and not have the slider-end overlap with the next. yeah, i know that was ugly

- 03:21:839 (5) - Why did you think of overlapping this? It's not a nice idea. um...try to do some changes

- 03:55:658 (3) - You're hiding a repeat here. Please, please be careful about this. made it more visible

- 03:57:294 (7) - More than partially obscured by the previous slider. haha, intentionally~

That's it.
thank you!

edit: expect 2 more mod post will post here, lovhin :)
From my ignoralbe modding queue for M4M

  1. 这图都要泡了还有必要找mod么=。=
  1. 00:18:930 (2) - 这个voval是下降的,感觉做个往下的好些
  2. 00:32:385 - 感觉缺了一个音,add note?(话说我是跟节奏没跟vocal的)
  3. 01:48:385 (1,2,3) - 1,2和3位置交换下可以么?就像01:46:930 (2,3,4) 感觉音是这样走的.
  4. 02:58:021 (1) - 起头踩红线很尴尬啊,如同后面的03:01:112 (4) 不是挺好么?
  1. 00:51:658 (1,2) - remove it, I prefer making same tempo like 00:50:203 (1,2,3)
  1. 01:39:476 - add note, or you can remove01:39:567 (4) ,I prefer later one.
  2. 02:04:021 (1) - Overlaping this note make the 02:04:021 (1,2,3) too lag.
  3. 04:06:567 - add note.
  1. 00:37:658 (2) - 用3个note替代好些
  2. 03:28:203 (1,2,3) - 个人觉得没必要overlap,反而容易断
  3. 04:06:930 (2) - ctrl+r
Topic Starter

KayeSara wrote:

From my ignoralbe modding queue for M4M

  1. 这图都要泡了还有必要找mod么=。= 呵呵,第一张rank图嘛,i wanna do my best!
  1. 00:18:930 (2) - 这个voval是下降的,感觉做个往下的好些 嗯,改了,用不一样的pattern(结果后面移了一堆哈哈
  2. 00:32:385 - 感觉缺了一个音,add note?(话说我是跟节奏没跟vocal的) 嗯说的没错
  3. 01:48:385 (1,2,3) - 1,2和3位置交换下可以么?就像01:46:930 (2,3,4) 感觉音是这样走的. 我改了节奏了,谢提醒
  4. 02:58:021 (1) - 起头踩红线很尴尬啊,如同后面的03:01:112 (4) 不是挺好么?本来是如此的。。后来被别人教唆改了,呵呵如今改回去!
  1. 00:51:658 (1,2) - remove it, I prefer making same tempo like 00:50:203 (1,2,3) 我基本上比较喜欢那个,所以我同化了这个。。
  1. 01:39:476 - add note, or you can remove01:39:567 (4) ,I prefer later one. no change..due to the music
  2. 02:04:021 (1) - Overlaping this note make the 02:04:021 (1,2,3) too lag. added a note at 02:04:567
  3. 04:06:567 - add note. no change
  1. 00:37:658 (2) - 用3个note替代好些
  2. 03:28:203 (1,2,3) - 个人觉得没必要overlap,反而容易断 本来是为了一些像god knows的效果的。。看来不明显也不好看,改了
  3. 04:06:930 (2) - ctrl+r 好的
累死了,反正改完了,没有KD的苦B来日送上star 不必了!反正都有那么多了!!给我浪费。。。

Topic Starter
ok, ready

- Fine

- 01:48:385 (5,6,7) >> Too hard for Easy
- 03:07:658 >> End the spinner here
- 03:37:476 >> Add a repeat

- 00:44:385 (2,3) >> Spacing
- 00:45:658 >> Make the arrow face another direction like, flip horizontally for example
- 03:46:567 >> This clap feels out of place
- 03:46:930 (2,3) >> Spacing
- 03:50:385 (3,4) >> ^
- 03:51:476 (1,2) >> ^
- 03:53:476 (1,2,3) >> ^
- From the last point on you have spacing errors, fix them

- 02:44:749 >> Lower the volume
- 03:36:930 (5,6) >> Add claps

- 00:53:839 >> Remove new combo, new combo then at 00:54:567
- 02:29:658 >> Covers a little the next notes
- 02:33:112 (5,6,7) >> The jump feels better between (6,7) not (5,6)

* That's all
Kirino Kousaka
This map looks good to me sorry I can't mod this map orz
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lovhin456 wrote:

Re-check thx!

- Fine

- 01:48:385 (5,6,7) >> Too hard for Easy fixed
- 03:07:658 >> End the spinner here fixed
- 03:37:476 >> Add a repeat fixed

- 00:44:385 (2,3) >> Spacing OH! fixed
- 00:45:658 >> Make the arrow face another direction like, flip horizontally for example um, yeah, fixed
- 03:46:567 >> This clap feels out of place changed to whistle, sounds better now i think
- 03:46:930 (2,3) >> Spacing fixed
- 03:50:385 (3,4) >> ^ fixed
- 03:51:476 (1,2) >> ^ fixed
- 03:53:476 (1,2,3) >> ^ fixed
- From the last point on you have spacing errors, fix them that was my mistake... all fixed

- 02:44:749 >> Lower the volume used 70 %
- 03:36:930 (5,6) >> Add claps added..

