
Hi~ I'm newish ._.

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Hi~ So I'm newish here... and there's been one thing that's been bothering me for a while now o-o
I see on everyone's profile how they chose their country, but I haven't and I've been trying to figure out how for a now while, some help would be good please >~<
Thanks :)
herro, your country should be put there within a day o.O" very weird, are you sure you're not behind a proxy or anything?

Edit: your flag doesn't have an image yet, I just noticed, try to suggest a flag icon for it, or ask to make one.
f e a r
Ohaithar, welcome to osu, I hope you have fun playing =w=
About country flags, I think you can ask a mod or something, I do believe there was a thread about missing country flags
A few people are having this problem, for a while it was being fixed but for the past 3 months or so... mmmh nope, sadly the solution seems to be just waiting, for how long though I've no idea. Either way, welcome.
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Oh ._.
Well thanks anyway xD It makes me feel kinda better that I'm not getting some weird glitch o-o
Welcome to osu!. Enjoy your stay.
Hi. And welcome :D
Hello welcome. Another Reisen Odongein o.o
Welcome to Osu! and I hope you have fun :P
Are you a wizard?!

jenzawesome wrote:

Hi~ So I'm newish here... and there's been one thing that's been bothering me for a while now o-o
I see on everyone's profile how they chose their country, but I haven't and I've been trying to figure out how for a now while, some help would be good please >~<
Thanks :)
Yeah Rii is right, maybe your flag is missing.
Anyway, welcome to osu!.
Edit: I just noticed you are from Asia. e.e
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Ah rightttt .___________.
LOL~ Well at least I'm a not a hobo eh ;D
And yesh, ofc I am a wizard.
take a little doctor job while being a wizard :D
Welcome!! and.. wait!!!
Where's the flag??

Drexel13 wrote:

Where's the flag??

Rii wrote:

Edit: your flag doesn't have an image yet, I just noticed, try to suggest a flag icon for it, or ask to make one.
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