
Universal audio offset

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The idea of having to compensate for lag in a rhythm game really, really bugs me, so I'd like to get this right :|

How does the universal audio offset work? I know that its purpose is to get the audio to line up with the hitbox, but I'd like to know, specifically, how it works. For instance, when I set it to -30ms, is it making the audio occur earlier in relation to the hitbox, or later?

How does the UAO affect hitsounds? Will a UAO of something other than 0ms make slider ticks not line up with the audio, etc.?

Finally, how can I tell if my offset is correct? This ties into the other two points. I feel like I have to hit each beat a little before the audio with a UAO of 0ms, but when I move it from 0ms the hitsounds don't seem to line up with the audio, so I can't tell if it's actually due to lag, or just my own inexperience.

It is very hard for mappers to make a perfect timing setup so it means that when mappers time their map it seems good but it doesn't mean it's perfect which means that maybe after 2 mins of the song the sound may start to disync with the timing but it is sometimes very hard to see/feel unless you play very old maps or use hard rock which does make the offset and timing very important.
(example : try that with hardrock)

The UAO works like that : "-" you must wait before hitting although you heared the music and " + " opposite you hit the circle before the music. Also the whole timing and offset and UAO is only milliseconds so a very small amount can maybe already be too much. I almost never used the UAO since I try to get the whole timing and it does work pretty well for me.

About UAO affecting hitsounds = it doesn't since the hitsound is only triggered by yourself only (when you hit the note). The UAO affects only the "appearing of the circles" and when you need to hit them, either they appear "behind" the music ( - ) or they apper before the music ( + ). As far as I know, and nothing more
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Neruell wrote:

About UAO affecting hitsounds = it doesn't since the hitsound is only triggered by yourself only (when you hit the note).
For normal beats, yes, but aren't slider hitsounds tied to the beatmap, and not the player's input?
As far as I know, not. They are the same as a hitsound of any other note which means they are "bound" to input, because if you don't press them, they won't make any sound. It will sound different because the music will be "faster" or "slower" in that moment like the hitsound, but that is the sense of an UAO.

Correct me if I am wrong.
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Neruell wrote:

Correct me if I am wrong.
I would, but I don't know. That's why I asked :D
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