- 00:53:839 >> Remove new combo, new combo then at 00:54:567 yeah, this seem nice!
- 02:29:658 >> Covers a little the next notes um...that was intentional, i would like to keep that
- 02:33:112 (5,6,7) >> The jump feels better between (6,7) not (5,6) actually i jump at every claps..i tried your suggestion, and it feels comfortable to me, but i think i will keep it

* That's all
thanks for mod and star!
Topic Starter

Kirino Kousaka wrote:

This map looks good to me sorry I can't mod this map orz

nvm, thank you for looking at it!
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lovhin lovhin lovhin lovhin
- 01:48:385 >> New combo

Everything else is fine, so call me back and I'll bubble
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03:37:476 from this point until the spinner there a no hitsounds (easy)
04:09:658 add a whistle (bridge)
00:17:658 clap doesn't go here, it goes at 00:17:839 you can omit the clap or do something else instead of the slider (insane)
Looks fine
Topic Starter
muackz /me licks lovhin

log if needed
12:42 <L_P> : darlin~
12:42 <lovhin456> : :o
12:42 <L_P> : haha, calling you back for the hmhm!
12:43 <lovhin456> : lol
12:44 <L_P> : huh
12:44 <lovhin456> : wait i didn't bubbled it yet ? omg
12:44 <L_P> : .... haha
12:45 *lovhin456 facepalm
12:45 <L_P> : waht
12:45 *L_P facepalm
12:45 <L_P> : my first bubble ever....
12:46 <lovhin456> : i will do a very quick check
12:46 <L_P> : ok
12:51 <lovhin456> : easy: 03:37:476 from this point until the spinner there a no hitsounds
12:51 <L_P> : oh
12:52 <L_P> : how about adding a finish at the tail 03:38:930 (2) -
12:52 <L_P> : 03:40:385 (1) - repeat whistle and whistle this 03:42:203 (2) -
12:54 <L_P> : how about adding a finish at the tail 03:38:930 (2) -
12:54 <L_P> : orz i will upload easy give me a second
12:55 <lovhin456> : the whistles are good and i think it would be better to update everything when i finish
12:55 <L_P> : ok
12:56 <L_P> : i added some finish as well
12:56 <lovhin456> : ok ~
13:01 <lovhin456> : on brigde 04:09:658 add a whistle ?
13:01 <L_P> : nice
13:12 <lovhin456> : insane 00:17:658 clap doesn't go here, it goes at 00:17:839 you can omit the clap or do something else
13:12 <lovhin456> : instead of the slider
13:13 <L_P> : um
13:14 <L_P> : i changed to whistle? doesnt sound that awkward?
13:15 <lovhin456> : yeah I think whistle sound better
13:16 <L_P> : umum and then 00:16:385 (3) - this head i also changed to whistle
13:22 <lovhin456> : everything else looks fine, update please
13:22 <L_P> : ok!, i changed some finish thing..plz look at it
13:28 <lovhin456> : enjoy your bubble
13:28 <L_P> : yay! muackSZZZ
13:28 <lovhin456> : haha good luck on rank
13:29 <L_P> : thanks!
Congratz~~!! >w<
First RANK~~~!!! :D
I love this map~! ;)
S h i o n
wwww 哦~哦~哦 wwww
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hahaha what a surprise! thanks breeze and you guys!


thx breeze , akemi, s h i o n, faust, kayesara and you guys
人生第一張Ranked map 開心嗎?
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The 08 team_Bourdon
Congratulations~!!!!! L_P :D
j e a n_old
this ika musume is not moe ;_;
you should choose a moe one ;_;
S h i a
nice map congrantz :D
喔喔!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 恭喜啦>w<
Kawayi Rika
congrats 1st ranked ~ ;)
Shana Aisaka
Congratulations on your first ranked map~ o.o"
L_P~~ Congratulations :) :)
Good going~
恭喜你第一張ranked map! :>
yo L_P 恭喜 first ranked~
Great map/song!
first rank congrats!
Congrats 1st ranked map~
Topic Starter
thanks so much everybody!

wcx19911123 wrote:

this ika musume is not moe ;_;
you should choose a moe one ;_;
i'm so glad that you've improved your mapping style a lot since i first looked at Iridescent. this is one of the most enjoyable first maps i have played in a long time.

seriously, congratulations (i'm a bit late, but shush).
Topic Starter

YGOkid8 wrote:

i'm so glad that you've improved your mapping style a lot since i first looked at Iridescent. this is one of the most enjoyable first maps i have played in a long time.

seriously, congratulations (i'm a bit late, but shush).
reall thanks, and thank you for suggest me to map offline, that helps so much than i could think of.
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